Divine Ecstasy (The Guardians of the Realms Book 8) (26 page)

Read Divine Ecstasy (The Guardians of the Realms Book 8) Online

Authors: Setta Jay

Tags: #erotic paranormal romance

BOOK: Divine Ecstasy (The Guardians of the Realms Book 8)
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Laire moved to follow, and the cats turned in unison to hiss at her warrior.

“My Goddess?” Laire queried, surprised. They’d never done anything like that to Laire, they liked the warrior. Whatever they wanted her to see, it was to be done alone.

“I will be right back. Make sure the servants are okay.” She gave him a look and then assured him, “I’m not helpless, Laire, and you know they’d never allow me to come to harm. I’ll be back in a moment.” She added a smile and headed in the direction of the massive garden maze behind her beasts.

Chapter 29


Hades’ Island, Tetartos Realm


Hades pulled his naked female into his arms. Her skin was still warm and supple from the shower. “Better,
agapi mou
?” He’d done his best to ease her worry about the fate of the world, but he knew it was still in her mind.

“I know you’re right. Something could happen in days or centuries,” she agreed.

“And nothing ever said the world would end. The Creators only said that the Gods would be needed.”

She seemed to ease at that. “And if these are my last days, I plan to make them all special,” she said with determination.

“They’re not the last. I promise I will keep the world safe. I’ll keep you safe,” he growled before leaning down to nuzzle her neck.

“You always smell edible,” he growled.

Her hands lifted to his hair, and without a thought he moved his head into her tunneling fingers, closing his eyes at the pleasure of her touch.

Aphrodite had been right, having a soul bond seemed to make everything more incredible, more intense. Each touch was more powerful than anything before. And the desire to care for and please his female gave him more joy than anything he’d ever experienced. Their bond was addictive. And nothing could take it from him. He would make sure the world was protected when he was needed.

He lifted her up into his arms and carried her toward the patio doors.

Her arms slipped around his neck and held him as she smiled. “Where are we going?”

“To talk,
agapi mou

“Outside?” she asked as he sent a thought out to span the doors wide.

He smiled. “Yes.” They’d come back to the island because both wanted some quiet after dealing with the possessed. But he knew his female liked open spaces, so he would talk with her as the sun set over the water.

He retracted his wings and sat beside the table out there with her snuggled in his lap, her legs over the arm of the chair as his other held her back. Her dark eyes twinkled as she watched him.

“What is it?” she asked.

He grinned down into her beautiful face. “I want to know if you’d like a mating ceremony,
thisavre mou


So that was what Hades and Bastian had been talking about before the possessed arrived. Sacha had been trying hard not to focus on his emotions, thoughts, while speaking to Tasha. She wondered if her son worried that she’d been cheated out of something. That made her smile. Her male would never allow her to feel as if she’d missed anything.

With a soft smile she answered simply, “No.” She wouldn’t want her sisters fussing with her, and she’d never enjoyed being made the center of attention. None of that was comfortable for her.

He assessed her closely, and her heart truly felt like it would swell out of her chest. He loved her so deeply that it was there inside their connected souls. It was beautiful. And she planned to live her life enjoying every moment with him.

“The world is yours for the asking, Sacha. You realize that?”

She did and let out a soft sigh as she gazed at the beauty of her male. He was everything a male should be: sexy, immensely strong, amusing, and unapologetically loving.

His grin widened. “As much as I love that you see all of my colossal attributes, our sharing of emotions will always make it difficult to surprise you,
agapi mou

“I’m not overly fond of surprises,” she said with a cocked brow. And she wasn’t. It seemed her son had filled his mind with the notion that she needed more than what they had. She was happy and she couldn’t think of anything else she’d want.

“What about marking my chest in your tradition?”

She’d known it was coming, but that didn’t prepare her for the impact of the words from his lips. “You would want that?” Hades rarely wore a shirt, and if he took the traditional mark of a mated male, it would be visible for all to see.

“This surprises you?” he said, grinning wickedly.

She couldn’t help returning the smile. He brought a finger up to graze the corner of her lips. “I like this,” he growled.

Her smile widened before she nipped at his thumb. “You know the mark would cover your entire chest?” she pointed out, but she didn’t know why she asked because she didn’t want him to be marked like that.

“You don’t?” he said with a raised brow.

“No.” She thought as she eyed him. Yes, a part of her wanted the world to know he was hers, but at the same time, she didn’t want him to bear the same mark as so many others.

“What mark would you like,
agapi mou
?” He was serious.

She considered it for long moments as the horizon lit with pink and orange.

Her mind turned it over, and she kept picturing the tattooed wings on Brianne’s back. They were done to mostly match her very real wings. Sacha had always thought them stunning.

And since Hades had so easily chosen to live in the human Realm with her, he’d have to hide his wings most of the time. Same for patrolling possessed anywhere in Earth Realm. That meant at least part of the time that sexy part of him would be secreted away. If he was willing to take a mark on his body, she’d want him to have black wings on his back with the mating symbol secreted there for her to know.

He growled, “I like this.” His eyes flashed a beautiful bright sapphire.

Now that she was considering it, she very much wanted some of her own. Black like his real wings. She’d never have a set of her own. It was something Hades had been born with, not a beast half to manifest; it was a part of him. She pictured them. Hers more delicate than what his would be.

Taking the mark would be an erotic experience, and that sent her thoughts to what he’d been doing to her body in the hours they’d been home.

Her pussy slicked at the sound of his growl and brought shivers over her skin. She remembered that sound vibrating through her entire body as he’d growled against her shoulder blades. She groaned as images of him sliding into her from behind replayed in her mind. She’d had him every possible way, and her skin flushed at how he couldn’t seem to get enough. When he’d fitted that massive cock into her ass, it was like he’d sent them both to another level of wild pleasure. He’d been so animalistic at the idea of having taken every inch of her body.

His fingers slid between her thighs. “I like these thoughts.”

The second he slid a finger inside, she nearly came. They might not be in a frenzy of lust, but there was no way either would ever get enough of this.

“Never,” he growled. “I think we need a replay of my haircut.”

A gasp escaped as she spread her thighs wider over the chair. She bowed against his strong forearm as she grinded her pussy on his fingers, loving the slide as he invaded her. She clamped down in bliss.

“That’s it. Come all over my fingers before I make you sit nice and still and mark my skin.”

“How?” she groaned, meaning the marking. A mating mark was made with healing power so that it was truly permanent. A normal tattoo would be gone if the skin was ever damaged and the new flesh regenerated.

He sent power to toy with her nipples and clit so his pumping fingers weren’t the only things tormenting her. She cried out into the darkening sky, and when she opened her eyes, she saw him staring down at her with hunger in his eyes. “I’ll never tire of watching you come. It’s fucking perfect.”

She groaned when his fingers slipped free and he brought them to her lips. “This is ambrosia,
agapi mou
. There is nothing sweeter.”

She licked his fingers as he growled. Less than a second later they were seated on the same stool she’d used to cut his hair.

“Healing is not my strongest ability, but it is sufficient for this,” he ground out. She felt the extent of his need, not only in the throbbing of his cock, but in her entire being. “Now spread wide and take your God.”

She groaned because she couldn’t wait. With a thought she was straddling his hips and sliding down his hot shaft.

“Now sit still. I want it to come out the way you like,
agapi mou
.” He took her lips in a fleeting kiss as he wrapped her hands around his back. When he broke the kiss, he gazed into her eyes and spoke the vows of a mated male in the old language. She couldn’t breathe at the sound of his voice in her mind and on his lips as he promised to love and cherish her through all eternity. He hadn’t added the word about it being in blood because they’d never need to blood bond, but she still felt something beautiful open up inside her at the words.

Now mark me as you will,
he said in her mind as he showed her how to channel the power. When it flowed out from her palms, it wrenched a deep groan from his lips. She used her mind’s eye and the dips of his body to guide her hands and the power she pulled to make black sweeping marks. A tribal drawing of his wings that led to his ass.

She wasn’t sure how long it was taking as his muscles twitched and the blinding pleasure of the act made his cock pulse and throb inside her. Gasps left her lips as her heart pounded in her chest. She was panting by the time she slid her palms back up to add a small mark of a mated male in white along the thick black lines forming the tops of the wings. The twin serpents, attached by tails in the sideways eight that symbolized their dual eternities.

She sucked in a deep breath when it was done, but it was like something unleashed inside him. He was wild with need when his wings erupted from his back and they soared into the skies. She gasped as she cupped his neck and gripped his hips with her thighs. She heard the gusts created by his wings thrashing through the air to take them high. Shocking pleasure set her body on fire as her male slammed her up and down his cock with a fierceness she’d yet to see from him. Her lips met his neck, but the movements were too wild. She glanced at the moonlit sea below as her stomach fluttered at flying with him. He tilted his head back for her, and the tendons of his neck stretched and she couldn’t help but nip his skin as he drove them on. He was hitting her so deep in a spot that made her dizzy. “Take all of me. Every ounce of come,
thisavre mou

She moaned in agreement.

“You rule me, Sacha.” He growled as she kissed his neck again. All the noise of his powerful wings taking them higher drowned out the sounds of her wet pussy smacking harder on his cock. Her hard nipples were raking down his chest every time he slammed her down as he possessed her. He grunted and growled as he took her hard, and she whimpered at how good it was. Wind whipped over her heated skin, but nothing could cool her.

“Come. I want your juices running down my thighs.” He growled and she cried out as she clenched and throbbed. He roared his pleasure to the skies and she felt the hot come pump deep inside her. Her head fell against his chest and she realized that they’d evened out. His powerful wings held them at the same distance in the air even as his breathing evened out. He kissed her head and she peered up at his beautiful face before looking down at the island seemingly miles below.

She gazed at him in awe. The world was so incredibly beautiful this high in the sky. “Coming and flying at the same time?” she mused. That seemed incredibly impressive. She felt his chest rock against her breasts as he chuckled.

“You’ve only seen some of my talents, Sacha.”

She shook her head. “The real test of skill will be to see if you can mark my back with the same wings while we’re up here,” she said in challenge.

His eyes flashed and she felt his cock twitch. “I’ll give you anything you ask for.”

She warmed with happiness as she gazed up at him and whispered, “I love you.”

She felt his pleasure at her words as he uttered ones of his own, “And I you.”

Chapter 30


Mountain Lake, Earth Realm


P ran a hand over his head as he gazed out to the moonlit water. He’d needed a moment of quiet and calm after informing Drake about what happened with the possessed. Drake hadn’t been happy when he’d shared what the Tria had said, and he felt the dragon’s agitation. It hadn’t sat well with P either. There seemed to be nothing but unknowns, and they were forced to wait for things to play out.

That wasn’t the only reason for his tension. He knew that at any moment the Goddess could awaken. If Sander was still on guard duty, the Phoenix would tell him immediately, but he was still… waiting.

Sirena sent through his mind.

Is everything okay?
he asked the healer, automatically alert.

Yes. I just forgot to tell you that your blood work didn’t show anything out of sorts. Everything shows as it always has, including your power levels.
The healer sounded exhausted. He must be as well if he’d forgotten she’d even taken his blood. So much had happened in the last hours.

Are you okay?
he asked her.

I’m fine. Era’s helping, but there’s a lot going on. I’m checking the Goddess now.
She paused for a second before adding,
She’s not awake, so you can relax.

Is there any more news on Alyssa?

No, but her parents are here, and she just snapped at both her father and Gregoire to “Get the hell over their bullshit.”
Sirena mentally chuckled.
When she cracked the whip on their brooding and sniping, I’m not sure her father knew what to say. They’re all tense and worried, and I know it doesn’t help that I don’t have any answers for them. The only good part is the baby seems perfectly healthy… powerful as hell, but healthy.

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