Divine Cruelty (15 page)

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Authors: Lee Ash

Tags: #BDSM, #Erotic Fiction

BOOK: Divine Cruelty
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'Don't be shy, Rachel,' Pearl grinned, pulling her closer. Her smile crept wider and Rachel suspected the woman's pleasure was heightened by her own discomfort. 'I think you know most of these bitches well enough, don't you? Do you want to see why I've brought them down here?'


Sure she already knew, Rachel walked with Pearl to the first woman. Because of her doll-like face and carefully plaited pigtails, Rachel had no problem recognising Jason's occasional maid, Carrie. She was strapped to a bed, her wrists bound above her head and her skinny legs spread wide apart. Against her sex, looking like some alien, mechanical device, rested a large, transparent tube. Carrie squirmed against it, smiling contentedly to herself.


'Don't you just love bound women?' Pearl giggled. She placed a hand against Carrie's breast and tweaked her nipple. The button of dark pink flesh was already stiff but Carrie responded eagerly to the contact. She grinned for Pearl and then passed her elated gaze in Rachel's direction. 'This one came down here for the first time today,' Pearl explained. 'She's having her initial three hour treatment.'


Staring at the device between Carrie's legs, Rachel decided it was a suction pump. Through the tube of clear plastic she could see the swollen pink of the maid's pussy lips and figured Carrie was suffering the first stage in the process Pearl used for making slaves divine. 'Three hours?' she murmured.


Pearl was consulting a clock on the wall and comparing it with the notes beside Carrie's bed. Releasing the pump's controls with clinical efficiency she snatched the plastic tube away and smiled tightly at the results. 'Doesn't that look beautiful?' she reflected. 'Doesn't that look divine?'


Rachel couldn't help but look and, as loath as she was to concur with Pearl, she had to agree that Carrie's sex did look inviting. Her sex had been meticulously shaved, the flesh glistened with a lustre of something that could have been arousal, or possibly just lubricating lotion, but it was the sight of her pussy lips that made Rachel leer hungrily. Inside the tube they had looked fat and distended: an explosion of sweaty pink flesh that seemed simultaneously hideous and wonderful. But, now they were exposed, Rachel could see the sex lips looked even more desirable.


Pearl traced a finger against the swollen lips and Carrie shivered. There seemed to be so much skin that it was impossible to see where the inner labia ended and the outer began. There was no hope of discerning where the entrance to her sex was amongst the fusion of glistening flesh and Rachel suspected it was only through familiarity and practice that Pearl was able to slip her finger inside the maid.


Carrie gasped. She sat bolt upright on the bed, clenching her hands into fists as her features twisted with elation. Her eyes were open wide and she stared at the slave trader with unabashed adulation.


Smiling tightly, Pearl teased her finger deeper and then rubbed the pad of her thumb against Carrie's clitoris.


The maid shrieked, a spiralling sound that echoed from the walls of the cellar and made the others on their beds strain to see what was happening. 'Mistress Pearl,' she whispered gratefully. The words were spat between elated tears. 'Thank you, Mistress Pearl.'


'Is that all it takes?' Rachel whispered. 'Just three hours?'


Pearl laughed and shook her head. 'It's a more complicated procedure than simply attaching a pump. The three hour assessment is only the first stage.' She moved her hand away from Carrie's sex and earned the maid's frustrated frown. 'This initial assessment is just to make sure the subject doesn't have an adverse reaction.'


Rachel glanced at Carrie's feverishly swollen pussy and shook her head to show a lack of comprehension. 'How could you tell if she had suffered an adverse reaction?'


Pearl didn't answer and guided her to the next bed where Rachel recognised one of the harem from the east wing. Like Carrie, this woman was bound to the bed but, rather than having a suction pump fastened between her legs, she was fitted with two smaller pumps, one over each nipple. She had been allowed the modesty of wearing panties but, through the thin cotton covering her crotch, Rachel could see the sex slave had already received the treatment to make her pussy lips look full, fat and overblown. The fabric was swollen and misshapen and Rachel saw the crotch was darkened by a stain of obvious, wet arousal. She snatched her gaze away and glared at Pearl. 'How does that help to modify her labia?'


'This is an experimental procedure I'm testing,' Pearl explained. 'I've had so much success with enhancing labia that I wondered if I could make a slave's nipples larger and more attractive.' She trailed a finger against the sex slave's torso, evoking a guttural moan. 'I think I might have tapped into another source of potential profits,' Pearl smiled triumphantly. 'Your master is going to move from being very rich to exceedingly rich. It won't take much more before we move him into the category of embarrassingly affluent.'


Rachel snatched her gaze away, sure she was close to being mesmerised by the magnitude of the woman's cruelty. Trying to think of something intelligent to say, not wanting the slave trader to see through her shock and notice her excitement, she asked, 'How long does it take to complete the modification? And, are the effects permanent?'


Pearl led Rachel to the third bed. A naked pony girl was stretched across the thin mattress, her body unfettered by reins, clothes or pumps. Her pussy lips were a mass of pulsing pink and she glanced up with a hopeful expression when Rachel and Pearl stepped to her side. Studying her pubic mound Rachel could see the raven-haired girl had been recently shaved but her sex was already peppered with the bristle of tiny jet-black hairs that were anxious to grow back. It crossed Rachel's mind that, when her curls had properly returned, the pony girl's appearance would be a beautiful contrast of thick black hair and engorged pink flesh. She shut the thought from her imagination, knowing it would provoke an unnecessary arousal.


'After a successful assessment the subject is put on the suction pump for twenty four hours,' Pearl explained. 'We use incrementally sized attachments, going up a size or two every four hours, and this gets the labia to their maximum length and breadth.'


'And, do they stay like that?' Rachel asked.


Pearl's grin was wicked. 'They do once the subjects have been injected with collagen.'


Horrified, Rachel placed a hand over her mouth.


Studying the pony girl's sex lips, stroking her fingers back and forth over the excess of flushed skin, Pearl didn't notice Rachel's distress. 'I take it you know about collagen?' she murmured. 'They use it all the time in the acceptable face of cosmetic surgery. It can give women broader smiles and accentuate the fullness of a model's lips. This is basically the same procedure.' Smiling fondly down at the pony girl, chasing her finger between the shine of pink lips, Pearl said, 'It's tricky getting the balance right. Too little and you don't receive the desired effect, too much and you leave the subject in perpetual agony. Put the collagen too deep and it won't make an impact. Set it too high the slave won't feel anything through her labia ever again. But I think we have our technique virtually perfected.' Her eyes shone bright with excitement as she traced her finger back and forth and said, 'I don't think we could be doing much better.'


She snatched her fingers away from the pony girl, causing the woman to shiver. Staring meekly up at her tormentor, the pony girl sighed gratefully. With genuine adoration in her eyes she smiled and said, 'Thank you, Mistress Pearl.'


'Why are you showing me this?' Rachel asked.


Pearl responded quickly, grabbing hold of the chain that connected Rachel's piercings and pulling hard. A shock of electric excitement was wrenched from Rachel's nipples and pussy and she stumbled closer to the blonde slave trader. 'That's not how a good slave asks her questions,' Pearl growled. 'And I'm tired of hearing the lack of respect in your tone.' Pushing her fist down, dragging the chains and forcing Rachel to fall to her knees, she hissed, 'Why don't you show me, even if you can't speak to your betters with the proper reverence, you can use your tongue properly in some ways.'


Sickened by the suggestion, Rachel tried to pull her head away but Pearl held tightly onto a fistful of hair. Rachel's mouth was pushed over the woman's sex and she knew there would be no opportunity to refuse. Despising the slave trader, and knowing there was no way she could escape this obligation, she extended her tongue tentatively against the woman's sex.


'Lick me properly,' Pearl roared.


While Pearl had been leading her through the studio Rachel had not been immune to the desire that each slave elicited. She had stared at Carrie's swollen flesh and the pony girl's glistening lips, and coveted them greedily. More than once she had wanted to follow the slave trader's example and touch the inviting folds of flesh. And, had she been alone with any of the women, Rachel knew she would have longed to trace her tongue against the modified lips. But, faced with the uninspiring sight of Pearl's trim labia, and loath to submit to the woman's bullying domination, she struggled to find the appetite to kiss her sex.


'Eat my cunt, you little bitch,' Pearl hissed. 'Don't make me tell you again.'


Rachel cringed from the harsh tone, knowing that her predicament was being made known to all the others in the studio. It was bad enough for Pearl to force her to do this chore but it seemed even worse that she was making the domination public. As the master's favourite Rachel was used to respect from her peers but she doubted Pearl would allow that to continue. Not wanting to prolong her torment, realising that her only chance of escape was to do as the slave trader demanded, Rachel unhappily slipped her tongue inside Pearl's wetness.


The scent of musk and excitement was annoyingly arousing and, when she tasted the sheen that coated Pearl's sex, Rachel was disgusted to find herself enjoying the sweet, feminine flavour. She buried her nose against the dark blonde curls that covered Pearl's hole and pushed her tongue deep inside. But, all the time, her cheeks burnt with shame as she realised the other slaves were watching her submit.


'Now my clit,' Pearl insisted. 'You've eaten my cunt. Now tongue my clit.'


Rachel teased the nub with the tip of her tongue and then placed her lips against the throbbing flesh. Stroking gentle circles against the skin, working diligently and trying not to think how much she hated the blonde, Rachel lapped until the woman sighed happily. She wondered if she was going to be forced to remain on her knees until Pearl had climaxed, then cautioned herself against protesting. The brief tour of Pearl's studio had taught Rachel that there were worse punishments she could be suffering and she knew it would be unwise to court further discipline.


Pearl shivered more intensely, then dragged Rachel's face away. 'You'll speak to me with proper respect in future,' she said firmly. 'And you'll stop looking at me with so much contempt.'


Defiantly, Rachel said nothing.


Pearl dragged her from the floor, past the squirming figure on the fourth bed, and over to the fifth and final slave in the studio. 'Maybe you should take a look at this one?' Pearl suggested. 'Perhaps she might make you see the point I'm trying to prove.'


The servant on the fifth bed glanced up and then blushed. 'Mistress Pearl,' she whispered meekly. She raised her gaze to meet Rachel's and then lowered it quickly when she saw the fury in her gaze. 'Rachel,' she murmured.


'Helena,' Rachel gasped. She turned to glare at Pearl, trying hard to contain her fury and outrage. 'What's Helena doing down here?'


Pearl studied the notes beside the bed and nodded approval. 'Helena came down here for a final examination,' she explained. 'Over the days while you were gone she's been a regular visitor to my little studio, going from one treatment bed to another so she's now complete.'


Rachel digested the news with undisguised horror.


Pearl seemed oblivious to her distress. 'Helena's proved herself a good subject,' she explained. 'Although I'm sure she'll testify that the process isn't without its drawbacks.'


Helena nodded ruefully.


'It's uncomfortable, isn't it?' Pearl prompted.


'It's very uncomfortable, Mistress Pearl.'


'Why are you showing me this?' Rachel asked. 'What advantage do you think it will give you if I know how you make your slaves divine? What benefit do you think it will give you if I know that it's uncomfortable?'


Pearl's nasty laugh cascaded around the cellar. 'It's a simple equation. I want to make your master happy and, at the moment, you're the only obstacle standing in my way. Obey my authority, treat me with respect, and it's more likely to make your master happy. Continue to treat me with contempt, continue to ignore my authority, and this is what you can expect to suffer.'


Rachel was determined not to be unsettled by the threat. 'You've modified the rest of these women,' she declared scornfully. 'If they can suffer that sort of treatment, what makes you think I can't?'


Pearl took hold of Rachel's chains and pulled. Familiar shards of anguish were wrought from her pierced nipples but the main discomfort came from her prepuce. The chain snatched at her clitoris and she couldn't help but shiver as the unexpected sensations proved too much. If Pearl hadn't said another word, Rachel knew she would have understood the threat that was being made.


'I don't doubt you could suffer the process,' Pearl agreed. She maintained her hold on the chain and tugged it with callous indifference. 'I'm sure you would suffer the process if your master told you to, but it would make your servitude unbearable. These modifications make your pussy lips a hundred times more sensitive to pleasure and pain. I saw the way you were struggling to contain your responses when you last read the tarot cards for your master. Can you imagine how intolerable it would be if your sensitivity was increased? Can you imagine how intolerable it would be if every sensation was magnified to be one hundred times worse?'

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