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Authors: John Pilger

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British Gas 301

British Labour Party
Labour Party, British

British National Party 358

British Petroleum 301

British Satellite Broadcasting (BSB) 7, 84

Britoil 301

Brittain, Victoria 4

Broadcasting Act (1991) 68, 83–7, 434

Broken Hill Proprietary Company (BHP) 257–8

Brown, Gordon 114, 119

Brown, Peter 387

Brown, Roger 410

Browne, Desmond, QC 447

Brzezinski, Zbigniew 409

British Satellite Broadcasting

BSkyB (television company) 7, 8–9

Budiardjo, Carmel 321

Bundy, George 534

Burchett, Wilfred xiv

Burgess, Andy 362

Burghfield, Berkshire: Atomic Weapons Establishment 58

Buried Alive
(film) 237

Burson-Marsteller (US PR firm) 295

Bush, George, US President:

visits Australia (1991) 535–6

trade with China 426

as director of the CIA 66, 353

and civil rights 512, 513, 514

and the Cold War 91

and death squads in El Salvador 391

and the Gulf War: before 179, 180, 181, 185; during 126, 128, 129, 130, 133, 138, 144, 165, 167, 213, 338, 425, 427; after 15, 159, 161–2, 163, 168, 169, 186, 390–1

‘humanitarian intervention' in Somalia 220–1, 222, 223, 225, 392

and Indonesia 299

supports the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia 413–14, 431–2

at the Madrid Conference 508

and Ferdinand Marcos 205

and the ‘new world order' 15, 221

and Panama 66, 193

and Yugoslavia 216

Business Week

Cable News Network (CNN) 71, 72, 134

Cabral, Amical 243

Caithness, Earl of: and British involvement in Cambodia 420, 463, 470, 485

Calder, Jean 103

letter to John Smith 103, 105–6

Callaghan, James 41, 58, 108, 358

Camberwell Community Health

Council 40, 45

report 41


aid for 403, 406, 409–10, 412–13, 418, 425, 435–6, 441, 442–3, 455–8, 466, 471, 485, 486

American bombing of 132, 228, 405, 406–7, 411, 439

British policy and 66, 418, 419, 420, 425, 453–4, 455–6, 471

British SAS in
see under
Khmer Rouge

and children 402, 405

China and 409, 411, 412, 413, 415–16, 426–7, 443, 463, 464, 469, 471, 474

and Chinese usurers 429

and the Coalition of the Democratic Government of Kampuchea 412, 415–16, 443

disease 425, 472, 473, 484–5

economy 402, 473–4, 476, 477, 485–6

France and 463

gem mines 466

mass graves 401, 405, 407, 411

hospitals in 406, 407, 467, 472

Hun Sen government
Hun Sen

Japan and 471
, 475, 486

minefields in 407, 416, 417, 421, 423–4, 441, 444, 466–71, 478–9, 481, 485

Press coverage of 411, 413, 414, 417, 418, 421–5, 431–2, 436, 441–3, 450–1, 452–5, 461, 465, 488

and Thailand
see under

United Nations and 226, 403, 407, 409, 410, 411, 412–13, 415–16, 418, 419, 426–7, 428, 429, 442, 443, 452, 459–60, 461, 463–6, 468, 471, 475, 477, 481, 482–91, 492, 493–4, 534–5

and the Vietnamese 405, 409, 416, 418, 435–6, 439, 440,
441–3, 444, 449, 451–2, 455, 465, 476, 487–8, 490, 493

volunteer organisations (NGOs) 469
see also
Khmer Rouge; Phnom Penh; Pol Pot; Sihanouk, Prince

Cambodia: The Betrayal
(TV film) 10, 423–4, 435–8, 440–1 libel case against 444–50

Cambodian People's Party (CPP) 490

Cambodia Study Group:

Cambodia Report on Collaborative Battles

Cambodia Trust 473

Cambodia Year One
(film) 439, 443

Cambodia Year Ten
(film) 314, 414–15, 418, 443, 469, 472

Cambodia Year Zero
(film) xii, 439, 476

‘Camera 5' (picture agency) 331

Cameron, James 87, 141–2

Campaign Against the Arms Trade 137

Campaign Against Racism and Fascism 101

Campbell, Colin 447


foreign ownership of 537

investment in Indonesia 259

‘rat line' for Somali war criminals 221

and US pressure in UN 179

Canadian Broadcasting

Corporation (CBC) 221

Canal Zone, the 425

cancer treatment 359, 360–2

Cape Verde Islands 241, 243


and communism 379

and ‘compassion fatigue' 203

and democracy 74

and destabilisation of Cambodia 473–4

Lamont on the virtues of 209

legitimisation of 194

and unemployment 111

the victims of 65, 92, 195–6

Cardoza, Lina 44

Carey, Peter 241, 321

Carlile, Alex 187

Carlton Television Company 6

Carnegie, Dale:
How to Win Friends and Influence People

Carney, Timothy 486–7

carpet-bombing 132–3, 141

Carrascalao, Mario 285

Carroll, Eugene J. 303

Carter, Jimmy, US President 200, 300, 409, 503

Castro, Fidel 226, 347, 351, 352

Cavanagh, John 203

Canadian Broadcasting Corporation

Confederation of British Industry

censorship 12–13

of the Press 10, 59, 64–8, 153, 171–2, 183, 339, 342–3, 357

of television 8–9, 10, 83–7, 153, 171

and war reporting 125–7, 130–1, 172

Central Television 6, 10, 71, 86, 260, 422

and libel case over
Cambodia: The Betrayal
10, 444–50

Chakrapong, Prince 461

Chalfont, Lord 86

Chalker, Baroness 301, 302–3

Chamberlain, Neville 193

Chamorra, Violetta 505

Channel 4 79, 127, 447

series 71

Charity Commission: censure of Oxfam 458

Charles, Prince of Wales 57

Chartered Industries 411

Chase, Chevy 385

Chatichai Choonhaven 474, 475

Chay Song Heng 403–5

Cheney, Richard 382–3

Chhorn Hay 430, 482–3

Chicago Tribune

Chifley, Ben 531

Childers, Erskine 227

Child Poverty Action Group 101


in Britain 24, 28,
see also
Britain: education in; poverty in

in Cambodia 402, 405

deaths due to World Bank policies 211

in East Timor 284

Iraqi 156, 170, 172, 177, 186

in Palestinian camps 509–10

in the Philippines 201, 202–3, 206

deaths in US 513

Chile 196, 200, 228


American bribes to (over UN Resolution 678) 178, 181

and American PR 295

American support for 426–7

Boxer Rebellion 529

and Cambodia 409, 411, 412, 413, 415–16, 426–7, 429, 443, 463, 464, 469, 471, 474

and destabilisation 449

and East Timor 255

Major's visit to (1991) 193, 194

and privatisation 194

(Bengali weekly) 365, 366

Chomsky, Noam 13, 147, 337–45, 409, 424

on East Timor 246, 321

American Power and the New Mandarins

The Backroom Boys

The Culture of Terrorism

The Responsibility of Intellectuals

Year 501: The Conquest Continues
88, 90–1

Choun Noothorl, Dr 472

Christian Aid 173, 203

‘Christina' (Timorese) 285

Churchill, Winston 195, 530, 531, 537

CIA, the:

network in Australia 532, 533

involvement in Cambodia 406, 411–12, 436, 452

growth of 353

and Saddam Hussein 128, 138–9, 162

and Indonesia's invasion of East Timor 234, 235–6, 246, 251, 256, 297–9

involvement in Iraq 127, 128, 159, 162

and Kennedy's assassination 347, 349–50, 351, 353

betrayal of the Kurds 163

operations in Nicaragua 199, 504

operations in Panama 66

Claes, Michael 295

Clark, Alan 118

interview with author 306–11

Clark, Manning 531

Clark, Ramsey 141, 144, 170, 183

Clark, Professor Roger 296–7, 312, 318

Clark Commission 170–1, 183

Clarke, Kenneth 111, 114, 119

Clarke, Neil 55

Clarke, Renfrey 198–9

Claxton, Nicholas 412

(with Cherry Farrow)
Do They Feel My Shadow
? (film) 508–10

Cline, Dr Ray 411–12

Clinton, Bill, US President:

and Bosnia 213

and East Timor 299–300, 316

promises aid for El Salvador 391

and Haitian refugees 227

and US imperialism 16, 92

and war in Somalia 392

use of UN 227–8

and Yeltsin's ‘reforms' 113

cluster bombs, use of 142–3, 144, 157

Clwyd, Ann 155, 444

Cable News Network

coal industry, British 46–56

Labour Party and 111–12

privatisation of 52, 53–5, 115–16, 117–18

wages 47, 52

Cockburn, Patrick 140, 141

Coe, Paul 547

Cohen, Herman 515

Cojuangco, Jose ‘Peping' 499

Cojuangcos, the 499

Cold War, the 168, 379

Chomsky on 340

media coverage of 9, 65, 88, 91–2, 194

Coles, Margaret 568 n155

Colombia 208

Colvin, David 420–1, 438

Comic Relief 203

Committee, The
(TV) 10


Italian 396

media coverage of 65, 91, 92, 195

successes in Nicaragua 200, 503–4

and US imperialism 88

see also
Cold War, the

Community Care Act (1990) 98

Community Health Councils 40, 41, 44, 45

Confederation of British Industry (CBI) 112

and investment in Indonesia 301

Connell, Laurie (‘Last Resort') 526

Connolly, John, Texas Governor 349

Conrad, Joseph:
Heart of Darkness
88, 89

‘consensus': and democracy 63–4, 99, 108

Conservative Party Conference (1991) 35–6

Consett steel works 50

‘Constancio' (Timorese) 278–9

Contempt of Court Act (1981) 10, 84

Cook, Robin 41

Coppola, Francis Ford:

Apocalypse Now

Cornford, Lillian 42

corporation tax, unpaid 117

Cortona, Italy 396–7

Costa, Christiano 285–6, 569 n111


Coulport, Scotland 58, 59

Coventry Labour Party 103

Covert Action

Cox, Steve 262, 321

Cambodian People's Party

Craig, Roger 348–9

Crewe, James 55

Criminal Justice Act 84

Croatia, German support for 214–16, 217–18

Crosland, Anthony 120

Crown prerogative 114, 115

Cruz, Francisco Lopez de 256–7

Cruz, Petrona 504

Cuba 181, 182, 226, 413, 504, 517

Cudlipp, Hugh xi, 80, 91, 511

Cummings, John 48, 51, 55

Cunneen, Chris 540

Cunningham, Gary 266–70, 273

Curtin, John 530

Curtis, Mark 300–1, 321

Czechoslovakia: Charter 77

group xiii, 63–4

Daily Express
91, 355

Daily Globe
(Manila) 500

Daily Mail
35, 36, 37, 91, 112, 355

Daily Mirror

attack on the Bishop of Newcastle 29

the author and 41, 335, 358, 435

and Hugh Cudlipp xi, 80

coverage of the Gulf War 130, 142, 152

and Matt Herron 511

and the Labour Party 76–7

and Maxwell's ownership 77–81

on John Smith at the CBI conference 112

Daily Star

Daily Telegraph
35, 125, 152

poll 119

Dalyell, Tam 126

‘Daniel Boone' (Special Forces group) 411

Day, Ian 53

Deakin, Bishop Hilton 315

Death of a Nation
(film) 1, 7, 236, 311, 314, 315, 316, 317, 322

Death on the Rock
(TV film) 9, 84, 356, 434

Deer Hunter, The
(film) 90

Delane, John 131

Delves, Brigadier Cedric 445


British coup against 113–16

Chomsky on 343–4, 345

and ‘consensus' 63–4, 99, 108

the ‘free market' and 74, 108, 115–16, 194–6, 228

in Hong Kong 193–4

and the illusion of free expression 63–4, 194

imperial aims and 92,
see also

and mass movements 100–1

and the 1950s ‘new deals' 99–100

the role of the media in 67, 68, 115

Yeltsin's coup against 13, 113, 197–200

Denaro, Colonel 130

Denok, P. T. (company) 274

de Normann, Anthony 444–5

Desert Shield
(film) 159

Desert Storm
(film) 159

de Waal, Alex 223

Dias, Jose Amorin 321

Diem, Ngo Dinh 139

Dili, East Timor 250, 252, 265, 270, 272, 282, 284–5, 289–90

Indonesian invasion (1975) 234, 253, 255, 282–3

Santa Cruz massacre (1991) 236, 260, 262, 263, 272, 290–2, 295, 312, 313, 314–16

Dimbleby, David 154, 160, 184

Dimbleby (Richard) Award, author awarded 435

Disney (Walt) Company:

Disneyworld, Florida 385–8

‘Victory Field' exhibition 389, 391, 392

Displaced Persons Protection Unit (DPPU) 412

Djilas, Milovan 215

Do They Feel My Shadow?
(film) 508–10

‘Domingos' (Timorese) 279–80

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