Divine Mortals (26 page)

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Authors: J Allison

BOOK: Divine Mortals
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“You know Fred’s a push over,” he laughed, flashing his dark eyes at me, “especially where you’re concerned, you didn’t really think he would actually keep you from going tonight if you had asked did you?”

“Okay…” I wasn’t convinced, “I know you said that you wanted to ask me to the dance tonight but I didn’t actually think the whole dressing up thing was your scene, aren’t you more the swoop in swoop out kinda guy, cape flaring?” I couldn’t help myself.

“You really are going to have to let that one go you know,” his tone was light, “I’m no super hero.”

“Oh but you are,” I laughed out loud, “You defeated both villainous Grandparents and took the damsel to the ball, I’m very impressed.”

“Hmmmm Grandparents,” he mused, “not really the hardest tyrants to take down.”

I loved it when he smiled.

Robert had just proven it, Nan and Pop did have a soft spot for me, I really hadn’t thought about pushing them on their punishment, I guess it was good to know that they could be swayed, I would store that info for future reference.

“So are you going to explain the car?”

“No.” his answering smile made my heart flutter and I had to look away. The fields were flashing past on either side of us at an incredible rate, I didn’t dare look at what speed we were going. Robert lent forward and switched the radio on, some sort of Indi rock flowed instantly from the speakers.

“Really?” I asked, raising my eyebrows in question.

“Oh come on” Robert shrugged looking a little sheepish, “This stuff is great, everyone likes it.”

I shrugged and gave him my best ‘not me’ smile, Robert rolled his eyes but he was smiling and his hand reached across the seat to take mine, instantly enveloping it in warmth.

We were quiet for a while and I was actually beginning to enjoy the music that was playing.

“Where are we going?” it was much too early for the Ball, it couldn’t be later than six.

“We have dinner reservations.” he answered simply.

“Where?” panic made my voice a little higher than necessary, I hoped we weren’t going to the diner, I was far too overdressed to be eating fries and staring at the many pictures of Marilyn Munroe that hung on the walls in there. Just the thought of all the stares we would encounter had me ready to swing the car door open and throw myself out.

“It’s a surprise,” he glanced over at me, I could see the excitement in his eyes. Okay so I would give him the benefit of the doubt, hopefully not the diner, but there weren’t any restaurants in Huntington so I was a little confused.

The last thing I wanted tonight was to stand out from the crowd, and in this dress at the diner that was exactly what I would do, I just wanted to fit in. I wondered if this was how Robert felt every day, every time he stepped outside the privacy of his small hut.

We travelled along the Highway and through the center of town, coming uncomfortably close to the diner, I breathed a silent sigh of relief when Robert turned left at the main intersection and we began heading out of town. Within a few minutes this turned into a gravel road, although that didn’t seem to slow him down. I was intrigued as we pulled further away from the township and were surrounded once more by paddocks, cattle and horses.

The road started to climb steeply up the side of the valley and still I didn’t ask, I knew that even if I did Robert wasn’t going to tell me where we were headed.

This gave me a bit of time to plan my strategy with Sally. Although I couldn’t really come up with anything great, the only thing I could do was talk to her and apologize once more for having hurt her feelings. Even though she had never been with Robert she was obviously very hurt that I was. I could understand that I guess, after all I had endured hours of her talking about him and now I was the one with him, it did seem little two faced. All I could do was plead forgiveness and hope that she came around.

We were getting higher up the hill and as we rounded the last corner to the summit a huge building came into view.

It was enormous, made of log and stone, elegant and expensively rustic.

I turned to Robert who was careful to keep his focus away from me as he pulled smoothly into one of the parking bays, when he turned off the ignition I was still staring at him, waiting for an explanation.

“This,” he said smoothly, a delighted smile on his face, “Is Red Peak Lodge, it’s a spa resort where people from the city come to stay for a bit of pampering.”

“Okay…” I gestured for him to carry on,

“It also has an incredible restaurant if you’re ready to eat.”

“Oh.” I let my breath out slowly as I looked back towards the very exclusive looking resort.

The door opened next to me, Robert was already out and around my side of the vehicle. This time he was less formal, grasping my hand instead of linking arms as we walked towards the huge intimidating entrance.

A large water feature was the main focal point as we made our way towards the doors and I noticed small fish swimming in the base of it as we passed. A doorman swung the huge glass doors wide, giving us a nod as we entered.

“Good Evening,” he murmured as we passed, bowing his head a little.

“Good Evening,” Robert answered formally sounding so far removed from the rancher I was used to, he looked and sounded like he belonged.

The main reception area was incredible, and decorated beautifully, huge paintings hung on the walls and soft lighting reflected around the room. Two stunning women were standing behind a large granite topped desk, a spectacular arrangement of white lilies to one side of them.

Robert led me to the counter, I was beginning to feel out of my depth, for a ranch worker Robert seemed at ease.

The blonde behind the counter came over quickly, I watched with amusement as she appraised Robert with her eyes, although I couldn’t be angry at her, in fact I couldn’t blame her, tonight he was breath taking.

“Good Evening Sir, Welcome to Red Peak, How may I help?” Her voice dripped honey and suggestion, Robert was apparently oblivious to this, his expression never changing under her admiring gaze.

“We have a reservation for dinner, we’re joining another couple.”

My eyes flew to his, we were joining another couple, who else was coming? Before I could ask the receptionist was speaking again,

“Certainly,” she drawled, “The rest of your party are already through in our Observation Restaurant, if you follow the hallway off to your left you will arrive in the Restaurant and our Maître d will seat you.”

“Thank you.” Robert squeezed my hand and we headed towards the wide arched hallway that she had indicated. I had not said a word since entering the Lodge, Robert looked down at me as we walked slowly along the long high ceilinged hallway.

“She was very pretty,” I mused, not looking at him.

“Was she,” his voice was disinterested and I looked up at him, narrowing my eyes.

Robert smiled as he saw my expression,

“I see only you tonight Ava.” He gave me a cheeky wink.

I blushed, “You don’t scrub up so bad yourself.” I answered, a little abashed, pausing for a moment I tried to quell the butterflies in my stomach before continuing.

“Who’s the other couple?” I asked innocently, we were almost at the end of the hallway.

“Well…” Roberts grin was infectious and his eyes were glowing as he looked down at me, “I was thinking you were probably a little scared tonight, what with Sally being upset with us.”

“Me. Upset with me, she thinks you’re heaven on earth!”

“Well whatever way you want to see it, but I decided I couldn’t have you feeling uncomfortable all night, and…”

My heart rate sped again as I looked back at him, how did he do that, all he had to do was look at me, I was sure I would wake up one morning and this amazing guy will have been some wonderful dream.

We came to the end of the hallway and into a large and expensively elegant reception area beyond, a young dark skinned man in a tuxedo greeted us, arms outstretched; cutting Robert off before he could finish his sentence.

“Welcome,” he shook Roberts hand energetically before taking mine and kissing it, I dipped my eyes, feeling my cheeks burn for what must be the thousandth time tonight, I really wasn’t used to this sort of treatment. Robert smiled smugly as he watched my reaction, he found my discomfort at compliments amusing, I resisted the urge to poke my tongue out at him.

“My name is Pierre,”

Pierre, it was my turn to smirk, how cliché, Robert saw my reaction and smiled.

“Your table is right this way, the rest of your party have only just arrived,” Pierre had an accent, although I couldn’t place it, but I was pretty damn sure it wasn’t French.

I looked around, finally taking in our surroundings, the room was magnificent, the walls on the entire south side consisted of glass, from floor to ceiling, the roof was also completely glass and arched up to a high point yards above our heads. The view stretched down the valley in both directions and across to the mountains opposite, it was mind blowing and easy to see why this was called the Observation Restaurant. Robert pulled gently on my hand as Pierre crossed the huge dining room ahead of us, showing us to our table, bringing my thoughts back to the company we would be keeping tonight.

We were lead around the side of a partition to a small intimate table next to the glass, James and Sally were there, both looking intently at the menu.

Suspicions confirmed.


ally was the first to look up.

“Hi,” I smiled, trying my best to look as friendly as possible, hesitating only slightly.

“Hi.” her answer was cautious but not angry, her eyes flicked quickly to our hands where Robert still had a firm grasp of mine.

“Hey you guys,” James was his usual happy enthusiastic self. Robert gave them both a wide grin, directed in particular towards Sally, I watched her smile back, you couldn’t resist when Robert turned the charm on. I wondered if he really was as ignorant of his effect on people as he made out to be.

Pierre pushed my chair in behind me and laid a napkin on my lap.

“Would you like to order drinks?” he asked politely,

Sally and James both ordered a coke, I asked for an Orange Juice and Robert ordered the same.

“You look nice Ava,” Sally ventured, breaking the tense silence, “I love that color.”

“Thanks,” I gushed a little too enthusiastically, jumping at the chance to break the ice.

“I love your gown too, it’s gorgeous.” Sally was wearing a strapless midnight blue satin dress, it matched the dark color of her eyes and bought out the gorgeous color of her honey blonde hair.

“Thanks, I’ve had it for months, Mom and I found it a while ago and I just had to get it for tonight, I’ve been dying to wear it.”

“Well it suits you.” I beamed, I noticed James and Robert had struck up a conversation already, something to do with sports, Robert was normally so reserved around others but I was happy to leave them to chat, I needed to continue trying to repair my friendship with Sally. I took advantage of the boys being otherwise occupied to try and apologize again.

“Sally, I need to say sorry to you,” I grabbed her hand from where it was resting on the table, ever aware, I noticed Roberts eyes flit briefly to me before he was again listening intently to James.

Sally smiled too, this time it was genuine.

“You don’t need to say anything Ava,” She looked a little embarrassed, “I shouldn’t have reacted as I did, Robert actually told me how awful you felt when he called to arrange tonight and I realized how stupid I’d been.”

I was astounded and more than speechless, Robert had spoken to her about me, what had he said?

“Oh,” I tried to hide my surprise, I glanced quickly towards Robert, his eyes tightened a little but he was not looking at either Sally or I, plenty of time to ask him about

“Thanks Sal, I just want you to know I didn’t plan anything like this it just sort of, happened, Wow,” I laughed, “How much of a badly clichéd comment was that.”

“Everything happens for a reason,” Sally smiled, “You probably deserve something nice this year anyway.”

I knew that Robert would be hearing everything we discussed even while maintaining a conversation with James. I let go of Sallys hand and decided to change the subject.

“So what should I expect tonight?” I asked, bringing the conversation back to the impending dance.

Sally spent the rest of the time before our meals arrived telling me about the Ranchers Ball.

Robert and James joined our conversation, my hand was cocooned in heat as Roberts fingers slipped into mine under the table. God if only Sally knew what he was, she would freak out. My mind wandered back to our night in the hammock, the night he told me.

“Ava?” Roberts voice was urgent, I snapped back to the present realizing too late that all three of them were looking at me strangely.

“Sorry, what?”

“Wow you were miles away,” James joked, “Sal just asked you three times if you wanted dessert and you were in la la land.”

“Oh sorry,” I mumbled, trying to gather my thoughts once more, “No thanks I’m fine, dinner was huge.”

Sal and James continued to order their dessert from a waiter that I hadn’t even seen arrive, Robert leaned towards me, his breath warm on my neck, his gorgeous smell making my head spin.

“Are you alright?” he whispered, his eyes searching mine.

I nodded, “Definitely.”

He pulled away a little still looking slightly confused by my vacant episode.

James interrupted his brooding, asking him a question I didn’t catch, whatever it was Sally seemed interested as well and I was free to slip back to my thoughts.

Robert had been raised by foster parents, Okay I got that, he’d been in Huntington for the last three years working for my Grandparents. He had some sort of crazy gifts that even he didn’t realize the full extent of, this had been made terrifyingly clear after our ‘flying’ episode at the river.

He must know more about his own existence, how could there be so much unanswered. I felt his eyes on me and I raised my own slowly until I met his gaze, his deep bottomless brown eyes burned into me, he was trying to figure out my thoughts.

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