Don't Know Much About History, Anniversary Edition: Everything You Need to Know About American History but Never Learned (Don't Know Much About®) (112 page)

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Balboa, Vasco Nuñez de, 17–18, 293

Bamford, James, 595

Bamiyan statues, 597

banks, 558–67; crisis of 1980s, 544; crisis of 2007–9, 618–22

Bank of the United States, 137, 175

Barkley, Alben W., 663

Barton, William, 126

Baruch, Bernard, 318

Bataan Death March, 377, 378, 395

Batista, Fulgencio, 450

battles: Alamo, 177–79; Antietam, 228–29, 243; Britain, 360, 373; Bulge, 386, 390; Bull Run, 225–26, 228; Bunker (Breed’s) Hill, 71, 84, 90, 93; Chancellorsville, 231–32; Chickamauga, 234; Coral Sea, 378; Fort Ticonderoga, 71, 72, 73, 85, 87, 93, 97; Gettysburg, 195, 232–33, 243, 269; Kasserine Pass, 380; Khe Sanh, 475–76; Little Bighorn, 258–61; Long Island, 72, 86, 102; Marne, 307, 308, 311, 317; New Orleans, 156, 159–60; San Juan Hill, 290–91; Saratoga, 73, 85, 89, 98; Shiloh, 227; Spotsylvania, 236; Tarawa, 382–83; Tora Bora, 598; Wilderness, 235; Yorktown, 77, 86, 88, 90, 92, 99

Bay of Pigs invasion, 448–53, 502

Bear Stearns, 621–22

Beaumont, Gustave de, 171

Beauregard, Pierre T., 195, 224, 225

Beirut hostages, 522–23

Belin, David W., 462

Bell, John, 661

Bellamy, Edward, 434

Bellamy, Francis, 264

Bellow, Saul, 402

Benton, Thomas Hart, 208–9

Bentsen, Lloyd, 654

Bering “land bridge,” 12, 13

Berkeley, Lord John, 39, 51–52

Berkman, Alexander, 270, 329

Berlin, 383, 386, 388–90, 392, 452; airlift, 406; Wall, 534, 539

Bermudez, Juan, 17

Bernanke, Ben, 558, 621

Berry, Halle, 589

Bible Riots, xiii, 181

Biden, Joseph, 664

Bill of Rights, 56, 60, 111–12, 115, 128–29, 131–33, 211, 629–37, 651

bin Laden, Osama, 554–55, 589, 592–93, 596–98, 600, 603

Birmingham church bombings, 484

Bismarck, Chancellor, 304

Black, Hugo, 358

Black Codes, 247

Black Coyote, 262

Black Elk, 263

Black Hawk, Chief, 169, 213

Blackmun, Harry A., 499–500

Black Panthers, 494–95

blacks: American Revolution and, 66, 104–5, 110; black power movement, 486, 490; Constitution and, 113–14, 116; corporations and, 588–89; farmers’ alliance and, 279; FDR and, 357, 378, 381, 393; first black president, xii, 622–27; free, 114, 116, 124, 202–3; interracial marriage and, 611–13; Korean War and, 416, 424–25; labor movement and, 276; Lee on, 209–10; lynching and, 233, 252–53, 284–85, 325–27, 330; Masons and, 123–24; Panama Canal and, 295; progress of, 588–89.
See also
civil rights movement; race; racism; segregation; slaves and slavery; voting rights;
and specific court cases and individuals

Blackwater, 607

Blaine, James G., 662

Blanco, Kathleen, 616

Bloomer, Amelia, 335

Boggs, Lilburn, 181

Boggs, T. Hale, 461

Boies, David, 614

Bolívar, Simon, 161

Bonus Army, 349–52

Booth, John Wilkes, 239, 244

Booz, E. C., 176

Bork, Robert, 504, 547, 551

Bosnia, 555–56, 568

Boston, 33, 34, 70–72; Massacre, 65–66, 78, 84, 87; Tea Party, 66–68, 79

Bowie, Jim, 178

Bozeman Trail, 259

Bradbury, Ray, 434

Braddock, Edward, 63, 88, 89

Bradford, William, 30, 32, 49

Bradley, Bill, 568

Brady Bill, 547

Bragg, Braxton, 234, 235

Breckinridge, John C., 660, 661

Bremer, L. Paul, 606–7

Brewster, William, 30

Breyer, Stephen, 573

Britain (England), 4, 5, 8, 10–11, 17–30, 33–44, 137, 140, 603, 604; American Revolution and, 49, 64–68, 70–79, 94–95, 99, 102–3; Civil War and, 229–30; French and Indian Wars and, 60–63; War of 1812 and, 153–61; women’s suffrage and, 335–36; WW I and, 306–14, 317–19; WW II and, 360–61, 364–65, 367, 369–77, 380–87, 390–92

British East India Company, 67

Brodie, Fawn, 151

Brooks, Gwendolyn, 425

Brooks, James, 267

Brooks, Van Wyck, 196

Brown, B. Gratz, 661

Brown, Dee, 263

Brown, Henry, 282

Brown, James, 489

Brown, John, 200, 208, 215–17

Brown, Michael, 615–17

Brown, Rev. Oliver, 426

Brown, Pat, 447

Brown v. Board of Education,
424–28, 430, 433, 641;
Brown II,

Bruno, Greg, 592

Bryan, William Jennings, 281, 303, 309, 312, 337, 662

Buchanan, James, 208–12, 216–17, 660

Buchanan, Patrick, 569–72

Buckley, William, 522–23

Buis, Dale, 469

Bull Moose Party, 303–4

Bunche, Ralph J., 425

Bunyan, John, 299

Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, 576, 578–80

Bureau of Indian Affairs, 260, 268

Burgoyne, John, 73, 98

Burnside, Ambrose, 230, 231, 237

Burr, Aaron, 57, 82, 87, 124–25, 141–42, 148–50, 273, 654, 659

Burr, Aaron, Sr., 57

Bush, George H. W., 66–67, 515, 521, 523–24, 526–27, 533, 534, 539–46, 557, 566, 603, 604, 616, 626, 650, 664

Bush, George W. , xii, xiv, 447, 527, 568–75, 585, 588, 589, 592–93, 597, 599–609, 613–17, 620–21, 623–24, 631, 639, 650, 652, 664

Bush, Jeb, 570

Bush, Neil, 544

Bush v. Gore,
571, 573–75, 614

Butler, Pierce, 115

Butterfield, Alexander, 503

Cabot, John, 10, 40

Cabot, Sebastian, 21

Calhoun, John C., 164–65, 200–202, 205, 224, 659, 660

California, 103, 145, 180–81, 191–94, 201–2, 206, 208, 221, 259, 313, 324, 350–51, 426, 484, 586; Proposition 8, 613–15

Callender, James Thomson, 139, 150, 151

Calley, William L., 480, 491–93

Calvert, Cecil, Lord Baltimore, 33

Cambodia, 469, 477, 479, 482–83, 509

Cameron, Simon, 226

Campbell, Judith, 447, 450, 461

Canada, 21, 61, 63, 68, 85, 97, 99, 155, 156, 159, 191, 199, 203, 547, 597, 602

Canby, Edward R.S., 101, 240

capital punishment, 330, 410, 635–36

Capone, Al, 332

Caporeal, Linda, 55

Carlyle, Thomas, 628

Carmichael, Stokely, 484

Carnegie, Andrew, 258, 267, 269–73

carpetbaggers, 250–53

Carranza, Venustiano, 305

Carroll, Charles, 120

Carson, Rachel, 454

Carter, Jimmy, 424, 444, 483, 507, 510, 513–16, 522, 524, 550, 563, 655–56, 664

Carter, Robert, III, 134–35

Carter, Robert “King,” 134

Carteret, George, 39

Cartier, Jacques, 39–40

Carver, John, 30

Casablanca Conference, 380, 391

Casement, Sir Roger, 313

Casey, William, 522, 524

Cass, Lewis, 201

Castro, Fidel, 161, 447, 449–52, 459–61, 502

Catholics, xiii, xv, 181

Cavis, John W., 663

census: (1624), 28; (1790), 134, 189; (1820), 164; (1860), 189, 221–22; (1980), 263; (2000), 585–88, 648

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), xx, 369, 379, 422–23, 447, 449–52, 461–62, 466, 470, 497, 498, 501–2, 509, 510, 513, 522–26, 576, 583–85, 593, 596–98, 607, 627, 610

Cervera, Admiral, 291

disaster, 517–20

Chamberlain, Neville, 371, 373

Chambers, Whittaker, 407–9

Champlain, Samuel de, 40–41

Chaney, James, 464, 484

Charbonneau (trapper), 147

Charles I, king of England, 33–35

Charles II, king of England, 38, 39, 44

Charles VIII, king of France, 7

Chase, Salmon P., 230, 250, 253

Chauncey, Isaac, 157

checks and balances, 117–19, 144, 250, 358, 527

Cheney, Dick, 552, 607, 650, 664

Chernow, Ron, xxiii, 269

Cherokee Indians, 169–70, 265, 275

Cheyenne Indians, 259, 260

Chiang Kai-shek, 390, 392, 396, 417

Chibcha Indians, 18

Chicago Seven, 479

Chickasaw Indians, 169–70, 275

China: Communist, 390, 406, 413–19, 480, 534; Nationalist, 366, 390, 392, 406, 415, 417, 418; westward route to, 5–7, 10, 21, 36, 40; WW II and, 361, 364, 366–67, 375, 384, 392, 396

Chinese, in pre-Columbus America, 10

Chisholm Trail, 265

Choctaw Indians, 169–71, 275

Chouart, Medard, 41

Christianity, 23, 41, 54, 119–24, 429, 576

Chrysler rescue, 620

Church, Angelica Schuyler, 139

Church, Dr. Benjamin, 79

Churchill, Winston, 368, 369, 371, 373, 375, 380, 383, 386, 390–92, 396, 402

Citigroup rescue, xii, 620

Civil Rights Act: (1866), 247; (1964), 456, 458, 464, 641, 649

civil rights movement, 302, 304, 424–32, 455–56, 464–66, 483–84, 486, 495, 612, 622

Civil War, 109, 188–90, 195, 197–98, 200, 207, 208, 220–43, 245, 248, 269, 275, 287, 334, 641, 642

Clark, George Rogers, 75, 81, 85

Clark, William, 146–48

Clarke, Richard, 603

Clarridge, Duane, 526

Clay, Henry, 155, 163–65, 175, 190, 201, 205, 206, 659–60

Clayton, Will, 404

Clayton Antitrust Act, 304

Cleveland, Grover, 271, 277, 280–81, 287, 568, 640, 654, 662

Clifford, Clark, 476

Clines, Thomas G., 526

Clinton, Bill, xviii, 223, 509, 545–56, 566, 568, 572–73, 578–79, 589, 592, 593, 613, 626, 652, 664

Clinton, DeWitt, 659

Clinton, George, 127–28, 149, 659

Clinton, Henry, 74, 76–77, 98–99

Clinton, Hillary Rodham, 509, 548, 549, 551, 553, 554, 623, 625

Clinton, James, 75

Coelho, Tony, 543

Coercive Acts, 68, 69

Cohn, Roy, 412

COINTELPRO, xx, 494–96

Cold War, xxi, 390, 398, 402–4, 406–10, 423, 425, 434–37, 443, 510; end of, xii, 534–35, 539, 563, 628

attack, 592

Colfax, Schuyler, 267, 661

Collier, John, 263

Colson, Charles, 498, 507

space shuttle, 519

Columbus, Christopher, xxii, 3–10, 13–18, 145, 168, 258

Comanche Indians, 259

Committees of Correspondence, 67

communism, 55, 278, 301–2, 328, 348–49, 358, 361–63, 392, 402–4, 406–10; demise of, 533–35, 539, 555

Compromise of 1850, 201–3, 205–7, 211

Concord, 70, 71, 80, 84, 93

Confederacy, 187, 200, 209, 217–40, 242–44, 247–48, 252, 275, 283, 290, 425; Army, 210, 224–40, 242, 244; Constitution of, xxii, 222–24

Confiscation Act, 228

Connally, John, 460

Connecticut, 34, 46, 128, 163, 586, 613, 644

Connecticut (Great) Compromise, 114

Conscription Act, 229, 231; Confederate, 227

Constitutional Convention, 86, 111–17, 133.
See also
Bill of Rights; U.S. Constitution

containment, xxi, 403–4, 413, 417, 423, 437

Continental Army, 71–78, 81, 83, 88, 91–93, 101–3, 105, 110

Continental Congresses, 113; First, 68–69, 78, 91, 93; Second, 70–75, 78, 80–84, 87, 90–93, 95–103, 105, 109, 124

Coolidge, Calvin, 323, 324, 338, 339, 343, 662, 663

Cooper, John S., 461

Copley, John, 66

Copperheads, 242, 244

Cornwallis, Charles, 76–77, 86, 88–89

Coronado, 19

corporations, xxiii–xxv, 269–72, 278, 282–283, 338, 345, 349, 357, 421, 456, 457, 487, 505, 543, 558–59, 562–63, 567, 588–89, 602; bailouts, xii, xxv, 619–22

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