Zeus (Frozen Origin) (6 page)

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Authors: Crystal Dawn

BOOK: Zeus (Frozen Origin)
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“I must speak with you privately.” He said as he pushed her backward so he could enter. He closed the door then turned and walked forward as she slowly backed up. She hit the chair next to her bed half falling into it as he took the one beside it.

“You told me we would govern ourselves once we received the help to learn how to. Is this true?”

“You know I wouldn’t lie to you. You will get a
n advocate who will help you. The governments who have helped free you will ask things of you. You should try to get the most concessions out of them for the things you do. You have a commodity they want since you are an independent group with serious battle skills. Your advocate will help you get what you need. At first they will be generous but it won’t be long before they expect more from you. Don’t waste your opportunities on frivolous things. Decide what you need first, what you want second. You have no food, water, or other necessities. See to those first  and hide things like your special abilities and your door in the basement from those who come after me. They will not hesitate to take advantage or even take control to get what they want.”

“I thank you for your help but more than anything I need you to stay.” He looked in her eyes with the desire he felt
, knowing his eyes glowed at her.

“That’s something else you can’t do. The glowing eye thing will make them suspicious of you and you
r abilities.” He noticed she ignored his statement of how he needed her. Maybe this advocate could help him to keep Sierra and her team here with them.

“I will tell my males to hide those things that aren’t human.”

“One more thing, Kyler will be here with his team. Never trust him further than you can throw him because he is not here to help you. He is here to serve our government in whatever way he can. He will resent you the moment he sees you because he is usually top dog, when he faces you he will feel inadequate and he doesn’t like it.”

“He is your lover?” He asked even though he knew and it twisted him up inside because she belonged to Zeus not Kyler. It was something he would prove to her then
to everyone else.

“He was but it’s not going to work out anymore.”

“He will not enjoy being kicked out of bed.” Zeus said with a smile even though jealousy was eating him up. At least she was breaking it off with this man who no one, not even her, seemed to like.

“He’ll be here in the morning. Try to find your advocate first so you can speak to them before any others. I think it will be
Waverly, she’s a friend of mine. I call her Way but she may not want others calling her that. If you get her, you’ve got it made. She’s smart and good at what she does so she’ll take good care of you and your males.” A sad half smile ghosted across her face letting him know she would miss him. He’d rather she would stay so she wouldn’t have to.

He knew he had no reason to stay any longer but he wanted to linger in her company. He stood so she stood too as he thought she would. He moved in so fast she couldn’t move away
, pulling her into his arms. He felt her heart flutter, her pulse pound, her breath speed up, and her heat rise. Yes, this was how it should be when he was near his mate. He lowered his lips teasing hers with the barest of brushes while his hands stroked her back gently. He came back to her lips, pressing, sliding his tongue along the seam between her lips then sinking it in when she allowed it. He explored the recesses of her mouth and played with her tongue mercilessly. It felt so good he never wanted it to end as she clung to him no longer putting up any resistance. He slid his hands under her shirt then moved down to her ass to grab two soft handfuls and squeezed firmly. He pulled her up until she twined her legs around his waist to hang on while he did his worst. He rocked his hips causing his heavy erect cock to press firmly against her wet aching seam and brutally hit her clit.

He waited for her protest while he hoped she was beyond
thinking, wishing only to feel. She moaned which told him she wanted him and at least was considering taking the plunge with him. It had to be enough that he knew she wanted him, because somewhere she found the will to ask him to stop so he did. His cock dripped with the sign of his need but he honored her by stopping when she asked. He dropped a chaste kiss on her mouth turning to leave before he lost all control. He tried to assure himself she would be his soon, but he felt no better. He needed to have her soon, or he would explode or at least his over hard cock would. He rushed to his room going straight to the shower to ease himself. It would be a small relief, but relief never the less.

He set the water as hot as he could bear which he imagined was how his mate’s skin would be once they got past the foreplay. He soaped up with his usual manly smelling body wash that w
orked as shampoo too. He reached low to grab his balls rubbing them firmly. He moved up to grip his staff with his strong hand sliding it up and down slowly but picking up speed as he went. He moaned deep in his throat as his mind conjured a picture of Sierra that he held onto as he continued to stroke himself from root to tip enjoying the slide of the slippery soap as he continued to move his hand. Faster and faster his hand moved up and down bringing him to the verge of release until he finally went over the edge with a yell as his hot cum poured out in an endless stream until it coated the wall before him. He rinsed off feeling a little less pressure and no longer aching as much for his mate. Oh, he still needed, wanted, and was developing a bond for her despite his inability to take the next step but he had eased his need for a little while. He went to his room lying down in his bed wooing sleep because he would need the strength in the morning. He moved restlessly for a short time before he sank into the depths of a restful slumber.

The morning that would see the arrival of more humans dawned like any usual day. He went in search of Sierra wanting to be with her knowing
they would try to send her away today. He dressed before going to the cafeteria which was where he would find Sierra for breakfast. He was there before her but he knew it wouldn’t be long. He wasn’t looking forward to meeting Kyler fearing he would want to kill him for touching his mate even though it was before he had known her. When it came to Sierra, he wasn’t reasonable, he might even be a little crazy. He felt her before he even saw her and as he turned his breath caught in his chest as he reacted to her closeness. Even without the final bonding, he felt totally committed to her to the point that he couldn’t imagine them being any closer.

She sat down by him with her plate full of food surprising since she rarely ate that much. She must feel the need for strength to handle what the day would bring. They were done eating when she mentioned she wanted to talk to Hades about what had happened to him. He wondered why since she wasn’t intending to stay with him. His intentions were to
get her to stay or get her back if that didn’t work but her intentions seemed to be to leave without ever coming back. He tried not to feel rejected even though that was easier said than done.

“What do you wish to know?” Zeus asked her.

“I want to ask him why he was being kept below in cages. What was he and the others being punished for?”

“They refused to kill children. None of my kind would
ever do so.” Her com was making sounds.

She adjusted it before speaking into it
then she turned to him. “They are here.”

He didn’t have to ask who or what their arrival would mean
. He followed her to the landing pad to meet the new arrivals. There were four big copters that landed and none of them were theirs making him wonder where Hercules and his team were. He recognized Kyler as soon as he stepped off the copter as if he owned the world. He took an instant dislike to the man beyond that of jealousy from his intimate knowledge of his mate. He examined him trying to figure out what Sierra might see in the man remembering she had never seen a god before she met him. He supposed he was tall for a human at six foot three and his shoulders were fairly broad proportionate to his height. His hair was blond but buzzed so it added little to his looks. His eyes were artic blue, cold with little feeling showing until they lit upon Sierra.

The heat that filled them made Zeus want to pound him until he no longer moved but he knew he had to hold back. The lack of feeling on Sierra’s face helped him keep control even when Kyler came forward like he was going to hug her. She stepped back keeping him the distance that one might an acquaintance rather than a lover.

“What’s wrong, Sierra? You’re acting like we don’t even know each other.” He said with a hurt look on his face. “I know I should have tried harder to get you and your team out earlier but it worked out for the best, didn’t it?”

“It certainly did.” She said sarcastically. Now for the first time he seemed to take notice of Zeus and his men.
His eyes narrowed as he looked around then came back to rest on her face.

“Tell me you didn’t get your funk on with one of these…these guys.” He said clearly remembering himself before he said anything out of line.

“It would be none of your business, but no, I haven’t got my funk on. Nor do I intend to do so anytime soon.” She said pointedly. He didn’t take it personally since he realized it wasn’t aimed at him, but Kyler didn’t take it well at all.

“You don’t mean that Sierra. I know we decided not to get serious, but I want to change that. I’ve missed you more than you can imagine.” He stepped forward again as she stepped back and away from him. “Is it one of them, have you become interested in him?” He asked pointing at Zeus.

“I’ve simply decided to move on Kyler and the fact that you’re doing this here, shows me it’s the right thing to do.”

“You and you
r team are leaving within the hour and I’ll see that you never come back here. You’ll come crawling back to me when you realize you can’t have him.”

“Kyler, you’re a fool. I plan to leave here with the understanding I’m not coming back. That was always the plan but now you’re acting like it’s a punishment?
You’re not even my boss and neither I, nor my team, answer to you.” She walked away toward another female who was waiting with her mouth slightly agape.

“You go girl.” She whispered to Sierra. “Give it to the bastard.” Sierra gave the female a hug.

“You take care of these males for me. They deserve a break.”

“You know I always put my clients first. It’ll be okay. I wish you could stay
, we have so much catching up to do. Maybe when I take my next vacation we can paint the town red.”

“You know where I am most of the time. I have to go load up but I’ll find you to say goodbye. Keep an eye on Kyler, he’s an ass.”

“I remember him from other cases. I’m not likely to forget with some of the things he’s tried to do. Don’t worry, sweetie. He can’t be good enough in bed to make up for all the shit you’d have to put up with.”

“We didn’t spend any time together except in bed.” Sierra said with a cheeky grin. It hurt Zeus to hear her speak about being with Kyler as if the sex was good. It wouldn’t be anything compared to what he would make her feel. It was time to get the
plan going to get his and Ares’ mates back.

Sierra went past him to get her stuff so he went up to Waverly to talk. “I need to speak to you about what we need if you’re our advocate. I wish to waste no time getting things straightened out.

“I assume you’re the leader here and that Sierra gave you a heads up about what to expect?”

“Yes, she told me a few things to help me. Do I have to deal with that jerk?”

“I’m afraid so but he doesn’t make the final decisions. If he becomes to
o much of a problem, we go over his head. He isn’t my boss, you are.”

He led her away while Kyler just watched them go with a bemused look on his face. Zeus told Ares to assign males to keep an eye on the new humans. There were about
twelve of them, three females the rest males only eight plus Kyler would be staying the rest had come to deliver food, water, and equipment. Only Doc and two others that assisted in the lab remained behind. Sierra found them a few moments after they settled in to start their talk. She said goodbye to Waverly emotionally while he and her said an awkward goodbye. He wanted to hold her but knew she wouldn’t allow it so he just shook her hand. That was just wrong to him that he said goodbye to her in such a cool unemotional way. His heart ached as he watched her walk away but he promised himself he would soon get her back.

“So, Zeus, tell me what you want.” Waverly said with a smirk on her face as she looked to the door Sierra had just exited.

“I want her back, her and her team, instead of all these new people. Do what you have to but get them back as soon as possible.”

“You know that’s going to piss her off, right?”

It was his turn to smirk. “I’m sure there’ll be fireworks and you’ll have to go around that dipshit that came here to take charge. I’m sure it won’t be the last time either. I can tell he thinks he’s going to run things around here but that’s not going to happen. I’ve been watching some news feeds in the ex-manager’s office. I know there are rumors making the rounds about us but no one knows for sure what is going on. Is it in our best interest to offer someone an exclusive to get our story out there the way we want it told? We could just give them enough information to make it worth their while. I understand public opinion can go a long way toward helping us meet our goals.”

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