Don't Know Much About History, Anniversary Edition: Everything You Need to Know About American History but Never Learned (Don't Know Much About®) (116 page)

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North Carolina, 46, 75, 76, 89, 163, 218, 219, 225, 586

Northern Alliance, 597, 598

Northwest Ordinance, 211

Northwest Passage, 21–22, 37

Nova Scotia, 41, 77

Obama, Barack, xi, xii, 601, 602, 609, 612, 620–27, 664

Objectivism, 564

Occaneechee Indians, 52

O’Connor, Sandra Day, 573

Oglethorpe, James, 46

O’Higgins, Bernardo, 161

Ohio, 163, 572–73, 586, 624

oil, xiv, xx, 269–71, 363, 422, 540, 542, 604, 606; crisis, 444, 510–13, 516

Oklahoma, 170, 325–26, 586; Land Rush, 275

Oklahoma City bombing, 580–81, 585

Olney, Richard, 277

Olson, Barbara, 614

Olson, Ted, 614–15

Olympics: (1960), 489; (1968) 490; (1980), 596; (1996), 581–82

O’Neill, Tip, 569

Onizuka, Ellison S., 518

OPEC, 444, 510–13, 516

Oppenheimer, J. Robert, 396

Oregon, 221, 661: Territory, 159, 164, 179–80, 190–91, 201; Trail, 179

Osburn, Sarah, 53

Osceola Indians, 170–71

O’Sullivan, John L., 179

Oswald, Lee Harvey, 460–73, 499

Otis, James, 64, 82–83

Ovnard, Chester, 469

Oxbow Route, 180

Pacific coastal route theory, 12

Pacific Ocean: sighted, 17; route to, 43

Pahlavi, Mohammad Reza , 422–24, 444, 450, 513

Paine, Thomas, 72, 83, 94, 127, 205

Pakistan, 591, 596, 598

Palestine, 319; Arabs, 425, 510–11

Palin, Sarah, 624, 692

Palmer, A. Mitchell, 328; Raids, 329

Panama, 161, 543; Canal, 293–95, 305

Panama, Isthmus of, 16, 17

panic: (1837), 176; (1869), 268–69; (1873), 253

Pankhurst, Emmeline, 336

Paris peace talks, 477, 479, 481

Parker, Alton B., 662

Parkinson, Kenneth, 507

Parks, Rosa, 428–30

Parris, Betty, 53

Parris, Samuel, 53

Patterson, Orlando, 152

Patton, George, 350, 380–81, 385, 386, 392

Paul, Alice, 336

Paulson, Henry, 617, 620, 621

Paxton Boys, 52, 110

Peace Corps, 448–49

Peace Democrats, 242

Peale, Norman Vincent, 401

Pearl Harbor attack, 365–70, 375–76, 393

Pelham, Henry, 66

Peninsular Campaign, 227–28

Penn, William, 43–45

Pennsylvania, 12, 43–46, 52, 72–74, 128, 130, 163, 164, 188, 232, 586

Pentagon Papers, 480, 496–98, 503, 507, 508

Pequot Indians, 49–50; War, 34

Perkins, Anthony, 532

Perkins, Frances, 455

Perot, H. Ross, xxv, 545–46, 551, 566, 569, 571, 652, 664

Perry, Matthew C., 205

Perry, Oliver, 157

Pershing, John J., 306, 316–17

Petraeus, David, 601, 609

Phelps, Rev. Fred, 627–28

Philadelphia, Mississippi, 465

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 43–45, 70–74, 79, 101, 112–13, 134, 137, 558

Philbrick, Nathaniel, xxiii

Philip II, king of Spain, 20

Philippines, 289–90, 292, 298, 370, 375–78, 386, 387, 389, 415, 474

Phips, William, 53, 54

Pierce, Franklin, 206, 208, 660

Pierce, Samuel, 522

Pilgrims, xiii, 29–35, 49–51, 119

Pinckney, Charles C., 142, 659

Pinckney, Thomas, 141–42

Piñeda, Domenico de, 18

Pine Ridge reservation, 262, 263

Pitcher, Molly, 89

Pitt, William, 63

Pizarro, Francisco, 18

Plame, Valerie, 607

Pledge of Allegiance, 263–64

Plessy v. Ferguson,
282–84, 425–27, 574

Plunkitt, George Washington, 274–75

Plymouth, 32–34, 45, 49; Company, 23

Pocahontas, 3, 25–27

Poe, Edgar Allan, 182–83

Poindexter, John M., 525–27

Poland, 319, 364, 371–72, 381, 390–92, 555

political parties, 130, 138, 140, 205–6, 639, 655–57

Polk, James K., 190–92, 205, 660

Polo, Marco, 6, 7

Ponce de León, Juan, 10, 17–18

Pope, John, 228

Populists, 279–82, 337

Port Bill, 68

Portugal, 4–6, 14, 15, 17, 29, 37, 40

Posner, Gerald, 462–63

Potsdam Conference, 396–98

Potts, Larry, 577

Powell, Colin, 535, 542, 588, 606

Powhatan, 23–27

Prescott, Samuel, 70

president(s): accidental, 176; Confederate constitution and, 223; Constitution and, 115, 116; disability and succession, 649–50; limited term, 153, 414–15, 647; list of, 658–64; oath of office, 131; powers of, 118, 175, 510; rules of assuming office, 644–46; rules of choosing, 638–40.
See also
Electoral College; impeachment

Presley, Elvis, 439

Prince Hall Masons, 124

Princip, Gavrilo, 306, 310

Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction, 235

Progressive Party, xxv, 303

Prohibition, 323, 330–33, 343, 351–52, 643–44, 646–47

Prosser, Gabriel, 173

Protestantism, xvi, 19, 20, 30, 33–34, 46, 57–58, 119–20

Pueblo Indians, 259

Puerto Rico, 10, 18, 290–92, 626

Pulitzer, Joseph, 287, 288

Pullman strike, 277

Pumpkin Papers, 406–8

Pure Food and Drug Act, 298, 300

Puritans, 30, 33, 36, 44, 49–51, 53–58, 85, 119, 196

Putnam, Ann, 53

Putnam, George, 359

Putnam, Israel, 90

Quakers, 36, 43–45, 120, 199, 203

Quantrill, William C., 234

Quartering Act, 68, 132

Quayle, J. Danforth, 664

Quebec, 40, 97, 98

Quebec Act, 68

Queen Anne’s War, 61

Quigley, Joan, 520

race: -baiting, 218; capital punishment and, 635–36; census and, 587–88; riots, 325–27, 485–86.
See also
Jim Crow; segregation

Radical Republicans, 242, 244, 246–51

railroads, 221, 222, 252, 257–59, 266–72, 277, 279; segregation, 282–84, 426; strikes, 276

Raleigh, Sir Walter, 22–23

Rand, Ayn, 564

Rankin, Jeannette, 336, 376

Ray, James Earl, 486

Ray, Robert, 554

Reagan, Ronald, 143, 153, 209, 252, 264, 442, 444, 487, 499, 504, 514–27, 533–35, 539, 543, 548, 550, 563–64, 650, 664

Reconstruction, 239, 243, 246–48, 250–53, 271, 283, 285; Acts, 247–48, 253; Amendments, 640–42; end of, 661

Red Cloud, Chief, 259

Redpath, James, 248

Red Scares, 55, 328–29, 332, 406, 410–14

Reform Party, xxv, 546, 551, 569, 571

Regan, Donald, 520

Regulator Rebellion, 52

Rehnquist, William H., 554, 573, 631

religion, xxii; Confederate Constitution and, 223; Founding Fathers and, 119–26; freedom of, 124; “In God We Trust” and, xxiv, 230; separation of church and state, 35, 58, 132.
See also
specific religions

Remington, Frederic, 287

Reno, Janet, 579

Republican Party: Clinton and, 547–56; elections of 2000 and, 568–75; FDR and, 356–58; Lincoln and, 213–15, 218, 242; Obama and, 621–27; origin of, 205–9, 212–13, 215; Reconstruction and, 244, 246–47, 250–53

Resnik, Judith A., 518

Revere, Paul, 49, 66, 70, 84, 122

Revolution of 1800, 141–43, 659

Reynolds, James, 139

Reynolds, Maria, 139

Rhee, Syngman, 416

Rhode Island, 34–36, 44, 46, 67, 75–77, 86, 112, 163, 331, 644, 658

Riboud, Barbara Chase, 151

Rice, Condoleezza, 588, 604, 605

Rice, Thomas Dartmouth, 283

Richardson, Elliot, 504

Richmond, Virginia, 99, 227–28, 239

Rickey, Branch, 405

Ricks, Thomas E., 604

Ride, Sally, 519

Ridenhour, Ronald, 491

Ridgway, Matthew B., 418

Riesman, David, 402

Riis, Jacob, 299

Riot Act, 110

Roanoke Island lost colony, 22–23

robber barons, 266–73

Robertson, Rev. Pat, 57, 123

Robinson, Jackie, 405–6

Rochambeau, Comte, 76, 90

Rockefeller, John D., 258, 270–71, 301, 328

Rockefeller, Nelson, 506, 664

Rockingham, Lord, 77

Rockwell, Norman, 381–82

Rodino, Peter, 504

Roe v. Wade,
499, 637

Rogers, William P., 519

Rolfe, John, 27

Rommel, Erwin, 380–81

Roosevelt, Eleanor, 352, 357, 393–94, 455

Roosevelt, Franklin D., 33, 123, 143, 153, 262, 324, 338, 342, 351–61, 363–78, 380–84, 386–89, 391–94, 396, 406–7, 423, 647, 663

Roosevelt, Kermit, 423

Roosevelt, Theodore, xxiv, 38, 161, 230, 258, 262, 264, 274, 286–95, 297–304, 313, 444, 662

Rosecrans, William, 234

Roselli, John, 447, 450

Rosenberg, Julius and Ethel, 409–10, 413, 418

Rosewood race riots, 325–27

Ross, Elizabeth Griscom “Betsy,” 100–101

Rostow, Walt, 467, 470

Rowland, Dick, 325

Rubin, Jerry, 479

Ruby, Jack, 460–63

Ruby Ridge, 576–78

Ruckelshaus, William D., 504

Rudolph, Eric Robert, 582

Rumsfeld, Donald, 599, 603, 606, 608

Russell, Richard B., 461

Russia, xx, 12, 166, 173, 306, 310, 319, 341; Japanese War of 1905, 298; post-Soviet, 536, 565; Revolution, 301, 306–7, 317, 328.
See also
Soviet Union

Russo, Anthony J., 503

Rutherford, Lucy, 393

Rutledge, John, 113

Sacagawea, 147, 148

Sacco, Nicola, 327–28

Sachs, Alexander, 372

Sac tribes, 169

Sadr, Moktada al-, 610

St. Augustine, 19

St. Brendan, 9

St. Mary’s colony, 33

Saipan, 359, 384

Salem, 33, 35; witch trials, 53–57

Salinger, J. D., 402

Samana Cay, 4

Samarra mosque bombing, 608

Samoset, 32

Sampson, Deborah “Robert Shurtleff,” 90

Sánchez, José María, 176–77

Sandinistas, 523

Sanger, Margaret, 333, 455

San Martín, José de, 161

San Salvador, 4

Santa Anna, 178, 192–93

Santa Fe, 19; Trail, 179

Santo Domingo, 16

Saudi Arabia, 511–12, 519, 523, 540–41, 554, 591–92, 596

Scalawags, 251

Scalia, Antonin, 573, 631

Schechter v. United States,

Schine, David, 412

Schorr, Daniel, 508

Schuyler, Philip, 86, 98, 139

Schwerner, Michael, 464, 484

Scobee, Francis R. “Dick,” 518

Scopes trial, 337–38

Scott, Dred, 210–15, 218

Scott, Winfield, 157–58, 170, 192–93, 206, 225–26, 660

Scowcroft, Brent, 525

Scripps, John G., 241

Seberg, Jean, 495

secession, 202, 209, 218–20, 246, 253

Secord, Richard, 524, 525

Securities and Exchange Act, 354, 358

segregation, 282–84, 304, 330, 484, 588; armed forces and, 322–25, 377–78, 393, 416, 424–25; FDR and, 393; Robinson and, 405–6; struck down, 424–30, 433–34

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