Double Down (Take a Gamble) (8 page)

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Authors: Stella Price,Audra Price,S.A. Price,Audra

BOOK: Double Down (Take a Gamble)
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watched her and Dom, his fingers playing softly, keeping her on the verge. Even now, he knew what got her wild and crazy, what heightened her pleasure. He had the Shadows to thank for that.

“Well Dom… she needs it… your choice…”

"Oh I’m quite happy where I am." he stroked her hair out of her face. "Besides I don't want to intrude in your new toy too much."

“Suit yourself.” He leaned into
Shade and slipped his fingers around and pinched her clit.

"Oh trust me I am." he fisted her hair as she moaned around him.

Shade pulled off him with a chuckle. "Don’t think you could handle me Hound?" Shade sank back down on him drawing a hiss from his mouth.

“Gauntlet thrown…” Caleb said and leaned in and nipped her spine.

"Indeed," Dom growled low in the throat.

love, show him what you can do with that perfect set of lips.”

Caleb watched as her
Shadows grew, reached for him. He moved closer positioning himself for both their pleasure, and growled when they reached his flesh. They held on, touched and teased him.

Dom swore as Shade followed Caleb’s order. "Fuck she’s good."

“You have no idea.” Caleb praised her and then slid into her willing body, gritting his teeth. Sensation was heightened everywhere and she was like a vice on his shaft. It was sweet torture.

She cried out at the
feeling, pushing herself back greedily onto him. Dom gripped her hair with both hands roughly fucking her mouth.

Caleb closed his eyes and let go, the feeling of her body gripping him and the
Shadows running over his flesh extremely pleasurable. He took her harder, his fingers digging into her hips. His left hand snaked down and rubbed her clit, as he was determined to bring her higher with each thrust.

Shade loved both Dom’s rough treatment and Caleb’s strumming of her every chord. She pushed back onto him her body rapidly building to her first orgasm.

Caleb touched her, kissed her side where her royal Shadow Scar lived. He licked the scar, felt the pin prickles on his tongue. The Shadows were enjoying it as much as their mistress was.

She screamed around Dom coming hard her body bucking wildly.

“That’s my girl…” Caleb said and pinched her clit again. “Take him deeper, all the way princess...”

gasped, choking for air then did just that, sinking all the way down on the hound.

Caleb groaned and
worked her harder, feeling his own orgasm build.

That’s it, fuck," Dom hissed as he reached his own, holding Shade down on him as he flowed into her mouth. She sputtered, her body rising again over the brink writhing in Caleb’s hands as she came harder. If there was ever a doubt that she was a dirty slut it was completely wiped out. She loved getting fucked by two cocks, reveled in it in fact. Her Shadows lashed out gripping him hard as she rode her orgasm.

Caleb lost it then, her body milking him perfectly. He came with a force unknown to him. He panted
, and as her little spasms subsided he pulled out of her and slapped her hard on her ass. “Sweet Christ.”

Mmmm." she purred rolling over licking her lips. "This was a pleasant surprise."

"I'll say." Dom straitened lifting his pants.

Caleb stretched and then leaned down and kissed her on the cheek. “Stunning pet. Take a shower, and meet us for lunch on the deck.”

"What no proper kiss?" she pouted stretching her sweat slicked body out. "Fine
, I'll meet for food."

"That’s if Hunter hasn't eaten the cook."

Caleb smirked at her. “I’m fine with you tasting Dom, I don’t wanna.” He winked and looked to Dom as he grabbed his pants. “And I don’t doubt he’s eaten her, just not in the way you mean.” He shook his head. “He’s going to be pissed he missed this.”

"He'd have missed it either way." Shade answered rolling off the bed walking to the bathroom and closing the door with a thud. "If you think I'm letting that thing touch me you're seriously overestimating my kinks." she called through the closed door before the shower started.

"You like her." Dom smirked as he finished dressing. "If you had hackles they'd have been raised when she first touched me."

Caleb gave him a droll look. “Yet it still happened and I didn’t kill you then or now. She’s a bedmate, and one hell of a bargain.”

"A woman like that is meant to be shared but that still doesn’t mean that you want to do it." Dom shrugged. "But hey what do I know about reading people."

“A woman like
Shade is meant to be worshipped by as many people as possible.” He smirked and they left the bedroom and went in search of Hunter and lunch.



Business associates. That’s what he’d called those ass hats.
Great, just great.  Dominic she didn’t really mind but Hunter was the worst. Hell hounds were rare. In fact as far as she knew there were only two in existence. There was sure to be more around but she’d never met any. The hounds despised anything not of their kind although apparently the liked Caleb.

Her body throbbed at his name
, her Shadows swirling around her stealing all thought of anything but him from her. She had to find him, had to be near him. Dom had mentioned that Djinn magic was potent, but it felt much more than that. Her Shadows had marked him, they’d never done that before, they’d never felt the need. With Caleb though there was that need, her Shadows ached to touch him just as her body did.

She rummaged through his closet plucking out one of his shirts to wear. She didn’t bother with anything else
, the hounds acted on scent. If she hadn’t already been covered in it then the shirt would do the trick. She padded on up to the deck towards the dining area looking for them.

Caleb was sitting
on one of the couches, a drink in his hand. Dom was standing by the spread of food on the long side board and Hunter was nowhere to be seen. Her lover saw her and smiled.

“Miss Shade?”
said one of the crew men with a platter in his hand. “What can I get you to drink?”

"A large
gin, please. Just stick some ice and lemon in it. Just how many people are you planning to feed?" the table was loaded with all sorts of food.

“You already have had a large
Djinn love,” Caleb said as he approached her and waved the crewman away. “As to your question, Hounds and Djinn both have large appetites.”

"Umm that I already know." S
he sat herself down on his knee wrapping her arms around him. It was a forward gesture, especially since they were only in a business relationship and not a real one, but she couldn't stop herself touching him.

rested his hand on her thigh and drew lazy circles on it, clearly needing to touch her as well. “So?”

"So?" his large hands sent shivers through her. Lord knew she had her kinks but hands were one of them and Caleb’s hands were perfect. "You don’t expect me to start hoofing into that lot do you? I'm a demon I don’t eat much."

Caleb motioned to one of the waiters and he brought over a plate of fruit and cheese and croissants. “How’s that?”

"Perfect." she took the plate
, popping a piece of cheese in her mouth. It was good and she moaned in approval then ate some more.

’s taking his damn time." Dom took a slice of practically kapacho beef from the table throwing it up into the air and catching it in his mouth.

“Would you rather him here? And Dom, what’s with acting the puppy?” he asked and laughed.

"Puppy?" he smiled. "That's not pup behavior." he lifted more meat repeating his actions.

Caleb rolled his eyes.”
Right. What would you call it then?”

Houndish behavior." he smiled doing the same again but higher. "You’re just jealous you couldn't do it. Takes skill pups don't have."

"Uh huh." she took a grape throwing it equally high catching it and eating it. "Sure, I bet you have lots of great skills to pass onto your pups."

Caleb took another drink from his wait staff and then smirked at Shade. His hand had traveled to her inner thigh.

The heat from his hand seeped into her making her squirm.

"I like to think I've got a few useful tricks to pass on." Dom smiled.

“And how’s it going with the mate and all?” Caleb said and slipped Shade off his lap. He stood and went to the table and made himself a plate.

Dom brightened, "Well for a change. Years of getting screwed have finally paid off. I might actually get some pups out of the barren bitch."

"Harsh, but congrats.

"If you think that's harsh you should meet her. Over half the scars I own are from her. But thanks all the same
. Now all I need to do is talk her out of whelping back home and were golden. Then we split the pups, go our separate ways and I never have to see the woman ever again."

Caleb shook his head. “Hounds have one hell of a fucked outlook on relationships.’

"We don't have relationships. She’s literally the last female of our species. It was just my luck I was mated to her before the infection." he snorted. "If mating her could be called luck. Some of us had real partnerships, actually spending time with their mates when they weren't in season, but look at how well that turned out. I’m told Hunter used to be a decent guy before it all went to shit."

"Uh huh."
Shade took the information in, filing it for later. She’d learned more in the last few minutes about the hounds than she thought anyone knew. It was amazing what one could glean just by staying quiet.

"In any case
Djinn are hardly the pillars of the dating world."

Caleb sighed.
“Seriously? We don’t date, we fuck and we bind and on occasion we take a consort or a wife… Nothing mystical about it.”

"Wife eh?
You one to go down that route?" Dom winked at her knowing Caleb wouldn't see.

He shrugged. “Who
knows. No one thought my cousin would, yet he consorted an assassin and is marrying the chit. Stranger things have happened. Must perpetuate the line and all.”

Kiddie Djinn?" Dom laughed. "I can just imagine you changing a diaper."

"And I can see you with a pooper scoop. Hey
, internal clocks tick for us all." Shade defended. She’d made the mistake of presuming to know Caleb’s wants and didn't care to repeat it.

“That’s what staff is for hound.” He said and went back to
Shade and pulled her into his lap once more. “Luckily Djinn are long lived and we aren’t ruled by the need to have a litter. We have children when we are ready to be parents, if we are ready to be parents.”

It was then that
Sereeta appeared on the deck, a silly smile on her face. “Caleb, Miss Shade, Dominic.” She said in greeting and brought the large bowl she was carrying to the table. “Dessert is Ambrosia.” She said offhandedly. “And it almost wasn’t finished, though thanks for the time off.” She winked at Caleb. “Hunter will be in in a few.”

Shade kept the scowl she felt off her face
, but only just. Normally she wouldn't give a shit if he fucked his chef or not but the look that passed between them was something more than just sex. There was a heat and a knowing, something that rubbed her the wrong way. Serreeta was someone he chose to live with where as she herself was somewhat thrust upon him. Even worse she’d marked him with a Shadow, the consequences of that they'd have to hash out later. She settled herself more firmly onto his lap, her ass pressing firmly against him.

"About bloody time too."

“Thanks Ree. Dinner tonight will be our last on board for a few nights, we have some money to win don’t we pet?”

Salmon to your liking Miss Shade?” She asked quietly, a smile in her eyes. “I do it on a cedar plank with rosemary lemon and grilled asparagus.”

Her first instinct, to crush any and all competition, was quickly squashed. Sure
Shade might not be a fighter, but in many ways she was her father’s daughter. But that wasn't the case here.

ne, snapping at the girl would do nothing to protect her air of nonchalance and aloofness. Two, there was no way that this weak creature before her was a threat. And three, she really just shouldn't care altogether.

That will be fine, thanks."

nodded and smiled at Shade and then looked to Caleb. “Seven?”

Caleb nodded. “Perfect. Thanks

left them and they heard a high pitch squeal as she went down the hallway, followed by a giggle and Caleb shook his head.

How much you wanna bet Hunter is on round two?”

No bet, I can hear him." Dom tapped his ear."One of the drawbacks to enhanced hearing.”

Yuck, I bet that's pleasant." she screwed up her face. "I hope your paws on the staff rule won't impede on dinner. And she better take a shower before cooking."

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