Doctor's Orders

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Authors: Daniella Divine

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(Episode #11 of
Candid Confessions)


Daniella Divine

This story
includes sexual content, and is suitable for readers aged over 18
only. All characters in the story practice safe sex at all times,
even if the details are not explicitly mentioned in specific
scenes. This work of fiction is for adult readers who love red-hot
romance books with sensual and exciting storylines. Enjoy!



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This work of fiction is an origin
al romance by Daniella Divine.
Smashwords Edition.

Copyright © Daniella Divine
2013. Published by Red-Hot Romance

Me? Trying a steady
relationship with one man? Ha ha! The very idea would have made me
laugh out loud a few months ago...even if the guy is like Mr.
Universe’s brainy brother. I mean, come on...there are over three
billion men out there, and some of them I haven’t slept with yet.
But somehow, I found myself considering exactly that momentous
monogamous scenario. And to explain how that bizarre situation
occurred, I need to go back to the evening it all began. Let’s
start in the middle of the action, as it were, which if I remember
correctly, is when I was...




...just about to get
totally screwed in my boss’s office.

‘Fuck!’ I gasped.

Wow! This gave a whole new meaning to the phrase ‘on
the job training’...but I liked it a lot. You see, I had just
landed the best job in the world...or the worst job in the world,
depending on which way you looked at things. The way I was looking
at things at that moment was on my back with my legs in the air,
and a hot guy with an even hotter erection advancing fast on my
rather moist and very enthusiastic vagina.

I leaned back on the office desk, and pulled my
panties to one side, revealing a hot slit of pink flesh that was
practically screaming for some hard male action. My black pencil
skirt was already up around my waist, and my high heels dug into
the top of my boss’s desk. I vaguely hoped she wouldn’t notice the
scratch marks later. But I wouldn’t have to worry about that until
tomorrow. It was gone seven in the evening, and the overtime I was
putting in was strictly voluntary...and I was very happy to

I had had the hots for Sven ever since I had met him
earlier that day, my first day in the office. He had that tall,
Viking look that never failed to make my heart melt. I had vaguely
hoped that we might hook up sometime....but I hadn’t imagined it
would happen so soon, or be so direct. But I wasn’t complaining.
I’m not the smartest chick on the block, but I know better than to
turn down some good Swedish meat loaf when it comes my way.

The temperature in the office seemed to have roared
up by twenty degrees in the last five minutes. Sven had spent those
five minutes licking my pussy like no man had ever licked it
before...and that’s saying something. Now I could feel so much
sexual energy building that I felt I might explode.

‘Fuck!’ I said again. I was just expressing the
pent-up lust that was growing fast inside me, but my blonde-haired
stud took the instruction literally.

‘OK,’ he said, and a moment later, I felt a good
seven inches of throbbing man meat plundering my eager pussy. I was
so wet that he plunged deep inside me with a single stroke, and it
felt as if his dick was going to reach up into my throat.

‘Fuck, fuck...fuck!’ I said. To be honest, my
vocabulary is a bit limited when I am having sex, despite all the
practice I’ve had. But Sven was anxious not to disappoint, and soon
the whole desk was rocking as be plunged into me, again and

I was beginning to like my new job...a lot! When I
applied for the position of Assistant Editor on Hot and Hunky
magazine in Sydney, Australia, I never dreamed I would land the
job. But somehow, the Editor had taken a liking to me, and here I
was, trying to figure out how things work in the world of glossy
chick magazines Down Under. It was a big change from the American
provincial newspaper I had worked on before. But like I said, it
was the best job in the world...heck, one of my duties was picking
male models for photo shoots...what sane woman in the world would
turn that job down? Hanging out with hot guys all day, and getting
paid for it?


But yes, it was also the worst job in the world. I
mean, how are you supposed to concentrate on your work when you are
constantly surrounded by hot hunks of man muscle? It’s enough to
make a girl weak at the knees.

Well, that was a puzzle I would have to sort out
later. Right now, I was too busy focusing on getting well and truly
fucked. My blouse and my bra were already on the floor, and as Sven
leaned forward, I could feel the rough hairs on his chest rubbing
against my smooth, naked breasts. My nipples reacted by becoming
even more aroused and alert, and when Sven took one in his mouth
and sucked hard, I nearly came on the spot.

I just missed that time, but it didn’t take Sven
long to turn up the heat for the real thing, pumping into my pussy
like the god Thor dishing out lightning bolts. I arched my back and
spread my legs wider so that he could plunge even deeper inside me,
and soon I felt the first tinges of orgasm welling within me. Those
first feelings grew and spread, and then my whole body was racked
with an explosion of pleasure. Sven paused for a moment, with his
dick plunged deep inside me, while we both enjoyed the pulsing
sensation of my orgasm.

‘Oh, my God!’ I screamed. See, my vocabulary is not
so limited after all :)

Sven was no one-trick pony. ‘Doggie,’ he said
simply. A little more courtesy wouldn’t have gone amiss, but I felt
I was in no position to act the polite young lady....not while I
was in the middle of getting a good shafting. So I rolled over
obediently and got up onto my knees on the desk. Sven expertly
pulled my panties down my thighs, slipped them under my knees and
off over my ankles. I got the distinct impression that he had done
this a few times before. In fact, he seemed to know his way around
the female anatomy better than most gynecologists. But that’s just
fine with me...I like a man who really knows how to pleasure a

Sven spread my legs wide apart to lower my vital
organs, as it were, into shooting range. I knew he was tall, but I
was surprised to realize he was tall enough to enter me without
having to climb onto a chair. I had barely caught my breath when I
felt his very erect erection slipping deep into me once again. And
when I say deep, I mean deep.

Soon my Scandinavian suitor was humping away like it
was the last fuck of his life. My skirt was now pushed up high
around my waist, and I pushed my milky white bum cheeks backwards
to match the rhythm of his forward motion. His throbbing dick
pulsed inside me like a nuclear missile on red alert. Or maybe that
should be pink alert. Sheesh!. It felt so damned good.

Is it possible to have too many orgasms? When I’m
getting drilled from behind, I find they come thick and fast. Well,
what I mean is
, I
come thick and fast. Whatever....I was
coming now, with ripples of pleasure trembling through my body.
Gradually the pulsations subsided, and I waited eagerly for the
next implosion of pleasure....

...and then - and I kid you couldn’t make
this up - his cellphone rang, somewhere in the pockets of his
pants, on the floor. And to my astonishment, he pulled out of me to
answer it. As I lay there, straddling the desk wantonly like a
spare slut at a gangbang, pussy gaping where his dick had just been
pounding me, he found his phone and started speaking in a strange
language that I assumed to be Swedish. Or Norwegian, or some other
Scandinavian tongue. Who cares. I was royally pissed off, and I
hadn’t even got the bad news yet.

The conversation was short, but made a profound
effect on him. I looked round to see him hang up with a look of
panic on his face.

‘It’s my fiancé...I have to go!’

Fiancé? Fuck me. Or in this case, don’t fuck
me...not properly, anyway. Sven shoved his legs into his pants,
pulled his shirt over his head and ran out of the door with his
shoes in his hands. The bastard. I don’t mind sharing, but surely
he could have finished the job with me before leaving. That is, he
could have come before he went...if you see what I mean...

I climbed down off the desk and got dressed in a
foul mood. What was I supposed to do now? I didn’t even have my
faithful Rabbit Pearl in my handbag to take care of the business
for me. It didn’t seem fair. Sven’s fiancé was probably about to
get the fuck of her life, now that I had warmed her man up for her.
But what about me? I felt like a right dick....except without the

What a bummer. I got dressed, and was about to storm
out of the office when the phone on the desk rang. The thought
crossed my mind that it might be Sven’s fiancé ringing me to say
what a great fuck she was getting. But that was obviously stupid.
Then I thought it might be Sven ringing to apologize, so I answered
the phone contemptuously.


‘Hmmm...that doesn’t sound like Vanessa...’

The voice was deep and silky smooth and knocked me
sideways. It sounded like one of those actors that do the voiceover
for action movie trailers. You know, ‘it was a time for men to be
men, and for real men to stand up and fight for their women...’
That sort of thing. I answered with a silly giggle.

‘Oh, sorry...Vanessa isn’t here. She’s gone

‘OK. Can you leave a message for her? Just tell her
Brad called.’

Vanessa was my editor - the one with the desk with
heel marks on it. You’d think she would take better care of her
office furniture. But anyway, she was a good-looking woman for her
age, but if this guy was bonking her, then judging by his voice,
she was one lucky bitch. I was getting moist again between the
legs. I knew that was silly. What can you tell about a guy from the
sound of his voice? He could be old, fat, bald and ugly. But he
sounded hot.

My voice came out in an embarrassing squeak. ‘Sure.
I will tell her first thing in the morning.’

‘Thank you. And who are you?’ he enquired.

‘I’m Angel, Vanessa’s new Assistant Editor...just
started today.’

‘And you have the voice of an angel, too!’ he
purred. Yeah, I know it was corny, but I still buckled at the
knees. While I melted, the voice continued: ‘Have a good night. I
hope to meet you face to face soon.’ And then there was a click,
and he was gone.

My panties were soaking, and I was hot to trot
again, but still with no-one to trot with. So I went home and
vibrated myself to sleep with the help of my friend, Mr. Rabbit,
fantasizing about getting a good stoking from the mysterious man
with the sexy voice.





Yeah, I know what
you’re thinking. What a hussy. Well, bollocks to you, then. Anyway,
what are you so uptight about...I bet you’re not an innocent
virgin, either, right? So get down off your high horse and let me

Sorry...I got a bit carried away there. Didn’t
intend to offend. But what I mean is, you’re a woman, right? (If
you’re not, clear off and get some proper male porn...that’s what
the Internet was invented for). And I guess you are not gay, or you
would be reading some of the great LGBT literature out there on
your Kindle or your iPad, or whatever device you hide your guilty
pleasures on.

So the fact that you are here reading this means you
like dick...which means you’re not that different from me really.
So don’t get uppity. The only difference is that I probably like it
in larger quantities than you. It’s just a question of scale.
You’ve seen women who can’t resist stuffing themselves with
chocolate so they end up looking like a whale? Well, that’s me,
except I substitute cock for chocolate. That way, I can enjoy a
good mouthful without taking in any calories, plus I get a good
physical workout afterwards. I call it the Dick Diet. You should
try sure as hell burns up the kilojoules. And it’s a whole
lot more fun than the cabbage frigging soup diet. I should probably
publish it...I could make a fortune.

Anyway, where was I? Oh, yes, I was talking about
sex. My favorite subject. Time to confess, I guess:

‘My name is Angel, and I’m a...(sob)...I’m a...a
shameless sexaholic!’

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