Read Don't Read in the Closet volume one Online

Authors: various authors

Tags:, #anthology, #m/m romance

Don't Read in the Closet volume one (92 page)

BOOK: Don't Read in the Closet volume one
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Marty leaned
against the wall and rested his head on his arm. Jacob had been gone nearly two
surely he’d be back soon. Marty was about to
tell his best friend that he was in love with him. He wondered for a moment if
he’d lost his mind. Then he pushed away from the wall, strengthening his
resolve once again. He’d almost lost Jacob last night, and their lives were on
the line here every single day. He wasn’t going to his grave without bringing
his feelings into the open.

A change in the
light made him turn. Jacob stood in the open doorway of the barracks, blocking
the hot desert sun. Before his friend had a chance to speak, Marty said, “Let’s
take a walk.”

Jacob nodded
and turned back toward the outside. They walked across the base in silence.
When they neared the edge of the encampment, Marty took Jacob’s arm and steered
him to a small storage building. Jacob raised his brows “What are you doing?”

“I got the key
from Wolf,” Marty answered.


“I told him I
needed some privacy. He didn’t ask any questions. Probably thinks I want to
bring some girl here.”

Jacob shrugged.

Marty locked
the door behind them as soon as they got inside. The building was filled with
rows of metal shelves, many of which held boxes and cartons that looked like
they hadn’t been touched in years. Chairs, tables, a desk and some old lockers
had been placed along one wall.

Marty turned
back to Jacob. His friend’s eyes filled with intense emotion. “Marty?”

Marty’s breath
caught and his voice shook as he answered, “Yeah?”

“I was really
scared out there. I…you saved my life and I...”

“I love you.”
The words just came. Marty had no power to stop them.

Jacob frowned.
“I know

Marty shook his
head. “No. I <"i">love you. I’ve loved
you for years. I wanted to tell you, but I couldn’t. Then when I thought I was
going to lose you-“

Jacob cut of his
words with a kiss. Marty stumbled backwards in shock, crashing into a row of
lockers. When he recovered, he pulled Jacob against him and opened his mouth to
the assault, letting Jacob taste and explore. Marty massaged his friend’s
shaved head with one hand and sank his other hand into the muscular flesh of
Jacob’s ass as Jacob groaned against his mouth.

Jacob ground
his hips against Marty, pressing him into the cold metal. Jacob’s hard cock
felt like a lead pipe pressing into Marty’s stomach. Marty thrust against him,
rubbing their cocks together.

Marty tilted
his head to the side as Jacob’s lips left his and slid along his neck. Jacob
licked him, tasting the sweat that covered them constantly in the vicious heat.
Marty groaned as his best friend whispered against his skin. “Marty, I love you
too. I didn’t think you wanted to hear it, didn’t think you wanted me like

“Oh God, Jacob.

Jacob silenced
Marty with a finger on his lips. “I don’t want to talk anymore. I just want to
feel. I need to know that you want me like I want you.”

“Want you?”
Marty couldn’t hold back a laugh of joy, astonishment, confusion. “Jacob, I’ve
wanted you forever.”

“Then show me.”

His friend’s
words drove Marty crazy. He thought his brain might combust trying to process
what was happening. He tried to force it to shut down If Jacob didn’t need to
think then neither did he. What they needed was to feel alive, desired, finally
able to be

Marty needed to
get Jacob naked, to run his hands over his friend’s beautiful body. He also
needed to spread Jacob’s ass and bury himself inside, but he knew he had to
slow down and savor the moment. He ran his tongue along the outer edge of
Jacob’s ear while Jacob sucked at his shoulder. “Have you ever been fucked by a

Jacob shook his
head. “Hell, no. There’s never been anyone but you.”

Marty smiled
against him and wrapped his hand around the back of Jacob’s neck, pulling his
head to the side. He ran his tongue along the tight muscle at the side of
Jacob’s neck. “There isn’t going to be either. You’re mine, and after I fuck
you, we’re going to get discharged, and then we’re not going to hide the fact
that we’re lovers. If people don’t like it, they can fuck off.”

Jacob pulled
free and stared at Marty, eyes wide. “Shit, Marty, I-“

“I almost lost
you last night, lost you without ever even kissing you. I’m not going to go
another day without this.” Marty pushed up Jacob’s t-shirt and pressed his
hands to Jacob’s back, frozen for a moment as he took in the reality of the
smooth skin and hard muscle under his hands. The heat of Jacob burned into his
palms as he slid his hands ever so slowly upwards.

Jacob shuddered
as Marty kissed him, licking at his lips, tasting him slowly after the hurried
passion of their first kiss. He pulled his lips away long enough to yank
Jacob’s shirt over his head and then quickly dispense with his own shirt and
toss both on the floor.

Marty licked
and nibbled his way across Jacob’s rock hard pecs, stopping to tease one of his
nipples. Jacob sucked in his breath and took Marty’s head between his hands as
he writhed under the ministrations of Marty’s mouth. Marty circled Jacob’s
wrists, pulling his hands away. “Brace yourself on the lockers and don’t move.”

Jacob’s tone held a warning.

Marty looked
up, smiling at the heat still making Jacob’s brown eyes nearly black. “Trust

A few seconds
passed. Then Jacob nodded. Marty knelt in front of him and continued his
explorations of his friend. When his tongue reached the waistband of Jacob’s
pants, Marty unfastened them and freed Jacob’s cock. He couldn’t keep from
licking his lips at the sight of Jacob exposed for him.

The muscles of
Jacob’s thighs and abdomen were tight, tense. The metal lockers clanged against
the wall as Jacob tightened his grip on them. But if Jacob was uncertain about
what was happening, his cock definitely wasn’t. It was thick and hard, the tip
dark and needy. Marty wrapped one hand around the shaft and licked at Jacob’s
slit, tasting the pre-come beaded there.

Jacob made a
strangled sound between a growl and a whine. Marty glanced up and smiled before
sucking the tip of his friend’s cock into his mouth.

“Fuck, Marty!”

“Mmmhmm,” Marty
his mouth still around Jacob’s cock. He sucked
harder, taking more of his friend into his mouth. Marty could feel Jacob
straining to keep himself still. Marty licked and sucked reveling in the taste
that was uniquely Jacob. He slid a hand between Jacob’s legs to tease his
balls, and Jacob obligingly opened his legs wider.

Marty sucked a
finger into his mouth alongside Jacob’s cock, getting it good and wet. Then he
sought Jacob’s ass and pushed his way inside. His friend gasped and thrust
hard, shoving his cock deep into Marty’s mouth, the sudden intrusion making
Marty gag.

“Sorry,” Jacob

Marty pulled
off long enough to say. “Don’t hold back, Jacob. I want you to fuck my mouth.”
He smiled at the wide-eyed look on Jacob’s face as he swallowed him back down,
working his finger deeper and sliding his tongue along the underside of Jacob’s

Jacob broke
when Marty pushed a second finger in his ass. His thrust hard and fast into
Marty’s mouth. Prepared this time, Marty relaxed and took it, wrapping his
hands around Jacob’s hips to steady himself and reveling in the pent up passion
they were finally letting loose.

“Christ, Marty.
I’m gonna come.”

Marty tightened
his grip on Jacob’s hips holding him tight so he wouldn’t pull away. Jacob
shuddered and bucked against Marty’s lips as he poured his come down Marty’s
throat. When Jacob sagged against the lockers, Marty pulled off his cock,
giving it a few last kisses before he stood, unfastening his pants as he did

He shoved his
pants down and wrapped his arms around Jacob, desperate for some contact
against his cock. He wanted to bend Jacob over and fuck him until he couldn’t
sit down for days. He took a shaky breath instead. He could go
for Jacob’s sake. Really, he could.

He pulled Jacob
to him for another kiss, groaning as their mouths opened to each other. He slid
a hand down to his cock and worked it between Jacob’s legs, sliding it against
his friend’s ass. He released Jacob’s mouth and whispered against his ear. “Do
you feel how hard I am for you? I want to be the first man, the only man to
stuff your ass with my cock. I want to hear you cry out my name as I stretch
you out and work myself deep inside you.”

Jacob rubbed
himself against Marty’s cock. “Yes, Marty! God, yes!”

“Let’s use the
desk.” Marty pointed to a large, sturdy-looking desk in the corner. Jacob
stumbled toward it, his pants still trapped around his ankles. He laid over the
end, exposing his ass to Marty. Marty smiled in appreciation and caressed his
ass. “Gorgeous, but I want to see your face when I’m inside you.”

Jacob groaned
as he tried to fight his way out of his boots and pants. Marty took pity on him
and knelt to unfasten his boots and help him get all the way naked so he could
climb up on the desk and spread his legs.

Jacob bent his
knees so his feet were braced on the edge of the desk. Marty pulled a small
bottle of lube and a condom from his pocket and laid them on the desk beside
Jacob. Jacob looked at Marty, and his eyes widened as if he’d realized for the
first time that Marty was really going to slick up his cock and put it up Jacob’s

“You okay?”
Marty asked. He didn’t know how the hell he’d survive if Jacob wanted him to
stop. He also knew how important it was not to screw up this fragile new

Jacob nodded.
“I’m fine. I just…..”

Marty smiled.
“I’m going to make sure you’re ready. Trust me.”

Marty slicked
his fingers with lube and slid two fingers into Jacob’s ass. He watched his
friend close his eyes and moan as Marty worked the digits in and out. He added
a third finger, and Jacob tensed, but he pushed against Marty, taking his
fingers deeper. “Damn, that burns, but….it feels good, too.”

Marty grinned.
“It’s going to get even better.” He slid his fingers in and out slowly,
twisting and scissoring them, wanting to be sure Jacob was good and ready, but
he grew more and more impatient by the second. He felt like he’d waited a
lifetime to do this with Jacob rather than years.

He wrapped a
hand around Jacob’s cock which was hard again and straining upward. Jacob
bucked up into his hand. “Marty, please.”

Marty smiled.
“Please what?”

“Fuck me.”

Marty wasn’t
going to deny him for another second. He rolled on a condom, squirted more lube
onto his fingers and slicked his cock. Jacob wrapped his legs around Marty’s
waist as Marty aimed his cock for Jacob’s hole. Marty groaned as he pushed
inside his friend. Jacob tensed, hands scrabbling against the desk, trying to
find something to hold on to. “Damn, you’re big.”

Marty smiled.
“Too much?”

Jacob shook his
head. “Want. More.”

Marty pushed
harder until he was all the way inside the man he’d loved for so damn long.
“Feels so good,” he groaned.

Jacob nodded,
his pupils were dilated, and he was lifting his hips, trying to get Marty to
move. For a moment Marty was afraid he was dreaming.


No, this
couldn’t be a
he could never have imagined that
desperate, pleading tone coming from his friend. The fact that he’d so broken
Jacob’s control made him crazy. He pulled back until only the tip of his cock
remained inside Jacob. Then he drove in harder than he should have. Jacob
bucked against him, digging his heels into Marty’s ass. “Yes!”

Marty started
seriously fucking Jacob then, spurred on by the needy sounds and mumbled words
spilling from his friend’s mouth. Jacob met every stroke. He wrapped his hands
around Marty’s biceps as Marty leaned over him, giving him leverage to slam his
hips against Marty’s. Marty knew he was being too rough for Jacob’s first time,
but he couldn’t stop himself. He was out of his mind with need. If he didn’t
come soon, his heart was going to stop. “Jacob. I need you. I-‘

BOOK: Don't Read in the Closet volume one
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