Divine Grace (41 page)

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Authors: Heather Rainier

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Western, #Erotica, #General, #Adult

BOOK: Divine Grace
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“I put your clothes and shoes in the laundry room while we waited for you to get ready. I knew that would bother you if he saw them.”

“Thank you, Jack. You look very handsome tonight.” He was irresistible in his cowboy hat.

“I love you, darlin’.”

“I love you, too. Thank you for taking me to dinner. The food was delicious. I hope Ethan likes the shrimp.”

“Did we remember to pick up the to-go box with Ethan’s supper in it?”

Jack asked Adam.


“Yeah, I have it up here,” Adam said as they pulled into the parking lot of The Dancing Pony. Once again, the parking lot was overflowing. Jack helped Grace down from the back seat.

“I’m never going to grow tired of y’alls’ good manners,” Grace commented as she climbed down carefully. The night was humid, and heat still emanated from the sidewalks and pavement.

“We love looking after you, darlin’. Our mamas raised us right,” Jack replied, sliding his arm around her hip as they walked to the night club entrance.



Chapter Twenty-nine

Ethan stood near the door, talking with Mike and Eli as Rogelio checked IDs and collected cover charges from the customers who milled at the front entrance, waiting to come in the night club. The Pony was really thumping tonight, and Ben and Ethan had both been relieved to find that Quinten lived up to the recommendations of his former employers. He was fast, neat, and clean behind the bar. The waitresses took an instant liking to him because he hadn’t screwed up any of their orders.

Eli was doing fine as well in his new capacity, although the real test would come later in the evening if any customers got rowdy. As Ethan predicted, the ladies took an immediate shine to him, and he noticed several had approached Eli at the front as he tried to learn the ropes. He was always sweet to them but never encouraged the attention. He was more intent on listening to Rogelio and Mike as he learned the ins and outs of the club.

Ethan had a good feeling about both of the new hires.

Ben and Ethan enjoyed being able to move around and mingle with customers. Patricia and her bunch had made themselves scarce again tonight, so far. Ethan hoped it stayed that way. The music thumped loudly, and the dance floor was full. As he checked his watch, he heard Eli make a soft comment, looking over the heads of the people who were crowding the doorway.

“Hot damn! She is
gorgeous. Come to Daddy, honey,” he said, grinning when Ethan scowled up at him.

“Sorry, boss, I know I’m working. Wait till you get a load of the
walking through that door.”

Ethan looked up. The group having their IDs checked finally moved off into the club to get a drink. Ethan saw whom Eli had been referring to and couldn’t help the shit-eating grin that plastered his face as he leaned over to him.


“You think she’s gorgeous, huh?” Ethan asked. “Look at that
and that beautiful

“Bet she’s sweet as candy, too,” Eli said admiringly in a lower voice.

“Sweeter.” Ethan watched appreciatively as Jack released Grace’s hand and she sauntered seductively up to him. She slid her hands up his chest and into his hair before wrapping her arms around his neck and turning her head to kiss him open mouthed.
Holy crap
, what did she have on under that outfit?

“I brought you something to eat,” she said simply, then smiled playfully at him.

Ethan chuckled deeply at her innuendo. “I want to introduce you to someone.” He glanced over at Eli as he schooled the “Did I just lose my job, boss?” look on his face.

Ethan grinned good-naturedly at him and said, “Grace Stuart, meet Eli Wolf, the newest member of the team. Eli, meet Grace Stuart, my fiancée.”

“Grace, it is a pleasure to meet you,” Eli said with perfect manners, holding his big hand out to shake hers.

“Likewise, Eli. Welcome.” Turning to Ethan she said, “We brought you some grilled shrimp. Are you hungry?”

.” He gazed into her eyes. Her blush told him she understood his innuendo.

Ethan introduced Adam and Jack to Eli as well. They all shook hands.

More people came in the door and stood waiting to have their IDs checked.

“We’ll let you eat, Ethan. I’ll go see about a table,” Adam said.

“I had a waitress reserve our table from the other night over by the dance floor. Otherwise you probably wouldn’t be able to get one this time of the night,” Ethan told them as he slid his hands around Grace’s hips, pressing her to him just a bit, enough for her to know she had an effect on him. He whispered in her ear, “Gracie, honey, what are you wearing, or
, under this outfit?”

Grace rubbed her delectable body against him as he held her and murmured, “Take me to your office so I can put up my purse, and I’ll let you in on a little secret.” She was careful that no one else could hear her.

Ethan turned to his new bouncer. “I’m going to seat my friends and go eat real quick, Eli. If y’all need me, I’ll be in my office for a few minutes.

Hold down the fort.”


“Okay. Boss?” When Ethan turned aside to hear Eli, he said, “Sorry, boss, didn’t know she was your fiancée. No offense?” He held up his hands.

“None taken, Eli. I react that way
time I see her.”


* * * *


Ethan turned the envelope over on the desk as soon as he flipped the light switch on in the office. He placed his supper on the desk and turned to Grace as he closed and locked the door behind her. “I need another kiss like that last one, and then you can show me what’s under there.” His lips plundered hers.

The wild part of Ethan wanted to push her skirt up over those satiny thighs and slide his cock right into her hot, wet cunt. But his conscience wouldn’t allow him to do that and then send her out to Adam and Jack that way. He was not a caveman, for crying out loud.

The kiss finally ended, and he asked, “How was dinner?”

She encouraged him to go ahead and eat. She sat down on the edge of his desk as she told him about what happened at O’Reilley’s and Jack’s talk with her concerning not withholding public displays of affection anymore.

“I loved that public display of affection you gave out there just now.

That made my night, sort of like the glowing smile on your face right now.”

While he ate, she mentioned to him that she planned to give her two weeks’ notice at Stigall’s when she went in the following day.

“I’m torn because I love the people I get to work with there, but I need that time back on the weekends to spend with y’all.”

He knew she’d have more fun shopping at Stigall’s than she did working there. “I’m sure you’ll be in there on a regular basis, and who knows? If Jack the matchmaker has any luck, we may start to see a little of your co-worker Teresa around the ranch in the future.”

“I would really like that. How was your shrimp?”

“It was good. Thank you. I was starving.” He closed the container and beckoned her to come to him.

“Would you like me to show you?” she asked, smoothing her hands down her hips.

“I’d love for you to show me.” His cock wanted a peek, too.

“Are you gonna behave?” she asked, giggling as she approached.


“As much as I am able when I am in your sexy presence.” He laid his hands on her hips and slid them up her hourglass waistline to her full, round breasts. “Oh, damn! You’re wearing that black shelf bra,” he said, discovering her deliciously bared nipples. He gently strummed them with his teasing fingertips to tight peaks. “Mmm, Gracie, I’m going to be able to feel these when I’m dancing with you, aren’t I?” His cock twitched at the sound of her stifled moan.

“I hope so,” she murmured with a shudder. He gently slid his fingers into the deep overlapping neckline of her top and stroked the satiny swell of her breasts.


* * * *


“Can I see what’s under here?” He knelt in front of her when she silently nodded, enthralled by his heated blue gaze. His warm fingertips traced over the lace tops of her stockings. She gathered up the skirt in her hands as she heard him softly sigh. “You’re wearing a garter belt? Another of my fantasies coming true. May I?” He smiled as she let him lift the rest of the skirt up and felt her pussy melt at the deep growl in his chest when he found the transparent G-string. He fingered the delicate silk ties at each hip and rested his forehead against her thigh for a few seconds. She slid her fingers into his hair at the nape of his neck, and he looked up at her. She smiled at him, waiting.

“Just a taste?”

“I’ll never turn you down, honey. Never.”

He pulled the tie at one hip to loosen the G-string just a tad. He swept it aside and ran a finger down her very wet slit, making her gasp. His tongue gently followed, delving into her wet entrance, searching for and finding her throbbing clit. The beat of the dance music outside the office door punctuated his movements and the pounding of her heart. Gripping his desk behind her, she allowed him to lift one thigh and ease it over his shoulder.

She imagined how decadent they must look at that moment. Pure, lustful enjoyment was written all over his face, but the lust was tempered by the love that also shined in his eyes. He communicated his pleasure to her with a deep groan and she felt the vibration against her clit. She gazed into his eyes and thought to herself what an amazing turn her life had taken, to be loved

like this, times three. It boggled her mind. He slowly lapped at her, then gently suckled her clit until she came undone, trying to stifle her high-pitched panting moans. She felt sure it was not possible to get off that quickly, only…it
. He helped her tie the string back properly after she tidied herself, then lowered the skirt to where it should be. He tipped her chin up and looked in her eyes.

“Woman. You amaze me with your love.”

“I can say the same about you,” she murmured as he kissed her sweetly one more time.

He released her to fix her lipstick and powder her nose, then she handed him her evening bag for safekeeping in his office.

After they were done, he guided her from the office and escorted her to the table where Adam, Jack, and Angel sat, smiling as she walked up with him.

“Was sangria all right, darlin’?” Jack asked, sliding it in front of her when Ethan held her chair for her.

“That’s just fine, thank you, honey,” she replied, kissing him sweetly.

“So I see the interviews went well. That the new bartender?” Jack nodded toward the bar, where an unfamiliar man worked rapidly.

“Yeah, he seems very capable. The waitresses aren’t complaining, and you know how they fire off the drink orders. Eli is doing well, too. He has good instincts. We’ll see how he does later tonight. He’s made quite an impression on some of the ladies.”

As Ethan spoke, he reached out to caress her cheek. Her eyelids slid closed, and she leaned slightly into his hand. A woman laughed loudly across the club, bringing her out of her dreamy little haze.

Suddenly, a thought occurred to her, “Oh, shoot!”

“You forget something, baby?” Adam asked as people milled around, trying to get to and from the bar and the tables.

“I didn’t call Charity! I could kick myself. I should have called before I left work to tell her the news. How self absorbed am
?” She suddenly felt lonely for her sister’s company. The laughter she’d heard reminded her of Charity’s laugh. She
have called her this morning, but she knew the reason behind that. It had been because she wanted to keep last night with her men all to herself just a while longer. She
have remembered to call when they proposed.


Then she noticed the grins they were trying unsuccessfully to hide. She gaped at them in surprise. “You already called her?”

“Darlin’, I wanted to ask her permission to propose to her baby sister,”

Jack said.

“And to invite her and Justin to come out to The Pony to help us celebrate tonight.” Adam added as he waved at someone he knew across the room, nodded, and pointed at their table. Grace looked in the direction he was waving and saw Charity and Justin approaching.

Justin was in his riding leathers, snug white T-shirt, and jacket. Charity was dressed in her biker babe outfit, thigh-high boots, zip-down skirt, leather corset, and leather jacket. Her long, curly blonde locks were in wild disarray, but not the “I just spent half an hour on the back of a motorcycle”

sort of disarray. No, her hair fairly shouted, “My hair looks like this because up until just a few minutes ago he had his hands in it as I gave him the blowjob of his
” Of course, Charity was tall and a little on the voluptuous side herself, especially after two kids, but she carried it well and was looking very sexy tonight.

Charity saw Grace and sauntered over to the table with Justin at her side. “Grace, you look like sex on a stick tonight! Congratulations, honey!”

As Charity hugged Grace, she uttered a stunned whisper, “What in freakin’

hell are you wearing tonight, bad girl? I want to see later in the girls’ room.

deny me. You know I need all the details, but not here. Every eye in this place is on y’all.”

Grace scoffed and shook her head. “No, honey, every eye in this place is currently on you and Justin. Talk about hot! Pull up a couple of chairs if you can find them.” Before they could go in search of one for Charity, Adam got up and offered her his seat. Grace made introductions for everyone with Justin. Grace sipped her sangria, and Jack ordered drinks for Justin and Charity when the waitress came to check on them.

Speaking to Jack but looking at all three of them in turn, Charity said,

“Congratulations on Grace accepting your proposal. She is very precious to me, and I hope you take as good a care of her as she deserves. One look at her tonight and I can see just how happy you’ve made her. She loves y’all very much, and I can see that y’all love her, too. Remember I have that shotgun.”

“Yes, ma’am.” Jack laughed as she winked at him.


“Enough of the mushy bullshit.” Charity tossed a curl. “Justin, I need to dance with you.” He took her hand, and she slid from her chair.

“This is a really nice surprise, y’all. Thank you for calling her. I still can’t believe I didn’t call her myself.” Grace watched Justin pull Charity against him and move flawlessly over the floor with her.

Jack got up and held out his hand to her. “When I talked to her I explained that you’d had a really full afternoon and had been too busy to even think.” She laid her hand in his warm palm, and he spun her onto the dance floor.

“I love you, Grace. I’m gonna love you forever,” Jack said to her, dancing with her to a Brad Paisley love song. Swept away by the emotion in his voice and the love in his eyes, she was unprepared for the deep passion of his kiss. He usually kissed her with short, sweet kisses when they were here, but this kiss was like he was dying of thirst and she was the only drink that could satisfy him.

With his kiss he claimed her, clutching her to him, uncaring about what others thought. She was enveloped in this tender kiss, cocooned in his sheltering arms, and she loved the way they felt around her. She pressed into him, moving smoothly and allowing him to lead her.


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