Double Dare: April Fools' For Love (4 page)

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Matt pulled his sweat-soaked bandana from his head and rifled his fingers through his equally damp hair. “Someone needs to tell Mother Nature it’s only April first.”

“No shit. Summer’s gonna be a damn bitch.” Graham snagged a bottled water from the cooler behind the driver’s seat and lobbed it across the cab to Matt.

He twisted the cap free and slugged down a third of the icy refreshment before coming up for air. “At least we get to look forward to more Bikini Dani sightings.”

Graham gave him a droll look. “You honestly think she’s going to grant us that privilege after what happened last night? Shit, we’ll probably be lucky if she ever comes out of her house when we’re around.”

The possibility that they’d forever be deprived of her company sat like a boulder in Matt’s chest. One glance at his partner’s mopey countenance confirmed he wasn’t the only sucker singing the blues in that department. “Shit, it makes no sense. We damn well know she’s hot for us.” She’d been on fire last night—and he and Graham right along with her. It’d been a miracle they hadn’t blown up the grill’s propane tank. “Do you think we should have approached her separately? Maybe she’s overwhelmed by both of us turning up the heat?”

Graham climbed behind the wheel, his quiet thoughtfulness tangible as a third presence in the vehicle. He shoved the key into the ignition but didn’t immediately crank on the engine. “I don’t think that’s it. In fact, I
she was excited as hell by the both of us kissing her.”

“So where did we go wrong?”

“I’ve no damn clue. Maybe we moved too fast.”

Matt took another swig before trickling the water across his scalp, the cooling relief springing his sigh of bliss. Ignoring the wetness waterlogging his vision, he situated the bottle in his side cubby. “We’ve been wooing her for eighteen months. A tortoise sees faster action.”

It was the God’s honest truth. Almost from the day they’d moved in, Dani had been a luscious promise of something truly special on their radar. But damn, the woman was stubborn as all get out. Even before kissing her last night, a day barely passed that he and Graham didn’t try to win her over with some heavy-handed flirting. But despite the interested signals they picked up from her, she always shot them down.

A worrying thought wormed into his brain. She’d seen them fucking other women. He’d intuited enough from her body language to realize she’d been turned on by what she saw, but he also knew without a shadow of a doubt that Dani wasn’t the fast and loose sort. Not that he and Graham necessarily were. Granted, they didn’t live like priests, but maybe she assumed the worst about them. Fuck. “She probably thinks we’re players.”

“Yeah, the thought occurred to me too.”

“So how do we prove otherwise?”

Grim purpose settled on Graham’s profile. “Short of traveling back in time and closing the damn blinds? Still haven’t got a clue.”

Matt opened his mouth, but the insistent chirping of Graham’s cellphone preempted further conversation. His best friend scooped the device from his cup holder and pressed the Talk button. “Hello.” A long silence fell over Graham while he listened to the animated chatter on the other end of the line.

Disinterested in eavesdropping, Matt tuned out the muffled one-way conversation and fished his own cellphone from his pocket. He scrolled through the recent texts. Seeing nothing of urgency, he opened up his Zombie Killer app and began systematically pulverizing the reanimated dead.


He jerked his focus back to Graham and noticed the deep frown lines etching his sweat-soaked forehead.

“Heading there now.” Graham clicked off and started up the engine.

“What’s up?”

“That was Erin. She caught some punks egging our house. She’s holding them till we get there.”


The drive to their subdivision took longer than usual thanks to the construction on Old Dixie. By the time they pulled into their cul-de-sac, Matt was more than ready for a shower, a cold beer, and to pound some punk asses. Not necessarily in that order. Judging from the lividness homesteading Graham’s face, he was feeling the same sentiment. However, the second they broke to a stop in their drive, the anger shifted to confusion. Erin was nowhere in sight, and the exterior of the house appeared egg free.

Scratching the back of his head, Matt craned his neck for a better view out the windshield. “Maybe I’m blind, but I’m not seeing anything.”

“Wait a sec. There’s something stuck to the front door.” Graham jumped out of the truck and Matt quickly followed suit.

They jogged to the entrance. Beating Matt to the finish line, Graham ripped the piece of paper taped beneath the peep hole. He unfolded it, revealing the words that’d been scribbled across the sheet with a purple ink pen.
Hahahaha. Gotcha. Have the best April Fools’ Day EVER!

Matt gaped at the paper. “I can’t believe it. She fucking pranked us.”

“Devious.” Graham’s mouth cocked at one corner. “This calls for some serious payback.”

“True. Although she did give us a good excuse to call it quits early.” He sure as shit wasn’t much upset by that. Two back-to-back fourteen hour shifts earlier in the week meant he was already feeling the effects in his thirty-year-old bones. That cold beer sounded better and better, particularly if he was sipping it from the relaxing comfort of the hot tub.

“Excellent point.” Nodding, Graham unlocked the door and stashed the keys in the burl wood bowl that sidelined as a catchall on the main console.

After unlacing his work boots and slipping his feet from their sweltering confines, Matt straightened and unbuckled his belt before popping the buttons on his cargo shorts. Hooking his thumbs in the waistband, he shucked the garment down and kicked it aside.

“Take that shit in the laundry room.”

“Yes, dad.” He resisted the urge to roll his eyes at Graham’s surliness and instead scooped up his shorts and strode to the small utility room on the other side of the kitchen. After ditching his briefs and stowing them with the rest of his dirty clothes, he made his way to his bathroom. A much-needed shower calling his name, he ducked inside the glass-enclosed stall and flicked on the faucet. The hot spray pummeled his aching muscles and he groaned in unadulterated bliss. “Now that’s what I’m talking about.”

Ten minutes later, refreshed and rejuvenated, he emerged from the steam-shrouded bathroom. Drying off briskly, he padded down the hall. He stalled in the kitchen entry and knotted the towel around his waist. Slicking his fingers through his still dripping hair, he grabbed a beer from the fridge and twisted off the cap.

As if he’d perfectly synchronized his arrival, Graham entered the room, donning his own towel and smelling considerably less odoriferous than he had prior to showering. The need to ask superfluous, Matt obtained another frosty longneck and slid it across the marble countertop. Graham caught the bottle without missing a beat and nursed a long swallow. He ran his forearm across his mouth and eyed Matt. “You’re on grill duty tonight.
you’re doing a load of wash. I can barely step over the piles in there.”

“While I’m at it I’ll be sure to launder your crabby pants.”

Graham snorted. “Fucking smartass.”

Grinning, Matt unlatched the sliding glass door and toggled the screen open. Buzzing insects and the distant drone of a lawnmower prompted his grimace. “Jesus, it haunts me wherever I go.” Soon enough he’d get the jets going on the Jacuzzi and that’d take care of any unwanted ambient noises.

He stepped down onto the patio. Stretching his arms over his head, he arched his spine and twisted his torso, working out the kinks. A faint splashing intruded on his impromptu yoga session and he froze. Despite residing a safe distance from any swamp water habitats, his first concern immediately veered to the threat of an alligator. You couldn’t live in Florida with a pool on your premises and not have that worry occasionally creep into the back of your mind.

Tensed and on high alert, he swung his focus toward the pool—and double blinked at the odd spectacle of several dozen rubber duckies gliding on the crystal blue surface.
What the hell?

Bemused, he ambled toward the pool.

“Don’t come any closer.”

He halted in mid-step. Holy shit, he knew that voice. “Dani?”

The top of her head suddenly popped into view above the edge of the pool. “I mean it, stay there.”

He was too thrown by her presence to be irked at being told what to do in his own backyard. “Why?”

“Just do what I say.

of the screen sliding open behind Matt preceded Dani’s soft curse. Graham ambled next to Matt, his expression equally mystified. “Dani?”

“Yes, I think we’ve gotten to the bottom of that mystery. I’m clearly the woman trapped in your pool.” The cranky sarcasm in her tone triggered Matt’s lip twitch.

“Trapped?” Graham took a step forward, and Dani shot up her hand.

“Stay. Where. You. Are.”

Matt frowned. “Why do you keep saying that?”

“Just because. Okay?” Dani’s brilliant blue eyes turned pleading. “If one of you would go get me a towel, I’d be eternally grateful.”

“You didn’t bring one with you?” Now he was truly baffled. Why would she decide to take a dip without having a towel handy? Of course, maybe she’d intended to air dry, figuring they wouldn’t be home to catch her in her itsy bitsy bikini.

Whoa. Her itsy bitsy bikini. Here in the flesh. Or more to the point, on her curvaceous, glistening wet flesh.

His cock bobbed against the front of his towel in approval of that mental image. He licked his lips. “I’ve got a better idea. How about if we join you for a quick dip first?”


He arched his eyebrows at her vehement rebuttal. Something odd was definitely going on here. And he intended to find out precisely what. He took a purposeful step forward.

Dani’s eyes widened. “Don’t.”

“Darlin’, it isn’t like we haven’t seen you in your bikini before,” he pointed out calmly. Shit, was she really that shy about them seeing her up close in a swim suit?

“I know. But I...I’m not wearing it.”

He exchanged a glance with Graham and noticed the blazing interest in his best friend’s eyes. Matt skimmed his gaze over Dani’s flushed face, wishing to hell he could see some territory below her neck. He didn’t dare move in for a better view though. Not with how jittery she was. “Okay, then what exactly are you wearing?”

“Nothing.” She turned beet red when he and Graham choked on simultaneous coughs. “I-I mean I’m wearing a top. But no bottoms.”

Holy. Hell. Lust fanned low in his groin and spiraled outward, encompassing every cell in his body. He had no idea what twist of fate he owed this miraculous turn of events, but who fucking cared? Dani was all but naked less than two feet in front of him. What more did he need to know?

Dani’s fingers curled around the top edge of the pool deck. “Now that you know my predicament, can you do the gentlemanly thing and get me a towel?”

“Sure.” Graham loosened the knot on his towel and tugged it off. He extended the oversize square of white terry cloth toward Dani, his expression deadpan.

Mouth gaping open like one of those singing bass mounts, Dani gaped at Graham’s ramrod stiff dick.

Somehow Matt smothered his chuckle. Yeah, Graham’s definition of gentlemanly wasn’t in most folk’s dictionary. Rather than snatch the bath sheet from Graham’s outstretched hand, Dani continued ogling his cock. The longer she stared, the bigger it grew. Matt was suffering his own problems in that department. Figuring the tented status of his towel made the covering kinda inessential, he whisked it off and tossed it aside.

Dani’s attention immediately cruised to his raging erection. She expelled a breathy “
and caught her bottom lip between her teeth. A flare of heat ignited his insides. He’d never known a woman who could burn him alive with a mere stare. But that was precisely the power Dani held over him. Only thing was, he wanted a helluva lot more than the hungry caress of her gaze. He craved her physical touch. Almost as much as he ached to explore every creamy inch of her skin.

His cock, in full accord with that plan, throbbed and thickened, the engorged cap pointing straight up like a divining rod that’d hit pay dirt. Unable to resist, he gave his shaft an indulgent stroke, a fierce wave of desire crashing through his synapses when Dani licked her lips.

“The towel is there for the taking.” Carnal hunger roughened Graham’s voice to gravel. “You’re free to use it and be on your way. Or you can stay. Choice is yours.”

Dani’s gaze drifted to the towel. She eyed it for an endless moment, her uncertainty palpable. Sucking in a deep breath, she lifted her focus to them. “I don’t want to leave.”


What the hell am I doing?
She’d lost her mind. That must be the answer. Being stuck outside in the sun for the last hour obviously fried her brain cells. Even so, no force on Earth could pry her focus from the two wickedly gorgeous and
men descending the pool steps.

The moment felt surreal, like she’d been dropped into a parallel universe where sexy times with two hunkilicious men was perfectly normal. In other words, any universe she didn’t usually inhabit.

Matt and Graham plowed in her direction. Gulping, she instinctively ducked lower, submerging herself up to her neck. Yes, it was silly to cling to the delusion that the crystal clear water hid her nudity from the waist down. Besides, if the sin in their eyes was any indication, her last shot of concealing any part of her body vamoosed the second they entered the pool.

Truthfully, did she want to keep these flimsy barriers between them?

No. God, no, she didn’t. The desire to revel in one hedonistic afternoon with them outshouted her common sense. This would go absolutely nowhere beyond today. Tomorrow she’d return to her responsible self.

Clinging to that desperate hope with everything within her, she pushed away from the sidewall. She met Graham and Matt at the midway point and silently returned their hot, intense stares. Lowering her gaze, she visually drank in their breath-stealing masculinity.

The urge to touch them a consuming impulse she could no longer ignore, she tentatively stroked her fingertips along the sculpted planes of their pecs. They were nearly identical in muscle tone, but Graham possessed a light dusting of dark hair on his chest while Matt was so smooth, he’d either recently waxed or shaved. She already knew they were meticulous in their manscaping elsewhere. Her pulse tap-dancing in anticipation, she trailed her hands beneath the surface of the water and down their washboard abs. She’d hardly dipped past their navels before the swollen heads of their cocks butted against her wrists. They took the term well-endowed to the extreme.

Humming her approval, she circled their thick shafts with her fingers and caressed them from their plum-shaped caps, all the way down to the root, and back again. She squeezed them with a firmer grip, their lusty male groans an erotic soundtrack to her ears. She imagined similar sounds coming from them while they filled her pussy with their deliciously fat cocks. Goosebumps scattered across her flesh at the accompanying mental picture that tagged along with that thought.

“Our turn.” Matt’s fingers crept under the hem of her camisole. The water worked better than any glue, stubbornly adhering the fabric to her skin. Undeterred, he rolled the garment upward, releasing tiny bubbles as the trapped air escaped. She lifted her arms when he prodded her to do so, and he tugged the garment over her head. Blindly tossing the shirt onto the pool deck with a wet plop, he stared at her breasts. “
Goddamn, baby

She was ninety-nine percent certain his response was a compliment. The missing one percent joined the equation when he and Graham cupped her breasts and ducked their heads to greedily lap and suckle her nipples. Gasping, she clutched their broad shoulders and let her head fall back, exquisite pleasure spreading through her body like warm honey.

A part of her couldn’t believe this was happening. That she was actually encouraging two men to have their wicked way with her. Even though she’d secretly fantasized about this very thing on the occasions she’d spied on their sinful acts in their living room, never in her wildest dreams had she thought she’d one day be in those women’s shoes. One thing was certain—watching didn’t hold a candle to being in on the action.

Fingers tangled in her sodden hair and pulled gently, the light sting sparking a tingling rush of sensation. She blinked her eyes open just as Graham’s mouth crashed over hers. Moaning, she sucked on his tongue, wantonly gorging on the heady intoxication of his kiss. Matt plumped her breasts in both of his hands, alternating the devastation of his skillful lips on the nipple he’d already claimed and the one Graham recently vacated.

Without breaking his concentration on her mouth, Graham slipped his hand between her legs. He massaged her pussy with his palm and fingers, the bold claiming of his touch making her weak. Thank God for the buoyancy of the water, otherwise she’d have thudded onto her ass. He roved his lips to her neck and scraped his teeth along her flesh with a growl that turned her insides to jelly. She shivered, arching her spine and shamelessly rubbing her body against him and Matt.

Graham’s mouth reversed course and he nipped her ear. His warm breath fanned her cheek. “I’m dying to eat your sweet pussy.” He backed up his admission by strumming her clit with his finger.

The haze of sensuality sweeping her under, she sagged against him and whimpered in reply. Fortunately it seemed to be enough to corroborate her harmonious acceptance of his plan, because Graham scooped her into his arms and carried her up the sunken steps to the pool deck. Matt moved ahead of them and swiftly arranged the pair of towels on one of the loungers. Witnessing that bit of teamwork left her slightly conflicted. How many women did they have wild pool sex with to have their system down that pat?

Why are you thinking about this right now?
Deciding to go with that voice of reason rather than the one that insisted on being logical, she sighed and released her grip on Graham’s shoulders when he situated her on the chaise. The magnetism of his gaze reeling her in, he reverently brushed the drenched lank of hair out of her eyes. “Beautiful.”

She blinked at him. “Me?”

“Why so surprised? Surely you have to know that looking at you is enough to make my balls ache.”

“Same here,” Matt piped up with a grimace. He squeezed the base of his cock before kneeling next to the lounger. Rolling her bottom lip between her teeth, she stared at the glistening crown of his shaft. He chuffed a laugh. “Darlin’, keep eye fucking me like that, I’ll embarrass myself before getting to third base.”

A considering noise came from the back of Graham’s throat, and she glanced up at him. “What?”

“Well, I was thinking you could suck his cock while I’m going down on you.”

The suggestion blasted a decadent heatwave through her. She wiggled on the towels, already certain she was soaking them through, and not because of still being damp from the pool.

Graham fondled her breast, the tiny half smile playing at his lips giving him a sexy, roguish air. “You like that idea.”


His hand drifted lower, smoothing over her quivering belly. “I want to see exactly how much it excites you.” He caressed the insides of her thighs before coaxing her to spread them wider.

A twinge of embarrassment bloomed to life. She’d never been inspected so openly. Or intently. Thank God for her OCD habit of keeping everything down there neatly trimmed and groomed. This would be a million times awkward with a bush that needed a good weed whacking. Then again, she couldn’t have found better men for the job. She smothered a giggle.

Graham glossed his fingers through her wetness, and all other inane musings fled her mind. “Just as I suspected. You’re fucking drenched.”

“No. Really?”

A chuckle floated from Matt. “I do believe we have a smartass on our hands.”

“Mm. Guess you’ll have to give her something to keep that sassy mouth occupied.”

“Might have just the thing to get the job done.” Matt stroked his cock, his expression loaded with undiluted sin.

There’s no way this is happening.
Half convinced she was going to wake up any second now from this insanely arousing dream, she leaned up on one elbow and swirled a fingertip in the bead of precome pearling from the slit in Matt’s cockhead. Holding his entranced stare, she sucked her finger, his essence faintly sweet.

“Damn, that’s sexy.” An approving growl rolled from Graham. “Be a good girl, and lick him nice and slow. But don’t let him come yet.”

Gladly accepting the challenge, she slipped her hand to Matt’s hip, coaxing him closer. He accommodated the request, and she opened her mouth when his swollen gland bobbed against her lips. The first silken glide of his shaft along her tongue spurred a moan from her.

Matt’s fingers brushed feather-light across her cheek. “
. So good, Dani.”

His praise filled her with a warm glow of happiness. She wanted to please him, make him feel better than any of those other women. A crazy, useless thought. But it was the indisputable truth. She tucked her hand around the base of his cock, cupping his balls. Judging from the quiver in his abs, he liked that. She slid her gaze sideways and met the incinerating heat in Graham’s eyes. Obviously
enjoyed the view.

So he liked to watch too. The realization freed the last vestiges of her guilt over peeping on them all these months. She didn’t have to feel like a huge pervert anymore. He understood the elicit voyeuristic thrill that’d driven her to spy on them. Intent on giving him a naughty eyeful, she curled her tongue, playing the tip along the rigid veining in Matt’s shaft, getting him slippery wet with her saliva. She lightly sucked the tumescent cap, relishing the throbbing pulse of his cock thickening under her oral worshipping.

Appreciation glinted in Graham’s intense focus. “I’m going to lick and tease your pussy just like that. Then you’re getting fucked so hard and deep, you’ll be feeling our cocks for a week.”

His matter-of-fact statement shot a spike of excitement through her. She momentarily lost her pace, and Matt’s cock slipped from her mouth. Graham took that as an invitation to begin his steady annihilation on her senses.

Sliding his fingers on either side of her labia, he spread her open and blew a soft breath over her sensitized flesh. She squirmed, her hips wriggling. He held her down and sent her a stern look that only intensified the electrifying anticipation buzzing in her cells. “Wrap those pretty lips around Matt, baby.”

She dutifully complied, and Graham’s tongue taunted her clit, the short, intermittent flicks an unrelenting torment. Arching her spine, she mutely appealed for the friction she so desperately desired, but Graham only moved farther out of reach, his teasing undeterred.

Frustrated but loving every second of it, she increased her suction on the tip of Matt’s cock, using her hand and the slickness of her saliva to work the rest of his shaft. A low, guttural sound rumbled from him and his hips rocked into her motions.

“No letting him come, remember? Keep that dick nice and hard for later.”

She didn’t doubt for one minute that Graham realized his words would fill her head with all sorts of naughty, intriguing scenarios. If that weren’t enough to light the fuse on her excitement, he finally closed his mouth on her pussy, his tongue rolling firm, swabbing strokes over her clit. She shuddered at the intense sensation, her nerve endings primed and quivering for release. Luscious ripples of pleasure lured her climax out from hiding. No matter how much she fought to keep it at bay, her orgasm refused to be ignored. It swept over her, a mind-blanking nirvana of pure sensation. She sobbed and gasped around Matt’s cock and he carefully withdrew from her mouth. Caressing her breasts, he tongued her nipples, adding to the bliss.

The instant she regained the ability to breathe, Matt leaned up to kiss her. His tongue playing over the tip of hers, he stroked her cheek. “You are so damn sexy when you come.”


“Fuck yeah. But next time I want to be inside you.”

Graham lifted his mouth from her pussy and licked his lips. “I’ll get the condoms. Meet you in the hot tub in two.”

She stared at his straining cock as he strode to the sliding glass door. “I still can’t believe any of this is happening.” She transferred her attention to Matt. “Maybe you better pinch me.”

“Got a better idea. How about I make sweet, sweet love to you instead?”

She grinned. “Okay, I like that plan better.”

“Good. ‘Cause that’s precisely what we’re gonna do.” He tucked his arms under her and effortlessly carried her to the hot tub on the far side of the pool. After settling her on the upper ledge, he fiddled with the controls. The jets kicked on with a powerful
and she moved to lower her legs into the swirling water.

“Wait a sec.” Tapping her inner thigh, Matt climbed inside the tub and sank to his knees in front of her. “I need a taste.” With that admission out of the way, he widened her stance and planted his head between her legs. The wet rasp of his tongue instantly recharged her senses. It didn’t matter that she came no less than a minute ago. Her body was raring for round two.

She tunneled her fingers through his soft, silky hair and closed her eyes with a sigh of rapture. When she opened them a moment later Graham was walking towards them. The dark carnality in his gaze triggered decadent shivers across her skin.

He dropped an obscene amount of condom packets on the edge of the hot tub and reached over to play with her nipple. “I don’t blame him for not waiting. You taste fucking amazing. Especially when you’re coming all over my tongue.”

Dangerously close to repeating that performance on Matt’s, she whimpered in response.

As if he’d read her mind, Matt scooted back. “No, darlin’. On our cocks this time.” He grabbed one of the Trojan packets and ripped it open. She watched in fascination while he sheathed his cock. Once he had the latex situated, he helped her into the steaming water. “I’m guessing you’re new to double penetration?”

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