Zeus (Frozen Origin) (26 page)

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Authors: Crystal Dawn

BOOK: Zeus (Frozen Origin)
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“She’s your sister. How many other sisters do you have?”

“I have eight total, but only Way and Serena are full sisters. The other six are half sisters.”

“Why do you hide your family connections?”

“In the military and the government, it can limit your possibilities. They don’t like family working together. There’s lots of reasons: they are afraid of claims of favoritism, they are afraid family will say they are treated worse because they are family, they are afraid of too many family members dying on one mission, and they are worried that it might give an enemy leverage if they capture the leaders family member. These would all be valid points but after years on the same team, you either love or hate the other members and that’s just like being family.”

“I can understand that.”
He did understand that sometimes you were forced to hide things because of rules that made no sense. He’s seen some movies about that and he’d thought if everyone knew the rules were stupid, why keep them? He’d finally decided it was a human thing and if the gods were ever freed, they would do things differently.

“Why do you act like that’s a surprise?”

“I just didn’t think their reasons would make any sense. You would try harder, risk more to ensure the success of the mission with your family at stake.”

“Like you with your brothers?”

“Yes, like me and my brothers. When we get married will you tell me all your secrets?”

“What makes you think I have any?”

“I know you do, but I don’t even know most of my own secrets because they’ve been hidden from me.”

“In a relationship you learn about each other a little at a time. You may learn something new everyday. We’ll uncover your secrets together as you learn mine. Now let’s call a meeting to let your ma
les know what we found out.”

“About you being Major Dunlevy’s daughter?

“No, about the US military being involved with Origin for years. They are in this up to their necks and they won’t want anyone to know. We don’t just have to look out for Origin, the military is now just as dangerous to us. I don’t think you understand how serious this is.”

“I do, but there’s nothing we can do. I think it bothers you more, because you are part of the military you are now suspicious of. Ares, Poseidon, Ha
des, and Apollo were all with your dad and me on that mission.”

“They knew my dad too, then.”

“Yes, and they would want to know who you and Way are.”

“Way may not want them all to know.”

“They already know you are family. Their sense of smell is as strong as mine.”

“Why didn’t you say anything before?” She asked feeling curious.

“I wanted you to tell me in your own time. Even though I have a lot to learn about you and relationships, I want to marry you right now, but I don’t know what we have to do.”

“You are basically your own country here. You’ll have to decide what a marriage is, what it means then write the rules. You’ll need laws as things happen, you’ll need to set up a governing body and have a judge to decide disputes. You’ll need many things as time passes.”

“I was hoping we wouldn’t have to worry about all those kind of things since we are all family.”

“Sometimes that makes things worse.”
Her com buzzed. “Wait a second.” She said as she listened.

“Buzz says that Sara was caught and Ken is escorting her in handcuffs to the helicopter. One less problem. Next we’ll see if Dave can be trusted or not.”

“Why don’t we take this discussion downstairs?” He said wanting his mate to himself.

“I can see the benefits of such a move.” He took her arm and led her into the hall. He moved to a door that looked like a closet and used the access panel they had installed. It recognized his hand print unlocking the door. They entered pressing the next level down.

“Why have none of your people asked about the lower levels. I know the satellite pictures showed heat signatures when Hades and his men were caged below.”

“I told them
it was something like a tunnel and that someone had stored some type of radioactive materials there that they had been experimenting with. They can’t see the bottom levels anymore because we are blocking the satellites and other surveillance equipment. I denied knowing how you did it or even why you would do it.”

“That’s good but we will be using the second floor for the ball
and they know about it anyway, but then they will now it’s not just living quarters anymore. The demons have been remodeling the third floor for their own use. Lucifer wants separate but equal living arrangements for them. He feels they are too different to integrate fully without some time to adapt.”

“Maybe an adjustment period would help them. They were treated terribly and who knows how bad the abuse was. Once you have funds, you might want to see about counseling for them.”

“Demons don’t want to talk about their feelings, Sierra. That is a lost cause.” He noticed the stubborn look on her face but felt relieved when she let it go for now. He wasn’t stupid enough to think he had won, it was only a temporary reprieve.

They made it to their room, he closed the door. He stripped his clothes
off quickly then turned to remove hers. She was never as quick to undress as he was. He was just in time to unsnap her bra and help her slide off her panties. Bare, he looked at her just enjoying the beauty of her naked flesh. He didn’t care about those small imperfections that obsessed her, he saw the whole picture and thought she was perfect for him just the way she was. He pulled her into his arms loving the way their skin rubbed together sliding smoothly one across the other.

He kissed her mouth deeply before moving on down her neck to her shoulder and to where his hands palmed her breast. His mouth moved over the turgid nipple claiming it as he took it in hard smooth sucks. She moaned from the pleasure he gave her and the pleasure she knew was to come. One hand held her breast to his mouth, the other stroked her back then moved down to cup her
ass which he squeezed gently. He wanted to pull her down on the bed under him and take her like the dark beast inside of him demanded, but he was in control of his wild side. He wasn’t sure she was healed yet and he wouldn’t risk harming her.

He moved his mouth up to her ear whispering, “I can’t wait until I can be back inside you.”

“I saw Doc today and she gave the okay.”

“I want you so much but I’ll go slow for you.”

“Fuck slow! I’ve waited as long as you have.” She pulled him down to the bed lying under him. She arched against him ready to be taken, needing to have him inside of her. She wrapped her legs around him pressing against his hard, hot cock feeling it rub across her entrance. “Now, Zeus. I need you now.”

How could he resist when her need was as great as his
? She was slick and ready as his shaft hit her pussy and slid it slowly. Once he was fully enveloped in her wet heat, he stilled for a moment just to enjoy the feeling of being joined so completely.
She felt so damn good wrapped around him!
He started to move back then sink once more into her tight hold. He moved faster, caught up in the excitement of being back where he belonged. He was joining with his mate in the way he had always intended to. Harder, he slammed into her as she encouraged him to move faster. She was so close she shook with need and her body was tense as she yelled his name when pure bliss washed over her. He froze over her for a moment enjoying the feel as her muscles tightened around him so much he couldn’t hold back. He felt his hot cum milked out of his body, stream after stream hitting her channel. He rolled even as they still jerked against each other, taking them both on their sides so they could sleep.

He felt the calm and the delicious exhaustion making love to his mate always brought, but his mind slowed in stages refusing to give up to sleep right away. He knew the best way to ease it, would be to think everything through. He thought of his own little family unit first.
They were the first parents among his people but would not be the last. According to Doc their sperm was extremely aggressive not a surprising term to use when describing predators. She did say that it had to be a compatible female, whatever the hell that meant. Zeus knew before too long his males would mate as he had, have children, and become small family units inside of their small society. There was a lot that needed done to ensure their continued survival and even more to ensure their success, growth, and prosperity.

Hermes was somewhere, lost in the outside world with no clue left to find him. He knew in his heart he was alive, but not how to find him. Kyler was jailed and most of his team detained or under observation
but who knew how deep his treachery had gone. Mark was gone, but two of his people remained and he wasn’t sure why. The Halloween Masked Ball was scheduled to go on as planned, but danger could lurk around every corner. Maybe he was reckless to move forward, but with the demons attending, he felt much safer.

Tomorrow, he would fight the good fight for his family and his people, but tonight his baby was safe in her cradle, his arms were wrapped protectively around his mate, and he would push his worries aside to be happy with the progress they had made. Tonight he would rest a free family male.



Frozen Origin 2


The girl, well she was a woman, but she gave the impression of being so young and innocent, slipped him a sandwich. He wondered if she would be punished if she got caught, he hoped not. He had been here almost a month while his captors decided what to do with him. They knew the gods would pay any ransom if they had the money, but Origin would as well. He had heard them talk about auctioning him off to the highest bidder, but they feared someone might track the site back to them. They were ambitious for two bit criminals and he was pretty sure if Origin found out their hired help had managed to capture him but had kept it from them, they would be dead. He hadn’t figured out who the girl was yet, but she was kind to him and he felt the urge to protect her. She was in danger just by being here but no one seemed to know or care about it.

Her father had left her a distressed estate and a half brother
who was morally challenged, criminally disposed, and had cruel tendencies. She would make him leave if she didn’t think he would kill her if she tried. Now he had kidnapped this drop dead gorgeous guy who he forgot to feed or take care of. She wanted to help him but she didn’t know how. He said his name was Hermes which was the messenger god. Maybe his parents were hippies of some sort or just eccentric types. She would help him before Keven had his way or it would be too late. She liked him too much to let him be sold to the highest bidder or hurt by being left a captive. His freedom might cost her the miserable life she had clung to, but she would give it to him freely.


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If you want to read more books by Crystal Dawn, check out:

Blue Moon Pack Series

Planet Amazon Series I, II, and III

Cousins of the Moon Series

Legends of the White Werewolf Series 1, 2, and 3,

Keepers of the Land Series 1, 2,
and 3

The Strong Pack Series

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