Do Penguins Have Knees? (45 page)

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Authors: David Feldman

BOOK: Do Penguins Have Knees?
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fizziness of soda with ice cream

fizziness over ice

freezing of, in machines

Kool-Aid and metal containers

machines, “Use Correct Change” light on

phenylalanine as ingredient in

pinholes on bottle caps of

root beer, foam of

smoke of

“sodium-free” labels

Soles, sunburn and

“Son of a gun,”

Sonic booms, frequency of

Sororities, Greek names of

SOS pads, origins of

Soufflés and reaction to loud noises

Soup, alphabet, foreign countries and

Soups and shelving in supermarkets

Sour cream, expiration date on

Sourdough bread, San Francisco, taste of

South Florida, University of, location of

South Pole

directions at

telling time at

Sparkling wine, name of, versus champagne

Speech, elderly versus younger and

Speed limit, 55 mph, reasons for

Speeding and radar

Speedometers, markings of, in automobiles

Spelling, “i” before “e” in

Sperm whales, head oil of

“Spic and span,”

Spiders and web tangling

Spitting, men versus women

Spoons, measuring, inaccuracy of

Sprinkles, jimmies versus

Squeaking, causes of

“St. Martin’s Day,”

Stage hypnotists, techniques of

Staining, paperback books and

Stains, elimination of, on clothing

Staling of bread

Stamp pads, moisture retention of


perforation remnants

postage, taste of

validity of ripped


fitting of staples into

outward setting of


clumping of

fitting into staplers of


Starch on shirts

Stars in space, photos of

Starving children and bloated stomachs

States, versus commonwealths

Static electricity, variability in amounts of

Steak houses and baked potatoes

Steak, “New York,” origins of

Steam and streets of New York City

Steelers, Pittsburgh, helmet emblems of

Steins, beer, lids and

Stickers, colored, on envelopes

Stickiness of peanut butter

Stock prices as quoted in eighths of a dollar

Stocking runs

direction of

effect of freezing upon

“Stolen thunder,”

Stomach, growling, causes of

Stomachs, bloated, in starving children

“STOP” in telegrams

Strait, George, and hats

Straws, rising and sinking of, in glasses

Street addresses, half-numbers in

Street names, choice of, at corner intersections

Street-name signs, location of, at intersections

Streets, glitter and

String cheese, characteristics of

String players

left handed, in orchestras

Styrofoam coolers, blue specks on

Submarines, anchors and


clumping together of

spoilage of

Sugar cube wrappers, slits in

Sugar Frosted Flakes, calorie count of

Sugar in packaged salt

Summer, first day of


delayed reaction in

palms and soles


Sundials, mottoes on

Sunglasses and professional golfers

Sunrises, timing of

Sunsets, timing of

“Super” glues

and Teflon

versus ordinary glues


check approval policies

public bathrooms in

shelving of soup

Surgeons’ uniforms, color of

“Swan song,”

Swarming of gnats

Sweating, swimmers and

“Sweating” and drinking glasses


cats and

sweating and

Swiping of credit cards

Swiss cheese

holes in

slice sizes of

Switches, light

Syringes, hole in needle of




Tails, curly, pigs and

“Talking a blue streak,”

Tall old people, rareness of

Tamers, animal, and kitchen chairs

Tape counters, audio and VCR

Tar Heels and University of North Carolina

Taste, sense of, in children versus adults

Tattoos, color of


Tax forms

disposal of

numbering scheme of

Taxes, April 15 due date of


rear windows of

seat belts in

Teachers, apples for

Teddy bears, frowns of

Teeth, silver fillings and

Teeth direction of keys


Teflon, stickiness of


exclamation marks and

periods and

Telephone cords, twisting of

Telephone rings, mechanics of


911 as emergency number

area code numbers

dialing 9 to get outside line

fast versus slow busy signals

holes in mouthpiece

pay, clicking noise in

“Q” and “Z,” absence from buttons

rings, mechanics of

third-party conversations

three-tone signals

touch tone keypad for

unlisted phone numbers

windowless central offices

Telescopes, inverted images of


advertising sales for overrun live programming and

cable and channel allocation

channel 1 on, lack of

“snow” on

sound of, in bars

volume levels of

Television commercials, loudness of

Television sets

diagonal measurement of

measurement of, Canadian versus U.S.


babies and tolerance for high

cold water, kitchen versus bathroom

human comfort and

in public buildings

perception of air versus water

Ten percent of brain, alleged use of

“Ten-foot pole,”

Tennis, scoring in

Tennis balls

fuzziness of



Tequila, worms in bottles of

Thanksgiving, Thursday and

“That’s all she wrote,”

Theater, “legitimate,” origins of term


color of liquid in

in ovens and refrigerators

placement of

standing temperature of

Thimbles, holes in

Thinking, looking up and

“Third degree,”

“Third world,”

Thread, orange, and blue jeans

Three Musketeers, musketlessness of

“Three sheets to the wind”

Three-way light bulbs

burnout of

functioning of

Throat, uvula, purpose of

Throwing, sex differences in

Thumb notches in dictionaries

Thumbs-up gesture, “okay” and

Thursday, Thanksgiving and

Tickets, red carbons on airline

Tickling of self

Ticklishness of different parts of body

Ticks, diet of

Ties, origins of

Ties, ceramic, in tunnels

“Tinker’s dam,”

Tinnitus, causes of

Tips, waiter, and credit cards

Tiredness and eye-rubbing


atop mobile homes

automobile tread, disappearance of


bluish tinge on new whitewalls

inflation of, and gasoline mileage

white-wall, size of

Tissue paper in wedding invitations

Title pages, dual, in books

Toads, warts and


“Toast [salute],”

Toasters, one slice slot on

Toenails, growth of

Toffee, versus caramels

Toilet paper, folding over in hotel bathrooms

Toilet seats in public restrooms


flush handles on, location of

loud flushes of, in public restrooms

seat covers for

“Tom Collins [drink],”

“Tommy gun,”

Tongues, sticking out of

Tonsils, function of


expiration dates on

taste of, with orange juice


flat versus round

mint flavoring on

Tootsie Roll Pops, Indian and star on wrappers of

Toques, purpose of


lull before

trailer parks and

Tortilla chips

black specks on

price of, versus potato chips


black specks on

size of, versus corn

Touch tone telephones, keypad configuration for


number of, in hotel rooms

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