Divine Ecstasy (The Guardians of the Realms Book 8) (27 page)

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Authors: Setta Jay

Tags: #erotic paranormal romance

BOOK: Divine Ecstasy (The Guardians of the Realms Book 8)
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If you need me to play referee, just call.
His ability might be of use calming them all. They’d be angry afterward, but he’d do it to help ease Alyssa’s mind.

Adras calmed way down when I explained that it wasn’t good for the baby to upset Alyssa. We should be okay for a while.
She sighed.

Good. When was the last time you slept and refueled your energies?

Don’t start, P,
she growled.
How are you doing?

Nice subject change,
he countered. He and Drake had always tried to get her to rest, but in the last months it had been impossible. Now that she had help, he hoped she’d actually use it.

I’m going to get energies right now,
she snapped, and her irritation at being forced from her domain was in each word. He shook his head.

Okay. And please try to let Era help more. She needs to help as much as you need a break.

Noted. But you know as well as I do that this is the worst possible time for any breaks,
she growled. It was, but even having Era cover her for a few hours would be worth it, and he was just about to say as much when she snapped,
Your turn.

He sighed.
I’m fine. Only frustrated.

I understand. You know you can talk to me.

I do. And I would if I had anything to say.
She’d been a sister to him and Drake since well before they’d all become Guardians.
Now get some energy and let me know if I can help with anything.

I will.
She sent a wave of affection that warmed him before the connection was cut.

He rolled his neck and took a breath of the cool mountain air. He needed to think of anything other than the answers he hoped Drake would learn from the Goddess.

His mind went back to the possessed. The entire display had been eerie, and the scent of sulphur was still in his lungs. Neither he nor Drake knew what to do about it. They could buy into what his father thought about it being something to do with Thule or some game, but in the end it was one more unknown.

The Creators had cryptically told them that the Gods would one day be needed on this world. With all the shit happening with Thule, they still weren’t certain if
was that time or if something else was coming.

A flash of something near the water caught his eye. He frowned and ported to the edge to see what was there. The surface wasn’t smooth for the first time. Ripples moved over the usually glassy waters, and when he looked down, he saw a lighter blue liquid shimmering along the surface.

Before he could truly focus, his entire body was being sucked down through something watery but not wet. He violently attempted to teleport through the thick air, but it held him for long seconds before he was dropped onto hard stone in a crouch. His wings had erupted from his body in the process and he breathed out as he scanned his surroundings. Ivy-covered stone and a fountain caught his eyes before they landed on brown leather boots and pants that hugged long feminine legs.

His eyes shot up as he stood to his full height, sucking in a deep breath. He growled deep.

That scent. It was sweet and sultry.



Brilliant emerald eyes were set into the most beautiful face he’d ever seen. Soft pouty lips were open, and long pale hair whispered through the winds. The only thing stopping him from moving forward were the two giant black lynx staring at him with intelligent golden eyes.

The vibrations of their loud purrs dulled out almost everything but the hard thumping of his heart. The only other thing to make it through the thrall was the rush of her shocked breathing as she glanced at the animals who’d stepped back from her side.

Two moons were dim against the bright blue skies. The warrior in him assessed that they were the only two people there, but his eyes never truly left hers. He couldn’t tear them away, and he felt his body move and couldn’t seem to control the pull to her.

Was this how a mating frenzy truly started? Because there was no doubt in his mind that she belonged to him. His cock beat against the zipper of his jeans.

He was in Thule, he felt it in his soul, and he had no doubt in his mind that the powerful female before him was a Goddess. Not just a Goddess.

His Goddess.

He growled again, trying to fight the thrall or he’d end up fucking mauled. At the moment he wondered if one touch wouldn’t be worth it.

He still had enough thought to feel for the connections to Drake and the others. His father. They were all there, but he didn’t reach out. Not yet.

“Did you call me here?” He spoke in the old language of the Creators, and she sucked in a breath.

Power weaved all around her. Elemental and beautiful. Enthralling.


Gefn was faced by the impossible. She couldn’t speak nor think as her eyes trailed over the beautiful male before her. He was bare to the waist, and his chest and stomach seemed chiseled by the Creators themselves. Massive ebony wings flexed from his back, outstretched and entrancing. His pure barbaric beauty called to every cell in her being and made her ache in ways she’d never expected to feel. Her nipples ached against her confining leather shirt. Liquid heated between her thighs as she glanced at the hard shaft pushing against his leggings. Her own leathers felt too confining. She wanted them off. She should be on guard, but her beasts had brought him to her and they’d moved back. He wasn’t a threat to her safety. The ring in her hands nearly burned now and she didn’t care as she took in the rest of him. There were black things in his ears, and his thick muscled arms had markings over them. His black hair was nearly shaved off, and she wondered what it would feel like under her palms.

He stared at her with eyes the brightest of blue, and when he growled, it sent shivers racing through her body.

Though it was the purring of her beasts that shocked her. They’d never done such a thing. Winds gusted around her and her power surged uncontrollably as she was whirled away in the currents until she found herself caught up in those massive arms.

She moaned at the feel of his chest against her.


The second the Goddess landed in his arms, he was lost. He growled deep at her scent, and nothing could stop him from tasting her lips, not when she’d ended up in his arms. Not even the fucking potential of a mauling. Her small hands were on his chest, and every muscle constricted in pleasure so wild he was caught up in it.

P took his female’s lips like a male starved. He wanted to claim so much more and he would. He mentally snarled “mine” in his mind over and over as he tasted the sweetness of her lips. Her mouth opened on a gasp, and his tongue delved in to plunder as his hands trailed over her small body and hauled her flush against his hard cock. She softened against him, and he could feel her heartbeat and smell the sweet scent of her getting slick. His fingers fisted in her hair as his other hand palmed her ass. It was intoxicating. He couldn’t get her close enough. His mind was gone as he lifted her up. Her legs wrapped around his waist and he rode her heat up and down his denim-clad cock.

He felt something try to break through, a feeling. Nothing mattered but the soft female in his arms. His father and Drake called to him, but it felt far away, unreal. He inhaled her scent and reveled in her soft touch. One of her hands was fisted on his chest as the other roamed all over his face and shoulders as she kissed him back with the need sucking them both under.

The warning sound of the cats hissing and a male’s voice invaded his mind, and he reacted. Pulled from his thrall, he spun her behind him and growled at the newcomer. A blond male with long hair and wearing a kilt was holding a golden energy staff pointed at him.

The cats grew louder as his female spoke behind him. It was another language, but the words seemed to move and form in his mind until he understood their meaning. She was telling the male to stand down. This male was her warrior.

And then he heard his father’s voice a little clearer. He felt power pulling at his soul, trying to take him away. Something was happening.

He was jarred at the possibility of danger to the Realms.

He felt the call to his world and was ripped into the air. Porting away against his will.

Chapter 31


Hades’ Island, Tetartos Realm


Sacha and Hades were getting back to the ground when she felt a wave of something. Unease? Premonition? She looked up at Hades, knowing that he’d been hit with it too. His blue eyes narrowed, and she knew he was searching out his connection to P. The Guardian’s location wasn’t showing. Why would P hide where he was? Sacha searched for Sander, who she’d heard was guarding the Goddess of Thule, as Hades demanded,
Pothos, where are you?

Everyone get the hell to the manor now,
Drake snarled through the Guardian link, and she rushed to get dressed. Both ported to the war room a second later as Hades growled again through the link to his son.

There was no answer for strained moments as she searched the room. Guardians and mates were everywhere. No P. And Sander, Nastia, Sirena and Alyssa and Gregoire were all missing as well, but that made sense. Era was standing beside the dragon, and this first sight showed Sacha the wild power the female leashed behind those golden eyes.

“Drake, where is my son?” Hades bit out, and she watched Drake look off and knew he was doing what Hades already had: he was searching for P.

Sacha’s breathing stilled as she waited tense seconds before Drake snarled to the room at large. “P’s not fucking answering, and he’s off grid. Does anyone know where he is?” Drake demanded as Hades concentrated, and she could feel her mate’s worry as he pulled power to search out his son’s soul.

Drake growled at Hades, “We’re about to have fucking company. I can feel it. We need to get to that fucking lake, P was there not long ago.”

There was a flurry of movement as Drake commanded everyone. “Tasha and Bastian in mist. Vane and Brianne with me, Era, Hades, and Sacha. The rest of you stay back.”

Sacha trailed her mate to the lake Drake was talking about. It was a rippling deep blue in the northern lands of Earth Realm. They were high in the mountains, and she breathed in the cool midday air as snow flurries fluttered to the ground. She was lending power to her mate. Searching for P’s soul through the Realms and outward, he continued to demand his son speak as worry thrummed through him and into her. P was a powerful warrior. “His link is still there. He’s okay,” she assured her male.

Chapter 32


Mountain Lake, Earth Realm


P felt like he was falling through a void and it kept going. By the time he reformed, his head pounded and his limbs were like fucking Jell-O. And he was back at the lake on Earth Realm. He sucked in the mountain air as his heart slammed into his chest. He’d just ported from another world.

At least the pain killed the edge of his arousal. But it was still fucking intense. His cock hurt and he still had her taste in his mouth. His body was on fire with his need for his mate and he didn’t even know her name.

“Where were you?” his father demanded above him. He was crouched on the ground? He tried to breathe, still unable to understand up from down. “What’s wrong?” His father gripped his arm, helping him up with worried eyes. Hades’ power slid over him, assessing him for damage as he had when P had been but a boy.

“I’m fine.” He swore under his breath. He was anything but fine. He felt ripped apart and he was trying to get it together, but they needed to know what happened. “I was pulled into Thule.”

His father’s growl of fury was the only sound on the tense lakefront. P stood and faced his father’s anger. “I didn’t intend it.” He took another breath. “But I just met my mate there, and I’m going back for her, so we need to figure this shit out.”

P was acutely aware of Drake, Era, Sacha, Brianne and Vane. He even felt Bastian and Tasha. It was almost as if he could feel the air molecules themselves. As if they were something he could manipulate in a way that he’d never done before. Power surged through him, but he clenched his teeth, because he

“You will never return there!” His father’s voice boomed with the power flooding the area around them. His wings were extended and flexing.

Before P could do or say anything, the air charged and he knew.

A portal was opening.


The second the air charged, warning them of a portal being opened, Hades sent a furious wave of power that forcibly ported his powerful Guardian son to the island in Tetartos. Sacha felt the sheer storm of power her mate had unleashed to get his son safely away. And he hadn’t just sent P there, Hades was caging P, confining the male in the other Realm.

Her heart felt as if it would break for them both. If P had found his mate in Thule, there was no stopping it.

Yes, there is,
Hades growled in the link.

“What the fuck just happened?” Drake snarled.

“I sent him to the island. Which is where he’ll stay.” The sheer amount of power the furious mated God could release would have been frightening if Sacha hadn’t known it was coming from the immense strength of a father’s love and fear.

Brianne started to talk, and Sacha shook her head. He wouldn’t hear it. She knew that. They all faced the portal as P bit out,
Father, do not make me fucking fight you.
He flashed an image of a beautiful blonde female.
She is mine. Now let the fuck go.

She sent calming energies to her male.
If he has a mate, this could hurt him.

Hades snapped,
If his female is from Thule, she WILL hurt him.

“Drake?” Sacha sent the dragon the image of P’s female as golden staffs of the dragon started through the watery air and she assessed any powers she could use to contain the newcomers.

The dragon growled. “Fuck. We will remove their weapons. Contain, don’t kill,” he commanded the others.

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