Divine Cruelty (16 page)

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Authors: Lee Ash

Tags: #BDSM, #Erotic Fiction

BOOK: Divine Cruelty
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Sick with the thought of such a torment, Rachel wanted to close her eyes. She held Pearl's threatening glare and asked, 'What do you want from me?'


Pearl shook her head. 'I only want one thing from you. I want your respect.'


'Respect is usually earned.'


'And, one way or another, I'll earn it,' Pearl agreed. 'I can either earn your respect by making your pussy lips one hundred times more sensitive, or I can earn your respect by letting you miss out on that cruel privilege. The choice is yours, Rachel. Which way do you want to earn my respect?'


Furious that she could be so easily manipulated, hating the slave trader more strongly than she would have believed possible, Rachel nodded bitter submission. 'I think you already know my answer.'


Pearl raised an eyebrow as though she expected a fuller answer and Rachel knew what was expected of her. Despising the woman's effortless control she glared defiantly and said, 'I think you already know my answer, Mistress Pearl.'





'Mistress Pearl!' O'Mara cried, rushing into the studio.


The blonde turned to glare at her but O'Mara seemed unintimidated this time. 'The master just phoned,' she explained. 'He says there'll be another reading in the chapel tonight.' She glanced at Rachel and said, 'He wants his tarocco reader available and prepared.'


Pearl looked furious at the interruption and it was obvious she was trying hard to quell the reaction. Snatching her gaze away from O'Mara she snapped her fingers for Helena's attention. 'That's your responsibility, isn't it? You prepare Rachel for these blasted tarot readings, don't you?'


Looking too terrified to speak, Helena simply nodded.


Finally glancing at Rachel, Pearl sneered and said, 'We're going to continue this later. I want to be sure that we both know which one of us holds the master's ear. I want to be sure that we both understand one another properly.'


Rachel didn't trust herself to say anything. She kept her lips pressed tightly together and met Pearl's glare with as much defiance as she dared muster.


'Don't worry,' Pearl smiled easily. 'You've acknowledged me as your mistress once, so the next time it will be easier. I think we both know our places now. But I'll have to spend some private time with you just to be sure.' Turning away, barking instructions with the authority of a natural leader she said, 'Helena, take Rachel back to her room and get her ready for the master's reading. Carrie, you can go back to Jason, for now. O'Mara, lie down on that spare bed so we can begin your assessment.'


'My assessment?' O'Mara repeated uncertainly. She was shaking her head and trying to back out of the studio. 'I don't need an assessment because...'


Rachel wasn't listening to the maid's whining protests. She had been dismissed along with the others and she stormed out of the studio and along the corridor back to her bedroom. Helena hurried to match her pace and the clatter of the servant's heels made double quick time. She had only just caught up when they reached the room and Rachel threw the door open.


'I was trying to tell you that a lot had been happening, Mistress,' Helena began apologetically. 'If there'd been more time when you first got back I would have...'


Rachel hurled herself on the bed and motioned for Helena to close the door. As soon as she had locked it Rachel crawled to the floor and went to the loose board that concealed their cache of contraband. She fumbled past a pair of vibrators and a set of Chinese balls, cursing the clumsy way their secret possessions were filed.


'Mistress?' Helena began doubtfully.


Rachel ignored her. Pulling out the leather straps and nipple clamps that were stored under the floor she tossed the implements to Helena and then went back to the bed. Her attitude was brisk and uncompromising and she hoped the servant would sense that she was in no mood for arguments. 'Satisfy me,' she said flatly. 'You know what best pleases me. Do it.'


Helena's innocent features looked set to protest but, seeming to see the determination in her mistress's gaze, she quickly relented. Rachel had been prepared to admit that Pearl's domination had fired an urge within her loins - and ready to argue that she needed the release of orgasm before she could think clearly and decide how best to deal with the situation - but Helena didn't make her give an explanation. Seeming to sense the importance of her mistress's needs, Helena simply caught the clamps and strap and joined Rachel on the bed.


The binding alone promised to sate her appetite. As soon as Helena started to loop the figure eight around her breasts Rachel could feel herself heading toward the climactic release her body needed.


Admittedly Master Vince had been able to satisfy her while he and his betrothed had been sharing her but each of those orgasms had been tainted by Pearl's loathsome presence and the affection her master was showing to his beloved blonde slave trader. The bliss of every climax had been spoilt by the master's concern for his new love and Rachel hadn't enjoyed a moment of the pleasure.


'You want me to bind you, mistress?' Helena asked softly. She was tracing her hands against swell of Rachel's breasts, the flow of her fingertips never quite touching her nipples or areolae but perpetually promising that they could.


The silky soft contact was infuriatingly arousing and Rachel didn't know whether to curse the servant for her caresses or chastise her for being an unnecessary tease. Clenching her teeth, spitting the words with urgent need, she said, 'Yes, Helena. I want you to bind my tits.'


The revelation of the studio had proved unexpectedly exciting and, after having to submit herself to Pearl, Rachel found her need was as demanding as any she had ever known. She had been loath to surrender herself to the slave trader but she couldn't deny that the submission had fuelled a dark, demanding heat. Thankful that she hadn't had to fully embarrass herself by letting Pearl know about that victory, she was now determined to vent the need that racked her body.


She glanced down at Helena, admiring the way the black leather strap cut into the pale flesh of one orb. Her breast already looked misshapen by the treatment but she felt sure the enormity of her current desire merited stronger attention than she was receiving. 'Tighter,' she hissed firmly. 'You can tie me much tighter than that. You know you can.'


Helena's forearms bulged with the exertion of trying to make the binding more secure and, when Rachel glanced down at her chest, she saw the maid had followed the instruction obediently. The leather straps cut deeper into the sensitive orbs and the flesh was made unsightly by the cruel binding. Her areolae stood dark and excited and her nipples were flushed with an excess of trapped blood. Every subtle movement against her piercings sent a spark of arousal flooding through her breasts and she sighed with a rush of anticipation. Feeling giddy with the nearness of her climax, sure that the orgasm wouldn't be that far away she met Helena's cautious enquiry and said, 'Now attach the clamps.'


Helena's indecision only lasted for an instant before she did as she was told. Taking a final glance at the closed door - assuring herself their indiscretion wouldn't be discovered, Rachel guessed - Helena eased open the jaws of one clamp and then placed it securely against Rachel's nipple.


The pain was exquisite. A searing bolt screamed through her chest and it hit so hard she wondered if she had pushed herself beyond her body's limits. Explosions of misty red burst behind her squeezed eyelids and she relished every torturous moment. 'Too much,' she wailed. 'Too, too much.' Slapping Helena's hand away as the maid went to release the clamp, Rachel hissed, 'Put the other one on.'


Whispering an apology, Helena obeyed.


Rachel twisted and writhed against the bed as her body acclimatised itself to the pain. The anguish was delicious, all consuming and wholly fulfilling, but it still took a moment to get her body used to the pain. Her nipples were a shock of raw anguish, as punishing as when Pearl had pulled on her chain in the studio, but this time brought about from her own instruction. Each breath was a rasp torn from somewhere between delirium and delight and she grabbed fistfuls of the bed linen to stop her hands from trying to claw the torment away from her breasts.


'Is that all right, mistress? It isn't too much, is it?'


'Much too much,' Rachel gasped. 'I don't want it to ever stop.' She glared at the servant through a mist of impending arousal. Shivering against the bed she tried to remain focused as she whispered, 'Undress, and then...'


She stopped herself from completing the sentence, appalled by what she had been about to say. 'Undress and then pleasure me,' she managed eventually. 'That's what I want you to do.' She had intended saying "Undress and then eat my cunt," but she couldn't bring herself to give the same instruction that Pearl had used on her. It was disquieting to think that she and the slave trader could be alike on any level and she refused to brood on their similarities. Wilfully shutting the master's betrothed from her thoughts she watched Helena start to slip the uniform from her body and repeated the most important part of her command. 'Pleasure me,' Rachel said softly.


Helena stepped out of her maid's uniform, folding the skirt and blouse neatly before placing them on the bedside cabinet. She retained her stockings and heels and, while Rachel thought the lingerie looked vulgar and commonplace on some of the master's staff, she couldn't help but think the fishnets added to Helena's appeal. The broad black bands of the stocking tops bit tight around the meaty flesh of Helena's thighs. The cripplingly high heels accentuated the slender shapeliness of her legs. With a characteristic display of understated elegance, she joined Rachel on the bed, lowered her face between her mistress's thighs, and began to lick.


Rachel groaned.


The sensation of Helena's warm tongue gliding gently against her pussy was the exact balm she had needed. Ripples of pleasure shivered from her sex and it was easier to distance herself from the shame and upset that had marked her return to the master's estate. As her clitoris was deftly teased by Helena's lips the first promise of release trembled through her and she revelled in budding joy. Trying to coax the orgasm closer, not wanting to rush but eager for satisfaction, Rachel grabbed the length of chain that lay against her stomach and tugged gently.


The pressure of the clamps was wrought afresh and the demanding pulse of her clitoris beat harder in protest. The swell of an orgasm crested between her legs and she tried to relax and let the pleasure flow.


Helena shifted position so she could bury her face closer.


Glancing serenely down at the servant, noticing that she held her legs further apart than was normal, Rachel remembered Helena had suffered Pearl's wicked modifications. She tried to brush the image from her mind, not wanting her pleasure tarnished by the slave trader's involvement. But she realised she was denying herself an opportunity that had preyed on her thoughts for more than a week.


Ever since Rachel had first seen Pearl's slaves, all the time she had been at Master Bernard's albergo, the memory of the engorged pussy lips had lingered in her mind's eye. The idea of tasting them, touching and experiencing them, had never been far from her thoughts. And, although she had been able to nuzzle on one of the strawberry blonde slaves during a tournament, she had longed for the chance to satisfy her curiosity in the sanctuary of her own quarters. Snapping her fingers for Helena's attention, barking instructions through a haze of encroaching climax, she demanded that the servant turn around and place her body over hers while she continued licking.


Obedient as ever, Helena complied.


Her pussy was the same explosion of too much pink flesh that Rachel had seen on all Pearl's previous subjects. There was so much swollen skin it was impossible to work out what she was looking at but that didn't stop Rachel from thinking it was the most beautiful sight she had ever seen. When Helena resumed her licking, tracing her tongue against Rachel's sex and teasing between the febrile lips, Rachel didn't register the same rush of pleasure she had experienced before. Mesmerised by the intoxicating sight of Helena's divine pussy, she hungrily anticipated having the servant.


Helena shifted position slightly, lowering her body so she could push her mouth closer to Rachel's hole. The overblown sex lips hovered enticingly close to Rachel's face and her excitement heightened. She despised the chore of going down on other women - hated doing it for domineering bitches like Pearl, and had never lowered herself to kiss her maid's sex - but she was sorely tempted to chase her tongue against this one. The scent of arousal was a sweet, inviting fragrance and, unable to resist the impulse, she pushed her face forward and licked at the swollen flesh.


Helena caught her breath, then sighed.


Rachel could have happily mimicked the sound, struck by the rich flavour of musk and excitement. Anxious to enjoy the taste again, and eager to feel the pulsing flesh against her mouth, she licked for a second time. The servant's sex tasted incredible and delectable. 'The bitch has made you look beautiful,' she conceded grudgingly.


Helena glanced back over her shoulder, beaming jubilantly.


'Does it hurt as bad as she claimed?' Rachel asked. She teased a finger against the throbbing skin, allowing the tip to glide against the wet surface before threatening to slip inside. The servant stiffened and shivered as though she was caught on the verge of a climax, and Rachel was surprised by her responsiveness. She could hear Helena's breathing deepen and saw the massive effort the servant made when she tried to answer.

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