Dom of Ages (4 page)

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Authors: K.C. Wells & Parker Williams

Tags: #gay romance

BOOK: Dom of Ages
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I felt smooth leather against my throat. “This doesn’t come off until I say so. Is this agreed?”


“Yes, what?”

I cursed myself for forgetting. “Yes, Sir.”





I thinking? I
took someone home from the club. Then again, no one had ever been interesting enough to break that rule for.

So why am I breaking it now? Why him?

Jarod was different. His demeanor, his soft voice, his impeccable manners. And blue eyes that drew me in. It still didn’t answer my question, nor did it address the speed with which I’d reacted. The only thought in my head had been that someone else might swoop in and snatch this man up, which was unacceptable.

This is it. I’ve finally lost it.

What was even more surprising was that he’d agreed. He hesitated at the truck, until I told him to get in. When he did, he sat very primly, hands folded in his lap.

Where have
been hiding?

He was a jewel, and if I hadn’t needed to get up for work early, I would never have asked him back to my house. At first blush everything about Jarod screamed submissive. And a true one at that. No faking it with this man. He lived the role.

“Tell me about yourself,” I said.

“What would you like to know, Sir?” His tone was even, controlled.

“Where you’re from, what you like to do. Anything at all. Just tell me about

“My name is Jarod Pearce. I’m fifty years old as of April seventh. I served my Master for twenty-four of those years, until his death four years ago.”

He sucked in a breath. I did a sideways glance and noted how his eyes shimmered in the streetlights.

“I’m sorry for your loss,” I said softly. And I was. Twenty-four years. He had been someone’s sub for almost as long as I’d been alive. I reached out and squeezed his knee, which elicited a soft gasp from him.

“Thank you, Sir. Master Phillip was a good man.”

I barely heard the words, he said them so softly, but it was obvious the emotion was close to the surface. I had to wonder how hard it was for him to lose his Master.

We drove the rest of the way in silence. When we arrived at my place, it was already nearing midnight, and I needed to be up early for work. Once more I was struck by how illogically I’d acted, so uncharacteristic of me. God knew what Jarod made of such impulsive behavior.

I opened the front door and stepped inside out of the cold wind. “I know this isn’t what you expected, but I have to go to work in… oh God, a few hours. I was hoping you’d stay and we could talk tomorrow. I really would like to get to know you better, if that’s okay with you?”

Jarod’s face was expressive. The look of hope was evident.

I pressed on. “I have a spare room that you’re welcome to.”

“I could sleep on the couch. Or on the floor, if you prefer, Sir.”

Yes, definitely a real submissive. I don’t think I’d met one since my woefully short training with Derek. Then my heart clenched at the thought of him and Mark, his sub. Their relationship had been something I’d found myself longing for. I pushed the thought aside and turned my attention back to Jarod.

“The bedroom will be fine.” I smiled to help calm him and apparently it did the trick, because he relaxed his rigid posture. The spare bedroom was really a storage room. There was a bed in there, but it was unmade. I rarely had anyone over, and if I recalled correctly, the last person who’d stayed the night was my brother, Donny, after his last girlfriend kicked him out because she found he was sleeping with her best friend.

I went to find some clean linens, but Jarod stopped me.

“I can do this. Please, get your rest. What time do you need to be awake?”

I groaned. “I have a run tomorrow that has to be there for seven. I’ll have to be at the site by five for the loading, which means I’ll be up by four for a shower and then out the door.”

“What about breakfast?”

“I might grab some toast. I don’t really have a lot of time.”

Jarod shook his head and clucked his tongue. “Go to sleep. We can speak later.”

“If you need anything, my room is across the hall. The loo is downstairs, just off the dining room.”

“Thank you, I’ll be okay. Good night, Sir.”

“Good night. I hope you sleep well.”

My bed called to me as soon as I entered the room. I stripped off my clothes and crawled under the duvet, pulling it up over my chest. Having Jarod in the next room had my head buzzing. I couldn’t believe my luck. I couldn’t wait to talk with him, to see if we were compatible, if there could be anything between us. The future was suddenly full of possibilities.

For God’s sake, go to sleep
, I told myself sternly.
Tomorrow’s going to be a long day.

Thankfully my brain listened, and I fell asleep.





as the door closed, I stripped off my harness, placed it over the back of a chair, and lay down on the bed. I was sure Eli had expected me to find some sheets, but I was tired, and the bed looked delightfully soft. Thankfully, the room was warm. Turning on my side, I put an arm under the pillow and glanced at the door. I couldn’t believe Eli had approached me just as I was ready to give up and go home. I tingled with excitement at the thought of taking care of someone again. Of having a person to belong to. Of course, who knew if that would happen?

I slipped my phone from my pocket and set the alarm before switching off the lamp and trying to sleep. Master Phillip had always chided me on having what he referred to as
squirrel brain
. Thoughts in my head would ultimately spark more, and make it difficult for me to sleep. Tonight was no exception. I had to impress Eli, to show him I could be everything he wanted.

That thought was still in my head as I fell asleep.



before the alarm and there was an odd moment of disconnect before I realized where I was. I switched off the alarm so it didn’t wake Eli. It was still dark outside, the sunrise not even close to appearing over the horizon. My stomach fluttered. Normally by now I’d have had Sir’s breakfast ready, his favorite coffee freshly brewed, his clothes laid out, and I would have taken up my position on a cushion near his chair. I bolted upright and let my fingers drift across the collar Eli had given me at the club. The smooth leather grounded me as soon as I felt it around my neck. I felt a lot more confident, sure that I could handle the day no matter what lay ahead. I cast a glance at my clothes, then thought better of putting them on. If Eli had intended for me to dress, I was sure he would have told me to do so.

Quiet as a church mouse, I made my way down to the kitchen. I pulled open drawers and cabinets, checked the refrigerator and freezer to find out what I had to work with, and then set about making breakfast, my head buzzing.
What does Eli like to do first thing in the morning? Should I make coffee or tea? What does he like for breakfast?
Thoughts pinballed in my brain, and I came to the inevitable conclusion that I didn’t know enough about him to take care of his needs properly. My heart sank. Would he give me the opportunity to find out? Were there things I was expected to know already?

I shook my head, trying to will the cobwebs away. It had been too long since I’d taken care of anyone, and I was definitely out of practice. Till now—after Sir—my life had been filled with playing with Doms to find release but nothing more. Despite my attempts to get them to understand that I’d be willing to serve them, even if it was only as a servant, no one wanted me for more than a quick roll in the hay. I’d no doubt Eli would feel the same, but I would still give him my best effort.

I busied myself in the kitchen, making the coffee. There was a loaf in the breadbox and a box of cereal in the cabinet, along with a packet of bread mix.
I made up the dough and formed it into small rolls, before switching on the oven to warm it. There was cold meat and cheese in the fridge: I could make Eli a packed lunch to take with him. While the rolls proofed, I set about cleaning the kitchen. Eli was tidy so it didn’t take long. I organized his fridge, removing a few expired items. I kept them on the counter as I didn’t have permission to throw them away, but I could make him aware of them. Finally the rolls went into the oven and within ten minutes or so, they were ready.

Footsteps above my head told me Eli was awake. I hurriedly placed two warm rolls on a plate along with butter from the fridge and a jar of strawberry jam, then poured out a cup of coffee. There was a milk jug and sugar near the mug. The sound of running water told me he was taking a shower. I’d only caught a glimpse of his body last night as he put his jacket on over his harness. It was a nicely toned, muscular body. A smattering of dark hair gave him a decidedly masculine physique.

I made up three of the rolls for his lunch, wrapped them in cling film and placed them in a plastic bag, along with a banana and an apple from the fruit bowl. I took a couple of bottles of water from the fridge and added them to the lunch bag.

Footsteps on the stairs. I knelt at his chair and waited for him to acknowledge me. He paused at the bottom of the stairs, and I trembled. Had I gone too far? Was I too presumptuous?

I heard him catch his breath. “Jarod, it’s okay to be dressed, all right? I didn’t expect you—”

“I’m sorry, Sir.” I half rose to my feet, my cheeks on fire, but paused when he laid a hand on my shoulder.

“It’s not a problem.” He chuckled. “In fact, it was a very pleasant surprise.” He sniffed up. “That smells amazing. You’ve made fresh bread?”

I couldn’t help but smile, my embarrassment forgotten. “Yes, I found a mix in the cabinet. I hope it pleases you.”

He pulled out the chair and sat. His fingers slid gently through my hair. “It pleases me very much. I can’t remember the last time I made bread. I just don’t seem to have the time these days. Thank you for doing this.”

I hoped he didn’t hear my whimper.

After Eli finished eating, he stood. I stayed kneeling on the cushion, waiting for his instructions.

“I need to get ready to go to work. I’m going to be gone most of the day.”

I wasn’t sure what to do. “Permission to speak?”

“Of course. What’s on your mind?”

“Would… would you like me to come back tonight?” I knew I sounded hesitant, but the previous night hadn’t gone like I’d anticipated. Eli hadn’t demanded sex, even though that was all I’d been expecting.
What does he want from me, then?
I needed to know.

“Come back?” Eli repeated, confusion obvious in his tone.

“I’m sorry. I thought—”

“Where are you going?”

“I could go home. I’ll leave you my phone number if you want to call me.”

I started to stand, but Eli put a hand on my shoulder.

“Did I tell you to leave?”

“No, but—”

“It may not seem like much, but this is my place. Everything that’s in it belongs to me, and until I say otherwise, that includes you.”

I was shocked into stillness.
I belong to him?
Okay, so it was Eli’s collar around my neck, but still….

Then my brain kicked in.
Isn’t this what I’ve wanted for so long? To belong to someone again? To serve again?
I closed my eyes for a moment and let this new knowledge sink in.

When I opened them again, Eli was regarding me steadily. I responded in the only way I knew, hoping to reassure him. “Yes, Sir.”

He beamed. “While I’m gone, I’m sure you’ll find plenty to keep you busy.”

I nodded eagerly. “I can clean, Sir, and do some shopping.”

There was no question in my mind that I’d said the right thing. Eli’s face lit up.

“That sounds like an excellent idea. Maybe you could replace the items you’ve got out on the counter. I’ll leave you some money for the shopping. Thank you for clearing my refrigerator, by the way.” He tilted his head to one side. “I take it you know how to cook?” I nodded, smiling. “Then I’d like you to have dinner ready when I get here. I’m not a fussy eater, and I don’t have any food allergies. I’ll call you before I head home.” He paused, his gaze meeting mine. “That is, of course, if you want to stay.”

“Yes, Sir, I want to stay.”

Who was I kidding? I couldn’t
to get started.

Chapter Four





back into the cab of the truck, my bladder relieved. A glance at my phone told me I could spare half an hour for lunch. I’d done three runs that morning, and I was ready for a break. I’d parked in the car park of one of the M6 motorway service stations, alongside a load of trucks and lorries.

I pulled open the plastic bag Jarod had thrust into my hand as I’d walked out the door that morning, and smiled. He’d put together a great lunch for me, and my belly rumbled at the sight of more of those delicious rolls.
Talk about spoiled.

I took a bite of fresh bread and cooked ham, and reflected on the events of the previous night. I couldn’t wait to get home and see what was waiting for me. I wondered what Jarod was doing at that moment.
A sub who wants to serve.
It was something I’d thought about often, having someone around to take care of my needs, physical and otherwise.

Who’d have thought the night would’ve ended like that?

My phone pulsed out a shrill tone. I reached for it and grinned when I saw Ben’s name. He wasn’t going to believe this, either.

“Hey, what gives?”

“I wasn’t sure if you had a full day planned. I wondered if you’d like to go for a run this evening.”

I smiled to myself. “Okay, what’s Scott doing?”

“How do you know he’s doing anything?” Then Ben chuckled. “Oh, all right, he’s at a class. I thought I’d see if you were available.”

I wasn’t fooled, not for a second. “Yeah, right. What you
mean is, your boy’s not available, so you’ll make do with me.” I laughed when the line fell silent. “I’m right, aren’t I?”

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