Dizzy Dilemmas (28 page)

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Authors: Mary Beeken

BOOK: Dizzy Dilemmas
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              Coulton closed the front door having seen the Dowager and Genevieve safely bestowed in the carriage as they set off to a soiree and the house settled down for a few hours of quiet. Gabriel had gone off to a prize fight and Gideon having arranged to dine at his club with friends was not expected back until much later, leaving Dizzy blissfully alone. Having finished her latest book earlier in the day whilst hiding in the wine cellar, she intended to proof read it and so curling herself up on the sofa in the back drawing room she was soon fully engrossed The only noise to disturb the peace was the ticking of the ormolu clock and the cat purring contently on the arm of the sofa.

It was as she completed the first chapter that she became aware that Minerva had sat up, ears back with her unblinking gaze riveted on the curtains drawn across the French door.

“What is it, Minnie?” Dizzy asked stroking her cat’s soft fur. In answer Minerva leapt nimbly off the sofa and moments later disappeared behind the floral drapes.

“You will have to wait if you want to go out,” she told her, not wanting to leave her comfy position as it would mean disturbing all the papers strewn around her but a slight scratching noise gave her no option but to get up to open the door.

“You are a nuisanc
e at times, Minerva,” Dizzy rebuked her as she approached the end of the room. “Grandmamma will be furious if you have left scratch marks all over the door again!”

But before she reached the curtains they were drawn back to reveal a decidedly cross Glenmore.

Dizzy visibly jumped in shock and uttered a little shriek, but recovered enough to demand “You frightened the life out of me! How did you get in? Those doors were locked; I checked them myself!”

“Never mind that,” h
e growled “What do you think you are playing at my girl?”

“I am not playing at anything; I am working so please see yourself out and whatever method you used to open the door, do it again to lock it!”

I am not going anywhere. Is this still over that silly misunderstanding about Hester? I thought we had resolved that,” he asked.

“I really do not know what you are on about, Glenmore. I have been resting for the past week
. Now if that is all…”

No it is not all!” he interrupted her and grabbing her arm propelled her to the uncluttered sofa and induced her to sit before dropping down beside her. “You have been avoiding me all week so what maggot is eating away at you now?”

“You are imagining things.”

“Am I now? For someone who is resting you have done an extraordinary amount of gadding about this week. Every time I called at the house you were out, no matter the time of day. Even your family did not know where you were!”

“We are acquaintances, Glenmore and therefore my movements are of no concern of yours!” she retorted, her own temper starting to rise.

“I warn you G
herkin, having chased you around all week, my patience is nearing its end so cut the flummery; we are damned near lovers not acquaintances,” he snapped.

“But we are not going to be,
” she replied and when he looked puzzled she clarified it. “We are not going to be lovers.”

Do you not think? I would have said it was inevitable” he replied mildly, beginning to understand what was troubling her.

“Against my wishes you have embarked on this game and will walk away unscathed but the rules are different for me. I am in grave danger of being hurt,” she told him crossly.

Avoiding traps and snares of husband hunters is not a game I assure you but a very serious business,” he joked and Dizzy huffed through clenched teeth.

“You see, all so amusing for you but it is not for me. Please go now before I call for Co
ulton and have you escorted out,” she said in a dangerously quiet voice that did Glenmore but know it, was a sign that she was seething.

“Sweetheart you are worrying unnecessarily as I have no inte
ntion of hurting you, I promise,” he assured her.

It is the unintentional hurt I wish to avoid! I consider myself a respectable woman and although I do not fit into the usual mould associated with young, unmarried ladies of the ton, I will not embark on a frivolous affair to satisfy your lust,” she informed him primly and scowled when he laughed.

“My lust? What about yours?”

“That is the problem!” she cried, “You make me act like some wanton lightskirt. You tempt me to waywardness and that is why I think it is best that I avoid you in future.”

“I am sor
ry to be so disobliging Gherkin but I am not going to let you avoid me. You are not a wanton, my darling and I see nothing wrong with your responses to my kisses,” he captured her face between his hands and kissed her; relentlessly demanding her full participation and much to her chagrin she was too weak to resist for more than a few moments. When he felt her capitulate he softened his assault on her mouth and concentrated on stoking her passion. Whilst his lips trailed across her face and along her jaw, his hand kneaded her breast making her groan; fuelling her desire and making her breathless. Deep in her core she felt a burning need that spiralled at his every touch; every stroke.

Somewhere in the sensual haze, Dizzy felt a coolness around her shoulders and realised Glenmore had unfastened the buttons on her dress and it was slipping down. She pulled back and raised her hands to hold it up; retaining her modesty and unsure what to do now that there was distance between them. Commonsense whispered caution but desire much louder urged her to go on; take it to the next level and damn the consequences. Surely giving herself once to this man she loved but who did not love her would be better than not experiencing lovemaking with him at all.

Glenmore watched, clearly reading the one sided debate going on inside her head by her flitting expressions. He understood that although her reticence was much weaker than her desire, its delicate web still had the strength to hold her back. He decided to snap the threads and urge her on.

“Let the dress go, Gherkin,” h
e coaxed gently. “Let me see your breasts.”

After a hesitation whereby Glenmore covertly held his breath and she stared at his face; a tinge of colour staining her cheeks, she slowly unclenched her hands and allowed the fabric to slither down over her curves to her waist. He remained still
while she released the ribbons on her chemise and it too fell with a sigh, leaving her upper half naked; exposed to his intent perusal. Coyness made her blushes deepen but she held her gaze steady and even when he glanced up at her, she did not looked away.

“You are so beautiful,
” Glenmore uttered, his aroused state giving his voice a lower, sensual timbre.

His lean fingers, brown against the milky white of her skin, stroked her breasts, pinching the hardened buds and making her gasp. She watched as he then cupped each plump orb and ran his thumb back and forth
across the areola, heightening her senses. Unable to resist any longer he bent his head and took one hardened nipple into his mouth and sucked, inordinately pleased with the breathy moan of pleasure his action evinced. He continued to worship her breast with his lips, teeth and tongue, alternately sucking, nipping, and massaging and with each swirl of his tongue over her papilla her breath became shorter; shallower. Having administered to one side he moved to the other, gently biting the erect nipple before pulling it into his mouth and lavishing attention on it.

His cock was inordinately hard and straining to be released from the now taut cloth of his trousers but Glenmore was all too conscious that they had reached a critical stage in their lovemaking. As much as he wanted to sink into her, his needs must come second to hers. Rushing her would likely lead to a nervous retreat which would satisfy neither of them and as he was determined to have her tonight; to make her his irrevocably, it could not be allowed to happen.

Lifting her onto his lap, Glenmore reclaimed her mouth, plunging his tongue deep before withdrawing and surging in again. When they were both breathless he pulled away and looked down at her semi naked body. “This is definitely a live tableau of that sketch I described to you. How would you like to move onto the second one?” he asked, his hand slowing inching its way up her leg; raising her skirts as it went allowing him an unhindered view of slim ankles and shapely legs.

“Is that the one where he is spanking her bare bottom?” she asked fiddling with the buttons on his shirt.

“The very same but I was thinking more of caressing your buttocks!” he murmured. His hand had reached the outside of her thigh but he deftly brought it round to nestle between her slightly parted legs, before continuing on upwards.

She was finding it hard to speak coherently. His hand caressing her inner thigh and getting closer to her most intimate part was wreaking havoc on her senses. She was sat on his lap with her breasts and legs exposed like a common strumpet but somehow with him it did not feel sinful at all. She also found the thought of lying across his knee very arousing.

“Very well,” s
he said sending him a provocative smile as she stilled his hand before it could reach its goal. She then rolled over and shivered in anticipation as he wasted no time in raising the back of her skirt, to reveal her beautifully rounded bottom.

“Is this a good presentation of the second picture?” Dizzy asked in a hoarse voice but instead of answering her he
seductively massaged her bottom. Each stroke of his hand sent her lust spiralling and by the time he had repeated the action a few times she was begging him to take her.

“Please Glenmore!” she cried

“My pleasure, Gherkin,” h
e told her and lifting her to sit across his lap he flipped open his trousers allowing his cock to spring free. Knowing her to be a virgin, he inserted a finger between her folds and pushed into her, revelling in her wetness before adding a second, stretching her in readiness for him.

“You are so wet; so ready for me, sweetheart!”

Lifting her slightly, he then let her down slowly easing his swollen member into her tight, dripping core, and allowing her time to get use to his size as he entered her. Reaching her maidenhead he held her still for a moment before thrusting upwards, breaking the barrier and burying himself to the hilt inside her.

“That feels so good, Gh
erkin,” he rasped and fondled her breast whilst waiting for her to recover from the sharp pain he had caused her. When he felt her relax he urged her to ride him; guiding her rhythm with his hands, thrusting into her and having to use every effort of self control to hold his release in check until she had screamed out in climax and only then did he follow her over the edge; pumping his seed deep into her.

Suddenly shy, Dizzy hid her face against his chest, listening to his heartbeat as it slowed back to its normal pace. She realized that she had no idea of the etiquette pertaining to her present situation and thought it a serious gap in her education. Realising she could not stay where she was all night and as he had as yet made no move to assist her, she took a steadying breath and sat up to be met with brown eyes alight with knowing amusement.

“It is all very well for you to laugh, Glenmore. No doubt you have found yourself in this situation many times before but I obviously haven’t.”

“At the risk of contradicting you, I must tell you I have never before sneaked into a house and made love to a lady in her drawing room, whilst her family were out and neither have I relieved anyone of their virginity. So that makes it two firsts!”

“Congratulations!” Dizzy said dryly. “But I assume you know the protocol for dealing with our present circumstances if y
ou overlook the sneaking in and virgin bit, so perhaps you could enlighten me. Do we shake hands and you discreetly leave so that I may dress? Or do you turn you back while I don my clothes and then assist with the buttons when I tell you it is alright to turn around? What?”

In a few moments I shall be ready to make love to you again,” he remarked, once again fondling her naked breasts.

“You mean sate your lust!” Dizzy corrected him; unable to keep a tinge of sadness out of her voice.

“Ah. About that Dizzy,” Glenmore began, “I have been a little dishonest in my dealings with you of late and need to tell you that ….”  But before he could say any more the unmistakeable sound of the front door slamming shut reverberated around the room.

“Oh no. Quick. Help me!” Dizzy whispered, tugging at her dress to cover her breasts and trying to push down her skirts whilst valiantly attempting to climb off Glenmore
. She was still clutching her unfastened dress to her bosom and showing an indecent amount of leg not to mention still sat straddled across the Duke’s lap, when in strolled Gideon.

To his credit he remained incredibly calm for someone who had walked in on his youngest sister in a state of dishabille and in the arms of a man, whilst a lingering glow of passion was all too apparent. On stopping dead just inside the threshold his expression changed in quick succession from incredulous to belief to anger to resignation to a satisfied smile; all in the space of a matter of moments.

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