Read Divine Grace Online

Authors: Heather Rainier

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Western, #Erotica, #General, #Adult

Divine Grace (17 page)

BOOK: Divine Grace
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She smiled at him and licked her lips, causing him to groan. “There’s something else I’d like to get a taste of for myself as well. Would you like that, Jack?” she asked, showing no mercy.

“We’ll see, darlin’. Let us make you feel good first, and then we’ll see.”

She whimpered when Ethan’s fingers moved over her mound and into her slit, captured her clit between his index and middle fingers, and then slid down over her inner lips to her entrance. Her breath escaped her in a high-pitched moan.

“Oh, you are wet for us, aren’t you, Gracie. Mmm, I’m going to want a taste in a minute. You feel like hot, wet silk sliding through my fingers.”

Her breath sounded loud in her ears. Her head fell back to Ethan’s shoulder again. His fingers slid up over her clit before sliding back down again. Over and over, he stroked her pussy, slowly working her into a frenzy. He gently teased her, sliding his finger a little farther into her entrance. He gathered her juices and spread them around, then rubbed her clit again until she was so wet and in need that one more touch would send her over.

“Look at us, Gracie.” She made eye contact with Ethan in the mirror.

“You are so hot to watch with my hands on you. You’re close to coming, aren’t you?” She nodded and he added, “Let me have a taste, and I’ll give you what you need.”

His fingers left her, and the touch she craved was gone. He pulled her to sit on the edge of the bed. He gently pushed her back and knelt between her thighs, his soft, warm mouth just millimeters away from the spot that needed him the most. He used his long, talented fingers to gently spread her lips as she felt Adam gently lift her leg and place it on Ethan’s shoulder in a loving gesture of care to make her more comfortable.


“Can you see how sweet and pink her pussy is? It’s beautiful, baby,”

Adam said as he stroked her hair and kissed her. “Why don’t you lick her little clit? I’ll bet she wants you to. Are you ready to give Ethan a taste of your sweet honey?”

“Yes, Ethan, please put your mouth on me. I need you. Oh!” Ethan growled softly and she gasped as the heat of his mouth covered her pussy and his tongue flicked gently into her entrance. She was so close, so achingly close.

He tortured her for a minute before he said, “Gracie, you taste so good.

Adam was right, so pure and sweet. I could stay here for hours. I can’t wait to fuck you, Gracie, to feel your pussy tighten on my cock when you come for me.” He flicked at her clit with his tongue, and she knew she was seconds away from climax. “Does it feel good? Tell me.”

“I need to come, Ethan, please!” she cried out, feeling the tightening in her walls again. Her panting grew louder as the pressure from his rasping tongue on her clit increased.

Adam whispered in her ear and stroked her nipple. Suddenly, she felt Jack’s warm mouth on her other breast. She reached for them both, and they intertwined their fingers with hers. Ethan sweetly lapped at her clit and gently sucked it between his lips, and she came undone in an overwhelming explosion of ecstasy. Grace’s back arched sharply, and her lips fell open in a scream of pure, unbridled pleasure. He continued to lick her pussy and feast on her tumultuous release, her hips rolling with each pulse. Her breathing hitched as all the tension released from her body.

Her thighs were still resting on his shoulders, and he wrapped a hand around one as he kissed her swollen pussy, rested his temple against her inner thigh, and whispered huskily, “Oh, Gracie.” He reached out for Grace, placing his hand gently on her abdomen. The contact startled her and sent another aftershock through her quivering body. He stood, carefully repositioning her feet on the floor.

“Baby, was it good?” Adam was on one side, brushing her hair from her forehead, stroking her gently. Jack was on the other, still holding one of her hands, whispering sweet words in her ear. She looked into Adam’s eyes and nodded languidly before looking at Ethan.

Ethan stood over her at the side of the bed, the look of vulnerability and openness in his deep blue eyes sending a spear of emotion to her heart.


Seeing tenderness in his gaze, she knew she mirrored those same emotions in her own and in her soft smile that felt as though it radiated from her. Her breathing finally slowed, and she reached for his hand. He climbed into the bed with them.

“How do you feel, baby?” Adam asked as he leaned forward and lifted her bodily into a more comfortable position on the bed. She smiled up at him, her heart throbbing so loudly with love for him she thought he must be able to hear it as he leaned down to kiss her again.

She looked at Adam, and said, “I feel loved.”

Jack allowed Ethan to slide in beside her. His big warm hand spanned her waist before sliding down her bare hip. If he’d allow it, she’d let him make love to her tonight, thoroughly and completely. He laid his head gently on her breast, placing his ear over her heart, and the love for him welled within her.

Ethan leaned down to her and kissed her tenderly and she felt as if her heart were stretching as it tried to hold that much love for the three of them.

“Ethan, that was beautiful. You play my body as if you know what will make me feel the greatest pleasure.”

He chuckled and lifted his head to look into her eyes, grinned wickedly, and said, “Oh, honey, the maestro has not even begun to play his greatest symphony for you. That was merely an overture.” Her pussy throbbed at the thought of him stroking her body to a perfect crescendo, and he grinned devilishly and said, “You like that idea, do you?”

“Yes, very much,” she replied simply. She lacked the energy to bandy words too much, but wanted to revel a while longer in this sweet embrace.

She stroked Ethan’s cheek as he nestled against her, serenity washing over her as she savored the moment. For a while, she just lay there accepting their sweet touches and caresses. The candlelight flickered, and the light reflected off the shimmering rings of her bracelet as she stroked Ethan’s cheek. Every time she wore this jewelry, she would think of this night.

She asked Adam for a glass of water, and when he returned with it, he was barefoot. She noticed the others had removed their boots as well. She curled up in the middle of the bed, surrounded by them. She marveled at the contrasts between her men and how perfectly they all fit together. Ethan was her mind reader. Jack was her teasing lover, and Adam, her gentle giant. All of them were capable of heating her body with their words and could reduce


her to smoldering ashes with their touch. It surprised her when the thought of Jack loving her as Adam and Ethan had done produced another rush of wet arousal to her pussy.

Heat radiated from her depths, and she felt her inner lips swell a little and grow damp again. She imagined him teasing her with his tongue as Ethan and Adam had done. She broke out in goose-bumps at the thought of when he would finally slide his cock into her. Then she could truly know the feeling of an orgasm with a man who could fill her and love her the way she desperately needed.

Adam lay down behind her, his back against her headboard. Ethan was on the other side of her, running his fingers through her hair, and said, “I think Gracie has been fantasizing about Jack.”

Jack was at the end of the bed on the same side as Adam, stroking her legs, every now and then sending a tremor through her as his fingertips lightly grazed her with a tickle touch, eliciting a sigh or gasp. “Is that true, darlin’?” he asked, giving her the crooked grin she’d loved since the day she met him.

“Maybe if we’re sweet to Grace, she’ll tell us about her fantasies,”

Ethan said. “Maybe we can make some of them come true for her in the future. Are you excited about what Jack wants to do for you?”

She looked up at Jack and nodded eagerly.

“I’ll bet she’s drenched,” Adam said. “Maybe she’s even wondering what his cock would feel like. I can smell her sweet honey from here. Jack may have the sweetest feast of all of us tonight.”

“Is that true, darlin’? Are you imagining what all I want to do with you,
you, tonight?”

She sighed and said softly, “I don’t know, maybe you’ll need to find out for yourself.” She’d never felt sexier as she drew a knee up and allowed one of her thighs to slowly open and fall to the side, leaving her pussy open to his gaze. She arched her back for him and opened farther so he could see her juices glistening in the damp folds of her pussy. She heard low, rumbling growls coming from her men, who were evidently very aroused by the sight as she offered herself to Jack.

He reached out to lay his hand on her mound. His thumb delved into her opening, and he groaned softly as it slipped through her slick heat. She

sighed and arched into him and took his finger deeper. He withdrew and set her on fire when he put his thumb in his mouth to suck her juices from it.

“Lord have mercy, darlin’, but you’re delectable. You really do have the sweetest little pussy.”

She looked up into Jack’s eyes and felt her heart throb along with her clit.

“It’s for you, Jack,” she whispered as she propped the ball of her foot on his shoulder, affording him an even better view.



Chapter Fourteen

“Heaven help me, I love this woman!” he muttered before he settled into the spot between her open legs. She reached out and ran her fingers into his silky jet-black hair. This man was responsible for bringing so much happiness into her life. So much joy.

She giggled and then sighed deeply as Jack dipped his tongue down into the juices between her lips and his warm breath against her pussy sent warm shivers through her. He swirled his tongue around her clit, and when she squeaked a little, they both laughed. She stopped him for a second, backed up against the pillows piled at the head of the bed, and crooked her finger at him. She looked up at Ethan and at Adam, now that she was in between the two of them, and reached for them as Jack claimed a kiss. She clasped her fingers in Ethan’s and squeezed Adam’s hand. She leaned up into Jack’s kiss and wrapped her legs loosely around his waist. She sighed again as his kisses descended down her neck to her collarbone. She looked up at Ethan reclining beside her and tugged on his hand, pulling him to her for a kiss, and then she turned to Adam for his kiss. She wanted to feel a connection with them as well.

She released their hands and slid hers over Jack’s tanned forearms and up his biceps. She loved Ethan and Adam, loved the feeling of being tucked safely between them, but a part of her also wanted to lose herself in this moment with Jack. Shutting out the world didn’t mean shutting them out, but she had fantasized about what it would feel like to be in an erotic embrace with him for a long time. She ran her fingers through Jack’s hair, enjoying the feel of his hot, wet lips above her collarbone. She turned her head and flicked her tongue around the edge of his ear, tugging on his lobe with her teeth. She wished they would let her love them, too. She wanted to give to them, not to make it even between them, but because she wanted them to feel what she was feeling.


“Darlin’, relax and let me love you. There will be plenty of time for you to plan all the naughty things you want to do to us later. I want to do this for you.” Jack leaned forward and kissed her again, and she marveled at how well they understood her.

Tension curled in the pit of her stomach, knowing that her moment would come. She imagined all of them naked in bed together, with Jack kneeling over her like this, her legs around his waist. When she imagined the tip of his cock pressed against her dripping wet entrance, forging slowly inside, she felt her pussy tremble, anticipating that reality. She wanted him so badly it was painful.

The fingertips of his right hand slid from her breastbone slowly down over her abdomen, dipping into her belly button and over her mound. As his fingers skated down her sensitive flesh, she alternately moaned and gasped.

“Are you feeling up to a little more loving, Grace? You’re not too tired?

I’d understand,” Jack offered playfully, and she knew he was teasing her.

Wild horses couldn’t have dragged her away from him at that moment. She shook her head, never breaking eye contact, and the playful mood subtly shifted. She didn’t want him to stop, and she didn’t want them to leave.

They had given her such an amazing gift tonight, and she wanted everything he had to give her now.

She heaved a shuddering sigh. “Just love me, Jack. Never stop. Please just love me.” She felt her cheeks burning and a prickling of tears behind her lids as she closed them. Under Owen’s thumb, she could never have imagined that she would someday be loved so sweetly like this. She couldn’t help the welling of almost overpowering emotion than filled her heart, and felt as if she would burst with it.

She felt Ethan’s warm lips under her jaw and could smell his clean, spicy scent. Adam’s lips brushed against her ear as he promised her their love, then kissed her lips. Jack’s hot mouth descended on one of her nipples while plucking softly at the other. Then he worked his way down her belly, alternately kissing and licking her. He was teasing her. He knew how much she wanted to feel his mouth and where. She lifted her knees higher, giving him greater access, and invited him in.

“Darlin’, you smell so good everywhere. This soft skin beneath your nipple is like velvet.” He demonstrated, teasing the area with his tongue.

“And this right here, down your ribs.
. All of it feels like the


smoothest, warmest satin. I want to fall asleep sometime with my head right here.” He rubbed his nose across the flesh of her belly, beside her navel.

“But you know my favorite, don’t you, baby? I love every part of you, but this right here…” He trailed two fingers down her mound, which was open with her knees lifted the way they were, and his fingers slid down past the curls to her lips. “This beautiful pink pussy I crave like a man dying of thirst wants water.”

Feeling daring, she reached down, gently opening those pink lips to his gaze, her fingertips making the most vulnerable place in her body open and exposed to him. She felt so powerful and sexy doing it. She also experienced a deep, primal delight at the heat in his gaze as his eyes rested on her swollen pussy, dripping with the arousal his words and her thoughts stoked her to.

“You are a wild, wanton thing, aren’t you, Grace?” Ethan said, stroking her nipple between his fingers.

Grace sighed. “Only with you. The things y’all say, the way you treat me. I want you to touch me, Jack, please.” She trembled, watching Jack’s face as he leaned into that part of her that wanted him so much. He touched the flesh she held open for him, and his fingers strayed to her entrance, dipping inside slightly, before trailing down past that opening to the puckered one beneath it, spreading her wetness down there as well. As his callused finger gently slid over that opening, she tensed and gulped, her breath coming in ragged, shaking gasps.

“Not tonight, darlin’. I just want to touch you. It’s completely up to you whether or not we ever take you there. Just let me touch you.”

He spread more of her secretions to that spot. Each time his finger slid across that opening, her belly clenched. It was driving her wild, and she would not have thought it would feel as good as it did. She knew she wanted them to take her anally at some point. She’d thought of it as a gift for them, something they would enjoy, but not anything she would find all that thrilling. The tight arousal that now raged within her at the thought of one of their cocks thrusting into her ass was wild, dark, and thrilling. She no longer wanted it just for them. She wanted it for herself as well.

She smiled at him and held her knees, giving him access to it. His finger and the area around her ass were now drenched from his teasing. She felt his index finger pressing gently, but persistently, at her asshole. She clenched

involuntarily at the intrusion. He circled slowly, pressing down steadily, and the muscles begin to give in to him, just a little. She felt a mixture of slight pain and naughty pleasure as just the tip of his finger popped into her tight hole. She moaned and felt the distant stirrings of an orgasm within the pit of her belly.

She didn’t object to the intrusion, so Jack explained, “Darlin’, you’re very tight here. If we ever took your ass, we would prepare you first. If you could relax and trust us, you’d love it, too.”

The look of barely bridled lust in his eyes made her bold. “I trust you, Jack. I trust you all. Someday soon, I’ll let you take my ass. But right now, I want your mouth on my pussy. I need to come, Jack. Please?”

“Your wish is my command, darlin’.” He withdrew, shifted his weight, and once more delved into her folds with the fingers of his other hand, followed by his hot tongue. Her head fell back at the hot sensation as his tongue flicked into her cunt. She longed for his tongue or his fingers to touch her clit, to stroke it. Shifting again, he lowered her knees away from her chest and planted her feet wide on either side of his shoulders as he lay between her legs. He looked as though he were getting comfortable, like he was planning to stay a while. A shiver of delight shot up her spine at the thought.

His tongue slid up, straight over her clit, making her jump a little, before swirling around it in a circle and then sliding into her opening again. He licked her inner thigh and chuckled as she wiggled to get him to bring that talented tongue back to her clit, and she moaned happily when he returned.

His lapping became more purposeful. The thrusting of his tongue caused her hips to flex into his movements as if it were his cock inside her.

Ethan and Adam leaned down to her, stroked her breasts, and kissed and suckled until she thought she might explode. One hand gripped the cloth of Adam’s shirt, and the fingers of her other hand curled into Ethan’s silky hair.

Grace felt his thick finger enter her tight, dripping wet pussy and slide in and out slowly. He painstakingly teased her to the very edge before he slid two fingers inside her, palm up. She felt the slight burning as just those two fingers stretched her inner walls. He moved his fingers back and forth in a strumming motion and she felt a strange, but pleasant pressure begin to build. This didn’t radiate so much from her clit as it had with Adam and


Ethan. This was different, with a whole new level of wild intensity. His playing of her body never wavered or hesitated. She moaned and gasped with every breath as the sensation of pressure and impending explosion loomed over her.

“He’s found your sweet spot, Gracie,” Ethan said. “Jack is going to make you come like you never have,
before. Feel his love, all of our love for you.” He entwined his fingers with hers while Adam held her other hand, stroking her thigh. The tension in her body increased to an unbearable tightness, and
the wave rolled up higher and higher.

“You’re so tight on my fingers, baby. So tight and hot. You’re almost there.”

Her body vibrated with the tension, and her moan gradually built to a howl.

“Yes, Grace, you’ve waited so long.
for me, come for me, little darlin’,” he urged.

Like a rubber band breaking after being stretched too taut, her body found sweet release and came in a rolling wave. Her screaming, gasping cries filled the room, and his fingers continued to stroke her as she came in a great warm gush. His tongue lapped at her sweet release that flowed from her. With each pulse of her orgasm, her hips flexed against him. Her body shook and trembled in their hands, her hair plastered to her forehead. Her lips were still parted as she tried to catch her breath, shuddering on an aftershock when Jack’s tongue licked her one last time and he withdrew his fingers.

She had no idea, the lengths a man like Jack would go to please her when she met him two years before. Two years she wasted being faithful to that asshole Owen. Two years she could’ve been loving a real man. Real men. Now she was his. Theirs.


BOOK: Divine Grace
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