Divinity: Transcendence: Book Two (The Divinity Saga) (27 page)

BOOK: Divinity: Transcendence: Book Two (The Divinity Saga)
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“But you still have some of the abilities and powers that you had as an angel though, don’t you?
Like wings? Can you still fly?” I asked in wonder.

He shook his head no.
“Not much more than you guys as divine warriors. My powers are limited now, and earthbound means just that. No more wings.” He sighed.

ut I do have access to magic, and my weapon is still glorified.” He then grinned.


“It still has its original angelic properties.” He winked.

I nodded. “So what is it?” I asked.

d much rather show than tell, and that goes for…everything.” He smirked.

I looked
up at him from the corner of my eye. Somehow, I expected that would be his answer.

“Well, for what it’s worth,
I actually do find that selfless and noble of you. Sacrificing your status for mankind, I mean.” I told him.

              My comment stopped him and he thought for a moment before turning to face me.

“Likewise. Being a divine chosen isn’t a rite, and it sure isn’t mandatory either. You were chosen
, but you do still have a choice to make. I appreciate your honor and your acceptance of your destiny as well.” He returned the thanks.

I smiled.
“Why are some people chosen and some not?” I then asked.

chuckled and splayed a hand on his chest. “Girl, I’m not the Almighty. That’s something you’ll have to be sure and ask him, it’s his thing. Everyone on this planet is chosen for something in particular; certain people are chosen to be warriors though. Again, I don’t have the answers as to why.” He smiled.

Maybe Spencer
wasn’t entirely a perv in angels clothing, I thought to myself. I was actually enjoying our conversation.

“Since we all had to die first,
what happens if a person decided not to accept being chosen?” I asked.

e gave me a deep and telling look. “Well, you could end up like…Morning Star.” he said matter-of-factly.

Well, that left me speechless. I had nothing more to add to that statement.

I was getting tired now, and I really needed to bathe.

All the sweating that I had done while writhing in pain, was making me feel icky. I was surprised
that I didn’t come off as offensive or ripe to Spencer, or maybe he was just being way too flirty to care.

“Well, I could really use a bath. I’m sure tha
t’s probably the real reason everyone cut out so soon.” I joked, pulling the material of my tunic away from my chest.

              That caught his attention and he immediately grinned again. “You smell fine to me. If you’re not shy, I know a grotto just off the Eternal waters. It’s a private, warm spring —perfect for a bath…or a skinny dip.” He raised a brow.

Did he ever quit? I blushed
, because for a split second, the thought did tempt me. I imagined what he would look like naked, but I pushed that image away quickly.

Then an idea hit me
and I looked up at him.

There was so much
that I needed to know.

“If you know anything about
why some people seem…wary of me, then I’ll take you up on your offer.” I persuaded flirtatiously.

His eyes widened an
d a smirk crept across his lips.

You’ve got a little defiant streak in you, I love that. I think you’d do it anyway at some point. I would tell you, if I could…” He began.

“You can. You mean you won’t.
I don’t get what the big secret is.” I sighed.

“It’s not
a secret. It’s just irrelevant.”

, well there’s a lot of people that would probably disagree with you on that. I’ll see you in the morning.” I waved and turned away.

I wasn’t
expecting him to reach out and grab my hand. He pulled me back to him— and we connected in a well-calculated collision, that ended with my lips crushed against his.

The feel of his mouth on mine, was like warm velvet
. He took control and deliciously savored my lips, while the tip of his tongue candidly explored my mouth. His expertise had to have come from much practice or foreknowledge.

I saw an explosion of stars in my
head; my mind was spinning into a melting vortex of desire and passion. I don’t have any memories of being kissed, though I was sure that I’ve been kissed romantically at some point in my mortal life.

he had been planning this all along, acting upon the opportunity— just like Lorelei said he would. I wasn’t expecting it—and I certainly wasn’t stopping him either, apparently. The feel of his lips on mine and the power of his supernatural aura began to pull forth an image.

it was shadowed and hazy, I could see enough of him, and he was magnificent. He was towering in height. His build was muscular, yet lean. The shape of his chest, arms, the ridges in his stomach, and his defined, broad shoulders, made him look like a bronzed gladiator. His hair was dark and tousled, and his gorgeous, pure white wings, were ruined with black, patterned feathers. He was breath taking, and he was most definitely…a Fallen.

I gasped and pulled away from Spencer quickly.

His iridescent, supernaturally pale, silver eyes searched my face in brief confusion. He was more than likely preparing himself, in case I was rearing my fist back, ready to punch him for being aggressively lascivious with me.

“What’s wrong?
” He asked with concern.

I shook my head and
touched my fingertips to my lips. I closed my eyes for a second, still feeling the ghost of Spencer’s smooth, warm lips pressed against mine. I was desperately trying to recapture the image of that fallen angel in my head, but I couldn’t. How did I even know that he was a fallen? I was confused.

“Nothing. I’ll see you in the morning.” I quickly said

                            I backed away, and then turned around, practically jogging back to my room, with heart pounding wildly. I could feel his eyes on the back of me the entire time, but I didn’t stop or look back.

It wasn’t until I was in m
y room that I paused, leaning with my back against the closed door. I was nearly breathless from the range of mixed emotions, set off by that kiss, and of course…the sudden random image of a fallen. I don’t remember ever seeing one before, let alone imagined them to be gorgeous creatures. I thought demons were all dark, ugly, hideous, horned beasts and monsters?

              Something rustled. It didn’t take long for my vision to enhance focus in the darkness of the room. Being able to see near perfect in it was weird. Every shape, the detail of objects, furniture, even Jamie’s form, and oval shaped, face, stood out with sharp clarity.

She was sitting up in her bed now
, looking at me with an annoyed glare that slowly began to spread into a sarcastic smile.

“So, how did it go?” She asked.

I wasn’t in the mood for her smart-assed conversation. I moved to the desk between our beds and turned the pin on the oil lamp. A small flame grew and soon the room was bathed in a soft, yellow glow.

“You should have stayed. I thought that’s what you were waiti
ng for anyway.” I cut my eyes to her, while sifting through the small stock of clothing that I had for a clean outfit.

“Something came up. Believe me, I really wanted to stay.”
She shifted so that she lay on her side, propped up on her elbow and facing me.

“Do y
ou know how to wield them yet?” She then asked.

“Not yet.” I said,
heading back towards the door.

“I suggest you
work on it quickly then. They’re pointless if you can’t even use them. FYI…I’m going to annihilate you on the training fields tomorrow.” She said.

Awesome, I’ll have someone to practice using them on then.” I replied with much sarcasm.
She snorted a sarcastic breath. “Right. Oh and one more thing…”

              I paused with a heavy sigh, my hand frozen on the door handle. I wasn’t sure why I even waited for her to say anything else. Annihilate me? Right, as if I was gonna let that happen. I wouldn’t speak too soon though, I had no idea what her essence, talent, or weapon was.

How had she even known that I couldn’t wield my weapon, let alone that I would even be out on the training fields tomorrow? Either word travels lightning fast around here, or her one of her
friends must be a scout too.

I knew it wasn’t
Lira; she was eating with us the whole time.

I didn’t reply right away. S
he took my lingering hesitance as a

Don’t mistake Spencer’s curiosity about you as him being interested. Being around you is dangerous, and I’ll be damned if he is hurt or killed over you. Take that as a threat if you want. I mean exactly what I said.” She stated.

I wanted to turn around
and either confront, slap, or share the fact that her obvious love interest had just jammed his tongue down my throat— much to my lack of resistance, but I bit my lip in pause. I opened the door and left the room without a word or response.








XI: Cam`ael:


returned to my bedchambers swiftly. What was I thinking? Berith could commandeer a body for herself on her own. But, she wouldn’t be able to return here with it without being spotted, and then caught by Morning Star or one of his minions.

I guess I o
we her; and I don’t like being obligated or owing favors to any being, except for Elohim. I needed to know more about this Xyn character. He was an obvious major threat. Somehow, I don’t believe he was either sent, assigned, or created solely to play bounty hunter in capturing, or assassinating Berith finally. Morning Star hasn’t made any major moves past making a personal appearance in the human realm not long ago.

I ne
ver thought I’d even question—or miss it, as much as being used began to irk me.

What Angel would Elohim
send to me this time? That is, if he still needed me for anything. I’d hate to think he no longer did.

However, w
hat more was there that I’d be able to do and what would be the point? More importantly, what if I refused and simply said, no? I began to ponder the words of the Angel that did speak to me at the University.

In a way, s
he had redirected me into answering my own question.



As I eased myself into a steaming hot bath, I sighed in relief. An image of Starling slipp
ed into my thoughts, and the feelings of both love and sorrow began to merge inside of me, once again.

I was going to se
e her again and I don’t care about the risk or the possible circumstances. Devising a plan was going to be tricky, but if I could speak to Durien, I was sure that he would be willing to help.

I would wait until morning. That was when the

Divine Warriors trained out on the fields. A while ago, we had both agreed upon light signals as communication. It meant that one or the other needed to talk. Of course, we had to maintain strict secrecy. I didn’t want him to risk breaking his oaths and becoming outcast.

Though we talked about
forming an alliance with those in my legion, we both knew that it would never happen. Centuries of rules, laws, and oaths are established and ingrained in all warriors; that all of the
were not to be associated with, or trusted— no matter what. In a way, I could understand it. Even I was untrusting of fallen.

There were ways around that
stigma though, but one would have to sacrifice and give up much to be able to fight alongside the warriors. Though I admired some of the Elite Earthbound Seraphim, I had no desire to take that path. Sure, it was an honorable one, but because of the loss of certain supernatural powers and abilities, too many had been easily killed by other dark ones and fallen.


                            I heard a noise outside, which immediately alarmed me. Not many beings dared to venture too close to my home, but there had been a time or two when I literally had to incinerate a being right out of the sky. It was both to protect myself as well as the neutral territory.

              I quickly slipped on a pair of pants, and ghosted out onto the highest peak of the mountain. I did a complete three sixty scan of the area, before cloaking myself and descending down the mountainside, with my obsidian sword unsheathed.

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