Read Dorthena Online

Authors: Sharon Barrett

Tags: #fiction, #erotica, #paranormal, #violence, #bad language

Dorthena (6 page)

BOOK: Dorthena
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Thena headed
back to the motel room keeping very vigilant to her surroundings
when she saw the couple come out of there room. She watched them
with interest in a casual way. They appeared to be exactly the same
couple as she had seen in the woods at Seekers place. The woman did
not seem to be using any wigs since the guy grabbed her by the hair
and pulled her back for a kiss and she laughed. Thena knew
immediately who they were, they were a couple who worked together,
played together and stayed together, they both did hits and were
well paid for it. They were straight out of the states once worked
for the CIA special OPS. Now they were just hired to do a job and
they did it. Seeker was in trouble and in trouble deep with these
two, the name Cullen came to mind. It was going to take everything
she learned over the years to stop the two of them from completing
there mission! The only good news out of it all was they were not
werewolves, or were’s of any kind they were all human.

When Thena
reached her room she used the key listened carefully as she turned
the key, and opened the door staying off to the side, when she
realized it was safe she walked in to her room. She needed help she
knew that, but to make the call to the one, who could help her
most, was out of the question. She made that call she knew what it
meant, she would owe him and he’d collect when the job was done.
Deep in thought and wondering what her next move should be her cell
phone rang. “Hello Thena speaking.”

“I new I would
catch up with you sooner or later; are you coming home soon?” Ned
said with a smile. Ned was her right hand man for electronic
gizmo’s and such. Ned knew computers and electronics like most
people new the back of there hands He could hack anything dealing
with government. If you wanted a bomb built and didn’t want anyone
to know it was a bomb Ned was the man for the job. She knew he did
work on the side for other people and she really didn’t mind as
long as they were not after her. Ned lived in her home had a
basement apartment; he had a girl friend, the same one for the past
five years. She moved in last year was working out perfectly. Thena
was hoping Ned would marry Melissa they were perfect for each
other. Melissa was kind, generous and loved Ned deeply.

“To tell the
truth no I won’t be coming home soon Ned, I am in deep and in over
my head, dealing with the Cullen’s Ned not sure what to do right
now I just need time to think. I will call you back in a day or so!
Tell Melissa I said hello and to take care of herself, and Ned
marry the girl.”

Ned didn’t
like how Thena sounded on the phone he was worried. She was in over
her head she needed help and she needed it now not in a day or so.
The last time he has spoken to her she wanted him to tell Ryker
something and then changed her mind. He knew the story between the
two. They worked together for a while, and then got emotionally
attached, they were lovers, then when she couldn’t make the call
that would cost him his life and she almost lost a client instead,
that was the day they parted. The blow up was spectacular to say
the least. They had actually gotten into a fight that came to blows
she stood up to Ryker in the end she lost, but not before she left
her mark on Ryker. Ryker never dated, didn’t have anything to do
with women emotionally. He was still in love with Dorthena and she
was still in love with Ryker. Ned thought they were the perfect
couple. Oh he new Ryker saw a whore or two when the need arose, and
Thena had one affair usually a one night stand and it was over.
Thena would not let anyone get close to her, no emotional ties with
her. Ned realized that Thena had said for him to marry Melissa,
Thena never got involved in his life, now he was really worried.
Ned had made up his mind.

Dialling the
phone it rang twice and a deep baritone male voice came on,

“Ryker its Ned
I need to speak to you, Thena is in over her head and needs your

Ryker scowled.
“Did Thena ask you to call me Ned?”

Ned puckered
his brows, “No damn it; but you know damn well she won’t call you,
get over your damn pride and help her out Ryker!”

“When Thena
calls I will step in, and help her other wise I can’t do that, and
you know damn well why!” Ryker said in resentment.

“If you change
your mind she is in Little River up in Alberta, Canada and if she
is in over her head then there are other hit men on her ass one
named Cullen; so think about not ever seeing that cute ass of hers
again! Can you live with that Ryker? Know this Ryker she never got
over you!” Ned slammed down the phone down and the cradle cracked.
Ned swore over the phone cracking, not that it bothered him
purchasing another one he had a line of credit thanks to Dorthena.
But that he was experience extreme anger he had not experienced in
years he kept it under tight control. Dorthena took good care of
Ned, he did what he loved most in all the world, the pay was
exceptionally high and truth be known he loved her like family.
There was nothing they would not do for one another.

Ryker swore
under his breath, “Oh what the hell I am not on a job right now any
way. Cullen damn now they were a pair and Thena couldn’t’ handle
them both. If I keep out of sight she might not know I am there,
and I can help her out with out her knowledge. Awe shit, damn me,
she’ll know! Ryker packed up his stuff, called a cab. Ryker lived
in a penthouse apartment on the thirty first floor, a private
elevator had to be used to get to his apartment only he know the
combination to operate it other then Thena. As Ryker walked out the
front door he was picked up and taken to the air port. Ryker hoped
into his plane after packing it up with necessary items to do the
job. He would fly out tonight do a lay over and start again in the
morning reach Little River by early evening.

Ryker called
Ned the next day on the phone, “Ned I am on my way I’ll be in
Little River by tonight don’t tell Thena I am in the area. I am
flying in and I have a new plane so Thena won’t know it is me. I
will rent a vehicle and get a room at some hotel or motel. Where is
Thena staying at?”

“She is
staying in the only motel in town room twenty-three so that leaves
you cabins or at the hotel.” Ned smiled. “Thanks Ryker I appreciate
your being there for her! Ryker I haven’t been able to contact
Thena this morning, I am worried!”

“Well like you
said Ned, I could not live with myself if I never saw that cute ass
again.” Ryker laughed and hung up his cell phone, stuck it in his
shirt pocket.

Thena was in
the shower she was thinking of Ryker. Thena could not get over him
no matter how hard she tried. His face would come to mind and she
would feel hot between the legs. She wondered why she was thinking
of him so much lately. She just was not sure if it was the danger
she was in or if so many things lately reminded her of him. After a
long hot bath Thena blew her hair dry, brushed her teeth, put on
clean clothes and stepped out of the bathroom to find a gun
pointing at her from the side of the door. Thena threw up her arm
knocking the gun out of the woman’s hand, punches were flying from
both women, and Thena put up one hell of a fight, two night tables
fall over, small table to eat at had two broken legs. The Cullen
woman pulled a knife and sliced down her arm. Then Thena was hit
from behind and down she went. When Thena woke up she found herself
tied to a chair with a rope made of hemp. Cullen the man was
standing over her. “Where is Seeker?”

Thena looked
up at him, “Don’t know where he is, do not fucking care either!”
The son of a bitch tried to rape me! So I don’t fucking care?”

Cullen slapped
her hard across the face with the back of his hand, “Not the right
answer Thena, where is Seeker?”

Thena looked
at him, “does it make you feel like a man to slap around a woman
Cullen? I don’t know where he is?”

Cullen only
reply was a punch in the face. “Lets start again bitch where is

“I don’t
fucking no, what part of I don’t fucking no; don’t you understand
ass hole?” Thena said.

Cullen pulled
back his fist and slammed it into Thena’s face.

Cullen turned
to his wife, “get some water she is out cold again sweet

Cullen’s mate
smiled warmly, “sure baby right away.” Cullen’s wife leaned over
and gave him a kiss.

When Cullen
dumped the glass of water all over Thena’s face she came too. Thena
spit water and looked at Cullen through one eye, the other one was
swelling shut. “Ryker hears what you did to me your dead meat

Cullen began
to laugh, “He doesn’t give a rats ass about you any more Thena, the
last time I saw Ryker he had a whore sitting on his lap. Now bitch
were is Seeker?” Cullen said with a smile.

“I don’t
fucking no so fuck off you bastard!” Thena said through clinched
teeth. Thena was stubborn when the mood stuck her and it had stuck
her full force. The harder Cullen pushed the more she refused to
answer his questions.

“Cullen said I
think I can get you to talk bitch.”

Cullen reached
down ripped Thena’s top slightly.

Cullen reached
in to one of her breasts and pinched down hard on one of her
nipples, Thena cried out in pain. “Now talk bitch!”

Thena began to
cry, “I don’t fucking no!”

Cullen lost
his temper and slammed the butt end of his gun down and across
Thena’s jaw!” Thena was out cold. Cullen’s mate tossed water on her
it didn’t do any good. They would have to wait for her to come
around on her own. Cullen’s temper was lost and he slapped Thena
around blackened her other eye, split her lip. Then he sat down and
waited for Thena to come around.

Betty smiled
at Cullen, “Cullen make love to me baby I need it, all this has
turned me on. Please stick that big cock of yours in me baby and
drive me crazy. Cullen smiled.

Cullen watched
Betty walk to him he pulled her down on the bed and fucked Betty
long and hard until she screamed his name and came all over his
shaft. Then Cullen worked it a few more times and came in side of
her. Slowly they dressed and smiled at each other. Cullen smiled,
“sex is always at its best with you Betty when we are working.

An hour later
Cullen looked at his watch damn it’s nearly seventy thirty already.
Thena moaned and moved her head.

Cullen stood
up, “Now Thena why don’t you be a real sweet heart of a girl and
just tell me what I want to know and I will walk out of here
letting you live if you keep telling me to fuck off I am going to
kill you! Now sweet heart where is Seeker?”

Thena couldn’t
see a thing her eyes were both swollen completely shut, her jaw
ached something awful, her head hurt beyond anything she ever felt
before. She began to cry silently. “I don’t know where Seeker is I
left him yesterday he did not tell me he had travelled plans.

screamed, Wrong fucking answer,” Cullen slapped Thena across the

Ryker landed
his plane at seven thirty and rented a crew cab truck loaded his
stuff into it and drove into town. Ryker decided to rent a cabin
near the motel so he could watch Thena. He left the rental truck
parked out side the cabin.

Once he was
settled in he decided to take a walk around town. It was hard to
not be noticed Ryker was six foot three and a half, had coal black
hair, blue eyes, perfect set of teeth, and a smile women seem to
love about him and found irresistible. His body was well muscled he
knew women appreciated it physical attributes. He was however
missing part of one ear lobe, a nick in his right ear. It would get
itchy when it got cold, he scowled Thena had nicked his ear with
one of her claws and tore off a piece of his ear lobe. Suddenly the
fight came back to him and he stopped walking while waiting for a
light to change from green to red.

He never
dreamed she would try to stand up to him that day they parted. They
had both lost there tempers and both of them had a bad one, it was
seldom lost once it was, it was out of control. They argued over
putting a client in danger, and saving his hide. He didn’t want to
hurt her, but he had, he dislocated her shoulder, and had broken
her arm in the fight. When screaming and yelling at one another got
lost tempers flare and Thena shifted into a panther. He shifted
down into a werewolf then had to shift so that he was between the
two to get the best of Thena. He felt disgusted with himself for
his actions. In return she had nicked his ear, cut him up with her
claws pretty bad, and when it came down to losing blood it was him
not her. She had shifted down into a cat and he was a werewolf
Ryker learned quickly never fight with Thena unless you mean to
kill her. Ryker started walking again, then a girl came up to him,
mister got a cigarette?” The girl said with a smile.

Ryker smiled,
“No don’t smoke,”

The girl
smiled “I am Faye thirty dollars will get you laid, a blow is
twenty, or I can jerk you off for ten bucks” she said with a

Ryker looked
down at the girl, she could not have been more then eighteen, she
stood about five feet tall, had big brown eyes to large for her
face, he smiled, and she was not at all that good looking. He
thought actually it might work if the guy kept his eyes closed. One
second thought he wouldn’t screw her if she was the only woman left
on earth. Humanity would be doomed! “No thanks got a wife.” That
was not true but it usually made the young girls disappear quickly.
And it worked well. Ryker smiled this time it worked like a charm.
Unfortunately it didn’t work on the older whores, they didn’t care
if he was married or not. Then a stern no damn way usually worked
on them. Ryker came to the motel looked at the room number Ned had
given him. Room twenty-three the lights were on. He could not see
in side the room from a distance the curtains were closed, but an
uneasy feeling came over him. Ryker’s inner wolf growled. He walked
silently up to her door and listened. He heard what sounded like a
slap, then a voice, “where the hell is he bitch?”

BOOK: Dorthena
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