Dixie Betrayed (51 page)

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Authors: David J. Eicher

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DAVID J. EICHER is the author of numerous books about the Civil War, including, most recently,
The Longest Night,
the authoritative modern, single-volume battle history of the Civil War. He lives with his family in a suburb of Milwaukee

Jefferson Davis faced a nearly impossible task as leader of the Confederacy: forging a group of political separatists into a unified team, which ultimately miserably failed.
National Archives and Records Administration

The president’s wife, Varina Howell Davis, led the Richmond wartime social scene even as some aristocratic women scorned her and criticized her pedigree.
The Museum of the Confederacy

Richmond’s central, monumental building was the Virginia State Capitol, a fantastic Greek Revival structure with stunning porticoes finished with Ionic columns. The cornerstone was laid in 1785, after the structure had been designed by Thomas Jefferson. The Confederate Senate met in a second-floor committee room adjacent to the governor’s room, above the House of Delegates Chamber; the House met in what is now termed the Old Senate Chamber, on the first floor.
Library of Congress

The Bruce-Lancaster home near Twelfth and Clay streets hosted Vice President Alexander Stephens when he frequented Richmond in 1861 and 1862. The camera’s viewpoint in this 1865 image is from a position near the White House; the sentry box housing the president’s guard stands between the two houses.
Library of Congress

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