Zeus (Frozen Origin) (21 page)

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Authors: Crystal Dawn

BOOK: Zeus (Frozen Origin)
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He moved his hands to the root of his painfully hard cock and stroked up to the tip, rubbing the sensitive head in smooth circles with his fingers. Now he was ready for the strong, sure strokes that would bring him the relief he sought. He stroked up and down faster
, feeling the pressure building, envisioning Sierra encouraging him to find his release. Harder, faster she would moan, making the need knot in his stomach. More pressure, more friction as the tension built, his muscles stiffening, his body tensing announcing the orgasm that was on its way. He growled as he felt the heated seed released from his body hitting the shower stall in jet after jet, spraying until he was totally drained. He finished his shower quickly now, ready to see his mate and child.

He headed to the room they were staying in on the second floor. He saw them the moment he entered, the bundle of joy in her arms took his breath away and a single tear he couldn’t hold back, traveled down his cheek. It was everything he thought he would never have, freedom, a mate, and a child. He held out his hands to hold Athena while Sierra moved to place her there gently. She looked as much like him as a female child could. Her softer, feminine features made her beautiful as she smiled up at him in seeming recognition. He feared his heart would explode from the joy he found impossible to contain. He laughed in happiness as he pulled the perfect, little person to his chest. Origin had told them someday they would allow them to breed, but until Athena, none of them had been entirely convinced that it was even possible.

“She’s perfect.” He said as he leaned closer to his mate to kiss her as the three of them touched. They were now a family and that’s what they would always be.

“She’s just fed. Let Lucifer take her for a little while because we have an important matter to discuss.” Sierra told him.

“Lucifer, babysitting? Is this for real?”

“Yes, and she loves me. I am her favorite uncle.” Lucifer said sounding a little bit insulted.
He had opened the door coming into the room after a quick knock. Eres followed him in.

“That’s just because I wasn’t here.” Eres said confidently.

Sierra and Zeus left the two of them bickering as they hurried to the meeting room. Eres caught up as they entered it. “I have some tapes you both need to see. We know now what Kyler is up to, well, maybe not all of it, but most of it for sure. Sierra had listening devices and a few cameras placed in the section Kyler and his team are staying in. We avoided bedrooms and bathrooms but caught some unexpected action anyway. You need to watch this without objecting because it is important. If it wasn’t we would have deleted it like we deleted other scenes. Believe me, I’ve gotten to know Kyler and his team entirely too well.” Agnon explained as he gestured for them to sit. He sat too and used a remote to start the tape.

Kyler and Brenda entered from the hallway closing the door behind them. Once they were in Kyler began to instruct her. “Strip!” He said as he began to undress himself. He finished first then moved closer to her. As she removed her panties, Kyler grabbed her hair tightly in his fist pulling her to him for a kiss before pushing her to the floor. “Suck it!” he demanded
holding his cock, stroking it to ready it for her. She slid closer on her knees putting her mouth on the head of his cock then sliding it in. She sucked on it hard, her cheeks hollowing out as she enthusiastically gave it all she had. He rewarded her by pushing her away. “That’s not right. You’re not doing it right.” He said angrily.

“I’m not her, you dumb fucker! She doesn’t fucking want you. I won’t be used as a fill in for a woman you can’t have!”

“You’re trying to develop some guts now, you worthless whore? You’ll do whatever I tell you or I will send you to my friends for some experimenting. I’ve already told you, I’m getting her back soon, her and my baby. You are filling in for a real woman, you stupid bitch so don’t forget it. You’ll put up with it and pretend you like it if you want to keep your freedom. Now come on, let’s get on the bed while you tell me what you’ve found out from all those gods you’ve been fucking.” He dragged her away and Agnon stopped the tape.

Everyone was silent and Zeus saw a shocked and pained expression on Sierra’s face that told him she had never seen that side of Kyler before. Kyler was lucky because if he thought that bastard had ever treated his mate that way, he would just kill him. Agnon pushed the remote again, this time in Brenda’s room where Sam, one of Kyler’s team, was on the couch with her.

“I hate him, Sam, but he scares the hell out of me.” Brenda admitted to him.

“As well he should my lovely lady. That’s one scary man and his friends are even scarier. Let’s hope he let’s us leave after he ruins that ball the gods have planned. Just a couple weeks and we’ll be out of here. He’ll be in charge and he can get a new crew sent in by Origin.
None of those overly trusting gods suspect but I’m a little disappointed in Sierra. I thought she would figure it out but maybe her desire to steer clear of Kyler has affected her ability to see clearly. I feel sorry for her with what he has in mind for her. He’ll get his hands on that child and she’ll have no choice but to comply. I hope we’re gone by then because that’s something I don’t want to watch.”

“I don’t give a shit what he does to that stupid bitch and if the kid’s his
, he has the right to keep it.”

“Sour grapes my dear? Again, the bottom line is
, if the kid that none of us have seen is really his, isn’t it?”

Agnon hit the stop button again. “We’ve got a real problem since Kyler seems to work for Origin. It’s also clear he is certain the baby exists and wants her to control Sierra. Even if he knows she isn’t his, he will use her and if he knows she’s not his, he may not treat her so well. We need to take action before the ball or it will be ruined causing us troubles we don’t need. How did we not see this before?”

Sierra was silent looking almost ashamed. She probably felt guilty for her involvement with the man, but Zeus didn’t blame her. They would have to find out more before they came up with a plan, but the first thing to do was reduce Kyler’s team. He had a ten member team originally but two members had left during an attack. That left eight members including Kyler and Ron who was heading back to Washington to see his dying mom. Of the remaining team, no one knew exactly what most of the members did. His communications expert, a guy named Colin, needed to go first. They started by locating him and set a god to watch him for a few hours. They would take him out when he settled in for the night.

Agnon had several tapes he wanted them to watch. He cut out all the superfluous parts so they would look at only what was important. Kyler had been a very bad boy and they were now playing catch
up. After watching a couple hours of tapes, Zeus was ready to kill Kyler. Hercules would handle the capture of Kyler’s team a member at a time and the time was right to take Colin. He was asleep in his room when Hercules and Agnon slipped in with a cloth treated with something Doc assured them would keep him out for a while. They knocked him out, packed his personal stuff, and took him down below. Pedro’s pilot was upstairs in the cafeteria eating and he would catch some sleep before he took Colin to Pedro to be stashed until they decided what to do with him.

It wasn’t until the next day that Kyler noticed he was gone. “Where is Colin?”
He demanded clearly pissed off as soon as he saw Zeus.

“Who is Colin? I don’t have a god by that name.” Zeus said calmly looking Kyler in the eyes.

“Colin is on my team.”

“Then why would I know where he is? I don’t track your team.”

“The hell you don’t. You know where everyone is all the time.”

“I don’t know where your people are except when they are around mine.” Zeus got on his com asking his gods if they knew where Colin was.

“I saw him headed outside last night. He was talking to the pilot we hired to fly the helicopter we use.” Eres said like they had agreed on.

“Anyone see where he went when he came back in?” Zeus asked his males.

“No one saw him come back in.” Eres answered. “Are we supposed to watch his men for him?”

“No, Eres. It’s just a courtesy to be sure
Colin didn’t get lost outside. Can you reach the pilot to see if he knows anything?”

“Yes. It will take a little while. I’ll get back to you as soon as I know something,” Eres said.

“There you go, Kyler. We will help all we can. Have you checked the cafeteria and his room?” Zeus asked innocently.

“I’m not a newbie, I know how to find a man.”

“Doesn’t look like you know how to keep one.” Zeus said as he walked off. Thirty minutes later he called Kyler. “The pilot said your man asked to ride out of here with him. He said he was afraid for his life. What the hell does that mean?”

“Maybe he has woman trouble. It can be hard for a man to be alone, but harder sometimes to be with some of the women on your own team.” Kyler said calmly but his face looked anything but calm. Zeus hoped Kyler would believe his man had fled on his own. Either way, it would hurt the cohesion of his team as a whole.
That could only work in their favor while they tried to take Kyler down.

Zeus went to the meeting room which Buzz was scanning for listening devices or cameras daily. Since it was well guarded, no one was getting near it, but better safe than sorry. It was sad that they hadn’t put Kyler and his team under
tighter surveillance right away, he would already be gone if they had. Eres had the remote this time and he started right away. He had already pulled up something for them to watch, a discussion between Kyler and Brenda in Kyler’s living room.

“Are you sure Colin left on his own?” Brenda asked.

“If they knew anything, they would call Washington and they would be here to arrest all of us.”

“Maybe they know, but they aren’t sure how far the conspiracy goes?”

“What do you know, anyway? I keep you around to fuck, not to think.”

Zeus could see the tears forming in Brenda’s eyes and he could actually feel sorry for her if she wasn’t such a cold bitch to others. Kyler wasn’t any worse to her than she was to those she used.
He needed to keep it in mind so he wouldn’t get the protective feeling women and children brought out in him and always had. He flinched a little when Kyler back handed her, no one deserved to be abused. He wished they didn’t have to make these tapes because he wished he didn’t know what was going on behind those closed doors.

They needed to see what Kyler would do now. It was time to target another member of his team
. He decided one of the men whose job was unknown, Johnny, would be next. Johnny looked like he could fight so he might not be as easy to get as Colin had been. Eres followed Johnny for hours until he finally turned in to sleep for the night. Hercules and Eres slipped into the room once they were sure he was asleep. They slipped up to his bed, placing the treated cloth over his face. It was good that there were two of them because Johnny didn’t go easy. He woke before the cloth was in place sitting up and starting to throw punches immediately.

The man was built like a god at six foot four, he looked like a
weight lifter which showed with the strength he was using against them. He had no hope of winning, but he refused to give in without a fight. He was probably the only member of Kyler’s team any of them had ever respected because the man kept to himself and never showed disrespect. Eres hoped the man would get a break when this was all over with. One thing a god could understand was being forced to do your duty.

They subdued him then carried him to the elevator while Agnon kept Kyler and the rest of his team away. Once down to the second floor, they put him in a cage guarded by demons to wait for the helicopter to come back.
This time their luck didn’t hold out for them, Kyler missed Johnny much quicker than he had Colin. He came looking for Zeus an hour later, but Zeus and Sierra had turned in for the night. He talked to Ares instead, who had little to tell him except that Dione had passed Jonny going to the cafeteria but didn’t know where he went after that.

“He can’t be gone, there’s no copter here. Something is going on around here. You need to search this place from one end to the other and find my man.”

“That was Eres saying the helicopter came and left right away with a passenger who said he had a family emergency. What’s going on with your team, Kyler? Are they falling apart from being stuck inside too long? Should we call in a shrink for you and your team?”

“No!” Kyler shouted before stomping off.

Eres had gods watching Kyler so that as soon as he knew where he had gone, he could have Buzz send his computer the camera or sound so he would know what Kyler was up to. He went straight to Brenda, so Buzz routed the feed to Eres’ computer.

“Johnny’s gone now. Either we have a growing rebellion on the team or the gods know we’re up to something.”

“Well it can’t be that since I suggested it and you told me how stupid I was.”

Kyler back handed her again, harder than usual because it split her lip. “If you were smart, you would keep that big mouth shut except when it’s wrapped around my cock, you stupid bitch.”
They continued to talk but it was about sex so when they started screwing, Eres shut it off. Maybe Brenda needed to go next.

“That’s everything that happened last night after you went to bed, Zeus.” Eres explained once he had gone through it all step by step.

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