Zeus (Frozen Origin)

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Authors: Crystal Dawn

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Frozen Origins Series Book 1


By Crystal Dawn

Copyright 2014 by Crystal Dawn

This is a work of fiction and any resemblance to people living or dead is a coincidence. The characters and the story are a product of the author’s imagination.

Cover by Crystal Dawn using Istock images.

Dedicated to mothers for all they do and all they are.


The company, Origin, made vast advances in the field of DNA research but no one was sure what was going on in their secret research lab in Antarctica. The facility had been built by the US government during the cold war and in the nineteen eighties, budget cuts had forced its sale to the eager Origin company. They had added four lower levels and made a discovery that had pushed their already advanced DNA research miles ahead of where it was.

It wasn’t until the present that our government and those of several other countries, received intel that Origin was growing soldiers and renting them to terrorist organizations that were attacking many countries like the US and Britain
. These countries had the resources to track the terrorists back to their suppliers and take them out. The original plan was to simply take out the facility with a bomb killing all with extreme prejudice. Someone high in the US government decided that the research and the ‘products’ of that research could benefit the military.

Rumors flew
around the capitol that it was because there was a possible alien threat coming and the Earth needed some form of defense, others suggested the threat was supernatural and already part of our planet, still others felt it was a plan to benefit those countries allied in taking down this threat. Even as the special ops team that was neither completely military nor completely attached to a spy organization was headed toward the facility, none of those in charge of the mission truly knew what they were dealing with.


Frozen Origin Series (1)


Chapter 1

The Gods

“I see Santa looked at my list this year and went straight to the top of it. A living breathing GI Jane doll made to my specifications. Oh, the things I’m going to do with you, to you. Do you have a name, Doll? He whispered blowing his breath into her ear almost making it impossible for her to think.

“Santa didn’t send me, Honey. I’m Sierra, and I’m her
e to free you.” She said proud of the fact that her voice didn’t shake.

“Nice try, Doll. Don’t be afraid, I’ll be gentle until you’re broke in. Feel that? That’s how glad I am to see you.” He said pressing a raging hard on right against her crotch. He started dry humping her and only the fact that another team member might happen along stopped her from saying to hell with everything and just letting him fuck her. It had been too long and it showed in how slutty she was feeling. She even knew there were cameras in every room and she didn’t care.

“You have to stop.” She said it, but it didn’t sound like she meant it even to her own ears. “My team and I are here to free you.”

“Is that a new slang term? Oh, Baby, I’m really feeling it. Free me all you want.” He whispered in her ear right before he sank his hot, wet tongue into it. She was losing control of the situation and as second in command
and on site team leader, she had to do what was needed. He paused when he felt the cold metallic touch of her gun.

“Sweetheart, I’m the only one allowed to pack a weapon in here. Just hand it to me easy and I won’t hold it against you
, the gun that is.” He said sounding remarkably calm for a man with a glock aimed at his reason for living.

“You need to release me and back off. I’m a member of a special team that has been sent in to free you and the others held here. We are taking over this facility and we could use your help.”

“Even if I believed you, Baby, I would be reluctant to help because when you fail, my males would be stuck with the results of that failure.”

“Come on, big guy. We won’t fail, but I need to minimize the risks of any casualties. What’s your name?”

“My name is Zeus. I am a leader amongst the gods.”

“Yes, the
gods being what they call you and the others of your kind that they have made?”

“What do you need, Sierra?”
He asked looking more curious than anything, looking as if he was not yet decided if he would help her or not. A large explosion rocked the building adding a sense of urgency. Even Zeus looked a little more interested in getting out of his cage to see what was happening.

Hurry, come with me.” She said as she held out her hand and as soon as he took it she led him out the door of his room. “I need you to take me along the hallway to the doors to the rooms your males are in so we can open their rooms.” They started going down the hall, one room at a time freeing god after god from their rooms. Intel said there were at least five hundred and all were male. The man who had grown them felt females inferior for his army so none were grown. All males were sexually active and fertile so replacements could be bred as needed. Females were brought in at least monthly as a reward. These were usually contracted woman who were brought in blindfolded so they had no idea where they went. They signed confidentiality agreements and were given no information so they had no information to share.

This facility located deep under the ice in Antarctica
grew soldiers. It had originally started out as some kind of military research facility but was bought by Origin Inc. It was invisible from the air because it blended in with the snow covered terrain. It was only visible from the ground up close if it wasn’t snowing, otherwise you might run right into it before you even knew it was there. The place was massive, used for a multitude of purposes, a listening post, a training base, and finally a research station just before Origin acquired it for pennies on the dollar. After all, who needs an isolated facility in need of updating? The official who sold it to Origin laughed at his cunning, while Origin smiled all the way to Antarctica.

was well known for their work in manipulating DNA in embryos to exclude diseases and to assure the parents choice of sex and other traits. While the average person might not be aware of much of the work that Origin did, the filthy rich were in a position to afford and use Origin’s services. It recently became known to the government that Origin was doing more than just manipulating DNA. They had actually grown their own army of soldiers who they kept like slaves. Those who they found of use were treated well enough but those that didn’t make the cut were often experimented on and even tortured by sadistic guards. They had been given some information on the residents but there were a lot of holes in that information they needed to fill.

It would be nice to be able to say that this raid Sierra was leading was spurred on by humanitarian concerns but the truth of the matter was that Origin had been making deals with terrorists that had attacked US targets
and those of countries friendly to the US, so they were here to neutralize the threat. Zeus and his males were lucky that someone in the military had taken an interest in them feeling that they might be a valuable asset under the right conditions. Had that not been the case, they would have been bombed to hell as the first plan had called for since that would have required the least resources and no risk of failure.

As they continued down the hall opening rooms and adding males to the group going forward with them, Sierra had to admit that a bomb would have caused a serious loss to females everywhere. The males that Zeus led were all sex on a stick. They were OMG gorgeous and would cause any woman who saw them
to have a serious wet dream. As she examined the males around her, she had to say not one was deficient in any way. Zeus seemed to see her attention had gone to some of the other males and he growled, either at her or at the males that were too near her. They must have bred some serious aggression into some of these males. Sierra wondered why they seemed to prefer to be called males rather than men. While they were all superior examples of maleness, she couldn’t see any extreme traits although there were some unusual hair and eye colors and some of them had what she called vampire teeth.

Sierra didn’t get too excited about things like that because while those teeth weren’t usual she knew rare traits could come out sometimes and since this was
what Origin called a stock facility she was sure they had huge samples of DNA available to get whatever traits they preferred. It also occurred to her that if this was a stock facility, there might be other facilities where end ‘product’ was kept. It wasn’t something she wanted to think about, but once this raid was complete, she would discuss it with Mark, her boss.

Sierra was following Zeus now who had taken over the lead. Her eyes kept dropping to his ‘buns of steel’ which flexed nicely as he paced quickly along the hallway
wearing some seriously tight fitting shorts that looked more like underwear than anything else. She wasn’t complaining because she was getting an eye full of something worth paying to see. Once in a while she would jump as one of his males accidentally squeezed something they shouldn’t. She was used to it with regular soldiers who she worked with on missions from time to time and she could understand it from these males who didn’t have regular female company, more. At least none of these guys had bruised her yet. She felt another accidental squeeze but this time she heard a growl and Zeus jerked a guy close to her up against the wall by his throat. He said something to him his voice low and grumbling. She could have sworn he told him ‘she’s mine’.

As sweet as it sounded she was definitely not his. She kept her relationships free and easy refusing to be tied to one man or male as it were. Her current relationship with Colonel Kyler, nicknamed the killer, was waning for her. The man was gorgeous, not as attractive as Zeus, but fabulous by normal standards. The problem was he had become jealous and possessive. It had surprised her because he was rumored to be the love and leave kind of super stud but either the rumors about the trail of broken hearts left in his wake weren’t
true or he was tired of the bachelor life and looking to settle down.

He was going to have to look elsewhere.
She had only fallen into the relationship with him because she worked so much she only had contact with men she worked around. She wouldn’t date anyone in her chain of command, on her team, or assigned to regularly work with her. Kyler was one of the few that was attractive, available, not looking for anything permanent, and didn’t make her break her personal dating rules. So, what was the problem? The sex was good, but she found it impossible to like him because he was an egomaniac and cruel. He wasn’t cruel to her, no he was sweet and thoughtful with her. It was everyone else, excluding superiors, that got the harsh edge of his anger.

They had made it to the section where the labs
were and those who managed the facility worked and lived. She hadn’t seen any damage from the explosion they had heard so she hoped it had happened outside the facility. The hallways were overflowing with freed gods. She saw her nerdy computer specialist in one of the offices and made her way to her. Brandi was beautiful but she worked at hiding it on the job. She had naturally platinum blonde hair that women paid a fortune for in a salon but she restrained it in a bun that was so tight it pulled at her face. She wore no makeup but her flawless skin required none. The baggy black uniform, at least a size too big, disguised her killer curves.

“Hey, bitch. Find anything useful yet?” Sierra asked her.

Brandi looked up and smiled. “We got all their files. I downloaded them all so I’m finished here. Do you know if there is anyplace else files are kept?”

looked behind her at Zeus but decided he wouldn’t know anything like that. She called out to Buzz their communications specialist to see what he was doing and if he knew anything that might help. He answered from right behind her and she almost jumped. She turned around to look at him as Zeus drew nearer. “Hey, Cap, we have all the personnel accounted for. Jim and Zippy are guarding them. Doc is checking out the main lab. She’s like a kid in a candy store. Colonel Killer, I mean Kyler, isn’t sure what to do with all these guys but he wants you to take over the facility and settle everyone in for now.” Buzz was listening intently. “Damn! I’ll let her know.”

“What do they want now?” Sierra asked.

“You’re not going to like this. A snowstorm is coming in so he sent the copters home. We’re stuck here for a few days could be up to a week.” Buzz said with a grimace.

Did you piss Killer off again? Give the poor guy a little.” Brandi said with a smile. It seemed Kyler wasn’t hiding their relationship very well. That was alright because it was ending. As temperamental as he was she was glad he wasn’t in her direct chain of command.

“Okay, let’s get organized. Hey big guy, would you come in here?” Zeus came over
to her.

“This is the deal. We’re all stuck here until this snowstorm breaks. I need to get everyone settled in for a few days and I need a place to stick the people that ran this place. Do they have a jail or retention area?
I also need you to get your males to check for damage from that blast we heard. Get back to us if they find any.”

“They have two retention units for those being punished. Each will hold four if necessary. We can all stay in our rooms but the door locks must be disabled. You will stay with me, she stays with
Ares, he has claimed her. I already have my males checking for damage.”

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