DONKEY: A Stepbrother Sports Romance (With FREE Bonus Novel Charged!) (40 page)

BOOK: DONKEY: A Stepbrother Sports Romance (With FREE Bonus Novel Charged!)
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“Gracey?” Leighton asked, slightly concerned.

“Uh-huh”, was all Gracey could manage in response.

“Are you ok?” Leighton asked, still not completely sure he should have done what he did.

“Uh-huh”, Gracey repeated. She still had her lips puckered in kissing mode. “That was-”

Again, before she could finish her sentence, Leighton’s lips were back on hers, kissing her towards heaven. Gracey was well-read, had a huge vocabulary and an impressive grasp of descriptive English, but if she had been asked at that moment to describe what was happening to her, she would have been able to say nothing more than the incoherent murmurs and mumblings that befell her.

“Uh-huh”, Gracey said for the third time when Leighton had pulled away.

“Good”, Leighton said. “You’re getting better. Now this time, let's try and use our tongues.”

Inside, Gracey was exploding with desire. There were so many things happening all at once, she figured her brain had to shut off just to take control of them. Fireworks in her panties. Chills and shivers up and down her spine. Pins and needles all over her skin and a heart that simply wouldn’t slow down. A million things on the tip of her tongue to say and then Leighton’s tongue rubbing up against hers and making her mind blank once again. She’d never felt this good. Just past twenty, still a virgin, and in the car of a billionaire, who happened also to be her stepbrother, who wanted nothing more than to take her home and do evil things to her. Gracey had already felt the size of his cock, and she found her hand reaching for it again now. She may have been innocent, but Gracey had a vivid imagination to match her sister’s. The only question going around her head was “if I give it to you now, what happens tomorrow?”

“That we can only know tomorrow”, Leighton said.

Without realising it, Gracey had said the question out loud.

“Fuck”, she said.

“Is that your way of seducing me?” Leighton asked.

“Fuck”, Gracey said again, her hand slapping quickly against her mouth should something else slip out of it unannounced.

“I might not be able to refuse the next time you ask me.”

Gracey felt her head beginning to spin. Carefully she lowered her hand. “You promise you won’t- Fuck”, Gracey said, unable to finish the sentence. “Fuck it.”

It was surprisingly easy to pull her work trousers down and let her panties go with them. She hadn’t expected the first time to be in the back of a chauffeur driven limousine, but there were definitely worse places to do it, and there was no way she was going to let sense into the equation. If she stopped now, she might not ever start again.

She fought against her own clothes with an urgency that impression Leighton, and then fought against his to release his mammoth cock. It was a first for Gracey. For the girl that couldn’t even undress to her panties and bra in front of other people, this was an incredible transformation. Gracey couldn't care less than she’d just come from work. She couldn’t care less than she hadn’t showered. She couldn’t care less than a glass screen separated her from the driver, and four more separated her from the world, it was happening now or it wasn’t happening at all.

She ripped at Leighton’s shirt, tearing fabric and sending buttons spinning into far corners of the cab, and then pulled so greedily at his trousers, she almost tore them off him in one go. Leighton was speechless at the transformation. He half expected this to be a gradual game of cat and mouse, but nothing at all like this. It was like watching Dr Jekyll turn into Mr. Hyde and despite being a little taken aback, Leighton couldn’t have wanted for more.

With his cock exposed, Gracey dropped down onto her knees and began to hoover him up into her mouth. She wrapped her hand around his gigantic base, pulled his foreskin away from his meaty glans and ran her tongue around his rim before taking him as deep as she could into her mouth. She couldn’t get enough of it. It was as though something had woken inside her, and there was no way she was going to stop until whatever it was had been satisfied.

Leighton was huge! Long, thick, bulbous, meaty, everything that Gracey had ever wanted in the sexual organs of a prospective partner. After sucking him eagerly, she took a moment to take him in, pausing for long enough to admire the strength and length of his member. It throbbed while she grabbed hold of it, the veins so thick she could feel the blood pumping through them. It felt great inside her mouth. Warm and salty and thick enough to fill her completely. She wanted him everywhere at once. In her mouth, in her pussy, she even wanted him in her ass-hole, even though she’d never considered anything like it before.

Leighton let Gracey avail herself for as long as he could cope with, before he began to take control. He’d glimpsed her pussy briefly when she’d ripped her panties off, but couldn't see it now from where she crouched down in front of him, his cock jamming up her mouth. That was too much of a tease for Leighton to bear, and as soon as Gracey took a pause, he put his hands under her armpits and lifted her up so he could take her in.

Gracey didn’t stand still for long. If Leighton wasn’t going to let her suck his cock anymore, she’d just have to fuck it instead. He could be cute all he wanted in his own time. This was Gracey’s and as far as she was concerned, she was in control. She didn’t have to learn that from her mother, or Pandora. Gracey knew that to make a man want you and still get what you wanted too, you had to be in control. She couldn’t be a pushover. She couldn’t let Leighton get what he wanted, unless she agreed that she was going to give it to him as well. Gracey turned around so she was facing away from Leighton and then backed herself over his cock so she was straddling him. Leighton twice put his hands up to take hold of Gracey’s hips, and twice Gracey batted his hands away, until finally he got the message, relaxed back into the leather seat and let the once shy girl do what she needed to do to him.

Leighton struggled to admit it, but not being in control was a massive turn on for him. He spent his working life exercising it, it was something he did without batting an eyelid, yet here, with the girl he least expected to refuse him ownership of it, he was helpless to resist, and it was turning him on more than he ever thought possible. His cock was swollen and throbbed with purpose. Even before she slid him inside her, he could see pearls of pre-cum glistening his crown.

Gracey might have been a virgin, but she wasn’t letting it show. The view as she reared her way towards him was unforgettable. Leighton bit his lip for fear he might blow his load too soon. She was gorgeous with clothes on, an absolute angel without them. It was all he could do not to lean forwards and ram his tongue into her pussy hole. He wanted so much to lick his way along her slit, but Gracey had already set down the rules, and Leighton didn’t want to risk losing what he was about to get.

Gracey held onto the base of his tumescent cock and guided it towards her hole. He was so big, she hardly had to bend at the knee, and when his crown came into contact with her pussy lips, she couldn’t help but gasp. Leighton was big, but Gracey had never been more turned on. It was a moment she had waited her whole adult life for, and there was no way she was going to let someone else be in control of it. If he tried, even just a hint of movement, Gracey would pull herself away from him.

He felt incredible up against her. Tucked into the opening to her vagina without being inside her hole, sliding along between her pussy lips and nestled up against her clitoris, all of it made her want to come a thousand times over.

“Are you ready?” Gracey asked, half just to prepare herself for it, the other half to remind Leighton who was in control.

“I was ready the moment I saw you”, Leighton said, much closer to an orgasm at this stage that he ever thought was possible.

Gracey teased the crown against her opening, gasping with pleasure as she felt him dip inside her. It was more magnificent that she could find words to describe. A million nerve endings all singing at once, with music that ran around her body at a million miles an hour. Leighton grabbed as much of the car seat as he could, spreading his hands wide and shifting his weight towards her as much as he could without thrusting. He knew by now this was the Gracey show, and he was happy to take a back seat.

Gracey lost herself in the sensation, letting her weight go little by little and sliding more and more of Leighton’s fat cock up into her pussy hole. With only half of his cock inside her, Gracey had to pause, readjust her position, and moan loudly before she could begin again. It took a couple of minutes of sliding back and forth before she was fully comfortable and she could feel Leighton’s balls press against her swollen clit.

Looking down at them trapped there at the front of her pussy made her so enormously happy, she couldn’t help but laugh. Without thinking, Leighton put his hands on her hips and then pulled them away quickly when he realized, before Gracey batted thin air.

“This is-”, she gasped. “Better.” A pause for a deep breath. “Better”, she continued. “Than I.” A deep guttural moan. “Ever thought it would be.”

“You wait-”, Leighton said, equally pressed for air. “Until you start moving around.”

“Like this?” Gracey said, beginning to rock backwards and forwards gently.

“Uh-huh”, Leighton said, feeling like his cock was about to explode. “That’s a good start.”

Being inside Gracey felt better than he ever imagined. Of course, he never imagined it happening like this, he’d actually imagined fucking her hard on her bed, or into her bed would have been a more accurate description, but this beat all of that. This beat everything else that had come before it.

“Oh fuck that’s good”, Gracey moaned, placing her hands on his knees for balance. “Fucking hell, that’s good.”

“Careful Gracey”, Leighton warned. “I might come soon if you carry on.”

It was hard for the alpha-male to admit, but the last thing he wanted was to explode without warning, especially before Gracey had had a chance to please herself.

“That’s not an option”, Gracey panted. “Besides which... you have to wait... until I’ve... oh fuck.”

Gracey was not only rocking back and forth now, she was also lifting herself up in the cycle so she was fucking him right against her G-spot, even though she had no idea that spot even existed. Leighton’s cock was so enormous, that when she lifted herself up, and almost completely off him, her legs were straight and she was almost bent forwards completely. Leighton had a perfect view of his cock penetrating her tight little snatch, and the dark web of sensitive skin above it that made out her ass-hole. After a while of trying to control his breathing, he had to look away for fear he might explode if he continued to look. Gracey had no such reservations. This was an alien feeling to her, yet it was so magnificent there was no way she was ever going to stop. She could feel it building inside her like a series of waves, each one stronger and more frequent than the previous one. At times she would hold Leighton’s cock at the base and fuck just the very tip, at others, she would press his balls away from his body and slide herself as deep as possible on his gargantuan shaft. With him fully inside her, the thickness of his base pushing out her hole to way beyond its normal width, she felt so close to splitting in half, the sensation that run up her spine and into her brain nearly made her pass out.

When it finally came, with the force of a universe exploding, she thought she’d finally died and gone to heaven. It began with the waves, which increased in intensity until all she could feel were the gently pulses of blood through her veins and the rock back and forth of Leighton’s balls against her clit. It could have been that. It could have been the sensitivity of his tip against her G-spot or the width of his base against a million different nerve endings at the opening to her pussy. It didn’t matter. When it came, it was so strong, the windows of the car nearly shattered with her screams.

Gracey never believed that she’d ever feel an emotion so strong. She didn’t even know if emotion was really the right word to describe it because it was just as much a physical sensation as it was anything else. She screamed, she moaned, she felt pins and needles arc out across her back and fire burn deep within her where Leighton’s cock still throbbed with the anticipation and desire he’d found so hard to hold back on. Finally, with sweat running in rivulets down her back, she collapsed forwards, the sensation too much to not let it engulf her. She tried to hold onto something, but it all happened so quickly. First hot and then cold, stars exploding and then the world contracting into nothing. She knew her hands were shaking, she knew her pussy felt like it would explode as soon as someone touched it, but when she reached out to balance herself, she found nothing to take her weight.

After a multiple orgasm that lasted almost a minute, and seconds before Leighton was able to come himself, Gracey tried her best to pull away from him unable to cope any more with the intensity of the sensations that were coursing through her body, stood briefly and then blacked out spectacularly.

Leighton was quick enough to see what was happening and pulled Gracey into him. It wasn’t the first time it had happened to him, and he was hoping it wouldn’t be the last. He was so close to coming as well. Ten seconds more and he would have exploded.

“Gracey”, he said softly, but there was no response.

It would have been so easy for Leighton to continue, but he wasn’t that kind of man.

“Gracey”, he said again, and this time the girl began to come to.

Chapter 16

etective Foster had brought one of his sergeants with him, a gangly man with grey skin called Thomas Ewell, and Benjamin Pope, his bespectacled lab assistant, mostly because the young lad had asked to come back to the house in order to perform another series of tests that might have been missed by the initial team the first time around. Standing there on the doorstep, they looked like an odd bunch.

Having seen the car pull into the drive, Alexis was at the door before the Detective had time to knock. She greeted him with a disarming smile.

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