Double Down (Take a Gamble) (10 page)

Read Double Down (Take a Gamble) Online

Authors: Stella Price,Audra Price,S.A. Price,Audra

BOOK: Double Down (Take a Gamble)
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"Caleb," she cried out his name. His real name
, not darling or babe or something else the she could use to distance herself from him.

He growled
her own and then nipped her chest. “Get these pants open…”

"Oh yes," she whispered ripping at the
material, springing his glistening cock out.

Seconds later Caleb has maneuvered her so that she down on his length.
“Sweet Christ that’s heaven.” He said and closed his eyes and bucked up into her.

Caleb, so good," She moaned. He filled her completely and she loved it. "Umm so you can feel what I'm feeling?"

Caleb closed his eyes and opened the bond between them, allowing both sides to flow freely. “
How’s that baby?”

She gasped as the pleasure ran through her. She could feel everything from every angle and it was amazing. "That I love." she trembled.

He didn’t answer her, just took her more forcefully. She looked around and they were completely alone, all the crewmen and waiters having cleared off earlier. Not that it would have mattered to either of them. She could feel his focus on her, on her pleasure and her Shadows. He was committed to her… and she felt how deep through the bond.

Caleb might say one thing, but his essence was telling a whole different story. There was a reason the
Shadows had chosen him…

Her nails scored down his back and she felt the pleasurable sting of it bite into her own back. It struck her briefly that if she was feeling him
, his intense self so freely, then he must be seeing her the same way. That didn't faze her though, it didn't matter. All that mattered was here and now and him. 

He roared his passion as he followed her over the brink. No way in hell was he able to hold on with the intensity she was throwing. He panted and shook his head as if to clear it and kissed her hard. “Damn woman…” he said after the interminable span of several breaths.

"Wow." she panted gasping for breath. "Now I knew I was a good lay but wow..."

He chuckled. “Amen to that…” he kissed her once more and the flipped them so she was lying on his chest. “Dinner better be amazing cuz you wore me out Demon.”

"You’re pretty mind blowing yourself."

“Of course I am love
. It is what I do.” He sighed and sat up.

"I guess." she frowned sensing the mood changing. "But trust me I don't mind one bit."

He turned back to her and grinned. “Of course you don’t. So, we have some time before dinner, you got two options. One, we go and hangout on that beach you talked about yesterday, though the day is waning. Two, we take a quick trip into Monaco and get you something fetching to wear for the game tomorrow.”

"Oh choice between lounging and shopping. My two favorite things
, though I'm good to go with shopping. I literally have nothing to wear."

“Then I think another shower is in order… for both of us…”

"Separate showers?"

“If we wanna leave this place at all… we should.”

"And staying here would be bad?" she leaned over, kissing him. "With all that sweaty nakedness and spectacular orgasms."

Caleb grabbed her around the waist and stood to carry her towards the state room. “Later baby… I promise.”




“So let me see this one?”

He said as he looked at his watch. He
was sitting in some extremely overpriced boutique watching the curtain that lead to the changing area waiting on Shade. She was on her fifth dress and he was on the third adjustment to his groin. Each dress was sexier than the last, and he knew she was doing it to have an edge when the game came around.

"Now I really like this one." she opened the curtain moving though to reveal her dress. It was a deep green sheer
 silk molded to her body and very see-through. Decoration of crystals were beaded over the dress, concentrating on the bits he really wanted to see, though her Shadow Scars shone through. The neck line came up in a halter framing her breasts perfectly.

Caleb’s mouth went dry. My god the woman wore Emerald well. He reached up and scrubbed his face and then leaned forward in his seat to discreetly adjust his erection.
That’s makes number 4. Shit. She’s beautiful and all mine.

“Wow… stunning doesn’t cover it.”

"I think it’s more me than the others, though I'm not going to get away with underwear. Look," she turned giving him the full view of her back which had less beads than needed to be decent.

He shrugged.
“So what? G-string will do the trick.. or go commando. No one gets a piece but me.”

"I'm thinking commando, if I go for this look I
 may as well do it right."

“Oh you’re not leaving this shop without this dress, even if you just wear it to dinner
…” he grinned. “One or two more, we gotta make said dinner…”

"No I like this one for the
game; maybe I can start losing beads as I go. I'll take the three I tried on and one other that’s for later."

“I take it it’s a surprise?” he asked and stood. Thank god for his waistband.

"Trust me you'll love it." she winked before disappearing back into the dressing room. "And we'll need to get accessories."

“Have a ball baby, spare no expense. You gotta look like the million you are going to lose.” He snickered.

She stuck her head out of the curtain glaring at him. "Ha ha."

“Laugh it up now…” he grinned and winked at her. “
Get that ass moving.”

Done." she came out the dressing room in a top and low slung jeans that she called up from Shadows before leaving the boat.

Caleb handed over his Amex Black card and waved away the total when the girl started to tell him what it was. His attention was on Shade, toddling to him in her spectator pumps. The
sway of her hips had his mouth go dry. Again. “I have to say I like this jeans and cami top ensemble…”

"Good because I’m not always a dress kind of girl.”

“You’re going to end up a ‘clothes when you need it’ kinda girl…” he took his card back and signed the slip.

Wrong. I’m going to end up a diamonds and expensive jewelry type of girl."

Totally doable.” He put out his hand. “Shall we?”

Let’s." she took his hand and they left the shop. "I can see myself draped in jewels."

Caleb snaked his arm around her waist and pulled her closer. “We could do that you know… thought it would have to wait till after the tourney.”

"Really? I would like that."

“Well then we know what we will be doing
..” He leaned in and nuzzled her cheek. “So about our little side bet on the tourney… we should up the ante…”

Ooh now I’m up for that, what's the terms?!”

Well,” he said as they turned the corner into the parking lot where his car was parked “I was thinking since the boat is kinda pointless now… as I would just put it in your name if you nagged me enough, why don’t we change the terms?”

I’m listening..."

They reached the car
, and he opened her door for her. “I was going to let you make the first move, but fair enough. When I win,” he said and tried to think of something outrageous to get from her but it turned out that he didn’t want anything he didn’t already have. She was a kinky thing, and she was his completely… hmmm that was a thought.

“When I win, I want you to be collared for the duration of our relationship.”

"Collared? Like as in a satyr collar? Or kinky dog collar?"

“Satyr collars produce blood, they are functional.
I’m talking about jewelry that will not come off for the duration of our arrangement. Something that compliments the Shadows.”

"And that's something you'd want."

Caleb smirked. He already had her, but… “I offered it didn’t I?”

"You offered it as terms but I wouldn't exactly mind such a thing, fairs fair you already wear my shadow."

He shrugged and then shut the door and walked around and slipped into his seat. “And your terms?”

"Hmmm what do I want? You mean other than you to stop associating with hounds? You know I can think of nothing
more droll than a century of them popping by. Let me think," she thought about it. 

Caleb laughed and shook his head and tore out of the parking area.”No can do on that one pet, that’s business, but I can keep business and personal apart.”

"Do what you like, no doubt I have friends you'll find unsavory. If I win I want the terms of our arrangement switched. You can be my pet."

“Pet? Well then… That could be fun. What would it

"I'm pretty sure the term sexual slavery is rather descriptive in its own right."

“Pet, being tied to you for the rest of our time together is no hardship, believe me.”

"We'll both enjoy it."

Caleb drove to the docks and parked the car just inside the Marina. They would be leaving in the morning for the casino and he didn’t want the issue of loading and unloading the car. He turned the car off and turned to her.

“So that’s it? Kinda flimsy but hey… doesn’t matter anyway. I’m going to win.” He winked and opened the door and was out quickly.

"I still want the boat." she followed him out. "Or maybe something bigger." she teased with a grin.

he arched a brow. “As in boat or something else?”

Something else? As in what?"

“I don’t know a Helicopter or something?” he walked up the gang plank to the boat deck proper.

“Lord Caleb, Dinner will be ready directly.” One of his crew said as he bowed.

Excellent. Thank you Warner.”

He turned toward Shade. “Should you like to freshen up before dinner?”

"I think so, if you don’t mind," she raised an eyebrow, "Lord Caleb."

He bowed to her. “
Take your time. I need to see to a few things and then check in on Sereeta and make sure Hunter didn’t break her.”

Her eyes narrowed but she smiled. "You shouldn't lend your toys out if you don't want them broken.
Especially to Hunter."

Just what do you think is going on here?” he asked with a frown.

"Well she's hardly your sister. Hey who am I to judge, a little food and some sex is a great thing."

Realization dawned on him and he gave her an easy smile. “Shade I don’t know about you, but I don’t fuck my relatives, even if they aren’t related to me by birth. Sereeta is my cousin; she was adopted by my mother’s sister. I let Hunter play with her because she’s a cat shifter and they have a good rapport.”

"Doesn’t bother me if you did." she lied.

“You know, I think I like that your jealous.” He said and patted her ass and kissed her softly. “You can’t lie to me Shade. I feel your relief. So go freshen up and meet me on deck.”

"Then I'm sure you don't need me to say the choice words I have for you in mind." she snorted walking away with a roll of her hips.

Caleb shook his head and turned on his heel towards the galley to find Sereeta. Of all the demons out there, he had to go and fall in love with a Shadow Demon. He stopped as his own thoughts sunk in. Love. Shit.

His S
hadow Scar pulsed again, and he caressed it. The spot writhed like it was alive, and gripped at his fingertips. It really was a weird feeling, like static and warmth giving him numbness in his extremities, but he couldn’t dislike it. He was blessed by the Shadows, and doubly blessed to have Shade.

“She is a stunning beauty Cay,”
Sereeta said behind the counter and smiled at him. “Though I think she thinks you and I are intimate.”

Caleb shook himself out of his reverie and waved her concern away.
“Already handled. And your right, she is stunning. Exactly what I need.” He answered quietly.

chuckled. “I bet. Hunter hates her. Something about her being an uppity bitch that doesn’t know her place.”

“Sounds like Hunter. He didn’t hurt you did he?”

She scoffed. “He never does. I might not be Alpha enough to keep him, but I am tough enough to have him.” She winked. “His bark is worse than his bite.”

“Don’t l
et him hear you say that.” He added with dry contempt. “So dinner ready?”

She nodded. “
What’s the plan after?”

Caleb leaned back against some cabinets.
“Back to the casino for a few days. Shade and I have a bet going. She thinks she can beat me at Black Jack.”

laughed. “Maybe she knows better… but she just wanted you to win.”

Caleb shrugged. “Doubtful. This is the Lady Shade we are talking about.”

“Still. Women sometimes don’t say what they want.”

She was right there. “And have you told Hunter?”

She gave him a droll stare. “Not going to happen. I’m just not Alpha enough for him to stay with. I need to find a nice shifter that wants a pretty kitty to wife.” She sighed.

“It will
happen Sereeta. Things have a way of working themselves out.”

“Well it
’s working out for you dear cousin.” She lifted her head and scented. “Shade is on the deck. Go and tend to your mistress…”

Caleb laughed and went to his cousin and kissed her on the cheek. “
Take some time off love, I think you need it.”

“Way ahead of you…” she said and waved it off. “She is waiting… go.”

Caleb found Shade moments later on the deck, a glass of wine in her hand, looking under all the silver domes that hid the food and kept it warm. He watched her with a small smile. She had gotten freshened up alright, and changed into a long almost see through black shift, and she wasn’t wearing under things. He knew the clothing was really made of the Shadows, and she looked so beautiful, delicious, he feared dinner was going to be a secondary.

"Are you planning to stand there all night?" she asked lifting another dome. "I'll just start if you are. I'm loathed to admit it but I'm a little
peckish and this looks fantastic."

He shrugged. “
You’re beautiful, and your Shadows like when I look, especially when they went through such pains to put you on display.” He moved forward. “Sit,” he said as he pulled out her chair for her.

She did. "I'm glad you noticed. It's not always practical to dress in
Shadows so I rarely get the chance to."

If he had his way she would be dressed in them all the time.
“Shame.” He said and sat himself across from her. “Wine?”


He topped her off and then opened both plates. The
fish and vegetables scent was mouthwatering and he sighed. “She outdid herself once again.”

t does look good." she agreed.

He took up his fork and tasted the fish and closed his eyes. “Outdid
herself indeed. Of course, I expect nothing less when she knows what’s at stake.”

what’s that?"

Caleb smirked. “Me winning our little bet.”

"And what has that to do with the food." she studied the fish suspiciously.

But I like to have a good meal before I go and piss away funds.”

Ah," she placed some salmon on her plate. "Well at least you know your pissing it away."

He shook his head. “You sure you don’t wanna up the ante again? This could get interesting.”

She laughed, "What else do you have to offer as a prize?"

Caleb looked up from his meal through thick lashes. “Anything you want…
I’m a fucking Djinn…”

"Big words with a smoldering gaze but what does that mean?" she lifted her wine taking a sip

“Exactly what I said. I’m a fucking Djinn. I’m magic, I’m rich and I’m connected. Literally anything you want… Except the monarchy… though you wouldn’t want that, they are all a bunch of lunatics.”

She shrugged setting the glass aside. "See I don't need money or connections. There's only one thing I want from you Caleb and I already have full access to it."

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