Divine Grace (35 page)

Read Divine Grace Online

Authors: Heather Rainier

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Western, #Erotica, #General, #Adult

BOOK: Divine Grace
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“Damn, that’s hot, Grace, the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.”

Adam’s breath rasped, and he panted as he stroked his cock. “The way she arches her back like she’s dying for your cock. Jack, you’ve got to give it to her before

Jack stepped in closer behind her, his gentle hands at her hips. She felt the head of his huge, thicker-than-the-others cock at her quivering cunt.

With his fingers, he gently spread her pussy lips, and the head of his cock slid in easily. He cried out in pleasure, and her pussy suddenly seized around him, trying to draw him farther in.

“Oh! Oh! Oh, Jack!” She couldn’t stop herself from crying out for him.

His big, stiff penis filled her slowly, completely, and felt so good. She did her best to hold her orgasm back, but the sensation was just too much.

His gentle, callused hands trembled as they swept over her hips and held on to her. His voice revealed the strain he was under. “Oh, darlin’, you’re so sweet and tight. Fuck! Don’t hold back, baby,
. If you need to come, then come
for me.

He was only a few inches into her when his words, the sensation, and the knowledge that Ethan and Adam avidly watched caused her pussy to clamp down on him, and she screamed his name.


* * * *


Jack tried to hold her still. He didn’t want to push her tender body too hard, but she reared back on him, and he slid in another couple of inches.

She came again and howled when the second one hit her. He breathed deep to control his own release, not satisfied to have it end this soon. Her warm, silky pussy squeezed and milked his cock and almost undermined his control.

Incredibly, her orgasm rolled on as she worked herself against him. He realized what she needed and helped her efforts, thrusting into that spot. He felt her sleek muscles begin to quiver and ripple around him again. His head, both of them, actually, felt like it might explode from the pleasure he found inside her.

He felt his release begin to build and gather and knew his control was almost at an end. He began to thrust into her as gently as he could, which, under the circumstances, wasn’t very gentle at all, not that she seemed to

care at the moment. Her pussy milked his release from him as he came with a roar, like a beast in the jungle. She wailed his name and climaxed in a hot gush.

Her hips flexed against him as her orgasm came and receded. He pressed tightly to her, buried as deeply as possible. He wanted to wallow in the sensation of her torrid, wet depths. He stayed that way for a few moments and took in huge gusts of air as he tried to catch his breath.

“That was insane, Jack.” Adam sounded breathless himself. “Damn, I’ll be right back.” He went into the bathroom and returned with several warm washcloths. He and Ethan must have finished, as well.

Jack was reluctant to remove his sated cock from her sweet warmth, but he did finally pull out, growling softly at the feel of her tight pussy drawing on him. He gently caressed her ass and her back and then helped her lie down. He lay down beside her and brushed his fingers along her rib cage.

“That was my fantasy come true, darlin’.” She turned her face to him and looked up with dazed eyes and parted her lips as he kissed her deeply.

“You are absolutely amazing. Incredible.”

She smiled tenderly at him and kissed him back. “You made my fantasy for our first time come true, too, Jack.” She snuggled closer, and he squeezed her to him tightly. “I knew I wouldn’t be able to hold my orgasm back once you started to slide in. I
your first touch was going to make me come, and it did. I’m so glad you said yes. I’d hate to have missed out on this. Thank you.” She sighed and kissed him slowly, lingeringly.

“Now that was a perfect evening.” Jack glanced over at Adam and Ethan after seeing her wide smile.

“Damn straight,” Adam replied.

“Hell, yeah,” Ethan said.

“Carpe diem, my dirty-talking sweethearts,” Grace murmured, then giggled. She was awake and alert, but so serene.

Ethan got up and went into the bathroom and turned on the shower. Jack and Adam helped her to her feet. Jack smiled as Adam lifted her into his arms and carried her the short distance to the bathroom with obvious satisfaction. Jack understood that Grace loved it when Adam carried her like this. Intuitive as ever, Ethan handed her some ibuprofen and a glass of water. She thanked him sweetly and took them after Adam gently set her on her feet. She pinned her long golden curls up in her hair clip. Yawning


deeply, she stepped into the shower, allowing the warm spray to stream over her body. She lathered a fresh washcloth, and Jack noticed she was very careful when she washed between her thighs.

“Everything all right?” Jack asked as he joined her, along with Adam and Ethan. She showed him the washcloth with a smile. No blood.

“Everything is perfect, Jack.”

They all bathed quickly and then helped Grace for the sheer fun of it.

They knew she would be sore, so there were lots of kisses, but no real hanky-panky. They helped her from the shower, and she dried off.

“Do you want a nightgown, baby?” Adam asked.

“No, honey, I’m going to bed nekkid every chance I get from now on,”

she replied as she brushed her hair. She grinned at him in the mirror’s reflection.

“Baby, baby,” Adam chuckled as he came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her, “I like the sound of that.” He nuzzled her throat. “I love the way you smell, like soap, oranges, and Grace. Sweet and clean.”

Jack and Ethan went to the bedroom and quickly stripped and replaced the fitted sheet, then pulled the top sheet and blanket back into place. They fluffed her pillows and added a few from their own beds.

They helped her into the center of the bed, and she got comfortable on her back. Jack curled to her left side, and Ethan curled to her right, Jack’s forearm draped warmly under her breasts and Ethan’s across her waist.

Adam somehow slid in alongside her legs, his head at her abdomen.

Grace giggled as she offered him a pillow, but he turned his cheek to her belly and kissed her there, saying he was perfectly content. Jack chuckled in amusement as he noticed Adam’s feet definitely hung off the end of the bed.

She draped a long, sexy leg over his ribs, and Adam wrapped his arm around it like it was what he’d expected her to do.


* * * *


Grace was slowly aware of two gentle, warm mouths, each suckling a nipple, and the scratch of their morning whiskers. What assailed her next was the feel of Adam’s warm tongue lapping at her cunt. His gentle fingers parted her lips, and his tongue leisurely explored the entrance of her pussy before trailing up to her clit.


He murmured one word reverently. “Woman.”

The stunningly erotic effect of that moment made her careen in seconds toward orgasm as her body clenched at his tongue and his gentle exploratory fingers, which struck just the right chords in her responsive body. Her head fell back, and she moaned twice as the waves built and crested. She came as she rode the soft waves.

Ethan and Jack leaned forward and kissed away the tears that she hadn’t even realized were there as they rolled from her eyes onto her temples. She sobbed as her body shook with an aftershock. She reached down to cradle Adam’s cheek, and he nuzzled her hand.

Jack chuckled. “Now I understand why you were willing to sleep down there, rather than beside one of us. That was sweet to watch.”

Adam sat up slowly, stretching. “It was totally worth sleeping with my feet dangled off the end of the bed to be able to wake up and nuzzle against her. But we definitely need to order that bed…and two freestanding mirrors.”

“I second that motion.” Jack laughed with them.

While she got herself ready for work, the men made breakfast. She sat down slowly and with care at the table, and Adam poured her a cup of coffee. Ethan placed two ibuprofen in her palm then leaned down and kissed her. He tasted fresh like toothpaste and smelled like his shaving gel. It lingered in her nostrils after he sat in his chair.

Adam placed a plate of scrambled eggs, bacon, and toast in front of her and put the grape jam by her plate. All three laughed and cringed when she put a spoonful on her scrambled eggs to soften and melt as she stirred them a little.

Grace laughed and said, “This was the only way my mom could get me to eat eggs. It turns them green, see? You remember
Green Eggs and Ham
, don’t you? It’s still my favorite way to eat them, but I promise not to do that in public if we ever go out for breakfast.”

“Darlin’, if that’s how you like your eggs, then that’s how you’ll get them. Nobody else’s opinion matters to us but yours.”

“How bad was the flooding last night? You know, once we got home, I honestly didn’t pay attention to whether we got any more rain. I was consumed in other activities.” She smirked.


Her men chuckled a little, and Ethan told her, “According to the gauge, we got three more inches. I think we were all oblivious to the rain. I’ll take you to work again today, provided we can get through the low water crossings. I’ll be ready whenever you are, Gracie.”

Adam returned to the living room, dressed and ready to go on his service calls. She went to him as he reached for her, sliding his hands up and down her rib cage. She pulled him down so he could hear her whisper only for him as she caressed his cheek. Jack and Ethan gave them their space.

“Adam, I know you think Ethan is the sensitive one and that you miss a lot of the finer points about loving me. But I need you to know something really important, okay? You made me believe I was worthy of a real man’s love when you said those beautiful things to me the day of the funeral. You were the one to calm me when I saw Patricia make a move on Ethan and helped me to keep my sense of humor. You were the one who wanted to sleep entwined with my legs last night because you wanted to be close to me and to wake me this morning, giving me that beautiful orgasm. So
, baby, don’t think for a minute that you’re just the big, tough, strong guy to me. I won’t lie. I
that part of you. I love it when you pick me up, and I loved when you fucked me hard last night, but I love your tender heart, too.”

She caressed his neck. “I didn’t want you to think I overlooked that part of you.” Grace wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him tenderly.

He slid his hands from her rib cage and around to the small of her back, pressing her to him as his hands slid down to palm her ass cheeks. She moaned and sighed and then said, “I’ll miss you.”

“Baby, I’m going to miss you, too. I hate to leave right now. I’d much rather spend this day with you, especially after last night. I’d just want to stay near you, not
anything, because you must be sore. I wish I could tuck you in my pocket and take you with me.” He buried his nose in her hair and inhaled.

“We’ll have this evening, Adam. That’s what I’ll look forward to, and I feel fine. Only a little sore, just a heightened awareness, knowing that you’ve been inside of me. Really, Adam, I see the doubt in your eyes, but you saw me this morning sit down at the table with no real problem. That’s all behind us now. I’m going to look forward to dancing with you tonight.”

“If you feel up to it. Why don’t you take a nap after you get home?”


“Are you going to nap with me? I love a good nap. Bet I’d like it even more if I could cuddle up with you.”

“Yeah, but the question is, would you get any sleep?” He gathered her in his arms and lifted her off her feet, and she squealed. She heard Jack and Ethan laugh quietly from the kitchen, probably watching.

Adam finally made it out the door, still obviously reluctant to leave, but he couldn’t keep those customers waiting. Jack promised to be there in the afternoon when she got home.

She walked Jack to the door as he said, “Ask one of the hands, and they should be able to tell you where I am. I want to show you the new foals now that you’ll feel more comfortable roaming around the place. The ranch is your home now, and you have free run of it. Plus, I’m sure Angel will be glad to see you again.”

He was out the door and down the drive a few minutes later. She sat down with Ethan and had another cup of coffee. They talked about the bed and what dimensions would help to solve their problem of four in the bed, although Adam hadn’t seemed to suffer too badly last night as the odd man.

They decided that an increase of three feet in width and length would probably make things more comfortable. Ethan called Wesley and let him know they’d be over Saturday evening. He showed her a couple of websites that offered custom bed linens that could also make her canopy drape and the window treatments for the master suite, as well.

“Ethan, I need to know something. Will y’all expect me to withhold my affection for you when we are in a public setting, like at the grocery store, or restaurants, or the movies?”

Ethan seemed a little reluctant to broach that touchy subject. “We talked about it a bit before we asked you out. How would we treat you, which one of us would be allowed to show affection in public. Divine is a small city, and we have greater anonymity than Angel’s parents, but we’re all self-employed, including you soon. Unfortunately, that means caring about public opinion. Because you conduct yourself like a lady, there are only a few situations we need to be careful in. Bear in mind that we don’t have all the answers, okay? But I think you would agree that, outside The Dancing Pony, public displays of affection need to be limited to just Jack…”

“Meaning I can’t show affection to you and Adam?” She felt bereft at the thought.


“You’ve known Jack the longest. It would be all right with me and Adam if you treated Jack as your boyfriend. Just try not to tease us too much with not being able to touch you. I know that there are other similar relationships in the area, but they all either maintain a roommate or marriage façade, like Angel’s parents. At The Pony, you acted like such a lady that no one really thought anything of it if they saw you kissing us during the evening. Most of the regulars who come there are decent people who mind their own business. We’ll deal with any situations that arise while we’re there. Ben feels the same way, by the way. He thinks you’re a peach.”

“Really? That’s sweet! So, in the grocery store?”

“You can hold Jack’s hand, act like his girlfriend, but you need to let us push the cart and do the heavy lifting. I know it’s a lot to get used to, but all of us are committed to making you happy, so we’re willing to be flexible.

Let’s just be careful until things settle down.”

“I wouldn’t want to harm Jack or Adam’s business. Keeping it a secret is probably for the best, but at least the people closest to me—Charity, Rose, and Martha—have all been totally supportive. They adore you three.”

Ethan grinned and kissed her forehead. “We can sit down and have a talk together this weekend and see how we all feel. For now, it can keep.

But remember what I said about The Dancing Pony. You’re
date, okay?

I feel like I’ve upset you.” He reached for her hand, and she leaned her forehead against his shoulder.

“You haven’t upset me, not really. I’m already pretty careful when we’re in public. I’m just afraid I’m going to unconsciously take your hand or Adam’s because I feel so comfortable with you. I don’t want to mess up.”

“You know what we all have in common? None of us wants to hurt the others. If you catch yourself and have to withdraw a gesture of affection, don’t feel like we take it as an emotional withdrawal. I’m more worried about the love that shines in your eyes than I am about you accidentally taking my hand at the checkout line in the grocery store.”

“Then you’ll have to blindfold me because I don’t see how I can hide it.”


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