Read Divine Grace Online

Authors: Heather Rainier

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Western, #Erotica, #General, #Adult

Divine Grace (31 page)

BOOK: Divine Grace
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He gave her a long kiss that sent a spear of desire straight into her clit before going out the door into the rain. She sat at her desk and tried to focus on what needed to be done next.

“Wow,” Martha said as she and Rose came in the front room and watched through the window as Jack pulled away in the SUV.

Grace looked up as she paged through work orders. “Huh?”

“Nothin’, just

“She means that’s a hot cowboy you got there. Damn, you’re lucky, Grace.” Rose chuckled, going back to work.

The weather radio posted an update saying that thunderstorms were moving in their direction as the afternoon got steadily hotter. Martha, Rose, and Grace did finish their work early, as anticipated, and Grace kept an eye on the window as she swept out the shop. The afternoon sky had taken on a funny color that made her nervous, and the air seemed charged.

Jack showed up at four o’clock on the dot, helped her gather her things, and made sure the ladies had safe transportation home because parts of town were experiencing flash flooding. A block from the shop, a deluge slammed into them, and Jack had to slow down to a crawl because visibility became so poor. Hail began pelting the SUV as they reached the edge of town. It was mostly marble-size hail stones, but being in the midst of it was really

loud. The hail lasted about two minutes then suddenly stopped and turned back into a downpour. Grace was grateful there was very little wind.

The low water crossings were getting full but remained open, and Jack drove through them with no problem. The rain came down harder as they pulled into the ranch entryway and started slowly down the drive.

“I’m glad you listened to Ethan and allowed him to drive you to work.

We would have been worried sick.”

“I’m glad I listened, too. Storms scare me under normal circumstances, and I think I’ve already met my fear quota for the week on Tuesday evening.”

“You did, darlin’. We’ll get you in the house, and you can relax. We’ll have to make a run for it, though. I don’t have an umbrella. I’ll pull as close as I can to the front steps.”

She opened the door and hopped out and ran straight up the steps, glad she was in athletic shoes and not sandals. It didn’t matter that she was only on the steps for a few seconds. In that short time, she was soaked to the skin.

Jack ran the short distance from the parking area on the side of the house to the porch, also getting soaked. The hail and the heavy rain cut the oppressive heat somewhat, but she felt like a steaming, drowned rat.

Jack unlocked the door and opened it for her to go in. The frigid air inside the house blasted them as they entered, and they both started to shiver.

“Come with me, Grace. There are some bath sheets in the laundry room.

We can take off these wet clothes in there.” Jack pulled her with him as she shuffled along behind. Nothing felt as gross as soaking wet blue jeans unless it was soaking wet, suddenly cold, blue jeans.

Jack led her into the laundry room and turned on the light. He grabbed two big fluffy towels from a cabinet over the countertop and threw them in the dryer to warm them up. Then he started to shuck clothes fast. She stood there and watched for a few seconds.

“You need help, darlin’? Because if you do, I’m volunteering,” he said with a playful grin, reaching for the hem of her top. “I really like this little top you’re wearing. I like it even better soakin’ wet on you.” She lifted her arms so he could gently pull it over her head.

“I like it, too.”

“Let’s get you out of these wet jeans, darlin’. You’re shiverin’.”


He unbuttoned the snaps for her, and she shimmied out of them as he watched appreciatively. That particular move caused her breasts to bounce and jiggle in the confines of her now-transparent wet bra. She grinned at him, liking this bra more and more all the time.

June totally rocks.

He finished undressing right down to his skin, and she noticed his cock was stiff and erect. He was completely unselfconscious around her and did not bother to hide his arousal, smiling over at her with desire in his eyes. He reached in the dryer, took out the warm towels, and dried himself off quickly. He rubbed his hair with the towel until it stood up in spikes, reminding her of the black and white framed picture in the living room of him with Adam and Ethan on the Guadalupe River.

She stepped from the jeans, slipped out of her thong, and reached behind her for the closure on her bra. She peeled it off and laid it with the thong on the counter so they could dry. Jack wrapped the towel around her and rubbed her dry. She shivered again as he squeezed the water from her hair with the towel.

“I have a good idea, Grace. Why don’t we take a nice, warm shower together? It’ll warm us up, and we could have some fun in the process, you reckon?”

She nodded as she took his hand, and he led her to the master bathroom.

They left the towels on the bathroom counter, and he started the warm water in the shower. He turned to her, held out his hand, and stepped in as she followed him. The hot water streamed over her hair and down her back, warming her quickly. She heard the click of a lid, and then Jack was shampooing her hair. He worked the soapy suds through her hair and massaged her scalp with his fingers. She sighed happily, leaning against him.

“Let’s rinse your hair, darlin’.”

She turned into the spray and tilted her head back, letting the shampoo rinse from her hair, then applied a little of her conditioner. While she did that, she noticed that his cock was very stiff and fully erect. Her hands were in her hair, letting the water fall on it before squeezing the water through to remove the conditioner. She closed her eyes when the water ran in her face and jumped and giggled when she felt his warm mouth close over one of her nipples. She loved the playful lover in Jack. In bed, he was the most likely

to make her giggle, at least early on. When it came to lovin’, he was as serious as the others. She gasped when he suckled on it then released her with a pop, setting off a tingle in her clit.

He picked up the bottle of body wash and poured a little on his hand. He created a little lather before he spread it over her breasts and palmed them gently. He flicked his thumbs slowly over her nipples then trailed down her rib cage to her belly. Her heart pounded as his fingers slid around her hips to her buttocks and gripped her ass in his slippery hands. He pulled her to him, and every inch of his cock pressed against her bare, slippery skin. She arched her back and rubbed against him. She took the washcloth and poured more of the body wash on it and lathered it well, and then she
took to the task of bathing his body, paying particular attention to his balls and, of course, his beautiful cock.

Because she got on the job and actually did bathe him, he did the same for her, scrubbing every inch of her gently and thoroughly. He discovered a new ticklish spot, directly over the cleft of her ass, when he ran the washcloth very lightly over it. She squealed a little when he did it again as he chuckled deeply.

“Now we’re havin’ fun, aren’t we, darlin’?” He nuzzled her ear when they were both rinsed off.

“We are, Jack.” She rose on her tiptoes to kiss lightheartedly him on the lips. She held one of his hands to steady herself as she knelt in the shower.

His breath caught when he saw what she was doing, and the mood changed instantly.

She came to him and gently lapped his balls with her tongue. She laved and sucked on them, then swirled her tongue around them, playing. She grasped the base of his cock and gently tilted it into her mouth.

Leaning forward against the tile wall, he groaned, bent over her, and spoke softly to her. “Grace, I love when you do this for me, the way you take your time. Your mouth feels so good.”

She slowed her strokes and sweetly tortured him as she gazed up into his eyes and listened to what he said. When he was no longer able to speak, she closed her eyes so she could concentrate on him as much as possible. He had brought so much love into her life, starting with his own, then Adam and Ethan’s. If this one act could demonstrate for him how much she loved


him in return, then she’d make this the most mind-bending blow job he’d ever received.

Set to remain here a while, savoring his cock, she started a slow, steady rhythm with her hand at the base and her mouth gliding over the head. She relaxed her jaw muscles and regulated her breathing, taking him into her mouth, running her tongue along the underside of his cock. She felt his hand sink into her damp hair to help her establish the rhythm he needed. He moaned in pleasure, his head on the arm that braced him against the wall in front of him, the sound echoing off the tile.


* * * *


She hummed softly in response to him and the vibration against the tip of his cock had him hissing and groaning. Jack basked in the outpouring of her love, content to go slowly if that was what she wanted, but each time she suckled, his urgency increased. He wallowed in the decadent knowledge that she had no intention of stopping until she was good and ready. He was at her mercy, and he knew instinctively that was powerful for her as well. No other woman could satisfy him the way she could. He gazed down at her beautiful face. He cupped her cheek as his testicles drew up, signaling his imminent release. She opened her eyes and looked into his and commanded him to come from those blue depths. He howled as his release blindsided him.

Never had he had such an explosively powerful orgasm from a blow job.

. And he knew it was because he had never loved anyone the way he loved her.

Receiving his cock in her mouth like that could be viewed as a one-sided act, since she received no mutual stimulation in their current position.

That might be true, but it spoke volumes to him of the love Grace felt for him. After she released him, and he’d caught his breath, he knelt in front of her. He pulled her languid body into his embrace. Words were unnecessary.

He kissed her and noticed with a flare of renewed desire that he tasted himself there. A wild, possessive part of him was smugly pleased that his essence was inside of her and now a part of her, and even more would be later after they’d made love.

He helped her rise to her feet and shut off the water. When they stepped from the shower, he heard voices and realized Ethan and Adam were home

and, from the sounds of it, were setting the table for supper. Ethan had told him earlier he planned to bring home some Chinese takeout food. After she dried off, he went into her closet and retrieved her sexy, blue mesh robe and helped her into it.


* * * *


Grace squeezed as much water from her hair as she could and combed it out before blow drying it a little. Jack returned in his own robe, a jet-black fleece that looked very warm and soft. He came to her, palming both cheeks, and kissed her tenderly, the way she loved for Jack to kiss her, like she was so infinitely precious.

“Ethan and Adam have picked up supper and have everything already on the table. Are you hungry, darlin’?”

“A little.” She was so excited her stomach was the last thing on her mind.

“Well, you need to eat something because you’re going to need all your energy tonight,” he whispered. The light of desire shone plainly in his eyes.

“We have big plans for you.”

They walked to the kitchen where she was greeted with a hug and a kiss from Ethan and Adam. Their hands glided down her back and palmed her ass as they led her to her seat.

“How long have you been home?” She watched as they served her from the containers of Chinese food.

Ethan poured her a glass of tea. “About twenty minutes. We saw that you and Jack were busy in the shower and decided to check on things at the barn and see how Angel is doing.”

“How is he?” Jack asked.

“Great. Patricia came and got all of her things this morning while we were at work, and no one has seen her since. I checked in with Ben a minute ago, and neither she nor any of her friends are at The Pony yet. She didn’t make any trouble, just came with empty boxes and left with full ones.”

Ethan sat back down and started eating. She noticed he used chop sticks to eat while everyone else used a fork.


“I sure am glad to be home, baby. It’s been a long, long day,” Adam said, looking at her appreciatively in the robe. “I picked that robe because it reminded me of your eyes. Do you like it?”

“I love it. It feels very sexy on, like I’m not wearing anything at all.”

She looked him in the eye and caught the glimmer of lust and desire reflected there. He leaned down and kissed her gently as his fingertip stroked her erect nipple. Its rosy color was slightly visible through the semi-sheer mesh fabric.

“You look beautiful in it, baby,” he replied, smiling as she sighed happily at his gentle caress. “Did y’all get rained on coming home?”

“We got soaked to the skin. That’s how we wound up in the shower. We both got chilled when we came into the air conditioning and needed to warm up.” Grace smiled softly at Jack.

“You looked pretty warm when we got home and found you in the shower.”

“Yes, it was wonderful,” she murmured dreamily and blushed a little.

She looked up to catch Jack watching her lovingly.

at that beautiful face and those cheeks.” Ethan put his fingertips to her cheek. “We’re going to love you so well tonight, Gracie. I hope you walk around with that dazed expression for a week. I don’t know how we ever got lucky enough to be with you.”

From her seat beside him, she leaned her head against his shoulder and sighed in contentment as he wrapped his arm around her. What she was experiencing now was deeper and more profound than just an afterglow.

She ate a few more bites and said, “I’m done. Take your time and finish.

I’m going to go brush my teeth and get ready for bed.”

Ethan released her, and she smiled at them then sauntered slowly back to her room.


BOOK: Divine Grace
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