Zeus (Frozen Origin) (5 page)

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Authors: Crystal Dawn

BOOK: Zeus (Frozen Origin)
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Beneath the feathered blanket
he was laid out on were furs. The outside of the boxlike container was painted and covered with scenes of hunting and fighting with Cronos actively participating in both. She didn’t know what to make of him or the drawings on the cave walls. She pulled out her cell phone which she was in the habit of carrying even though it was useless here, and took pictures she would send to a friend who was an archeologist as soon as she had a chance. She was careful not to include Cronos in any of the pictures.

Even though he was exquisite, she felt no stirring of desire which surprised her. She had felt nothing for any of the gods since shortly after she had arrived. Any save Zeus
, who she desired with a fierceness that worried her, consumed her. She had heard of women becoming obsessed with men before, but never in a million years would she have thought she would be one of those women. Her mind should be on the current situation, not on how tempting Zeus looked or how much she wanted to touch him with her fingers or even her tongue. An ache between her legs started then grew more painful as her eyes devoured him inch by glorious inch.
This has to stop!
She thought it but couldn’t seem to manage it especially once his eyes captured hers, he wouldn’t look away and she couldn’t.

This is insane!
Heat rushed through her body but they weren’t even touching. His eyes fucking glowed, there was no longer any doubt in her mind as she looked right into them. What the hell did that even mean? They had just made an amazing discovery, were in the middle of making major decisions, and she couldn’t look past her libido and the reason it was running rampant. At least it seemed that he was suffering from a similar dilemma as his eyes hadn’t left her either.

“Sierra? Are you alright?” Doc asked as Sierra tried to break the connection she had to Zeus so she could answer Doc. It took every bit of strength and resolve to do so
, leaving her with a headache for her effort.

“Yes, I’m fine. Just a little tired but I’ll catch up on my sleep tonight.”

“Liar! You never stop working. Don’t think for a minute I’m not aware that you’ve been staying up late going through the computer files. You need to learn to delegate. The male members of the team are acting like they’re on spring break. They spend most of their time playing games and drinking with the gods in that rec room they have.”

“I’m aware. You know we were told not to proceed and to just wait for replacements.”

“I know but those orders are just crazy. Anyone would want to get into this and gain knowledge.” The two women smiled at each other. They knew they were alike in their pursuit of the truth, a higher than usual moral character, and a deep commitment to doing the best they could. They were also different in their areas of interest because Sierra thought if it wasn’t medical or biological, Doc didn’t even want to hear about it. Sierra on the other hand, didn’t mind hearing about medical information but she preferred the condensed version. She wasn’t a genius like Doc nor was she a specialist in any area dealing with biology but that didn’t mean she wasn’t smart enough to follow most of the things that related to the missions she had gone on so far. She wasn’t sure if that would be true of this mission. It looked like this situation might be way over her head intellectually because there was some serious shit going on with what might be alien DNA.

It was a lucky thing that Doc, who was a specialist in DNA of all kinds and a geneticist as well as a medical doctor, no need to mention genius again, was along for the ride. It looked like it was going to be an interesting one even if it was a short one, for her but not for Doc who would be staying behind when the rest of the team left.
It was hard to say who was the lucky one; Doc because she could stay to explore her interest in Hades which no matter how much she denied it was obvious, or Sierra who would escape before she fell into a trap where her desire might cause an addiction if acted on.

Chapter 2

All Mine

It was a challenge to be him, to be in charge of those so much more than human that had been restrained, cheated as it were, of their freedom to be all they could be
and have what they wanted most of all. What would you think was the thing that these males he was in charge with wanted most? It shouldn’t be hard to guess what an alpha male strong, smart, and capable would wish for to make his life complete. Yes, it was a mate but one who was capable too, for not just any female could manage a male like that. She had to be smart enough to carry on a conversation, strong enough not to be broken, desire sex often enough to keep up, and have both character and backbone. Beauty, that was in the eye of the beholder and his males and he didn’t often agree what made the perfect female. It seemed they all liked different things in a female so they agreed to disagree and each pursued their own personal type.

Each male had in his mind certain qualities that he thought he would desire but those were subject to change since all females had a beauty of their own. Sierra was
his perfect female though he would have said before he met her that stubbornness and resistance to his sex appeal wouldn’t be traits he would enjoy, he found that the chase and the hunt excited him. It excited him more so because he knew his victory was assured not so much by the mating ritual he enacted while she slept each night, but by the results that ritual revealed to him. The ritual itself only tested compatibility or so he’d been told by the scientists that had studied it when some of his males had accidently bonded with females brought in to give them relief. It also made some small changes to a female if she was compatible.

To truly and completely bond with Sierra, he would have to inject her with a massive dose of his venom which would be done during sex so it would not be so painful. The small doses he gave her just tested to see if she could tolerate it and prepared her for the large dose he would give her eventually. The thought excited him and he felt his aching cock stretch and lengthen even more. Massive by human standards, a lover had told him it was porn star length
. He had been with human females enough to know she could take it and enjoy it. Once they were mated she would go through some physical changes, maybe they had started already from the small amounts of venom he had given her.

He closed his eyes imagining she was right next to him. The first thing he
would notice was her sweet feminine smell. It was like honeysuckle mixed with musk, sweetness and sex all rolled up in one beautiful package. Soft brown eyes that looked like his favorite chocolate except when they sparkled with humor which was often when he was around. He wasn’t sure if he made her laugh in a good way, or if she found him amusing in a bad one. Her mouth looked so tasty he just wanted to suck on her full bottom lip to sample it. Her lips were red, her cheeks often rosy, more so when he was around and he had to admit he enjoyed making those cheeks turn that lovely rose shade as often as possible. Her hair was long so she often wore it braided or in a ponytail. It was brown, wavy more than curly, and highlighted with shades of red and gold. When he looked at her he saw the most desirable female he had seen or could even imagine.

She wasn’t tall, like he once thought he wanted but she was in the average range at five foot six. She had enough on top to fill his big hands and her ass filled them the same way. Her skin was paler than his looking lightly tan. She wore her nails short, but he bet they could still leave some beautiful scratches on his back if he made her loose control.
He thought about that often, making her lose control that is. Since he had met her she had been good to his people. She even helped them find Cronos before the others came so they would never know he was there.

Now they had discovered where their father was for better or for worse. If he was accepting to them, they might find out what they were truly capable of but if he was against them, he would have to be destroyed. Zeus hoped he was with them since all they wanted was to live in peace with each other and the world. He knew Sierra wondered why they had accepted their lot in life without fighting back. She never asked but in her place he would wonder. It was simple really because things for them could have been so much worse. Had they all been held and mistreated like Hades had, they would have fought every day with all they had to gain their freedom. Since they were treated well as far as slaves go, they waited patiently for the right time when they were sure they would win and when they would have help
to take their place in the world. They were loyal to each other, as brothers often were so the threats Origin made to punish them all for mistakes one made, were taken seriously. No one wanted to be the cause of pain to their brothers, no one.

You are thinking of her again, my friend.
Ares sent the message mind to mind.

I find I can think of little else. I ache to claim her, need just to touch her. She denies me at ever
y turn.
Zeus answered his friend who was a brother to him.
How goes your pursuit of her friend?

I make even less progress than you. Are all human females like these two except the ones that worked for Origin?

I don’t know but for the sake of our brothers I hope not.

Another voice entered their mental conversation.
The one they call Doc seems just as bad if not worse. Once I was healed she wanted only rid of me. She wouldn’t speak, ignoring me as if I wasn’t there.

Hades, it was so good to see you alive, brother. We were told you and those with you had died on a mission.

We wished many times while we were caged that we had. The mission was to take out an orphanage so the government and their western allies would be blamed. Once we knew the target, we refused to proceed. Those in charge of the mission thought a quick death was not punishment enough. The sadistic SOBs tortured us within an inch of our lives. The dead you saw show their estimate of what we could stand was not always accurate. A doctor was added to the group to keep records so they would better know what to expect when they send gods into the field.

I am sorry
I let you and your males down. Had we known, we would have found a way to free you.

It wasn’t your fault, Zeus. You carry our troubles on your back as if they are your own. No one blames you, we rejoice that we were found and freed. It was worth our suffering
to come back as free males. What made you search the sublevels?

That was my mate. I just went with her to keep her safe. She does as she wishes refusing to allow me any control. I was glad in this case or we would have found you too late.

It was fate’s intervention. Where is Poseidon? I’ve not seen him yet.

He follows another of my mate’s team around looking for crumbs of affection.
She is no easier to mate maybe more difficult since she was interested when they first came but he hesitated to pursue her due to his history. Once he saw he needed her, she felt rejected so now she avoids him at all cost.

What of Hercules?

He was on a mission with the others on his team. I believe the snow that trapped my mate’s team here has prevented his from returning.

All three gods were quiet now
that they had covered what was important. They all three had their own personal goals to meet as well as being at the top of the leadership hierarchy. The females that worked for Origin were easy to deal with since they just claimed gods according to rank. The manager had claimed Zeus and while he had little interest in her, she had eased the physical pain that lack of sex would cause him and taught him what pleased some females. He was glad that she was imprisoned and would be punished for her part in enslaving his males. Hades, Poseidon, and Ares had also been used by ranking females below the manager. Visiting females made use of the other gods leaving the largest group of gods with the females brought in by Origin for the purpose of sexual release. Driven by need alone, the gods had no choice but to find release where they could.

Things were different now and Zeus wanted a mate for each of his gods. Why could they not find their other half as humans did on the movies they watched on TV
? Since gods had to interact with humans on some of the missions as well as to provide a way to relieve boredom, Origin had allowed movies to be shown in the recreation room. It had shown a world the gods desperately wanted to be part of but couldn’t be. They might not get all the things shown on TV, but there was no longer any reason they couldn’t have their own slice of happiness.

He wasn’t sure where his Sierra was but he knew she was probably working through the computer files trying to understand all that origin had done here. He had much better hearing than she thought he did, his enhanced senses had allowed him to keep up with everything her team had done or tried to do. What he had seen and heard had made him sure she could be trusted
and that she had their best interests at heart. Some of her team had been tempted to take advantage of them, to use what they were to further their own efforts but she had convinced them not to. He wanted to make their mating permanent but even though he was sure through her actions and words that she was ready to be his mate, she had not realized it yet.

The storm was abating making him believe that Hercules and his team would return, but also worrying him that the replacement team wou
ld arrive so his mate and Ares’ mate would leave. He needed to talk to his female to see what he could do to get his way without letting her know what he wanted. He closed his eyes to see if their attraction was strong enough to let him know where she was. He got a general location which made him think she was in her room. He went down the hall to her room knocking on her door. He heard a flurry of activity as she hurried to open it. She wore only a sleep shirt and if he was right, nothing underneath. An aching need shot through him but he forced it down.

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