Dominating Cassidy (9 page)

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Authors: Sam Crescent

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Dominating Cassidy
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“Don’t say sorry to me, Scott. You need to figure out what is wrong inside you before it threatens to tear you, Gary, and this family apart.” She got up from her seat on the workout bench. He watched the motion of her hips swaying as she moved close to him.

She touched his arms, running her fingers through the sweat. He went to pull away, but she swatted his hand out of the way. “You’re going to really hurt yourself if you don’t start talking with your brother. Come on.”

Cassidy took his hand and led him out of the basement. His brothers sat watching television as she led him up the stairs to her room. She opened the door and led him through to her bathroom.

“Sit down.” She pointed at the toilet seat. He lowered the lid and took a seat, watching her set up the bath.

When the room was filled with steam, she tested the water and walked over to him. He followed her to the center of the room. She unbuckled his belt and knelt in front of him. She pulled his pants down to his ankles and helped him to step out of them.

His boxer shorts went next until he stood before her naked. She stood up and removed her dress. Scott had never seen a sight more beautiful in his life. She stood in matching peach underwear. Her full tits pushed together going down to a small waist and flaring out to lovely wide hips. “You look gorgeous,” he said, reaching out to her. She smacked his hand away, pulling off her bra and underwear.

Taking his hand, she led him to the bath. They got in the warm water together. Scott rested his back against the edge, allowing himself to calm down. Seeing Cassidy naked had made his cock pulse with arousal. He stared at her in front of him. Her tits were exposed for him to look his fill.

“Wouldn’t my brothers be jealous of me in your tub?” he asked.

“They wouldn’t mind. I want to be with you, Scott. I think it is important for me to be with you.”

He felt tears spring to his eyes at her lovely words. No woman, in his entire life, had ever wanted to spend time alone with him just to be with him. He turned away from her, ashamed of his weakness.

“Hey,” she said soothingly.

“You should never hide these tears. These are what make us the people we are.” She moved over to him and cupped his face.

“No one has ever wanted to spend time with me. It has always been about…” He couldn’t finish the words.

“Gary.” She finished his sentence. “I’ve heard of middle-child syndrome, but with there being four of you, I imagine that is difficult. Did your parents ever tell you about your anger?”

“They tried to channel it to something else. They never wanted me hurting anyone.”

“Is that why they put a gym in the basement?” she asked.

He nodded his head. She turned her back to him and rested against him. “I wish you knew why you disliked your brother so much.”

Scott pulled her hair off her back and shoulder. He leaned down and kissed the tender flesh he saw. “I don’t have a clue why I do the things I do. I love Gary.”

“And he loves you, Scott. You’ve got to stop thinking he doesn’t. You’re letting other people affect your relationship, and as brothers, a relationship between you is important.”

“My mother would love you,” he said. Thinking about his mother with her hard-ass attitude but her loving ways made the tears fall from his eyes faster.

“God, I haven’t cried like this in years.”

“It is good for you, Scott. Now hold me and let it all out.”

He wrapped his arms around her shoulder and held on as the tears and pain fell out of him.


* * * *


Cassidy felt his body shudder with his tears. She’d never witnessed so much anger. The sadness inside Scott was horrible to witness. She stroked his arm and felt the hard press of his cock against her back.

Dinner would be ready soon, but she knew Scott needed some alone time with her. If she could make Gary and Scott overcome their issues, then maybe they had a shot at this relationship. She loved them all equally.

She knew from the gossip in town from schoolgirls and women that they went out with Scott to get to Gary. The way the other women talked had always made her so mad. She hadn’t known how bad it got, but the woman dragging herself along on Scott’s arm would be on Gary’s arm by the following week. At the time she never thought much of it, but now she saw the incidents in a whole new light.

For too long Scott had felt like he was living in his older brother’s shadow, and she had to prove to him that she saw him as Scott Walker, not as Gary’s younger brother.

“You mean a great deal to me, Scott,” she said.

“I know.”

“Promise me you will talk to me whenever you start to feel that anger again.”

“I promise.”

He held her close, and she felt the rapid beat of his heart against her back. The pulse of his cock made her pussy wet with wanting, but this wasn’t about sex. She wanted to comfort him without the pressure of sex.

The water turned cold, and she washed his hair before getting out. In her bedroom, he pulled her close, kissing her neck. “You’re an amazing woman. I’m so pleased you’re with us.”

“I am, too. I love you, your brothers, and Michael. We can have a wonderful family if only you open up your heart and learn to enjoy it.”

Scott nodded his head then left her room. She changed into a pair of sweatpants and spaghetti-strap top. By the time she got down the stairs, Scott was sitting with the rest of his family. Michael was walking through the door.

“Hello, gorgeous,” he said.

“Did you have a good day at the office, Sheriff?” she asked.

“My day has improved substantially. Come and give me some sugar.” She laughed, walking over to him. He swept her up in his arms, his lips on hers within seconds. Cassidy melted in the pleasure of his touch. She really did love being with them all. The last two days, Scott and Gary arguing aside, had been the best two days of her life. She should have let them get themselves thrown into a cell months ago. “I missed you.”

“I missed you, too.”
He grabbed her ass. Cassidy felt the heat in his hand as he pressed his thickening cock against her tummy. His grip was firm but not painful. The commanding feel of him made her gasp.

He let her go, and she went to serve up the casserole she’d started earlier in the day. She knew it was summer, but salads could only go so far before you got bored. The moment she began to set the table, her men walked in and took their seats at the table. For a moment she stood and watched them. This was her family. Five men who loved and cherished her. She allowed her mind to wander, and before her she saw all of her men at the table with little children laughing and running around their feet. Her breath caught at the image. Cassidy turned back to the stove as her heart filled with wanting. She prayed to whoever was listening that their relationship worked. All of the men at the table held her heart, and she wouldn’t dream of hurting them in any way. She loved them all way too much to risk anything going wrong.

One day, she wanted to have their babies. To fill this house with the sound of joy and laughter. A true home with a large family. She’d wanted one ever since she’d heard about the death of her own parents.

“Are you okay, baby?” Michael asked.

She nodded her head. “Just daydreaming. I hope you’re all hungry.”

They all nodded their heads and fisted the table. She chuckled at their caveman approach.

“I live to serve.”

She carried the steaming pot of casserole, and she’d decided to serve it with some rice and flat breads. All of them held up their plates. She couldn’t help but laugh at their hungry gazes.

Taking each plate she filled them with food until she put some on her plate and sat down next to Jesse.

He bumped her shoulder playfully like he always did.

“I’ve got some news,” she said, remembering the change in plans with her sister. “Lou isn’t going to be available for Friday, and if you all want to take me dancing, then I’d still be up to go.”

“Damn, I can’t wait to get you on the dance floor. I can still see how sexy your ass looked when you danced with Michael,” Roy said.

Cassidy chuckled.

“She can move, man. I promise you, you’ll be even more smitten with her. I spend most of my time hard by her moves.” Michael told them all about her teasing on the floor. She laughed along with them. When they finished, she and Roy cleaned away the dishes before she served up the apple pie she’d baked with a hint of cinnamon.

The pie went faster than the casserole. At the end of the night, she watched a movie curled up against Scott with Gary at the end by her feet.

She called it a night first, kissed them all, and walked to her room.

Her eyes were drooping when a knock came at the door.

“Come in.”

Jesse walked in wearing a pair of boxers. “Hi,” he said. He shut the door and made his way over to the bed. She waited for him to lie on top of the blankets. He took her hand, kissing her knuckles.

“Where are the others?” she asked.

“Watching some football downstairs. I was tired.”

“So you decided to come and talk to me?” she teased him.

“I wanted to spend some time with you. You’ve always been part of my world.”

Cassidy kissed his hand, smiling back at him. “You’ve always been there as well.”

He nodded and stayed silent. She stared at him waiting for him to speak. She knew Jesse had something on his mind. It would be best for her to wait until he was ready to talk to her. She stared at their joined hands. He had much darker skin than hers. She imagined it was due to his working in the sun.

“I’ve loved you my whole life,” he said. She gasped. His admittance had been the last thing she expected.

“Your whole life?”

“Yes. You’re my best friend, Cassidy. And I’ve always valued our friendship. When Luke hurt you, I wanted to kill the bastard.”

She remembered as if it was yesterday the pain of Luke’s betrayal and the hurt he’d put her through. The first thought she’d had at the time had been to run to Jesse. He always knew what to do. “He hurt me so much. I thought I loved him. Now, as I look back, I know I never loved him. What I feel for you, Roy, Scott, Gary, and Michael, that is love.” He cupped her cheek.

“I’ll never let anything happen to you.”

“Nothing will ever happen to me, Jesse. I love you guys.”

Jesse kissed her on the head and snuggled in close to her. She closed her eyes, letting sleep claim her.

If only she’d known how Jesse had felt, she would never have lost all of these years of happiness with him.

Chapter Nine


The rest of the week went by without a hitch. Scott and Gary were talking more. She found them spending more time together trying to get to know one another. Most of the guys were busy with work, and when her chores were done in the house, she went to visit Claire. The other woman was in a blissful world, and the moment she entered Shane and Liam’s ranch, she felt that love all the way down to her soul. The other woman embraced her with open arms. When she saw all three together, she knew she had a shot with her five men to have something as perfect as what she saw.

She went to town with Claire to pick up her groceries, and they’d bumped into Stephanie. They ate at the diner together. Cassidy began to feel like she had girlfriends she could rely on. The conversations with her sister were getting less frequent with every passing day. She tried not to worry. Lou always looked comfortable with Mr. Smith.
All of her men found a way to take her out. They spent time with her asking her what she enjoyed or would love to do on a date. Within days of their individual questioning, she found herself being taken on a date.

Jesse took her to see a romance flick. She spent most of the time making out with him in the back seat. They had a lot of wasted time to catch up on. In fact, she spent a great deal of time making out with all of her men.

She would sit on the sofa, Michael next to her, and in the next moment, they would be cuddling and kissing and forgetting everything else. They were all driving her crazy. None of her men would go further than touching, and she was ready to explode with the pleasure they were giving her. She found herself falling to sleep at night without giving herself an orgasm. The thought of pleasuring herself without her men there to watch or be part of felt wrong.

By the time Friday came, she was excited to the point she thought she was going to burst. She made sandwiches as she didn’t want her men to be too full to stop them from dancing. She had seduction planned for the night.

When they were eating, she ran up the stairs to start getting dressed. She wanted everything to be perfect. Her bath was running with some salts to help relax her muscles. She turned the water off and then got in. Tonight, she wanted to go to the next step. Her relationship with her men hadn’t been going on for a week but for several years.

She washed all the body sweat and grime of the day’s work away. Freshening up her body, she shaved her legs and armpits as hairy legs would be completely embarrassing. She wasn’t confident with waxing as it looked too painful.

Once she was done in the bathroom, she grabbed her red dress which helped to emphasize the grace of her curves, and did not make her look like an elephant. She wrapped her hair up in a towel, pulled on her underwear, and then the dress over the top. Next she worked on her hair and makeup. She curled her red hair to give it life but also to tame the wild locks.

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