Read Divine Grace Online

Authors: Heather Rainier

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Western, #Erotica, #General, #Adult

Divine Grace (28 page)

BOOK: Divine Grace
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“Jack, it sounds to me like Gracie has some big plans for us tonight.”

“So I heard. Scrub it good, Ethan. She’s worth the extra trouble. Mmm-mmm.” Jack smiled back at her through the glass wall. “I’ll bet her body is still singing from that climax earlier, which was glorious to watch, by the way. I love the way she cries out when she comes. Like she wants to die and sing and cry all at the same time. I’m hard as a rock just remembering it.”

Smiling, Grace said, “Thank you for the things you bought from Madeleine’s, Ethan. It makes tonight even more perfect.” She lifted a long leg out of the bath, sluicing water and bubbles back into the tub. She glanced up in time to catch them watching her with hungry eyes.

Jack grinned. “The evening isn’t over yet, darlin’.”

“Well, I sure hope not. I have big plans for both of your wickedly handsome bodies. I’ve been fantasizing about tomorrow, after the doctor’s office gives you the all clear. Then you can show me what you’ve been fantasizing about all this time.” She felt beautiful and powerful in the hungry, lusting gazes they gave her.

These men brought out the wanton in her. She’d let them do anything they wanted to her, even take her ass and fuck her all together if they wanted to. She had absolute trust that they would not take her where she could not go safely.

Adam’s warm hands swept over her arms and shoulders, and sensual lips slid along her jaw line.

“There you are. Where did you go?”

“Brushed my teeth.”

Adam kissed her, and she noticed he tasted minty and smelled woodsy clean, that Adam smell she loved.

“We’ll go do the same,” Jack said as they left the bathroom, their hips loosely draped in towels, their hard-ons proudly erect. “Why don’t you help our woman from the tub, Adam?” Ethan said as he stopped at the door, giving Grace a wink.

Adam stood and held her hand as she rose from the tub, the warm water running down her body as he watched admiringly. He held an open towel out to her and wrapped her in it, then lifted her from the tub. While she


stood on the bath mat, he took the towel from her and patted her dry with it.

He took particular care with her breasts and the juncture between her thighs.

The humming in her pussy returned. She was fresh out of the tub, but she knew she’d be damp again soon.

Grace could clearly make out the silhouette of his cock through the towel. She licked her lips, looking at it, and it grew even larger.

“You keep looking at me like that, and I’ll embarrass myself like a teenager,” Adam murmured, kissing her shoulder.

“Not before I’ve had a chance to love on your cock for a bit. It’s so big, Adam. Will you take your time with me? Make sure I’m ready?” she asked as she rested a hand on his shoulder while he knelt and dried her ankles and feet.

“Baby, I promise I’ll take really good care of you.” He rose to look down at her, cupping her chin in a gentle hand. “And if you need me to slow down or stop, I will. Trust me?”

“You know I do.” She turned to pick up her toothbrush. Adam went into the bedroom.

After brushing her teeth, she removed the clip from her hair. She stepped out of the bathroom, carrying her hairbrush, and shut off the light.

Her men had lit the candles in her bedroom while they waited for her. She walked to Ethan and held out the hairbrush to him. He took it from her and carefully brushed her hair before laying the brush aside on her dresser.

Jack said, “Tonight you’re in charge, darlin’. Tell us where you want us.”

She didn’t even hesitate as she turned to Jack and Adam. “Y’all lay on the bed right there where you can see. I want to thank Ethan for the way he touches me and talks to me. I want you to watch me thank him and know you’re next.”

As she turned to Ethan, she thought she heard one of the other men growl softly. Her pussy responded to the sound with another rush of heat and felt her juices seep to her inner thighs.



Chapter Twenty-one

She placed a pillow on the floor at Ethan’s feet. She positioned herself so that Jack and Adam would see everything. She took Ethan’s hands to steady herself and knelt on the pillow. At first Ethan seemed unsure about her kneeling on the floor.

She reached out and laid her palms on his insteps. Yielding to her instincts, she leaned forward and loosely wrapped her arms around his legs and rested her cheek against his thigh. Her eyelids slid closed as a feeling of utter peace and joy flooded her as she knelt there. She stayed that way for a few seconds and held onto him. A wave of adoration for them shook her with a light tremor before she released her arms and trailed her hands up the light layer of brown hairs that covered his legs.

Her hands slid under the towel, and she looked up at him. She wanted him to see the utter…surrender in her eyes. What he saw must have pleased him because his chest swelled, and his features radiated with intense pleasure. His gentle hands reached out and caressed her cheeks. Her heart lurched in her chest at the overwhelming love she felt for these men. She reached to his hips, slowly unfolded the towel and removed it, and then allowed it to fall to the floor.

His erection sprang free, proud and stiff against his belly, extending to his navel. He palmed it and held it out to her. She took it in both hands, sitting up off her heels just a little. Adam and Jack were silent, unmoving, maybe even unblinking. She savored the moment, not diving right in. She wanted to savor and remember it. She licked her lips, and she heard a slight motion from the bed, maybe a groan. She parted her lips and looked into Ethan’s blue eyes as she took her first taste, swirling her tongue around the head. His loud moan filled the room, and he sounded as though he were in pain. Were it not for the look of sheer ecstasy on his face, she’d have believed she had hurt him somehow.


“Holy fucking hell.” He groaned as she licked her lips again.

Gently grasping his cock at the base, she slid the head into her mouth and then sucked lightly. She could taste the droplet of fluid that had seeped from the opening. Ethan tasted salty and wild, and the humming in her cunt increased, but it was accompanied by something else. She felt a languor stealing over her body that she’d experienced only once before as she’d served Jack in this way. She relaxed into it, and all she wanted was to rest in this position and feel his cock in her mouth. All she wanted was to love him.

She thought of the sweet things he did for her. Like the first night when he’d turned her to Jack so that he could hold her when she cried. She recalled earlier when he’d shown her the drawings of the bed. She knew those romantic designs had come right out of his head.

She remembered his fingers searching her body, finding hidden places, sending her to perfect, ecstatic heights, and then holding her as she came down from them. She was perfectly content to kneel before him with her lips around his cock. She wanted nothing more than to love him and let him use this part of her for his pleasure as long as he wanted to.

His fingers slid into her hair, setting a gentle rhythm in and out of her lips. She cupped his balls and played with them as she slid his cock farther into her mouth, bumping the back of her throat.

“Her mouth. It’s so hot, so fucking good. I could die right now,” he grated softly. “I love that little bit of suck—that’s it, right there. Damn, you’re so good at this. I’m going to make you so happy you’ll never want to leave. I love you so much. Fuck! Tomorrow night is going to be heaven! I’m going to come soon, honey, if you don’t want—oh! Gracie, I’m coming!”

Ethan cried out harshly as she embraced his thighs while his cum streamed into her mouth in hot jets. She swallowed it all as his moan rasped in his throat. When he was finished, she continued to very gently lick him clean of every drop of his cum, watching his face the whole time. He opened his eyes, making eye contact with Jack and Adam and muttering softly,

“Yes, Gracie.” His hands were warm and gentle at her shoulders. Finally, she released him and settled back onto her heels.

“Amazing, isn’t she?” Jack asked, and she noticed him palming his cock through his towel.


Ethan unsteadily helped her rise then made his way over to the edge of the bed and flopped down. “You are unbelievable. Jack, now I see what you meant. Fuck.” He lay down on the bed and put his arm over his eyes.

She crawled across the bed and lifted his arm to look at him. “Are you still alive?”

“Yes, I just need a moment. My mind is blown.” He laid his palm against her cheek. “Jack, could you help Grace lie down on the towels?

Adam, would you grab that oil from the bathroom? The orange-scented one?” Ethan asked as he caught his breath and shook his head a little. “We wanted to give you a massage after your bath, Gracie. Just one little thing we want to do for you, then we are all yours to do with as you please, honey.”

“A massage, huh?” she said, filled with renewed anticipation. “Will this be a nice full-body massage like the one I got at Madeleine’s? Or will it have a different rating?” she asked with a soft giggle.

“How would you rate the massage you had last weekend?” Ethan asked.

“It was wonderful, but I wouldn’t give it more than a PG rating, and that’s only because I was nekkid under the sheet.”

“I see what you’re getting at, Gracie,” Ethan replied, evidently getting into the game. “Well,
massage is going to go quickly from PG-13 to R

because you’re definitely coming at least once or twice, if not more. For the triple-X massage, you’ll have to wait until tomorrow.”

In a husky, needy voice, she asked, “What’s the difference between an R-rated massage and triple-X?” Hotly turned on by the whole idea, she was on her hands and knees, lowering herself to the towels layered on the bed sheet.

Ethan chuckled darkly. “In an R-rated massage, you come at least once.

In a triple-X massage, you get at least part of the massage with one of our cocks in your pussy. No thrusting, just held inside of you. We’ll massage you, filling you to bursting while you try to stay still and just experience all the sensations, and you can’t come until after the massage is done. Think you want to try that sometime soon?” He grinned devilishly at her.

“Say the word, Ethan, and I can be ready in two minutes.” She held up two fingers, looking over her shoulder at him. “Is this how you wanted me?”

She laid her head down.

“You’re perfect, darlin’.” Jack moved up beside her.


Ethan retrieved her clip from the bathroom and did a fair job of twisting her hair up and pinning it out of the way so they wouldn’t get oil in it. Adam climbed up on her other side. Ethan positioned her ankles loosely together, and she wondered what he was about to do to her when he crawled over her feet and straddled her calves, her ass positioned within easy reach.

“You just lay still and relax, baby, okay? We’re going to give you a good rubdown,” Adam said, palming a shoulder blade.

Jack slid a warm hand down her spine to the curve of her ass. “If anything we do doesn’t feel good to you, tell us right away, darlin’. If we do something you like, tell us, and we’ll make sure and do that more. We’re learning what you like tonight so we can do this for you on a regular basis.

Would you like that?”

“I’d love it, Jack. Y’all take such good care of me.” They moved her arms to rest at her sides.

“It’s because we love you, baby. You deserve to be taken care of,”

Adam answered for the three of them. His warm hand slid up her thigh and over her ass, sending a warm tremor up her spine.

Grace said nothing more as she concentrated on the warm hands touching her. She was already wet with need for them. Her pussy was drenched and swollen with desire. They warmed the oil in their hands first and then applied it to her skin. Adam and Jack mirrored each other with their motions. Each worked out an arm, a shoulder, and part of her back, down to her hips. Ethan focused all his energy on her hips and ass, gradually working his way down her legs to her feet. Then he massaged her back again himself. She trembled a little when she felt his hard erection brush against the cleft of her ass and smiled when she heard him hiss softly.

Adam and Ethan switched places, and Grace gasped in arousal when Adam gently parted her thighs. She knew that her pussy was now exposed to him, and he’d be able to see that she was wet and warm with need. She moaned in anticipation.

“Gracie sounds like she wants to come, Adam. Even over the orange scent I can smell her sweet, wet pussy,” Ethan said in a deep, husky tone.

“Do you think she would like it if you made her come?”

All she could do was moan in affirmation.

“I think she’d like it if you used your fingers on her,” Jack murmured.

“Show her how skillful you are with that sweet spot of hers, Adam.”


Grace trembled with the rapacious need to feel him stroke that place in her that responded so explosively to Jack the other night. Her sweet spot had sung in gushing waves for him and wanted to for Adam as well. She felt another throbbing rush of lust in her pussy and wanted to feel his fingers in her, on her, touching her. She tilted her ass slightly to him.

“Damn, what an invitation, Adam!” Ethan murmured. “I love how she offers so sweetly.” All of their words served to further inflame her. Finally, with a groan of appreciation, she felt Adam’s big, roughened hands rest on the backs of her thighs, slightly above her knees. He slid them up, over the massage oil, to the juncture between her thighs. She heard rustling and looked back to see Adam wipe the oil from his hands on a towel, and then Ethan poured a little of the lubricant on Adam’s fingers.

She sighed in gratitude when she felt Adam’s large fingers spread some of the lubricant on her lips, slide a thick finger into her opening, then around her sensitive, throbbing clit. He teased her like that, sliding into her then over her clit for several torturous minutes. Such sweet torture. He had her so wet, she was sure the lubricant had been unnecessary. Her pussy tingled in rapture when he slid two big fingers into her. Adam had big fingers, and for her, this was a bit of a tight squeeze. The slight burning sensation made her want to scream for release.

He leaned close to her ear. “Am I hurting you, Grace? Please tell me. I don’t want to hurt you.” Even in this erotically charged moment, her wellbeing was uppermost in their minds.

“No, baby, really. I love it. Don’t you dare stop!” She undulated on his hand as he stroked.

“Fuck. She is so tight on my fingers, so sweet and hot. Baby, I’m going to love sliding into your sweet little pussy. You are so beautiful, so perfect.

Mmm, so wet for me.”

She felt like she might pass out from the pure pleasure of the sensations, and the words he used to describe her made her dizzy with need. She wished he could slide it in right now. She felt her pussy gush and clench at the thought.

“Mmm, more sweet honey for me. I feel you gripping me with your pussy. You want it, too, don’t you, baby?”

All she could do was moan ecstatically. His pace and rhythm changed.

His fingers slid deeper into her and started a slow, hypnotic stroking in her


cunt. That familiar pressure began to build. She spread her legs, uncaring of how shameless she might look. She arched her back and ducked her face into her hands as he played her body. She felt Ethan or Jack’s hand on the small of her back, which kept her centered. Adam slowed the pace, and she moaned in need and frustration then gasped in surprise as she felt his lips make contact with one of her ass cheeks.

“I love this ass. I just have to taste it.” He licked and nibbled at her as he continued to strum her sweet spot, picking up the pace again. His other hand slid under her mound. One of his fingers found her clit and rubbed it in rhythm with the internal stroking he was using to drive her insane. The tension began to coil tightly inside her. His warm lips and tongue moved over her ass slowly, as he made his way to her cleft. Her tension skyrocketed.

He set a steady, intentional rhythm and played her body gently but purposefully. The crest of the wave grew and sent her higher. She wanted to scream as her walls tensed up impossibly tighter.

His tongue slid down her cleft, and his lips nuzzled her ass as he moved ever closer to her rear opening. She wailed at the sensation and couldn’t believe what he was about to do as Jack or Ethan’s gentle hands held her hips tilted up to him. She screamed as his tongue slid in gentle, slithering strokes around the tight ring of muscles in her asshole, while still stroking her sweet spot. The sound was cut off as she gathered a lungful of air, and he swirled his tongue around her opening again. She screamed again, louder this time, and an explosive orgasm slammed into her. She wailed loudly in their arms, and her body convulsed on his fingers and rode each wave. After he was done, Adam’s fingers and tongue retreated, his hands moving to caress her ass as he kissed her there and nibbled some more.

It felt so perfect and right for him to want this position of control, or dominance over her, to love her in this manner, and it made her desire for them to try anal sex with her even stronger. She felt completely unafraid to leave herself so open and vulnerable to Adam or the others, and they were big men, too. Her ass should be clenching at the thought, but here she was, wishing for it in the very near future. She gasped and trembled as she tried to catch her breath.


“Grace, let us help you turn over, sweetheart, so we can do your front.

BOOK: Divine Grace
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