Dorothy Garlock - [Tucker Family] (25 page)

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Authors: Come a Little Closer

BOOK: Dorothy Garlock - [Tucker Family]
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Christina thought of all they had shared: the laughs in his mother’s kitchen, Christina’s listening as he admitted his troubled feelings toward Holden, the passion of their first kisses beneath the moon and thousands of stars. She remembered her incredible relief at seeing his face above her when he’d saved her from Annette’s attack. She even recalled the look of shock that had darkened his face when she’d admitted kissing Holden. All that had happened to them had led here, to this old, run-down building, to this instant. Though she was undeniably nervous, she was determined not to let it show.

“There’s nothing that I want more,” she whispered. “Nothing…”

“I just want—”

Placing her finger on his lips, Christina shook her head.

Tyler understood what she was saying to him. Tentatively at first, she took over for him, resuming the undoing of his shirt’s buttons as he did the same to hers; feeling his fingers brush against her chest sent shivers of pleasure racing through her. In a matter of seconds, he was peeling off her soaking wet blouse. Her skirt, shoes, and underwear soon followed it into a heap on the dirt floor. With a little assistance, he soon joined her, naked before the bed. Without shame, they looked each other up and down; Christina marveled at Tyler’s taut body, the muscles of his chest, arms, and stomach clearly defined. Gently, she reached out and touched him. When her fingertips drifted through the thick hair of his chest, Tyler sucked air between his teeth, quivering. It gave Christina a thrill to have pleasured him.

But then when Tyler reached out to explore her body, she understood why he reacted in such a way. As his hand trailed across her belly and then up to cup her breasts, the sensation was so intense that it made her weak in the knees, but somehow she managed to stay upright. His thumb traced a path around her nipple and she thought that that was it, she was going to collapse, but she fell forward, thankful that Tyler was so strong.

Once her spasms had subsided, they lay down on the bed, huddling beneath the blanket. Even over the pounding rain, Christina could hear her heart beating. She raised her hands to frame his face, searching every inch of his features, tracing the faint lines around his mouth.

“How was I ever so lucky to have found you?” she asked.

“Hey, I’m the one who’s supposed to ask that question,” he replied, smiling.

“I don’t have an answer.”

“Me either.”

When their lips touched yet again, Christina melted into Tyler’s embrace. Feeling his body as it pressed against hers, she couldn’t resist the temptation to start exploring all of the places she’d never touched before. Tracing a path down his chest, then his abdomen, and then skirting along the length of his thigh, Christina gasped when her hand touched his penis. It was both harder and larger than expected, but she knew that was a sign of his arousal at being naked beside her, so her first tentative touch became longer, more confident. With every movement, Tyler hissed and groaned into her mouth; both stoked the fires of her passion, urging her to do more.

But it was now Tyler’s turn to give as good as he got. As sensitive as her nipples had been, Christina shook with unbelievable ripples of pleasure when his hand crossed her stomach and moved between her legs. Just the slightest pressure was nearly enough to make her see stars. It was almost too much, nearly painful in its way, but the last thing she wanted was for it to stop. Her excitement had stimulated her body, making it easier for him to slip around, increasing her desire for what they were about to do.

“Oh, Tyler!” she gasped.

Hungrily, she continued to kiss him. Even though there had not been many opportunities for them to become familiar with each other physically, Christina still found that things between them were never awkward; each touch was met with a perfect response, and every time they sped up or slowed down it seemed to anticipate just what the other wanted. Even now, she tempered the passion of her kisses and found him matching her, looking deep into her eyes.

“I want you,” Christina said.

“Not as much as I want you.” He smiled, unable to resist the tease.

Smoothly, Tyler rose above her, moving the worn blanket so that they were protected from the chill of the rain. Christina spread her legs to welcome him as he prepared to enter her.

Never in her life had Christina felt so right about anything. Right then, the confusion that had plagued her about Holden seemed miles away, something to be forgotten forever. The choice she had made between the Sutter brothers was difficult to be sure, but now she knew she’d chosen wisely. Tyler stimulated her, physically and in every other way. He was challenging, a prankster, but caring and loyal, too. Now they were to be joined in a way she’d never been before, as woman and man.

At first, when Tyler gently allowed his weight to move forward, Christina gasped as a sharp pain pierced her. She’d known to expect it, but it still caught her momentarily off-guard. Gritting her teeth, she tried not to let Tyler see the discomfort she felt, but she wasn’t successful.

“Are you all right?” he asked, concerned.

Her answer was to kiss him.

Tyler moved inside of her slowly, carefully, waiting for any reaction from her that would signal he’d gone too far. But Christina grew steadily used to the new sensation of having him inside of her. Each stroke became more pleasurable than the last. Her hands grasped his waist, her fingers digging into his flesh. Sweat began to bead on her brow and between her breasts, but the warmth was pleasurable, shared between them. Their breathing became ragged, their chests rising and falling in unison every time he pushed deeper.

Tyler began to move faster and Christina’s urgency grew with every increase in speed. His mouth was against her ear, his breath hot and wet, their bodies mingled.

“I love you!” she cried, her hands running up his back and raking through the short hair on the back of his head.

Christina climbed up and up a mountain of pleasure until she finally peaked, shuddering as spasms raced through her. Desperately, she bit down on her lip in an attempt to stifle a scream, but she couldn’t have hoped to keep a whimper from escaping. This time, there was no chance that Tyler could mistake the sounds she made as discomfort; instead, they energized him. His hands roamed almost pleadingly, sliding up and down her thighs before one rose to her breast, giving it a squeeze that made her gasp again.

Never could Christina have imagined that making love could feel so wonderful. She gave in to it fully, willing to let this unbelievable experience take her wherever it wished. She wanted it to last forever, for the rest of her relationship with this man to be as carefree, as passionate, and as indescribable as it was now.

She was a woman, truly and completely, with a man to share in her life.

“I…I can’t last…,” he moaned.

“You don’t have to, my love,” she said as she kissed his neck.

Tyler’s shoulders quaked, his arms growing as tight as tree trunks, and the movements of his hips became frenzied. Suddenly, it all came to a full, sudden halt. Christina felt his seed spill into her, filling her with a warmth that coursed throughout her entire body. Spent, Tyler pressed down on her, heavy, yet he was clearly not allowing his full weight to fall.

Everything was perfect, just as she had hoped for. Listening to his breathing competing with the steady rain, feeling his heart as it beat into her, knowing that no other man would ever touch her in such a way, Christina couldn’t resist a big, beaming smile.

This was what she had come to Longstock for: a new beginning, a new life complete with adventure, laughs, even some tears, but especially love.

“I love you, Christina,” he breathed in her ear.

“And I love you,” she answered, never wanting that moment to end.

But, for the second time, someone was watching them…

of the run-down building, Christina took a deep breath of the cool evening air and looked up at the night sky. The storm that had drenched them with rain only hours earlier had moved on to the east, leaving behind a cloudless sky bejeweled with thousands of twinkling stars. Only a winking, thin sliver of the moon hung low in the west.

Christina shivered. After she and Tyler had made love, they fell asleep, their bodies entwined, each warmed by the other’s bare skin beneath the worn blanket. She blinked slowly awake, content to revel in Tyler’s touch for a while, before rising and putting on her still-damp clothes. There’d been no other choice; she couldn’t bring herself to go outside naked, and she couldn’t have taken the blanket without leaving Tyler uncovered. Even without any wind, it was still cold; she rubbed her hands up and down her arms for warmth.

What a magical day…

Christina still couldn’t believe what’d happened and wondered if she hadn’t been dreaming. She’d always felt certain this day would come, somewhere, with the right man, but never in her wildest imagination had she daydreamed it would be so perfect. Just thinking about what would come next, the future she and Tyler might build, filled her with hope and anticipation. Charlotte had found the man of her dreams, and now her little sister had done the same…

Walking away from where Tyler still slept, Christina was more aware than ever of the sights and sounds around her. Moths darted across the sky, searching to and fro. Crickets sang across the abandoned field. Droplets of dew clung to every blade of grass, as many as the multitude of stars above. Glancing over at the beehives, Christina wondered if the bees were sleeping as peacefully as the man who tended them.

Christina absently followed a small creek that ran heavy with rainwater, lost in her own thoughts. When she heard a twig snap somewhere behind her, causing her to jump, she had no idea how long she’d been walking. Certain she knew who was behind her, she spun around quickly, hoping to ruin Tyler’s attempt to frighten her.

But discovering who had followed her chilled Christina to the bone. It wasn’t Tyler but rather the man who was responsible for knocking her to the ground, the man who mistakenly blamed Dr. Barlow for the death of his brother.

It was Luther Rickert.

“Oh,” she gasped, unable to contain her surprise.

Even in the faint light of the night sky, he looked dangerous. When she’d discovered him approaching, he’d been hunched over slightly, stalking toward her, but now that she’d seen him, he straightened, though she could still see the measured tension in his wiry body. His body and clothing were wet from head to toe. He said nothing, content to stare at her, his eyes never blinking, never leaving her, full of malice.

Over Luther’s shoulder, Christina could see the building where Tyler still slept. It was much farther away than she’d thought, well over a hundred feet. She hadn’t realized she’d walked so far. Luther had positioned himself between her and Tyler, cutting her off from rescue. There was no chance Christina could dash past him; he’d be on top of her in an instant. Even if Tyler heard her shout, it’d take time before he could reach her, time she didn’t have.

For a long moment, neither of them moved or said a word. Finally, Christina couldn’t stand it any longer.

“What are you doing here?” she asked fearfully. “What do you want?”

“Sure sounded like you two were havin’ a good time in there,” he answered, licking his lips. “Thought I might have me a taste.”

Christina didn’t know what was worse, the embarrassment of Luther overhearing her and Tyler making love or her terror at his declaration that he’d like to do the same. Clearly, there was no use trying to reason with him. With him blocking her way, there was only one choice left.

“Tyler, help!” she screamed at the top of her lungs before turning and dashing into the dark woods.


Luther smiled as he watched Barlow’s nurse dash off into the brush. There was something undeniably satisfying about scaring the living hell out of a woman. Though Luther had hoped to sneak up on her, he was pleased he’d have to give chase. If he was going to have his way with this high-and-mighty bitch, he might as well earn it.

“Run, whore,” he muttered, “for all the good it’ll do…”

Ever since he’d followed her into the woods, watching as she’d disappeared into the shack with Sutter, Luther had felt a stirring in his britches that was getting harder and harder to ignore. Standing in the downpour had done nothing to ease his want. That desire had nearly overwhelmed him. But if there was one thing getting off alcohol had done for him, it was to provide clarity he’d been sorely lacking. Instead of barging in on the
of them, pulling out the gun stuffed into his waistband, ending things the easy way, he’d waited, certain one of them would wander off alone. That patience had just been rewarded.

Luther could almost picture the agony Barlow and his nephew would feel because of what he was about to do to the girl. Though it’d be nothing compared to what he’d experienced when Donnie died, there was some satisfaction knowing they’d suffer for the rest of their miserable lives. Someday, Luther would go to Barlow’s house in the middle of the night, wake the bastard, and make him listen to every gruesome detail.

Luther hadn’t anticipated the bitch screaming the way she had, but what was done couldn’t be changed. Sutter wouldn’t be able to help, but even if he could, Luther would make him pay with his life.

Without a look back, Luther plunged into the woods after Christina.

Now it was time to play.


Tyler awoke with a start. His heart raced as he pushed back the blanket, the air cool against his bare skin. He felt as if he’d been having a dream where he’d been falling, only to awake seconds before he hit the ground. In the darkness, he struggled to get control of himself.

“I hope I didn’t wake you,” he said to Christina. “I must have been having one heck of a dream.”

But there was no answer.

Tyler reached out for her, wondering how she’d slept through his outburst, but his hand found nothing. Feeling around, he found the edge of the cot, but Christina wasn’t there.

Where in the hell is she?

Swinging his feet over the edge, Tyler shook what sleep remained from his head. As his eyes adjusted to the darkness, he saw that Christina’s clothes were no longer lying beside his own. As he looked around, there was no sign of her anywhere.

Memories clawed through his head, fleeting images of what had startled him awake. It was right there, just outside of his reach, brushing up against his fingertips, tantalizingly close. He’d heard something…a shout…it was a name…it was
name…coming from outside…

Panicked, Tyler threw on his clothes, not bothering to button up his shirt, before bursting out of the cabin and into the night. Everything was shrouded in darkness.

There was no sign of Christina.

Tyler knew she wasn’t the sort of woman who’d leave without a word, certainly not after what they’d just done. She’d been careful enough to get up without waking him, but then something must’ve happened.

Straining to listen, he heard nothing but the sounds of the night. If he was wrong about hearing her shout his name, then where was she?

“Christina?” Tyler called.

There was no answer.

“Christina?” he shouted again, this time with much more urgency. “Can you hear me? Where are you?”

Still nothing.

This time, without any hesitation, he took off running.


Christina ran through the woods as fast as she could, too frightened to look back over her shoulder, certain that Luther Rickert was right behind. Branches lashed against her face, unseen in the darkness, their nettles snarling in her long hair, grabbing at her, trying to slow her down. But Christina ignored the painful cuts on her bare skin and yanked free of whatever clutched at her, desperate to escape.

Don’t slow down; don’t stop; just run!

When Christina had first dashed between the dark trees, she had no idea where she was headed. In those first, frantic moments, her hope had been that she’d find herself back at the garage where Tyler worked, someplace familiar. But with every passing moment, she knew she was running
from town and deeper into the woods.

Leaping over another swollen creek, Christina landed awkwardly, her ankle twisting beneath her, and she crashed down in a heap, her knees slamming hard onto the rocky ground. It took everything she had not to scream.

Frightened, alone, and now hurt, Christina feared she’d become too paralyzed to act, unable and unwilling to go any farther. From somewhere deep inside her, a memory rose; she was a child, lost in the woods around Lake Washington, so terrified at the thought of being chased that she ran into the woods and away from her sister, desperate and crying.

But Christina knew she was no longer that terrified little girl. She was a woman now. She’d left her home in Minnesota, become a nurse in the Army, and set out to discover what life had to offer. Standing up to Tyler’s jokes, telling Holden she couldn’t be with him, and pressing Dr. Barlow until he told her the truth about his morphine use, these were all the acts of an independent woman, not a child afraid of her own shadow. To quit running meant she would be left at Luther’s mercy, of which she knew there was none.

She would fight, for Tyler, for their future.

From back down the path that she’d run, from somewhere close, there came the sound of rustling branches. Though her ankle and knees throbbed painfully, Christina rose and struggled forward, resilient, wanting to get away.

Christina ran up one low rise and then down another, her feet stumbling on rocks and slipping on loose pine needles, her arms pushing back one branch, then missing another that hit her nose so hard she saw stars. With her lungs burning, sweat and rainwater soaking her blouse against her skin, and a limp in her step, she suddenly burst through an opening in the woods and stopped.

Before her lay an apple orchard. Row after row of trees stood silently. Christina had the uncomfortable feeling she’d accidentally stumbled upon a graveyard. Silence hung over the orchard like a blanket. Though the scene unsettled her, she was no longer faltering through the darkened woods with no idea where she was going.

In the middle of the orchard was a barn. The building was dark in the starlight, but Christina felt a flicker of hope that it might be occupied, that there was someone who could help her. Sliding awkwardly down a short embankment, nearly falling once, she started to make her way between the trees.

From atop the small hill the barn hadn’t seemed so distant, but now Christina felt as if it were getting farther and farther away. Abandoned baskets lay beside trees. A huge tractor glistened with raindrops, a chain connecting it to the tree it would soon uproot. As her eyes nervously darted from one thing to the next, all the while she was hoping she wouldn’t hurt her ankle further by slipping on a fallen apple.

Finally, she neared the barn. But just as she was about to reach it, her breathing ragged and heavy, she heard Luther’s voice from somewhere behind her.

“You can run all you want!” he shouted. “But it ain’t gonna do you no good! I’m gonna get you, girlie!”

Christina turned to see Luther standing on top of the embankment, right where she’d been only moments before. He was only seconds behind her. Once again, panic threatened to overwhelm her, but her determination to survive proved greater. On she ran.

She had to find someone. She had to hide. She had to get away.


Luther laughed out loud. Watching the girl run away made his juices flow that much faster. He knew he shouldn’t have called out to her, letting her know how close he’d come, but he hadn’t been able to resist. Besides, it wasn’t as if there was anything she could do to stop what was coming.

Making his way down the embankment, Luther set off after his prey with a smile on his face.

The bitch had run right where he’d hoped she would.


The beating of her heart thundered in Christina’s ears as she raced toward the doors of the barn. There was no point looking behind her to see where Luther was; she was far too focused on getting to safety. No matter how frightened she was, she had to keep going.

The barn sat as dark and silent as any of the trees surrounding it. Up close, it was clear that no one was inside. Christina had hoped that, once she got closer, she’d see more buildings behind the barn occupied with orchard workers, a light in a window, but only darkness looked back. Racing to the closed double doors, she tried to pry them open with all of her might, but they refused to budge; it was only then that she noticed the padlock keeping them shut.

“No!” she cried. “Oh, no!”

Hurrying around the corner, she found a door halfway down the wall. Unfortunately, it was also locked. Circling the building, Christina could find no other way in. She was stuck outside.

What am I going to do?

Panicked and at the height of her desperation, Christina considered a series of stalls that were built against the side of the building. Tarps covered rakes, sawhorses, buckets, and a couple of ladders. Her first instinct was to hide among the tools, but she knew it’d be the first place Luther looked.

But then, at the rear of one of the stalls, she saw that a barn window had been left partly open. If she could manage to reach it in time…

Forcing her way through the tools, wincing as she banged her sore knee against a wheelbarrow, Christina managed to reach the rear of the stall. The window was small, only a foot or so across, but she believed she could squeeze through. Standing on an empty apple crate, she leaped, grabbed the window’s ledge, and strained with all of her might, pushing and pulling herself up and in.

Halfway through, Christina got hung up on something and could no longer move forward. She didn’t know if it was a bent nail, a hook, or the window clasp, but she hung there helplessly. Desperately, she yanked forward, tugging until she heard her clothing tear. Released, she plummeted into the dark barn, landing awkwardly on her shoulder. Ignoring the pain, she rose and shut the window before sinking to the floor.

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