Read Divine Grace Online

Authors: Heather Rainier

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Western, #Erotica, #General, #Adult

Divine Grace (27 page)

BOOK: Divine Grace
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She thought back to her night alone with Jack and quivered at the notion of spending time alone with each of them there. Plus, with all that space, there would be plenty of room for the four of them, except for one thing.

“I am concerned about one thing, guys. Jack, I know your bed is a king-size, but I don’t think a king-size would be big enough for the four of us. It will get crowded, and I’d want us to be able to
comfortably, too.”

“We have something else for you to look at.” Ethan slipped more print-outs over to her. They were illustrations of a beautiful bed in a medium-toned oak. The stylized posters that mirrored the sleigh bed’s curving silhouette and the canopy with gauzy drapes were incredibly romantic.

“Our friends, Wes and Evan Garner, build custom furniture. You can change the wood or the color if you’d like something different,” Ethan said, showing her a few other options. “Your bed is a one-of-a-kind creation.

There won’t be another one like it.”

“Y’all designed this bed?” She was in awe they would go to that much trouble for her.

“Ethan drew the plans with our input,” Adam said, “and we gave them to Wesley to work on. This is what he came up with. The design looked like something you would enjoy.”

Breathlessly, she replied, “It’s perfect. It’s just what I would want my fantasy bed to look like. The canopy is a beautiful touch. I’ve always wanted something like that. Romantic but not prissy. I love it.”

“Wesley said he can also make a dresser or chest of drawers, or whatever you might need to go with it,” Jack said.


“You spoil me, boys! This is all such a shock. A fireplace in the bathroom? A custom-made fantasy bed? What’s next?”

“You tell us. We’re ready to spoil you some more,” Adam said, rubbing her back.

“Remember I told you that I might stop by the jewelry counter at Stigall’s while I was in town with Angel?” Jack grinned at her obvious excitement.

“I’m dying to know how that went. Did you see Teresa?” she asked eagerly, wanting details.

“Yes. She helped me find the perfect thing for you. Angel helped, too.

She’s quite a saleswoman and a great friend, I think. Angel and she seem to have developed a little chemistry.” Jack quickly filled Adam and Ethan in about his matchmaking expedition earlier that afternoon.

Grace rubbed her hands together, eager to see how things turned out between the two of them. “I knew I saw a spark between the two of them that day.”

“I have your earrings, plus something else she thought you might like.”

Jack placed the bag in her hands.

She lifted out the smallest box first and opened it. “I love these. Thank you. What’s in the other box?” She suddenly felt nervous.

“Open it and find out. It’s all right, darlin’, I just wanted to surprise you a little bit. We didn’t realize we’d be double-teamin’ you with all the gifts. I think it will look beautiful on you.”

Grace’s hands shook a little as she unwrapped the box. Once the paper was off, she set it gently on the dining table. She hesitated briefly before she gently lifted the lid on the velvet box and gasped.

She stuttered and looked up at him in surprise. “The pink topaz! You bought me pink! You bought me pink!” She ran around the table to him, threw her arms around his neck, and covered his face with little kisses. “You bought me the pink topaz set!” She kissed him some more and hugged him.

“Dang, this is how she reacts when we buy something pink,” Adam said.

“I’ll make a note.” Ethan chuckled.

“I take it you like the pink topaz, yes?” At her teary nod, Jack handed her his handkerchief and said, “You can have the ring sized to fit whichever finger you want to wear it on. I’m glad you like it so much. I haven’t seen it

on you yet, but I can tell you this, Grace. You will look beautiful in pink,
shade of pink. Haven’t I always told you I like you in pink?” he asked, teasing her now.

“Yes, but you were always referring to my cheeks. I never wear this color.”

“I know, and we want to see you in it more.”

“Or less.” Adam gave her a crooked grin. “Oh, look, there go her cheeks again!”

She blushed even hotter. She went to all of her men and kissed them tenderly, one at a time, on the lips. She took her time and stoked some embers in all four of them.

“I’m blown away by all of this, guys. You
want me to stay if you’re willing to do all the remodeling.” Reaching for Jack’s hand, she said,

“You understand what that pink topaz set actually represents to me, Jack, and I appreciate what you’re trying to say to me with it. I’ve been wrong about a lot of things, and I’ve wasted a lot of time worrying what other people think about me.”

Jack drew her to his side and squeezed her waist. “I think it’s time our little darlin’ relaxed a little. Why don’t we fill up the tub for Grace?”

“That sounds like a good idea.” Ethan got up to attend to that task. She kissed Jack and winked at Adam then went to her bedroom. She heard the rush of water as the tub began to fill.

She put the dark blue velvet box on the dresser in her bedroom then went into the bathroom. Ethan reached into a drawer and pulled out her hairbrush. She unbuttoned her top and slipped it off, leaving it on the counter. He stood behind her as she faced the mirror, and she watched him as he brushed her hair out, gently stroking his fingers through it. The repetitive action was almost hypnotic. He made eye contact with her in the mirror and smiled. Not his usual playful, mischievous smile. This smile was warm and radiated from his heart, and vulnerability was in his eyes. She was mesmerized. Finally he placed the brush back on the counter.

She took a clip from the drawer, deftly twirled the length into a knot at the back of her head, and clipped it into place. As she raised her arms to do this, he reached in front of her. She gasped at the jolt of heat his gentle fingertips speared through her. He slid them down her abdomen, and she leaned back against him and slipped her fingers around his neck and into his


hair. He maintained eye contact with her the whole time, loving her with his eyes as he loved her with his fingertips. His warm, sensual lips brushed lightly over her shoulder as his fingers slid to the waistband of her jeans.

He lowered her zipper then parted the fly, his fingertips searing hot through the thin fabric of her thong. The humming in her clit increased to a decadent rhythm, singing in her blood. His fingers slid down inside her jeans to the tops of her thighs, pushing the denim down a little. His fingers glided back up around her curving hips, along the waistband of the thong, then back down over her ass. He pushed her jeans down with the backs of his hands, getting the job done but guaranteeing maximum contact with her skin. His fingers gripped both cheeks gently but firmly, and she inhaled sharply and felt a rush of damp warmth to her pussy. She watched him in the mirror through half-lidded eyes and could see clearly the heated desire on his face and the caged strength in the rippling muscles of his arms as he stroked and squeezed her.

He knelt behind her, lowering the jeans, tickling her when strands of his hair whispered against the backs of her thighs. He held the bunched up jeans down as she stepped out. This was Ethan, caring and yet so intense at the same time, doing the little things for her. Ethan, the lover, knowing the catastrophic effect his fingertips were having on her. Her heart pounded, and her body ached for his touch.

She trembled when she felt his lips glide up the back of one of her thighs, and she cried out softly when she felt his teeth gently nibble one of her ass cheeks. The throbbing between her legs increased exponentially, and she had no doubt that an orgasm was imminent if he continued. He slid his hands up over her ass and her back, standing as he did. He reached out and unhooked her bra, looking into her eyes in the mirror, a sexy, seductive smile spread across his sensual lips. His heated blue gaze was awash with unfulfilled desires, speaking his heart to her from their depths. His lips parted as she watched in the mirror, and his tongue extended to the sensitive skin below her ear. When his warm tongue made contact with her skin, she gasped again, and her head fell back to his chest.

“Oh, Ethan! If–If you keep doing that, I–I’m going to embarrass myself.

You don’t know what you do to me.”

“Gracie, you respond to my touch so quickly. The way you sound when I touch you, every little thing about you makes me crazy.” His fingers rolled

a nipple and pulled gently before squeezing her breast. “The way you arch your back when I touch just the right spot, the way you breathe when you’re about to come, oh, yes, that soft panting!” His fingers skimmed in a slow glide down her abdomen, and her high-pitched panting increased as his fingers found her slit.

The sensation of his fingers as they slid into her wet pussy was compounded by watching it in the mirror’s reflection. She saw the desire and lust in his hooded eyes, in the set of his lips.

Glancing in the mirror, she noticed Jack and Adam silently watching.

They had done nothing to make their presence known. She knew it was because they didn’t want to break this magical moment between Ethan and her. She closed her eyes and gave this moment to Ethan as his insistent fingers slid over her swollen clit. His touch, and the unfulfilled sexual tension between the four of them that grew daily, sent her to the crest of a wave. Her voice raised in breaking sobs as she teetered there, waiting for that last little push into the abyss.

“Come for me, Gracie. Let go for me.”

His beautiful, velvety voice and his long, stroking fingers sliding into her opening sent her crashing into orgasm. Her lips fell open on great panting sobs as she uninhibitedly rode out each wave of the orgasm. Once the pulses stopped, his lips slid up and down her throat and kissed her as his fingers withdrew, and he allowed her to recover. He wrapped his arms around her waist and held her to him. Opening her eyes, she could see the tension in his face and knew he must be close as well.

He went to the large tub, which was very full now, turned off the water, and started the whirlpool jets. He held her hand as she climbed into the tub and held on to her until she was seated, then unbuttoned and removed his shirt. Once she was settled, Jack and Adam entered quietly. They seemed sensitive to her need to quietly bask in that moment. Ethan rolled a hand towel and put it beneath her neck as she leaned back against the tub. The suds rippled and parted around the upper swells of her breasts.

Ethan picked up a washcloth, wet it, and poured a little body wash on it, lathered it, then gently rubbed it along her upper chest, shoulders, and arms before sliding it under the water. The scent of orange blossoms filled the room, and her eyelids slid shut as she feasted on all the sensations.


The shower turned on, and she opened her eyes in time to see Adam’s tall, athletic form slip into the shower. For the first time, she saw him fully naked, well,
all of him. He’d had his back to her, but what a glorious back it was. His broad shoulders tapered to a narrow waist and hips, which were cut so perfectly she wanted to nibble on them. Her fingers clenched unconsciously with the desire to squeeze his tight, muscular buttocks. His powerful legs were sprinkled with dark hair.

Jack knelt beside her, bare-chested, and reached in the tub for one of her legs and gently lifted it. Using another soapy washcloth, he tenderly scrubbed from her thigh to the soles of her feet. He said nothing, only gazed at her, loving her with his eyes and hands. Ethan’s hands and the washcloth delved deeper into the water, down over her breasts and torso. Ethan’s hands and Jack’s hands met in the middle.

Ethan whispered in her ear, “Lift, baby, for a second. Let us finish, then you can soak and we’ll take a shower.” She did as he asked, and they finished the task of bathing her, paying gentle attention to her sensitive pussy and then her ass. She would have thought she’d be embarrassed by having someone else bathe her so intimately, but she wanted them to do it.

She wanted them to know she trusted them and welcomed their attention to every part of her. She shuddered and moaned softly as Jack’s fingers and the washcloth swept over her rear opening, sending shivers racing up and down her spine.

Adam left the water running but climbed out of the big walk-in shower with a towel already wrapped around his hips.
Damn it, he must have had a
towel in there.
He grinned at her, probably guessing her thoughts, and ran a hand towel over his dripping wet hair.

He squatted down beside her and said playfully, “Just a few more minutes, baby, then I’m going to feast on those sweet breasts of yours.”

She sighed and smiled up at him. “Just a few more minutes, and I’m going to taste that great big hard cock of yours,” she said in her most sweetly seductive voice.

“Holy shit, I love your mouth, baby. I can’t wait.” He gulped hard. “I’ll be right back.” He left the bathroom for a minute. She watched in growing arousal as Ethan and Jack removed the rest of their clothing and stepped into the big walk-in shower and made use of the multiple showerheads. Her body responded shamelessly to the sight of both men, nude and highly aroused as

they bathed. Her mouth watered at the sight of their cocks standing proud and stiff as they lathered their muscled torsos. She looked forward to taking a shower with her men, maybe later.

BOOK: Divine Grace
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