Zeus (Frozen Origin) (18 page)

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Authors: Crystal Dawn

BOOK: Zeus (Frozen Origin)
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“Okay, I need to draw some blood and I need a urine sample too
, just in case.”

Sierra didn’t ask in case what because it made her nervous to know what it might be. She’d deal with that if it came down to it. She went to get Doc her sample then Doc pulled the blood sample. “Why don’t you go to your room to take a nap, you look tired. I’ll call you in an hour or whenever I know something.”

Sierra didn’t have the strength to fight her so she agreed. It was almost funny how quickly she fell asleep once she hit her pillow. She didn’t want to wake when the com buzzed but she forced herself to. It was Doc and she had the information but wanted to give it to her personally. It made her worry that it was something serious. She hurried to medical though why she couldn’t say. A few minutes would make no difference either way.

Sierra, have a seat while I go over some things with you. You have a mild bladder infection which isn’t serious but needs to be treated immediately.”

Alright but if it isn’t serious, why do you seem so worried about it?”

“I was about to tell you that you
are pregnant. Bladder infections are more common during pregnancy and can be dangerous to the baby. I will treat you for it, put you on prenatal vitamins, and you need to see me regularly. The baby looks to be about thirteen weeks, does that make it Kyler’s?”

“No, I hadn’t seen him for
almost four months before this mission. We were planning on getting together but we hadn’t yet. Because we both went on long missions, we went weeks without getting together. We also used protection, condoms and additional spermicide. Zeus and I had unprotected sex several times, but not that long ago.” She was confused and a little scared. A baby now would be a career killer, of course she had always planned to have one someday, but now someday was soon. “I don’t want to share this information with anyone yet. Just pretend I never came here.”

“I can do that for now but it’s only a matter of time before everyone can see. I’m surprised you
’re not showing more. Now that I’m looking I can see some signs but at around three months I would expect more. Eventually we need to figure out who the father is. If it’s Kyler’s, the baby is underweight and not developed enough, but if it’s Zeus’, the baby is ahead in development and large. The gods are large and grew rapidly but they were on a special diet to boost development. I bet you’re not even eating right or enough under the circumstances. I need to get you on a special diet for the baby’s sake.”

“You can’t order a special diet for me. None of these guys are stupid, they’ll know something is up.”

“Fine, I’ll have your food sent to my room and we’ll start exercising together. I’ll say I’m training for a contest or something. Keep in mind, if this baby is developing rapidly, you may be giving birth in two or three months.”

“I’ll keep that in mind but it won’t change anything.” She left the office only to run into Zeus, literally. Her whole body hummed with electricity the second she came into contact with him.

“Sierra, I’m so sorry. Please give me a chance to talk to you.” He looked pretty miserable but he deserved it.

“You had a chance to talk, but you blew it.”

“I didn’t have much of a chance. You and that wicked witch took over the conversation. She knew I didn’t want her touch, I had told her many times before. I thought if you handled it she might actually leave me be. I was right, even though you are punishing me, she hasn’t come near me since.”

“I am not punishing you.” She said because she was punishing herself as much as anyone. “We are not a couple so I can’t punish you.”

“You are denying me, withholding your company and your body from me, that is punishment. You are putting me through hell.”

“I didn’t le
t a man run his hands over me. What would you have done if I had?”

“I would have beaten him within an inch of his life and proven to you that I was the only one you wanted
but I would never have left you, never.”

“So you wouldn’t have been angry with me?”

“Of course I would be but it wouldn’t turn me from you. Nothing could ever turn me from you. Maybe my feelings are just stronger than yours.”

“I don’t think your feelings could have been stronger than mine were.”

“Were? You’re over them already?”

“I’m tired of talking and I need to get some rest, Zeus. Maybe we’ll talk later.”

Zeus growled, tired of all the talking and concerned about his mate. He moved like greased lightening scooping her up before running down the hall to take her to his room. She was startled grabbing hold of his shirt to stop herself from moving around. He went through the door kicking it closed before marching into his room to drop her on his bed. He fell over her catching himself on his hands so he loomed over her just touching her body all over. She felt his warmth radiating into her body making it hum with need.
Damn him for the way he makes me feel.

He kissed her even though she moved her mouth to avoid him, he just kissed wherever his mouth landed. She could not avoid the fact that she wanted him whether he was a jerk or not. She was hot with desire, something not likely to go away ever with this male. She’d always heard pregnancy could ramp up desire and she was now a believer. Her hormones must be going wild, even more so with what his mouth and hands were doing. There was no way to fight the feelings he caused in her. He knew it a
s he stood removing his clothes watching her carefully for any sign she might run.

She was angry at herself for being so weak as Zeus settled himself over her again kissing her breathless before he slid her shirt off her while he leaned to one side. Part of her mind screamed that sex wouldn’t solve their problems but her body said worry about that later. He popped the front snap of her bra to grab her breast squeezing them gently before moving down to pull her pants and panties down by her waistband. He moved down to untie her tennis shoes before sliding everything off her legs. Now that she was naked, she would have a hard time escaping if she changed her mind.
He started at her toes kissing and licked her instep making her shiver with delight. He continued up the inside of her leg before starting down the other leg. When he was through, he sat back looking at her intently as if waiting for her to say something.

When she remained silent he said, “I want you so much, but this won’t fix what’s broken. I need you to come back to me and commit to us with everything you have. I will give you all that I have, all that I am if you will do the same. The next time a female touches me without your approval, I will throw them at your feet.”

Could she forgive him and move forward. She had more reasons now than ever before but she didn’t want to do this just because of the baby that she believed to be Zeus’. “I would consider what you say, but my situation has changed.”

“The baby?”

“The baby, but how did you know?”

“I can smell the little girl, our little girl,
she is growing in your belly but I would accept her whether she was mine or not.”

It was a good answer, she would give him that. It made her feel loved and wanted. Knowing it was a little girl, made her seem more real. “She
is growing so fast it’s a little scary. She may be here at six months or less.”

“I’ll be there with you every step of the way. We grew much faster than humans too but we all made it alright. She will be okay too.”

There was love on his face, in his eyes as he looked down at her. She raised her hand to his cheek stroking it softly before pulling his face down to hers. She raised her lips to his softly kissing his lips with such emotion that it conveyed the love she held inside for him more strongly than words ever could. The feelings she thought she would never have, overcame her and a single tear slowly slid down the right side of her face. She broke the kiss looking into his eyes while her own were brightened with unshed tears. Love hurt so much even when it was returned because she knew Zeus loved her but neither of them had planned for this child. He thought being a parent easy but he would learn the hard lessons that she had learned watching her sister raise Charlie. Her sister’s husband had died but she had a large group of friends and family that had stepped up to help fill the gap. Being a parent was truly the hardest job in the world. It was a job she and Zeus would now take on even though their relationship was not yet secure and their life was like riding a rollercoaster.

Zeus held her
, kissing her until passion overwhelmed all her feelings of concern. Desire made her reach out for her mate. He understood, taking her like she wanted, giving her what she needed. His touch felt familiar but still exciting. Her core heated in anticipation as her whole body hummed in expectation for his touch. His hands moved over her body stroking her skillfully building her need so she was soaking wet for him. He nudged his knees between her legs opening her wide for him as he lowered his impressive girth slipping it inside her. He slid easily into her welcoming sheath pressing against her  womb once he was fully seated. They both moaned at the wonderful feeling of their joined bodies. She had missed being with him both this way and just enjoying his company, his warmth wrapped around her when they snuggled.

He moved faster but with more caution than he ever had before probably because of her condition. “I won’t break, Baby.” She whispered in his ear. He sped up causing the most delightful friction as he moved
, hitting her from different angles each one more pleasurable than the last. She was overcome with feelings of titillation until he pushed her over the edge of bliss. She screamed and clutched at him needed to hold on for fear of being lost in the delight he gave her. He bellowed as he came slamming into her hard and she felt his hot cum soaking her inside. His teeth sank into her neck which stung but it didn’t bother her at the time, it only sent her into another wave of glorious delight. Her strong vaginal muscles renewed milking the last of his seed from his nearly depleted shaft causing it to become engorged again.

“Are you alright, Sweetheart? Are you ready for more?” It made her feel better that he had missed being with her and
it didn’t seem he had been with another.

“I’m okay but my neck burns a little.”

“It was necessary, Baby. It will complete your change which will help you carry my child. Trust me to do what is best for you and the little goddess.”

In for a penny in for a pound, if she was giving him another chance, she needed to go in all the way.
She had to commit to their relationship and the life they could have, completely. She fell asleep with a slight sting in her neck and hope in her heart.

“Baby, wake up.” A male voice said. She was having the loveliest dream that Zeus was holding her again. Someone shook her so she sat up looking around seeing him before anything else. It came back in a flash, she and Zeus had made up and he knew about the baby. The baby that was growing in her belly like a weed
would be born way before the nine months regular humans were. They would have their share of troubles to deal with but she was going to help him build a good life for all of them. For now it was time to get back to reality, not her favorite place to be.

Zeus took her to the meeting room making her wonder if he had called the meeting because they were back together or if the meeting was already planned but he had brought her because they were together again.
None of the gods looked surprised to see her which annoyed her even though she knew it shouldn’t. It was like he had said she would be back and none of them had doubted his ability to convince her for a moment. The meeting began and they were planning to attack two facilities at the same time. The plan was to rent a plane for one group using the plane they already had for the other. The obvious problem was that they needed a third plane because the facility, in Jamaica of all places, held over two hundred gods, if the preliminary numbers were correct. A secret facility in a tourist destination, that was just crazy. No one could be left behind or they might never be found again.

“When are we going in?”

“There’s no we. You can’t go this time. You have to consider the baby.” A few gods seemed surprised but most must have already known.

“I realize I can’t go where the fighting is, but I can still go to help coordinate the rescue but stay with the copter.”

“We will discuss this later.” Zeus said as he saw all the interested looks they were drawing. Sierra nodded but she didn’t plan to let this go.

The meeting concluded with assignments handed out and a plan to rent another plane in the works. Everyone had their task assigned but her.
Zeus was already trying to shield and protect her which was no surprise, but pregnant wasn’t useless so she wanted to help. She had to admit the pregnancy had hit her hard, the baby’s rapid growth took a lot out of her but she needed to feel useful to be happy. She knew a lot of women would be happy to be taken care of and kept from the worries of life, but that just wasn’t her. Zeus needed to learn to accept that and work with her instead of against her.

She went to see Doc for her regular visit
a couple days later. She wasn’t surprised that the baby’s growth was again exceptional. “You will have this baby between twenty one and twenty three weeks if the growth rate continues. Her development is keeping pace with her growth. I suspect you will be so tired you will be resting more than you’re up in a week or two. You can’t go on any missions or do anything strenuous until the baby comes.”

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