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Authors: John Pilger

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polls, opinion:

on Conservative Government and policies 119, 120

on Gulf War 74, 126, 143

on nuclear weapons 59, 60

poll tax, opposition to 32, 100, 120

and Labour Party 103, 105

Pont, Pierre 305

Pope, Greg 306

Popov, Gavril 378

popular movements, power of 100–1

see also
East Timor; Philippine Islands

Portugal: and East Timor 240, 241, 247, 249, 250, 256–7, 259–60, 276, 277, 282, 318–20

poverty (in Britain) 16, 27, 28, 30, 31–2, 67, 92, 100–1, 117

Powell, General Colin 133, 134

Powell, Enoch 34

197, 372, 378

Presley, Elvis 335

Press, the:

Australian 11–12, 79, 99, 526, 537, 538

and Bazoft's murder 354–7

and the ‘big four' news agencies 72–3

coverage of Cambodia and Indo-China 407–8, 411, 413, 414, 417, 418, 421–5, 431–2, 436, 441–3, 450–1, 452–5, 461, 465, 488

and censorship 10, 12–13, 59, 64–8, 153, 171–2, 183, 339, 342–3, 357

coverage of Eastern Europe 63, 64, 65

in France 81

in Germany 81

and Government ‘loyalists' 67

coverage of Gulf War 71, 73–4, 126–30, 133, 134, 140–1, 142, 143, 145, 151–2, 153, 154–5, 157, 158, 161–2, 163, 167, 171–2, 183

coverage of Israeli affairs 73, 134

and the Labour Party 37, 76, 78–9, 81–2, 99, 120

and ‘mainstream' journalism 15, 97

‘neutrality' and ‘objectivity' in 70–1

ownership of 11–12, 71

racist issues and 35–6, 37, 38, 64

in Russia 197, 372, 377–8

and use of smear tactics 355–7, 433–43

coverage of Somalia 220, 221, 223–4, 228

in Sweden 81

A. J. P. Taylor on 76

terminology and misinformation in 13–14, 73–4, 113, 119, 149, 341, 353;
see also
euphemisms and jargon

coverage of terrorism 73

coverage of Third World 70, 71–3, 74, 75

replaced by TV as ‘fourth estate' 85

and war reporting 125–6, 130–1

coverage of Yeltsin 197–8, 199, 200

see also Daily Mirror

Preston, Lewis T. 208, 209, 210

Prevention of Terrorism Act 10

Price, Dr Charles 524

Price, Morgan Philips 198

Sao Tome and Principe

privatisation 92, 114, 117, 120, 194

of coal industry 52, 53–5, 115–16

and National Health Service 98

Public Broadcast Service (US) 441

‘Public Interest ImmunityCertificates' 10, 446

Purvis, Stewart 127

Qian Qichen 181

quangos, Government 17, 115

Question Time
(TV) 14

Questions of Leadership
(film) 86

Quick, Susan 225


in America 381, 511–14

in Britain 33–8, 100–1 and the police 33, 34–5, 36 the Press and 35–6, 37, 38, 64–5

British Broadcasting Corporation

Radio Australia 261, 262

Raghip, Engin 100

series (films) 90

Ranariddh, Prince Norodom 416, 461, 489–90, 492

Rand Corporation 515

‘Ratanak Project', Canada 472n

Razgon, Lev 378

Reagan, Ronald:

and Cambodia 409, 411–12, 443

and civil rights 512, 514

and communism 91

corruption of administration 339

at Disneyworld 388

and East Timor 299

involvement in El Salvador 391

false rhetoric 196

and Gaddafi's ‘assassination attempt' 187

and Nicaragua 338

Star Wars project 383

and Vietnam War 144, 147

Red Cross
International Red Cross

Reed International 77, 78

refugees, British treatment of 35–7, 359

Regan, Ken 333, 335

Reid, J. B. 257

Reith, Lord 87

Rennie, Malcolm 266–70, 273, 304

(film) 350

Reuter (news agency) 72, 73, 180, 283

Richards, Ben (pseudonym) 263, 276

Rimington, Stella 10

Rio Tinto Zinc 301

Roberts, Professor Adam 151

Rockeye cluster bombs 142–3, 157

Rogers, Dr Paul 143

Rojas, Don 72

Rolls-Royce 190, 301

Roosevelt, Franklin D. 99, 195, 352

Rose, David 184

Rosenburg, David
Gordon, Paul

Rosenstock, Robert 463

Rossi, Guido 397

Rossi, Mario 393, 394

Rothermere, Viscount 71

Rothwell, Nicholas 7–8, 12

Rowland, ‘Tiny' 71

Royal Australian Airforce 238

Royal Ordnance 471

Royal Television Society 85

Ruby, Jack 349

Runnymede Trust 101

report on racism (1989) 64

Rusbridger, James 585 n11

Rushdie, Salman 180, 344, 356

in defence of his work 65

Rusk, Dean 246

Russell, William Howard: Crimea diaries 130–1

Russia (Soviet Union):

author visits 371–3 (1977), 373–80 (1990)

and the bombing of Bosnian Serbs 218

the ‘Cold War' with 9, 65, 88, 91–2, 168, 194

and East Timor 255, 259

economy of 194–5, 376, 377, 379–80

education in 375

and bombing of Eritrea 517

Helsinki Agreement and 371

miners in 372

the Press in 197, 372, 377–8

and US bribe over UN Resolution 678 180–1

at World Bank/IMF Conference 211–12

and Yeltsin's ‘democracy' 13–14, 113, 197–200

S & L Typewriters 366, 367

S-21 (Pol Pot's gestapo) 405

Sackur, Stephen 152–3

Sahnoun, Mohammed 223

Said, Edward 143, 508

Culture and Imperialism

Said, Quaser 140

Sainsbury, Tim 420

St Petersburg (Leningrad) 373–6

St Petersburg, USA 382–4

St Petersburg Times
(USA) 383, 384

Sala Kran camp (Cambodia), attack on 470

Salazar, Antonio de Oliveira 241

Samoa 248

sanctions, effects of 159, 172–3

Sanders, Jacquin 384

Sanderson, Lt-Gen. John 465, 466, 483, 484

Sandinistas, the 199, 200, 503–5, 516

Sands, Richard 306

Santana, Koni 262

São Tomé and Principe 241

Special Air Services

Saudi Arabia:

British arms contract with 189–90

and Gulf War 74, 174, 179, 180

Yemeni workers expelled from 182, 183

Save the Children Fund 172, 173, 223, 509

Savimbi, Jonas 226

Savoy, Paul 513

Scargill, Arthur 47, 51, 55, 77, 356

Schabedly, Linda 171

Schanberg, Sidney 431–2

Schlesinger, Arthur 342


Schools Examination and Assessment Council 114

Schultz, George 427, 452, 534

Schwarzkopf, General Norman 4, 73–4, 128, 142, 144, 162, 166, 167, 170, 388

Scott, C. P. 125

Scott, Lloyd 362

Scott, Lord Justice: enquiry 118

Scrine, Gil 321

Buried Alive
(film) 237

Seabrook, Jeremy 18, 71–2, 108

secrets legislation (in Britain) 10, 66–7, 84, 422

Selassie, Emperor Haile 516, 517

Senegal 208

Serbs 214, 215–18

Sethi, Dr P. K. 469

Shackleton, Greg 265, 266–70, 273, 282

Shackleton, Shirley 265–6, 267–8, 270, 273, 321

Shadow over Timor
(film) 237

Shah of Iran 163

Shamir, Yitzhak 508, 510

Shannon, Paul 490

share-issue campaigns, Government 67

Shaw, Clay 346, 349–50

Shawcross, William 430, 437, 438–43, 450, 473, 487, 488

The Quality of Mercy

439, 441

Sheerman, Barry 119–20

Sheldon, Robert 189

Shelter 31

Sheridan, Greg 316

Sherman, Steve 179

Shi'a, the 162, 165, 166–7, 168

Shinwell, Emmanuel 52

Shiva, Vandana 211

Shostakovich, Dmitri: Seventh Symphony 374

Shrimpton, Neil 471

sickle cell disease 42

Siddhi (Thai Foreign Mininster) 578 n113

Siem Reap province, Cambodia 411, 414, 464–5

Sihanouk, Prince Norodom:

belle époque
of 428–9

as head of Cambodian ‘coalition' 412, 459, 460–1, 463, 474, 483

and the Khmer Rouge 415, 416, 429–31, 460, 461, 473, 491–2, 494

and the 1993 election 490, 491

US and 429, 430–1, 472

Sihanoukists 412, 469

Simpson, John 126

Sin Sisamouth 476

Sinclair, Upton 17


abandoned by British in Second World War 530

and invention of Cambodian ‘coalition' 412

and investment in Cambodia 486

in support of Khmer Rouge 413, 425, 457

and the withholding of aid for Cambodia 471

single mothers, Tory assault on 119

Singleton, Neil 362

Sivanandan, A. 149

Skinner, Dennis 54–5

Sky Television 84, 433–4

Slepak, Maria and Vladimir 371–3

Slovenia 214, 215, 216, 217, 218

Smart, Noel 448

Smith, Colin 465

Smith, Dave 366, 367

Smith, Derek 45

Smith, Jan 56

Smith, John 97, 103, 107, 112, 120

Jean Calder's letter to 103, 105–6

Snow, Peter 126–7, 167

Soares, Abilio 563 n4

Soares, Mário, President of Portugal 259–60, 319–20

Sobchak, Anatoly 378

Social Trends

‘society': as defined by Mrs Thatcher 113–14

Solarz, Stephen 413, 431–2, 452–3

Solomon, Richard 452–3, 475


divisions in 222–3

Operation Restore Hope 220–2, 223–4, 225, 228, 391–2

Somoza, Anastasio 503

Son Sann 416

Son Sen 455, 458, 462, 463, 494

South Africa:

apartheid in 195

Australia and 529, 539, 542

‘power sharing' in 226

South End Press (USA) 343

Soviet Union

Special Air Services (SAS):

in Ethiopia 516

and Gibraltar assassinations 9, 84, 434

and the training of the Khmer Rouge 414, 415–17, 419, 421–4, 437, 438, 444–50, 469–70, 471

438, 444, 450

case 447

SRAM-A air-launched missiles 57

Sri Lanka, effect of Gulf War on 175

Stahl, Max (pseudonym) 236, 260, 263, 276
, 280, 303, 315

Stalin, Josef 91, 195, 342

Stalinism 194–5, 196

Western ‘market' 193, 194, 195–6

Star TV 316

Steele, Jonathan 198

Steinbeck, John 17

The Grapes of Wrath

Stevens, Lord 71

Stevenson, Arthur (‘Steve') 238, 239, 280

Stevenson, Robert Louis 135

Stewart, Michael 247

Stewart, Tony 266–70, 273

Stillingfleet Colliery, Yorkshire 54

Stokes, Sir John 530

Stone, Oliver 352

347–8, 350–2, 353


Stringer, Guy 457

Suai, East Timor 274, 275–6

Suchinda Krapayoon 475


effect of Gulf War on 173, 175

and US coercion 182

Sugar, Alan 366

Sugden, Ron 50, 55

Suharto, General:

Australian support for 12, 244–5, 247, 264, 313–14, 317

British arms sales to 16, 258–9, 301–4, 306–11

his coup against Sukarno 244, 245–6, 275–6, 341

and family members in power 261, 284, 315, 323

and the invasion of East Timor 233, 237, 239, 247, 249, 251, 254, 274, 288, 297, 299

and Paul Keating 12, 313–14, 317

receives UN Fund for Population Activities Prize 285

and the Santa Cruz massacre 312

and US public relations firms 294–5, 299

US support for 245–7, 299, 300, 425

and Marcus Wanandi 315

his waning power 322–3

Gough Whitlam's relationship with 243, 247, 269


in Britain 110–11

of Vietnam War veterans 146

Sukarno, ‘Bung' 244, 245


on Bazoft's murder 354, 355, 356

coverage of the Gulf War 126, 159

as market leader 64, 76, 77, 79, 81

and racism 36, 38, 77

Sun Tzu, General:
The Art of War

Sunday Mirror

Sunday Telegraph

accuses author of supporting Khmer Rouge 450

smears Bazoft 355–6, 357

on investigative journalism 10

and Simon O'Dwyer-Russell 414, 421, 422, 423, 449–52

Sunday Times
79, 154

smear campaigns 433, 434, 435–8

Sunderland Echo

Svay Toeu, Cambodia 406–7

Swallow, Norman 18, 87

Swank, Emory 406, 474


and arms supplies to Khmer Rouge 413

change of stance at UN 418

freedom of the press in 81

as model for Fretilin leaders 243

Sydney, Australia 523, 538

‘Bicentenary' celebrations 545–6

Sydney Morning Herald
236, 247–8, 249, 261, 262, 314, 492, 539, 541, 563 n4

Sydney University 329, 540

Syria: US and Assad regime 179–80, 187–8

Target USA
(film) 159

Tawney, R. H. 30

Taylor, A. J. P.: on newspapers 76

Taylor, D. J.: ‘While the pen sleeps' 17

Taylor, Elizabeth 334, 394

Taylor, John G. 253, 288, 321

Tea Banh, General 448

Teachers' Pay Review Body 115

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