Dominic (17 page)

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Authors: L. A. Casey

BOOK: Dominic
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What in God's name was that lad yapping on about now? Why couldn't he just run without causing people problems

He was like a damn virus!

"Stop lookin' at her! I won't have you oglin' female students and distractin' the lads, so either get back to runnin' or go stretch-"

"I vote on stretching," Dominic cut the sir off, getting some chuckles.

"Leave her alone."

I knew it was Gavin's voice, and I was instantly scared because the last time Gavin interfered with something to do with Dominic, he ended up in a fight with him.

I carefully stood upright, shook my legs out then went to see what the big deal was about when I suddenly shot forward. Dominic was squaring up to Gavin, and everyone else backed away from them as if they weren't going to attempt to stop a fight if it happened.

"Stop!" I snapped to both of them and pushed my body between their bodies.

My arse and back were pressed against Gavin's front while my front was pressed against Dominic's. I tilted my head back and looked up at him.

"Just give it a rest, will you? Stop causin' trouble. I'm fed up with you doin' this!" I snapped at him.

Dominic narrowed his eyes when he looked down at me, then he started breathing a little heavy when Gavin took a step back and took me with him, his arm securely around my waist keeping me tight against him.

"Get. Your. Hand. Off. Her," Dominic snarled in a low, dangerous warning tone.

I wanted to scream and cry at the same time.

Where did he get off telling people what do to with me? I rejected him, yet he still had the nerve to try and control who could and couldn't touch me? 

He could get fucked!

"She doesn't want you, just accept that already and back fuckin' off. It's gettin' pathetic at this stage, man!" Gavin said to Dominic while taking another step back bringing me with him.

Dominic looked ready to blow a fuse when Damien suddenly appeared next to him. "Leave it, bro."

"I want to hear her say it," Dominic growled.

Hear me say what?

Damien sighed then looked to me. "Bee, you want to be with Gavin, right?"

What did he mean by

"Huh?" I murmured, confused.

Damien smiled a little and was about to say something when Gavin spoke. "She's goin' on a date with me tonight so I guess that's a yeah to your question, Damien."

A date, with Gavin?


Dominic's left eye twitched and his face slightly reddened. "You don't want to date me, but you will go on a date with that sorry excuse for a-"

"Hey! That's enough!" I suddenly snapped not liking Dominic trying to put Gavin down.

I realised then what Gavin was doing; he was obviously handing me a ticket to get off Dominic's radar by saying we were going on a date.

"Fuck you, Bronagh, and fuck you, prick," Dominic growled to Gavin.

Gavin tensed around me. "Look man, you win some, you lose some. She's mine so just stay the fuck away from her, understand?"

Holy hell, Gavin had this down. He sounded so serious and actually came off like a protective boyfriend or something.

Dominic laughed and so did Jason, which made his friends laugh.

"What are you gonna do if I don't, bitch? I know you can't fight worth a shit. What exactly are you gonna do to me if I don't leave her alone?" Dominic grinned evilly.

He might be grinning, but I could tell that he was still fuming mad. He looked downright evil right now, and I really didn't like it.

"He won't do anythin' but I'm sure Ryder will. You know your big brother who just happens to be
big sister's
," I cut in, smiling sweetly.

Damien snorted. "Little Bee can hold her own, I'm proud."

I looked to him and smiled a genuine smile; he was lovely, so different from his crazy-arse brother.

"Shut up, you," I said, playfully making Damien snort.

"Not that this episode of Irish/American Teenage Drama isn't interestin' but can you all get a move on?" Mr. Rivers suddenly shouted.

All the guys on the team launched straight back into their laps, and the girls moved to the mats where gossip was clearly flying back and forth. Gavin kept his arm around me, and his body pressed to mine while Dominic glowered at us.

He looked me directly in the eye. "Fuck you, Bronagh."

I felt like he was stating a fact like he was done with me, and I was horrified because it actually hurt.

I cleared my throat and forced myself to say, "Not in this lifetime or the next, Fuckface."

If looks could kill, I would have been dead and buried with the look Dominic shot me. His entire body tensed, his hands were clenched together, and veins were popping out everywhere.

"Walk away," Damien murmured to Dominic.

Dominic bore his eyes into mine, and I found I couldn't look back into his so I lowered my head and completely avoided his gaze. I watched his feet as he turned and jogged off, joining the rest of the lads who were being shouted at by Mr. Rivers.

"Sorry about him bro, he has a bit of a temper," Damien said.

I looked up and snorted while Gavin chuckled behind me.

A bit of a temper? 

That was an understatement if I've ever heard one.

Damien winked at me. "Catch you later, Bee."

I smiled at him, liking the fact that he called me Bee like Branna did.


When Damien jogged off, I turned to Gavin, who snorted down at me.

"I'm really expectin' a date from you, it's the least you can do since Dominic might just murder me soon."

I playfully rolled my eyes. "I feel weird though; I've never been on a date."

Gavin raised his eyebrows. "

He seemed very shocked.

I shook my head. "No, I've never been asked out by anyone. I mean, lads aren't into me. Sure you were me first kiss."

?" Gavin asked and dropped his jaw.

"Why are you actin' so surprised?"

He stared at me blankly, blinking.

"Gavin?" I prompted him.

"Collins!" Mr. Rivers screamed making me jump with fright.

"Sir?" Gavin asked after a moment of doing nothin' but staring at me.

"Leave the female alone and get your head and legs back into your laps!"

I rolled my eyes at Mr. Rivers and looked back at Gavin, who was looking at me again.

"You're startin' to freak me out by just starin' at me, Gav," I said.

Gavin chuckled. "Sorry but you have no idea how happy you just made me."

"How?" I asked.

He shook his head. "Never mind Bee, I've to run, literally, but give me your number? I'm cashin' in on that date I made up for Dominic's benefit."

I punched his shoulder, making him laugh.

I sighed trying to downplay the blush that was creeping up my neck. He just called me Bee; I guess that was my official nickname. Between Branna always calling me it and Damien now calling me it, it was obvious it was sticking. Even Gavin using it was sort of making me want to giggle. I was also trying to will away the sweat that started to fill my palms.

"Gavin, a lot of new things are happenin' to me lately. I was invisible for a long time and now all of a sudden, I'm not and crazy shite-"

"It's a date Bronagh, not a weddin'. Chill," Gavin chuckled.

I chuckled a little along with him. I knew a date wasn'thin' to be freaking out over, but a date for me was something to freak out over because I honestly had no clue about anything like that. I mean, I didn't even know how to accept the invite correctly.

"You're right," I breathed. "I mean, it's just for fun, right?"

Gavin nodded. "Yeah, we can go see a film. I might even let you pick." He winked.

Was he flirting with me?

I wasn't sure but blushed either way incase he was.


"Yeah?" Gavin smiled.

He had such a pretty smile.

"Yeah," I smiled back at him.

He took his phone from his shorts and handed it to me; I quickly typed in my number and handed it back to him.

"I'm gonna annoy the shite outta you with texts." He grinned devilishly.

Surprisingly, the thought of that didn't bother me in the slightest.

"Oh God, did I just give a potential stalker my number?" I gasped.

Gavin pulled a face and playfully shoved me making me laugh.

"Collins! Girlfriend time is for home time, you're on my time so move!"

"Girlfriend?" a voice called out from my left. "That was quick work, pretty girl."

I forced myself not to turn around and correct Dominic, because for some reason I
him to think I was Gavin's girlfriend in hopes that it would hurt him like he has hurt me.

"Don't let him get to you," Gavin murmured as he leaned down and put his arms around me.

I jumped a little before giving him a quick squeeze like I've seen girls do with guys.

"Text you later, okay?" He smiled then turned and jogged away.

Obviously his question was rhetorical since he didn't stick around for an answer but it was a good thing that he moved away, because I was a few seconds away from collapsing into a melted puddle at the smile he shot me over his shoulder.

How in Jesus' name had I not perved on him since first year started? 

I've noticed his looks a little since we did go to school together, but holy hell, I've never really looked at him. He was fucking stunning, and his smile was a serious contender against Dominic's, even though he didn't have dimples. I paused mid thought and grunted. How did that fucker work his way into my Gavin filled thoughts? He just couldn't leave me alone, even inside my damn head!

I shook my head, turned, and walked over to the area of the hall where the skipping ropes were. I never participated in any of the sports that involved me being part of a team, so this was like my own little area. However, the girls came over and crowded me today, which made me feel really uncomfortable.

"What's the story, Bronagh?" Micah asked me.

I was instantly afraid as I cleared my throat.

"Nothin'," I murmured. "What you up to?"

She shrugged. "Bored of this class, figured we'd chill here for a bit. That cool with you?"



"Nice one," she replied.

I was tense as fuck as she moved beside me and gripped a skipping rope. I had no idea why, but I was expecting her to lash out and hit me with it, and I wanted to be ready to take the blow so it would hurt less. I licked my dry lips and looked to my right, willing Mr. Rivers to call the girls away for something, but my eyes caught Dominic's eyes instead, because he was already staring at me.

I froze then quickly looked away and back towards Micah, who glanced Dominic's way and nodded her head a little when he nodded for her to move away. I heard he had a 'talk' with her after rumours spread that Micah attacked me after school almost two weeks ago. It was obviously true because Micah looked terrified of him and hadn't so much as looked at me since the night she attacked me.

"I'm actually gonna do some more runnin'. Later, Bronagh." Micah smiled.

"Bye, Micah," I breathed.

Micah and her two friends, whose names I never bothered to learn, moved off and left Destiny, Lexi, and three other girls playing around with the ropes near me. Alannah was across the hall sat on a bench reading on her Kindle like she always did after she has finished running and stretching. I felt eyes on me, and it made me self-conscious and not want to jump rope, so I made a move to put my rope back when Destiny was suddenly in front of me.

"I shagged Nico last night," she said as casually as saying hello.

Why the hell did that feel like being kicked in the stomach?

"Congratulations," I said forcing my tone to come off as flat and bored.

Destiny cocked an eyebrow. "You aren't bothered that I shagged your fella?"

"He is not me fella and regardless of what you seen on Saturday and what Dominic is sayin', I didn't have sex with him." I was going to move around her when I paused and glared at her. "And it's disgustin' that you thought he was me boyfriend and yet you're actin' so proud that you shagged him. Honestly, why would you brag about being a slut and a home wrecker?" I questioned.

I wished I had kept my mouth shut, because I knew she was going to shout at me before she even opened her mouth.

"I am not a slut, you're just jealous of me!" she screamed.

The whole hall went quiet. I felt my hand twitch and my blood boil, how fucking dare she scream in my face and say I was jealous of her.

"Are you jokin'? You bragged only last week that you rode five lads in the one week. If that isn't a slut, then I don't know what is! And why in God's name would I be jealous of you? You just openly told me you shagged Dominic last night even though you thought I was his girlfriend, you're a pathetic, STD riddin' little knacker and if you don't get out of me face, I'm goin' to-"

I didn't get to finish my sentence because with a roar she came at me, but unlike last time when I was attacked, I wasn't unsuspecting and afraid, I was ready and mad. I lifted my arms and shoved Destiny back away from me and leaned my head to the left, avoiding the hand that reached out to grab me. She landed back on her arse with a thud.

"Cat fight!" one of the lads shouted.

"Stop!" Mr. Rivers yelled.

"First and
warnin', stay the fuck away from me, Destiny," I snarled and she whimpered on the ground and cowered back like I was about to jump on her.

I wasn't going to hit her but whoever lifted me away from where I stood wasn't taking any chances.

"You're a magnet for trouble, Bee."

I began laughing. "All this shite only started happenin' when you and your evil twin rolled into town!"

Damien snorted into my ear then murmured, "Fights, mad girls, sex, parties… all that crap happens in every town we go to."

Did that mean they moved around a lot?

"Well, I don't want any part of it, yet somehow I got dragged into it!"

"Because Dominic wants you."

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