Divine Solace: 8 (29 page)

Read Divine Solace: 8 Online

Authors: Joey W. Hill

Tags: #Gay & Lesbian, #Literature & Fiction, #Fiction, #Lesbian, #Erotica, #Romance, #Lesbian Romance, #Genre Fiction, #Elora's

BOOK: Divine Solace: 8
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Lyda pressed herself against Gen’s back again, cupping both
her breasts. Gen let out a moan as Lyda ground her pubic mound against Gen’s
backside. Gen rolled her hips, wanting to give her Mistress pleasure. Lyda
nipped her neck.

“Look at his chest, Gen. You did that.” She saw it then, the
crescent marks where her nails had bitten into his skin.

“He likes nothing better than to be marked by us. Maybe
we’ll do that permanently one day. Brand his ass when he figures out what
belonging to a Mistress really means.”

His gaze slid to Lyda’s. Gen sensed a whisper of that
conflict between them again, but Lyda didn’t linger long enough to let it snag
them this time. Her hands slid from Gen’s breasts, and she gave her a push.
“Flirt with him while I get ready.”

Gen wet her lips. Keeping her hand moving on the now
well-greased phallus, she moved forward, shifting closer to the wall so Noah
could get a better look at her.

“No wonder a guy thinks this makes him king of the world.
The weight of it makes me want to swagger.”

A smile touched his lips, but it didn’t dilute the intensity
of his eyes. “Closer,” he said, his voice a growl.

She arched a brow, but eased forward. His legs were bound,
his wrists, but he still managed to emanate a sensual threat. She expected
there was some primal dance of testosterone versus estrogen where the former,
when whipped to a lustful frenzy like this, could set off a woman’s flight
instinct. Only in this case, she kept drawing closer to the threat, not away,
as if she knew the danger was worth it.

When she was close enough that the tip of the dildo brushed
his testicles, she reached up with her non-lubing hand. Gathering a handful of
his hair, she stroked the straight silk of it over his bare shoulder, tangled
her fingers in it. The other hand she put on his abdomen, leaving a slick trail
down to his cock, where she closed her fingers over him. She played with the
corona through the latex, wishing the barrier wasn’t between them.

His head dropped, neck twisting. Before she could anticipate
him, he closed his teeth on her throat. His clamp on the carotid was so firm
she could feel the pump of her blood, and it accelerated as she recognized that
untamed side Lyda had talked about. Her eyes closed, and she gripped his hips
with both hands, pressing her upper body as close as she could, lifting upon
her toes. The tip of his cock dragged against her navel, the hard length
pressing against her lower abdomen.

His tongue played along her pulse, teeth tightening further.
He wasn’t breaking skin, but he was compressing the area enough the pulse rate
started to thunder. She felt the faint buzz of the tongue stud and her whole
body reacted with a gooseflesh-raising shudder.

“Noah,” she breathed, her fingers scraping at his flesh.
“I’m getting…dizzy.”

He released her, nuzzled the bitten area. She captured his
mouth, gripping the back of his neck to hold him, plunder his lips. He gave her
back a kiss so intense, her toes curled in her heels. When a track of arousal
ran down her leg, Lyda’s fingertip slid along it. She gripped Gen’s waist,
drawing her back.

The Mistress had one hand on Noah’s back, the other now up
to her lips, tasting Gen. “Ready?” she asked, her gaze like molten steel.

When Gen made a noise of agreement, Lyda curled her fingers
in the strap at her waist, gently tugged so she was shifted between him and
Lyda. He adjusted his feet in the boots, getting ready for her. His fingers
curled and uncurled in his cuffs.

Gen glimpsed another strap-on Lyda had laid on the chair.
Lyda had chosen the princess-pink one for herself. The one she’d be fucking Gen
with. Another little shudder ran through Gen, imagining Lyda driving that into
her. “This is now your party,” Lyda said to her. “You’re lubed up good enough.
You fuck him when you’re ready. Take your time with it, play with him, do
whatever foreplay you enjoy.”

“I don’t want to hurt him. I’ve never done it.”

“Ease in, don’t push,” Lyda advised. “Other than that,
you’ll be fine. He has a nice, tight ass, but it’s been well used. He’s not a
virgin to it.”

Gen saw Noah’s eye trained on her through that fall of hair
along the side of his face, but then Lyda captured her attention with a firm
touch on her jaw. “You command his orgasm, Gen. He doesn’t go until you say so.
If he does, he gets punished.” Her gaze gleamed. “So you can guess which way
I’m hoping things will go. I was holding back with you. I won’t with him.”

Gen remembered the pain of those thin straps. The same way
he’d wanted to protect her, she didn’t want Noah punished. Lyda was right. It
was hard to reconcile those two emotions, craving the pain Gen wanted to spare

Lyda stepped back, picking up the pink strap-on so she could
sit on the chair. “He’s all yours, Gen. You own his ass, his cock, and
everything attached to them. He’s your property. Touch him any way you wish.
Command him however you desire.”

A heady thought. Wicked, politically incorrect, titillating.
Irresistible. With every word Lyda spoke, Noah’s breathing elevated, making
those handsome shoulders and chest expand and contract, conveying arousal,
anticipation. Gen’s gaze riveted on the curves of his buttocks. Wetting her
lips, she stepped forward. She slid one fingertip over the right cheek, and it
quivered, both of them tightening in automatic reflex. Hard desire speared her.

“Do that again,” she murmured. “Hold it that way.”

He obeyed, tightening his ass so his thigh muscles hardened,
as well as the muscles of his lower back. She ran her fingers over the
pleasurable terrain, scraping him to watch those little twitches and movements.
God, he had a fine ass. “Now relax it.”

“I like thinking about the way it looks from behind, when a
man’s inside me.” She wasn’t sure if she was talking to herself, him or Lyda.
It didn’t matter. “The pumping motion as he’s thrusting. I’d like to have a
mirror on the ceiling, so I could watch. I think I could come from just that,
no matter what else he was doing.”

An image passed through her mind of Lyda lying on top of her
the other night, making a similar movement. Her beautiful heart-shaped ass
would have been making that flexing motion, her shoulders and slim back

Gen ran her hands over Noah’s back, that vision melding into
this one, both pleasurable. She caressed his shoulders, his neck, under his
hair, into his hair. He rolled his head with the movement, like a horse being pleasured
by her touch, and she liked that, so she did it again, exploring all of him. As
she did, she moved closer, nudging him with the dildo. It slid between his
legs, and she rotated her hips, rubbing the phallus against his testicles.
Sliding her arms around him, she pressed herself full against his back and
began to work her hips in the act of coitus she’d just described. When he let
out a quiet groan of pleasure, she ran her lips along his spine, between his
shoulder blades. All hers. He was all hers.

And they both belonged to Lyda. The Mistress’s regard was a
tangible force. She was seeing what Gen had imagined, the rise and fall, flex
and release of her ass as she moved against Noah, their naked bodies pressed
together. Though Gen was allowing her own desires to lead her, Lyda had
directed their physical and emotional responses onto this track. Yet it wasn’t
all one-way. Gen loved knowing they were making Lyda wet and aroused. She was
strangely humbled that Lyda was restraining her obvious natural instinct to
dominate them both to let Gen explore who and what she was.

She rose on her toes to bite Noah’s shoulder hard, payback.
She thought again about Lyda’s threat to make her wear a shirt that would show
off her own marks. It made her crazy hot to think of it.

Sliding the dildo from between his thighs, Gen adjusted the
stool. With a steadying breath, she stepped upon it. As she guided the
lubricated tip between his buttocks, she earned a fervent oath from him and
felt him bracing himself in the boots.

A well-used ass, Lyda had said. But to Gen it was all brand

She was careful, because she remembered how much it had hurt
her. But Lyda’s finger hadn’t hurt. Gen had begged for more with the movement
of her hips. She pressed inward, her heart high in her throat. God, it felt…
She eased farther in, and those muscles gave way like open sesame, a gateway
waiting just for her.

She expected it was the closest a woman could get to what
sinking into someone was like. She slid deep, Noah shuddering all the way, and
then she was holding him tight around the waist, the strap-on pressed against
her cunt in a way that begged her to keep moving, keeping working it back and
forth so she’d get that stimulation as well. But she stayed like this an extra
moment. She could feel Noah’s inner muscles clutching the dildo. The vibration
came up the shaft, sexy, involuntary little twitches. Experimenting, she drew
back, then sank back in.

Oh yeah. That was the ticket, if how his breath whistled out
and he clenched his fingers in the cuffs were any indication. She did it again,
small movements, spreading her hands against his chest, plucking at his
nipples. She wasn’t hurting him, which was a relief that spiked the pleasure,
as did his rough words.


The power of it was unbelievable. Lyda had said he was her
property. Hers to fuck, to possess. To keep. She’d never experienced that with
any boyfriend, husband…they’d been sand passing through her fingers, even when
she lay in bed next to them, even when holding them. Was it like this every
time a Domme claimed a sub? Was it just an in-session kind of feeling, or could
it be carried into the real world? Could it intertwine with how Gen felt about
Noah and become a constant element of their relationship, as much as waking in
the morning together, sharing breakfast, paying bills…

If it could, how did Lyda keep it compartmentalized the way
she did? Or did she?

Gen’s response was ratcheting up with every impact of the
strap-on. It silenced the debate, focused her on the here and now. Then Lyda’s
fingers curled over her hips. On Gen’s next pull-back stroke, Lyda slid deep
into her cunt.

She’d stayed aware of Lyda’s scrutiny, but somewhere along
the way Gen had lost where she was, what she was doing. So it was an erotic
shock to be suddenly impaled, her aroused tissues clutching the dildo inside
her the way Noah’s ass was holding onto Gen’s. “Oh…Christ…”

Lyda was doing exactly what she’d threatened…promised. She
pushed Gen flush against Noah and held her there, using him as a wall and not
allowing Gen to move as she worked her hips, thrusting the pink phallus in and
out of Gen’s pussy. A slick slide against tissues already vibrating with need.


“Just take it, baby girl. I get my pleasure before you get
yours. That’s the way this pyramid works. Don’t you move, or I’ll beat you with
that flogger again.”

Noah was a lit cannon under Gen’s grip, his body hot and
hard, every muscle clenched. Her own thighs were shaking as Lyda kept driving
into her. At some point, she and Noah were doing the shuddering thing together,
incoherent breaths, pleas and oaths slipping from their lips. Gen dug her
fingers into his chest, held on for dear life.


Lyda let out a nasty chuckle. “Keep begging. You have such a
sweet pussy, I might just have to keep at this for a while.”

“I can’t…”

“But you will. You both will.” Lyda pinched her nipple,
making Gen flinch. “If he gets too close to coming before you give him
permission, dig your nails into the base of his cock, give his balls a twist.
It works wonders to keep them focused.”

She’d forgotten Noah was waiting on
to give the
command. She’d abdicated everything to Lyda the moment she touched Gen. What
did that say about her?

Lyda had said he’d be punished if he came before Gen gave
the order. Noah was obviously so desperately close she followed Lyda’s orders,
groping for his cock. Holy fuck, he was huge. Her pussy got even wetter, if
that was possible. She could hear it sucking on the phallus Lyda was thrusting
into her. Lyda made a pleased noise.

Gen bit her nails into his cock, squeezed his testicles.
Harder, until she heard him grunt. And Lyda slammed into her again. The woman’s
breath was rapid, and then it moved into a soft moan, entirely feminine,
unexpected. Gen had expected her to roar like a lioness. Yet it was even more
arousing to hear Lyda release with those female helpless cries of pleasure. She
had her mouth pressed to Gen’s shoulder, teeth on her flesh as she held Gen’s
hips tight, worked the dildo in her fast and furious. Gen couldn’t last a
second more. She barely remembered to gasp out the permission.

“Come, Noah. Please come.”

He released with a snarl. With his hips pistoning and Lyda
still deep inside Gen, Gen was catapulted into another universe-bending climax.
When Lyda’s hands gripped her breasts and tweaked her nipples this time, it
shot her over a higher ledge. She was whirling, spinning, tumbling.

She clawed at Noah as if she really was falling off a cliff.
Since Lyda was pressed full against her back, Gen groped behind her, latched
onto her forearm. She held them both tight as she fell to earth like a stone.

* * * * *

Music returned. Voices. The erratic air currents in a place
occupied by a lot of people. She’d had another intense sexual experience in the
middle of a club, a public forum. When she tilted her head to look up, she
regretted it. The mezzanine had become standing room only, like ringside seats
at a heavyweight championship. She knew without being told it was all for them.
It had been a spectacular event to witness, let alone experience. God, what the

“I need to move,” she managed. “Please.”

Lyda lifted off her, gently detaching her arm from Gen’s
grip when Gen couldn’t uncurl her fingers on her own. Lyda guided Gen’s arm
under Noah’s. “Hold onto him,” she ordered. When Gen complied, palms pressed to
his chest, Lyda withdrew. Gen’s pussy contracted with the movement, a shiver
running through her. She only had a moment to miss the pleasure of Lyda’s body
before a terrycloth robe was laid over her shaking shoulders. Lyda threaded her
hands into the sleeves, one at a time, as if Gen was a doll. She didn’t try to
pull the robe around Gen’s front, letting her draw warmth from Noah’s strong
back, the curve of his buttocks against her pelvis.

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