Dominion: Zoë Martinique Investigation, Book 6 (42 page)

Read Dominion: Zoë Martinique Investigation, Book 6 Online

Authors: Phaedra Weldon

Tags: #romance, #urban fantasy, #paranormal romance, #ghost, #wraith, #phantasm, #dark urban fantasy, #phaedra weldon, #dominion, #oob

BOOK: Dominion: Zoë Martinique Investigation, Book 6
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"Well." The man said as he stared up
at Joe. "It's about time. An old man could catch his death out
here. Now, step aside." He used that cane to gently nudge Joe out
of the way before he marched in the door and down the short hall to
the kitchen.

Joe stood dumbfounded for a few
seconds before he shut the door and hurriedly caught up with the
little old guy. "Now wait a minute. Who the hell are you and what
gives you the right to barge into my house? You do realize I'm a
cop, don't you?"

"Yes I am very much aware of what your
profession is, Mr. Halloran. But I'm more fascinated and interested
in your hands. Your Ethereal hands."

Joe frowned.
My what?
He ran his
fingers through his spiky hair. "Mister, I don't know who you think
you are, but you have two seconds to get out of my apartment or I'm
going to arrest you for trespassing and home invasion."

The little man smiled and gave Joe the
same condescending look his own grandpa had given him the day Joe
declared he was going to be a magician. The best there was. Of
course Joe had just turned nine.

The old man pointed behind Joe and the
front door disappeared. Just…melted into a wall. Joe looked at him
and then the door before he ran to it. He banged and pressed
against it, but it was just a wall. Not even a seam.

When he turned to face the intruder
Joe watched the windows vanish. The TV vanished, as did the
furniture piece by piece, until Joe stood alone in a blank wooden

He tried to stifle his
rising panic as his heart beat against his chest. "What…what
you? What do you

"What I want is your unwavering
dedication and servitude, Mr. Halloran. I am the one you are going
to obey. I am the beginning, and I am the end. Your beginning and
your end. And I will not tolerate disobedience." He clasped his
hands in front of him. "My name is Abraham Domas. And as for what I
am…" His smile banished all hope. "I am the Seraphim."





About the Author


Phaedra Weldon is a writer and mother
of one. Born in Pensacola, Florida, Phaedra was raised in the lush,
green southern tropic of Georgia. She grew up on southern ghost
stories told while eating marshmallows around campfires, or on the
back of pick-up trucks in the middle of cornfields on chilly
October nights. She worked as a Graphic Artist for over twenty
years in the publishing and sign industries until she became a full
time writer in 2009. Phaedra currently lives in Atlanta, Georgia
with her husband and daughter.




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