Dominating Cassidy (14 page)

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Authors: Sam Crescent

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Dominating Cassidy
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The visual he created sent her climax rushing through her. She screamed and slammed back against his cock.

Michael slapped her ass but shoved his way inside her. She moaned, cried out, and clawed at the carpet as her climax seemed to go on and on forever.

Their control slipped, and he gave her everything, not holding anything back. His cock fucked her ass in hard, brutal thrusts. She couldn’t hear anything past the pounding inside of her head. The rush of pleasure was taking over.

There wasn’t a part of her that could think coherently.

She heard and felt as he released inside her ass. His cum filled her, making her burn for more.

In the next moment, everything came apart.

Chapter Fifteen


“I knew you couldn’t do this!” Cassidy yelled, slamming down her case and zipping it up.

“We’re sorry, baby. We reacted and shouldn’t have,” Scott said. She was so angry. She wanted to lash out and hit all of them. Michael had been making her feel good. He’d fucked her ass and taken a part of hers for himself. She’d felt so close to him. The pleasure had been unlike anything she’d ever felt. Then they’d run in, throwing punches, spoiling their moment together. If Michael hadn’t moved her out of the way they could have hurt her. The aftercare was forgotten in their invasion of their privacy. Cassidy glanced over at Michael and saw the bruise forming around his eye.

She should have known they wouldn’t be able to handle sharing her. Tears filled her eyes, spilling down her cheeks. They had their time with her, and the moment she was with Michael, they came in and spoilt everything. She loved all of them, and if she couldn’t have all of them then she would settle with none of them.

“I can’t do this.”

Cassidy turned away, pushing them out of her bedroom. She couldn’t deal with what they’d done. The moment she locked the door with them on the outside, she finished packing her suitcases. She pulled on some clothes, rubbing away the tears from her cheeks. She picked up the phone dialing her sister’s number. Lou answered on the fourth ring, sounding breathless.

“Mr. Smith’s residence.”

“Lou. I need a place to stay.”

“Cassidy? Why? What has happened?” Her sister sounded instantly concerned.

“It didn’t work out. I need to leave and have some space. Can I stay with you?”

Some commotion went on in the background. “Yes. You can stay here.”

“Thank you. I’ll be there soon.” She ended the call and then called a cab to pick her up.

“Cassidy? Come out, baby. We’re sorry,” Roy said.

Closing her eyes, she collapsed on the bed. She wanted to run out and embrace all of them. However, she couldn’t rid her mind of the look of rage on Gary’s and Scott’s faces as they pulled Michael from her. Their attack had been unprovoked. How could she live with five men who couldn’t cope with their different desires?

If they couldn’t accept that part of her, then she couldn’t be with them. She picked up her two suitcases and opened the door.

All five of them were crowding the area outside her door. They looked at her suitcases before staring back at her. The sadness in their eyes almost made her step back and put her belongings away.

Instead, she squared her shoulders and walked past them, down the flight of stairs to the sitting room. She stared at the spot on the rug where her world had been opened and fallen apart.

“Don’t go, Cassidy,” Gary said.

They filed into the room.

“I can’t stay here.”

“We overreacted. We thought he was taking advantage of you,” Roy said.

“How could he have been taking advantage of me, Roy? I wanted what he was doing to me. He fucked my ass, and I loved it. If you can’t deal with Michael having that part of me, then this is never going to work.”

They stared at her in silence. Their gazes filled with sadness and loss. She knew what they were feeling because she was feeling it, too.

Biting her lip, she turned away from their stares and stood at the door.

“We love you, Cassidy,” Jesse said.

Hearing him say the words broke her heart. Jesse was her best friend, her lover, and everything in between. She would have run to him, but he was part of this. She had no choice but to run to her sister.

“I love you all, too. I wish it could have been different.” The cab pulled up, and she walked out the door, never looking back. The moment she looked back, she would crumble.


* * * *


Jesse slammed the door closed, resting his head against the hard wood. They’d been fools, his brothers, and he hadn’t been able to stop them.

He turned to look at the men in the room. Michael had some peas over the side of his face.

“Look what you fucking did,” Jesse shouted at Scott and Gary.

They stared at the floor.

“She wanted everything I gave her,” Michael said. “I love her with my whole heart. I would never hurt her. She’s my entire world.”

“I’m sorry. I heard her cry out and saw what you were doing, and I lost control,” Gary said.

“It doesn’t matter. She’s gone, and we fucked up. I’m going to pack my bags.” Michael stood, ready to leave.

“Don’t. We can fix this. We’ve got to prove to her that we can handle us being with her. I love her, and I don’t want to lose her,” Roy said, sounding serious for the first time ever.

“If we can’t handle Michael being with her, then how can we fix it?” Scott asked.

“She fixed your problems with Gary. Why can’t we fix our problems with Michael? We were happy to watch her sucking his cock. What was different about this?” Roy asked.

Scott and Gary stared at each other. “I thought she was crying out in pain. I thought Michael was hurting her, and I couldn’t stand it.”

“I wasn’t hurting her,” Michael said, ending his sentence on a yell.

“I know that now,” Gary said.

“Then we can’t let her go. We’ve got to show her that we’re here for the rest of her life. Not just as her men but as a family,” Jesse said.

“How are we going to do that?” Michael asked.

Jesse smiled. They’d do absolutely nothing but show her their friendship with each other.

Chapter Sixteen


Living with Lou inside Mr. Smith’s house felt wrong. She didn’t see much of her sister as she was always busy with the work her boss wanted her to do. Most of her days were spent missing Michael and the Walker brothers, but she couldn’t give herself to them again. They’d lied to her, and worse, she’d seen the judgment in their eyes over what she liked.

She couldn’t go on living off of Lou, and she applied for the position as a waitress at the diner. The work was long and hard but she could forget about her troubles. At least she could forget until said troubles walked through the door.

Michael, Gary, Scott, Roy, and Jesse became regulars at the diner overnight. Gifts came every day at Mr. Smith’s house. Flowers, jewels, chocolates, which she gave to Ryan to eat.

They sat in her section every day for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. All of her men found an excuse to touch her. She heard them making plans to spend the nights together. What shocked her was learning that Michael was still living at their ranch house. He’d sold up his rented accommodation and was now living at the ranch full-time. They always found a reason to touch her. A brush of their hands on top of hers, or they caressed her ass. She felt her heart pound with every touch. The desire to give in and go home with them grew stronger every day.

Her dreams were filled with the memory of their loving of her body. The days passed and turned into weeks, and she began to wonder why she left them in the first place. She was lovesick and missing her men. They were her everything. Never in her life had she been a coward. She fought for what she wanted with everything she had.

The tension between Lou and Mr. Smith could be felt in every part of the house. When he got home, he watched her sister like a hawk. Cassidy found it unnerving, but Lou never mentioned anything about it to her. It was like the tension didn’t exist accept for in Cassidy’s head.

One weekend she returned home early from the diner with the intent of returning to the Walker ranch. Ryan was due to spend time with his mother. She thought Lou was out with friends and Mr. Smith was at work. The moans she heard the moment she walked through the door made her aware she wasn’t alone.

“One, Sir.”


“Two, Sir.”

Frowning, Cassidy moved toward the sound. His office door was slightly ajar. She gazed in and gasped. Her sister was bent over Mr. Smith’s desk, her panties round her ankles and her ass in the air.
Her sister sounded in so much pain. From the red of her ass to the sounds she made, it didn’t sound like the way Michael treated her. It sounded like abuse.

“You’ve been a very naughty sub. Haven’t you, Lou?” he said.

“Yes, Sir. I’m so sorry.”

He slapped her ass three times. Lou screamed, counting the smacks. Cassidy stared at the red of her sister’s ass and felt the rage building inside her. Mr. Smith was beating up her fucking sister. Without thought, she charged in the room, attacking Mr. Smith.

“Get away from my fucking sister, you pervert.” Cassidy pushed him away, slapping him.

He didn’t defend himself.

“Cassidy, stop it!” Lou screamed at her, pulling her off her boss. “Get away from him.”

“What are you doing, Lou? He was beating you.” Cassidy pulled out of her sister’s hands and went to slap Mr. Smith some more.

“No. He wasn’t, Cassidy. Leave him alone.”

“Like hell he wasn’t.”

“Stop being a stubborn bitch, and leave him alone.” Lou pulled her off.

Cassidy stared in shock as Lou walked over to Mr. Smith and stood in front of the older man. He put his hands on her sister’s shoulder, and Lou practically melted against him.

“I don’t understand.”

Mr. Smith leaned down and kissed her sister’s temple. “I’ll call them. You take her and explain. We’ll finish this later.”

Lou nodded and took her sister by the hand, leading her through to the kitchen. The house was deserted, and Cassidy suddenly felt uncomfortable.


* * * *


Mr. Smith, or Brandon as he preferred to be called by his friends and family, sat behind his desk and calmed himself. He’d known the moment Lou’s sister stayed with them that their life would be turned upside down. Due to her sister’s stay, he’d slept alone for over two weeks. His time with Lou lessened as the time went on. When her sister left for work, leaving him alone with the woman he loved, Brandon had seized the opportunity before him. Closing his eyes, he reached out and dialed the Walkers’ ranch number.

Gary answered on the third ring.

“Walker ranch. How can I help?”

“You can start by coming and taking a fiery redhead off my hands before she ruins any chance I have with her sister.” He’d been in love with Lou the moment he met her. She was blonde, submissive, kind, and everything his ex-wife hadn’t been. Lou needed him. He helped her to control her pain. The moment she lost her parents, she went off the rails. She’d asked him to never tell her sister how bad she got.

Lou was a recovering from an eating disorder known as bulimia nervosa. The past couple of years since she’d been working with him, Brandon had been able to cure her from her addiction to gorging on food and then throwing it up, along with the extended periods of fasting. He was so pleased he’d caught her before she had gone too far down the road. She ate her meals with him and spent a great deal of time with him.

“What do you mean, Brandon?” Gary asked.

“Let’s just say Cassidy Jocks just wore out her welcome when she interfered with my punishment of my submissive.” He knew Michael was part of the BDSM scene and would have talked with the brothers over his needs. Any well-trained dom could see the submissive side to Cassidy. Even if she did go off the rails in order to try and protect her sister.

“I see.”

“Yes. You’d better come and get her. I’m tired of seeing her mope around my house. She loves you guys, and I’m trying to make Lou fall in love with me. Her sister’s presence isn’t helping my cause.”

“We’ll be there right away.”

Chapter Seventeen


Cassidy stared at her sister, unsure what to say.

“You want him to hit you?”

“It is not as easy as that. There is so much more to it than punishment.” Lou poured more coffee into a cup for Cassidy to drink. “Besides, didn’t you tell me that was what Michael was doing to you before the others ran in and ruined the moment for you? Or at least something similar.”

She sat back in her seat and thought about that moment inside the Walkers’ home with Michael. He’d been commanding her in a similar way to Mr. Smith. She shook her head. There was no way her sweet, loving sister could want anything to do with that side of things. What shocked her more was her reaction. She’d done the exact same thing as Gary and Scott. Her mind opened up. She’d overreacted and ruined what she had with her men. She hadn’t waited for them to explain.

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