Dominique (35 page)

Read Dominique Online

Authors: Sir Nathan

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Dominique
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“Stupid ...”


“Fucking ...”








He stopped.
Sweat trickled down my nose.
My hands ached from holding them in tight fists.
The skin of my back was ablaze with pain.
The sweat there stung.
The heat!
My God, my back was so hot.
Every muscle was still held as tight as a drum.
I wiped my brow against my shoulder.
I started to relax and my muscles in my thighs started to vibrate.
I suddenly felt very nauseous.
My thighs started to shudder more.
I felt like I was about to collapse.

“Say it,” he whispered.

I turned my face up to him, breathing heavily, tears of pain in my eyes and trickling down my cheeks.
Tears of sorrow.
Tears of joy.

“Say it, pet.”
His voice had never sounded so soft and comforting.

“This girl is so sorry, Master,” I whispered.

“I know, kitten.”


“Good girl.”

Tossing the cat over by the display wall, I slipped Dominique’s hands from the handcuffs and she lowered herself to hands and knees beside the whipping post, her body swaying, unsteady with excessive adrenaline.
“Lie down, kitten,” I said after unbuckling her ankles.
Carrying the spreader bar back to the display wall, I picked up the two whips on the way.
Looking back at Dominique, I saw that she was lying on her front, holding her fists under her chin.

Paul had untied Kate.
She was quiet on his lap on the lounge.
Her head was on his shoulder and they both watched Dominique and I silently.
I picked up the ropes Paul had kindly coiled and put them back in the toy box.
I spent the next few minutes cleaning and putting away the various items that had been in use over the last couple of hours.

Returning to Dominique, I saw she was asleep.
Gently I woke her and lifted her to her feet.
Leaning down I put my shoulder softly to her stomach, wrapped my arm around her thighs and lifted her in a ‘fireman’s hold’.
She moaned softly but made no protest.

“I’ll put her in bed.”

Paul nodded.
“Good plan.”

I carried Dominique upstairs and lay her on the bed, turning her onto her front.
She murmured her thanks as I stroked her hair before heading into the bathroom.
Scrubbing my hands with anti-bacterial soap and rinsing them off, I proceeded to fill a bowl with lukewarm water and added the soap to the water, giving it a few rubs.
With a soft cloth thrown over my shoulder, I picked up the bowl and returned to the bedroom.

Swallowing, I tended her skin, wiping an errant tear silently from my eye.
She never made a sound and was soon asleep again.
Covering her with the bed sheet, I turned out the light and returned to the study.

“Everything ok?” Paul asked.

“She’ll be fine by the morning,” I replied.
“A few days for the marks.”


I refreshed my drink and sat across from Paul and Kate.

“Andrew?” Paul asked.


“You did well.”

“Thanks, Paul.”
We sat in silence for a few minutes.

“May I say something please, Master?” Kate asked.

“Yes, you may Kate.”

She turned to me.
“Andrew Sir, with respect Sir, I think Dominique is a very lucky girl.”

I smiled a little.
“Tell me why, Kate.”

“Well Sir, I think she is lucky because you love her, Sir.”

“It’s pretty obvious, Andrew.”

I nodded and stifled that rogue tear again.
“I should be with her.”

“We’ll lock-up behind us.”

“I’d appreciate that.”

“Consider it done.”

I rose from the lounge.
“Thank you for bearing witness, Paul.
And thank you too, Kate.”

“Anytime, my friend.”

“Always a pleasure to be of service, Sir.”

I smiled and nodded, then made my way up to the master bedroom.
Lying down beside Dominique, I caressed her upper arm until I fell asleep myself.

Chapter 10

Still half asleep, I started turning over.
Not a good idea!
By the time I’d returned to my original position, I was wide-awake.
Complaining quietly in the almost pitch-blackness, my eyes where drawn to the thin arc of yellow moon illuminating the room.
It was almost at the end of its nightly trek, low in the sky and on an angle.
Rolling a little onto my right shoulder, I took deep breaths and concentrated on its shimmering halo.
It was quite beautiful, framed by wafting tulle drapes around the window above the bed.
Rising to my elbows didn’t feel too bad.
Andrew was sleeping peacefully beside me with his mouth open.
The glowing green digits on the bedside clock said it was 4:53 a.m.
Despite the dull ache, I smiled as I laid my head back down.

I was okay.

And I was proud of myself.
I think that’s mostly why I smiled.
If I could say there was one thing I gained from last night, it was that for the first time in my submissive life, I felt
And I felt
Thoughts swirled,
as I lay awake, staring at the sliver of moon.

I never wanted to be lashed like that
again, that’s for sure.
Wrinkling my nose and squirming, trying to get comfortable, I decided I would have to think very carefully before putting myself in that position again.

A strange feeling came over me.
I felt
, or more mature or something.
Even my poor
felt far away.
Like it was last week.
Like it had been someone else, some other person I vaguely knew.
With some trepidation, I
there were holes in my life.
Lines yet to be written, different ways of doing things and seeing things.
Things that I had yet to learn.
But I knew

I knew I needed to be more considered in the things I said.
Internal conflict was a reason for discussion at a suitable time, not just a reason to open my mouth.
‘Asking if it’s okay to ask about something’, was a good way to gauge things.
It also gave me a chance to hear what something sounded like when I said it aloud, which on occasions was different to how it sounded in my head.
For me at least, I would try to continue doing it.

Also, I would
bend to Andrew’s will.
Why I ever wanted to deny myself the pleasure I received when I was good, I didn’t know.
As my Master’s submissive, certain things were expected of me, and I would remind myself that I did them for his pleasure, not necessarily mine, whether I liked them or not.

And I would try to curb my imagination.
Like with Paul.
I don’t know what possessed me to think that he was, in some way
My God.
One dominant was enough for any red-blooded woman.
Two was just downright unrealistic.
Or greedy,
I thought, shaking my head slightly and smiling.
The pleasure I received through Paul, came not
Paul, but from
And in any case, the pleasure I received was secondary to the lessons Andrew had taught me.

Lifting and turning my head, I tucked my hands under my chin and watched Andrew sleep.

I loved the rules and the clear-cut boundaries.
I loved that when I pleased him, I knew it.
He never failed to praise my efforts.
That he cared enough to correct me when I displeased him suited me down to the ground.
Nothing festered.
Nothing went on and on.
No snide commenting.
No grudges kept.

, Andrew
My beloved Master.
God, I loved him.
I loved who he was, and how he was.
I loved what he had done for me, and what he would do in the future.
I loved that I could trust him, and I felt so blessed that I was the one he chose.
Brushing a tear from my cheek, I wished I could do more for him.
more for him.
I knew there was something on his mind, and while I didn’t know what it was, I took comfort in the knowledge that he would tell me when he was ready.

Yawning quietly, I closed my eyes.

“Dominique,” I whispered, her face just inches from mine.
She was fretting in her sleep.

“I don’t give a fuck,”
she muttered, her eyes still closed.

“Dominique,” I said a little louder, gently shaking her shoulder.
“Dominique, wake up.”

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