Zeus (Frozen Origin) (10 page)

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Authors: Crystal Dawn

BOOK: Zeus (Frozen Origin)
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It took her a while to relax enough to even think of sleeping but once she had taken a long and relaxing shower, she was nearly there. A warm glass of milk with a handful of cookies got her even closer. It was funny how anytime she had milk and cookies, she thought of her dad. It wasn’t because he had made them for her. He had died when she was young in some kind of drug raid
but her family had never gotten full disclosure. He had finally gotten a hero’s burial once his body had been recovered. Service to their country ran deep in her family and all her sisters served in some form or another. Her oldest sister had given a husband in the name of their country. A widow at the age of twenty one with a young boy to care for, no one was more surprised then Sierra when she wanted to continue in the military. Sierra had talked her into going into something less dangerous than the field work she had been doing. It took pulling in a good number of favors, but her sister had gotten a job that was safe and suited her.

She had proven to be amazing in her new job and it wo
rked well for her since her son went to a military academy and her schedule was flexible enough that she was always available for him when he was on school break. Charlie, her nephew, was a genius who needed the encouragement of his instructors so he could reach his full potential. Her sister had been conflicted but in the end decided it was what was best for Charlie and it was what he wanted. The whole family was proud of that little boy. Sierra was almost asleep when she realized someone was pounding on her door. She drew in a deep breath, something she would never have bothered to do before she met the gods. She could tell it was Way at the door so when she opened it to let her in, she wasn’t surprised to see she was right.

“You went to see Doc, but not me?”

“She was where she was supposed to be, where were you?”

“I was in my office when you arrived but there was a scheduled meeting I thought you would be at.” Way said pointedly.

“No one mentioned it so I went to all the places you might be but when I couldn’t find you, I decided to take the time to rest like I told my team to. Do you know why they sent us back? Was it because of Zeus?”

“Yes and yes. The god is crazy about you. I think he would be good for you too. Give him a chance, Sierra so you can have a better more fulfilling life.”

“What, are you playing cupid now?”

“No, I’m simply not interfering for what you think you want or for what he knows he wants.”

“And, what exactly does he know he wants?”

“You, he wants you as his mate, lover, partner, he will not rest until he has you or he has used up every way he knows to accomplish that. I was loved by a man that way once and there is nothing in this world like it.”

“I’m so sorry, Way. I know you went to pieces when you lost him, almost got yourself killed time after time, but I am not you, and Zeus, well he is not at all like Gus.”

“It’s the love I’m talking about, Sweetie, not the male.”

“Speaking about obsessive males, maybe it’s time for you to cast a glance at a certain sun god. If you can’t pursue your own happiness, why should I take your advice?”

“It’s that old saying about always seeing what’s right for everyone except yourself. Zeus would be good for you and I would swear that male loves you. It’s more than just lust or obsession, his face softens when he speaks of you and I can hear his heart in his voice as he says your name.
His pain when you left radiated from him in waves that even dropped some of his god brothers to their knees when they were around him”

“OMG, Way, you are turning into a romantic wimp of the highest level. What happened to the real Way, what the hell have you done with her?”

“I have always had a romantic bent even when we were kids. I did grow a little cold after Gus died and I raged against the fates for his loss, but I realized I had most of my family still so I needed to get it together and suck it up. You were glad when things got better, you said I didn’t make you cry all the time anymore.”

“You and Gus, wow, you two were really something toge
ther. You were stronger, better than any couple I had ever seen with the love obvious for any and all who looked. I’ll never have that, Way, nor do I expect or look for it. Cut me some slack with the matchmaking tendencies, you know I’ll never take that advice anyway.”

“I just hope you stubborn, mule headed, girl, that you don’t walk away from the best thing in your life because you refuse to acknowledge it.”

“Advice noted, and now that girl time is over, tell me what’s going on here.” With that said, Way went on to explain all that had been happening between Zeus and Kyler, none of it was good. She also said that Doc had been reassigned back to the team where she would stay or go as the team did.

“She will be pissed if she doesn’t get to stay because she has found some interesting things about the gods she wants to research.”

“She didn’t say anything earlier when I spoke to her.”

“You know as a doctor your health comes first. She was probably giving you a chance to rest before she bombarded you with her needs.”

“Is it because of that god that hangs out with her? The one that was found caged down below?”

“Who, Hades? No, she runs away from him faster than you do from Zeus. He also doesn’t have the reasons to go to her lab that Zeus has to see you. Poor guy may die from a heartache. It seems to affect these guys physically when they can’t get to their chosen mate.”

“Don’t lay that trip on me, sister. It hasn’t made you hook up with Apollo.”

“You’re right and it won’t because he’s beating a dead horse.”

“I’ll agree your nose is a tad long, but comparing you to horse is a little much.” Sierra said with a laugh.

Way picked up
a handy pillow off the couch, throwing it at her. “I’m sorry. Are we a little sensitive?” She knew Way was sensitive because she didn’t have the cute button nose the rest of her family did. When she was young she had been teased about being adopted even though she had other features from her parents. Talk moved on to other things while they discussed people they both knew. They just hung out, comfortable with each other from the long standing relationship they had enjoyed. When Way left, Sierra was ready to get that long awaited rest. Just before she made it to bed, a knock sounded on the door. She turned around to answer the door sure that Way had forgotten to tell her something.

“What did you forget this time?” She said as she swung the door open. Way wasn’t standing in her doorway, Zeus was. Her thirsty eyes drank in every inch of him from his soft, wavy black hair to his sanda
led feet. Sandals were the shoe choice of most of the gods if they chose to wear any shoes at all, only while they were inside, of course. When they left the facility, most wore insulated military boots since that was what they had always worn in their past. He was shirtless, which was a surprise since Sierra figured Way would have asked them to adapt to a more businesslike or military type of dress since they had visitors from outside regularly and would have even more often with time.

The male’s naked chest caused her breathing to increase while shivers of heat ran through her. This was not a good thing, she should never be alone with this male. He wore the same shorts he had worn the first time she had seen him, they hid no more of his charms th
an they had before. It should be illegal for a male to tease a female like that.

“May I come in for a moment?” He ask
ed as he pushed his way in without waiting for an answer. He moved to sit on the couch in the small sitting area that most rooms had in addition to the bedroom and the bath. The seating area also had a small table with two stools which she would have felt more comfortable sitting at with him. He patted the couch next to him shooting her a challenging look. She was no fool, that was a challenge she wouldn’t take. She crossed in front of him sitting at the table instead. He raised his eyebrows, clearly surprised at her move and she could almost see the wheels in his head turn as he tried to come up with a different strategy to gain whatever result he was after.

“Sweetheart, are you afraid of me?” He ask
ed glancing meaningfully at the empty space beside him.

“Of course not. I just wanted to give you room to stretch out. You’re such a big guy, after all.”

“Yeah, babe, I am a big guy but I’m not clumsy. I know how to move with skill and precision so you don’t have to worry about me.” She couldn’t miss the sexual undertones in everything he said and it added to her awareness of him. Damn him for being so sexy, so hard to resist, and most of all for forging forward refusing to take no for an answer.

“I’m sure you’re very capable Zeus, but everyone has a personal space so I choose
not to invade yours or to have mine invaded.” She was proud of her answer, let him chew on that for a while.

She barely saw him move, he was so fast as he stopped in front of her pulling her from her chair into his arms. His skin was fever hot as she felt him against her. She was wearing a tank top with no bra and a pair of shorts with no underwear since she had been about to go to bed. It seemed almost like no clothes at all because she could feel him, every hard muscle, every hard line but what she felt most of all was the massive hardness pressed between her legs. She tried to swallow but her mouth and throat had gone dry. Forget talking or even moving since she felt so weak it wasn’t possible to do anything but moan. He was pressed so tightly against her that you could
n’t slide a piece of paper between them. The biggest problem was she liked it, no she loved it, she loved his firm, hard body with soft smooth skin. He smelled like male and sex, making her want nothing more than to experience him first hand.

Oh, my, when had his shorts and sandals disappeared?
She felt an urge to touch him, to stroke his male flesh feeling the heat and the silky skin that covered it. Whenever she was around him she felt like a raging sex maniac thinking of nothing but getting him in bed and staying there for days. She wasn’t paying close enough attention or she would have stopped him when he stripped her of her shirt. His nimble fingers gripped her bared globes holding them firmly so his hot tongue and greedy mouth could devour them. The heat that generated, threatened to consume her as her hands began to explore his shoulders working down to his chest rubbing his already tightly beaded nipples until they were impossibly hard. She was so distracted with his incredible body, hard muscles, and silky skin that she didn’t realize they were both now completely naked.

He had tortured her nipples until they were rock hard but now he eased back taking her mouth like an invading conqueror. He slid his hands down, cupping her ass then pulling her up his body until they were chest to chest. Her legs automatically wrapped around his waist trapping his monstrous cock between them. Had she taken a moment to think things through, his size would have concerned her even though she was dripping wet at this point.
She bucked when his shaft slid along her seam making contact with her clit which sent sparks of pleasure through her. Again her attention wasn’t where it should have been because he had distracted her with pleasure carrying her into the bedroom even as now he placed her on the bed positioning himself on top of her.

Something in the back of her mind begged her to stop, to resist, to hold firm to the belief she shouldn’t, couldn’t be with him like this. It was too late because her body was filled with an aching need that tormented her
, filling her with a desire for him and him alone. He slid his legs between hers positioning himself perfectly before starting to slowly embed his length into her. He paused allowing her to adjust and stretch, only then did he start to move his hips against hers to drive himself in further.

“Oh, God, Zeus you feel so fucking good inside me but I need more.” She moaned as he gave
her what she ask for pushing in a couple inches more. He slid his arms under her knees spreading her wide before easing in even more.

“Just a little more.” He told her with a groan as sweat popped out over his forehead from the strain of holding back.
She promised herself once her body became used to him, he wouldn’t have to hold back like this anymore. Finally he was fully seated in her glorious moist heat, slick with desire for him and only him. She felt his balls rock against her ass as his hard shaft drowned in the silken heat of her core. “Female, you feel like heaven.” He growled as he started to rock in and out so slowly she feared she would come unglued.

Her body tingled all over as pressure built readying for an explosion that would rock her world. He moved faster in reaction to her pleas. “Oh, Zeus, I can’t wait. Faster, baby, faster, that’s it, so good.” Volcanoes were probably like this just before they blew emptying everything inside them. She felt her toes curl as tension stretched her muscles ma
king her reach for something just out of reach. “Oh, dear God. Zeus!” She screamed as she was overwhelmed with a burst of pleasure so strong it temporarily robbed her of the ability to think or even breath. Sierra had never thought such intense pleasure was even possible but Zeus had proven her wrong.

She gasp as her ability to breath returned
just as Zeus yelled out her name. She could feel the hot waves of semen shooting into her and in the back of her mind she realized they had not used a condom. In the front of her mind, his release triggered her second one which was every bit as incredible as the first. They clung together sharing the waves of pleasure, twitching, rocking, and eventually lying still in the comfort of each others arms. She was more exhausted than if she had taken a twenty mile march as Zeus rolled them over settling her over his chest. She closed her eyes just to rest for a moment but it was hours before she opened them again.

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