Double Trouble (8 page)

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Authors: Deborah Cooke

Tags: #Contemporary Romance

BOOK: Double Trouble
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Must be the cologne. That stuff shouldn’t be legal. I inhaled and enjoyed. Hugo Boss Number One, unless the ol’ nose was losing it. Yum dee yum.

James studied me, his eyes slightly narrowed, as if he would compel all my dirty secrets to come spilling out with just that look.

As if.

“The question is, why?” He spoke softly, probably a deliberate ploy to encourage the ready exchange of confidences. I was tempted, for the barest moment, to confide something, anything.

Maybe it would make him look away.

Or make me feel less like fidgeting.

What? You’re
that I have secrets? Come on! Doesn’t everyone? And yes, I had a few that I didn’t want Mr. James Coxwell to know.

The really primo ones.

So I smiled, as coolly as I could—which is pretty damn cool, in case you aren’t sure—and held his gaze unswervingly. The thing was, my Cayman’s theory wasn’t holding up well to my own scrutiny or the cruel light of day, though it had sounded perfectly plausible in the wee hours.

If James had been going, he would have gone. And if he had been the one behind the scheme, then why would Marcia have left? We both have enough Irish scrappiness in us to fight for what’s ours.

If anything, she would have snagged his plane ticket and dragged him along to withdraw goodies from those bank accounts.

But what the hell.

“It’s this Cayman thing,” I said conversationally. Truth was, he looked like an icon of respectability in this mahogany-paneled and book-lined cave. A pillar of the community and all that jazz. But then, weren’t they usually the ones with big nasty secrets?

James blinked, a telling sign that the theory stunk.

I leaned forward and tapped a finger on the desk. In for a penny, in for a pound. Surprising him might yield an information bonus or two. “You’re not going to get away with it. If you think I can’t outsmart you on this, then you’re dead wrong...”

An indulgent smile crossed his lips. “Am I supposed to know what the hell you’re talking about?”

“I’ve figured out your big plan.”

“I’ve planned nothing lately.” He grimaced. “I’m just slugging along, dealing with everyone else’s expectations.”

Fact was, the man looked too tired to have planned lunch, but like a dog with a bone, I wasn’t ready to let this go. I liked this scenario. It appealed to my taste for melodrama and plot twists. I wasn’t going to abandon it without a fight. Doesn’t everyone want to live a Grisham movie? I’ll be Julia Roberts and you be Denzel Washington. Or Tom Cruise. You choose.

“Poor baby,” I tut-tutted. “I suppose I should feel sorry for you and cut you enough slack to make a run for it.”

“A run for it?”

“A great escape to the Caymans, with all the cash and without my sister. Boys in tow. I’ll bet you’ve got a cabana booked on the beach, and a fridge full of fruity drinks.”

He pinched his brow and leaned back in his chair. “God, that sounds good.” He closed his eyes and I briefly saw just how stressed he was.

Before I could feel sorry for him, he abruptly opened his eyes and if I hadn’t known him better, I might have thought there was a twinkle lurking there. It’s official that the man has no sense of humor. “When am I going?”

“You’re the one with the answers. I’m the one with the questions.” I let my tone turn patronizing, because I guessed it would drive him nuts. “I understand that’s not your usual way of operating, so let’s keep the rules straight.”

A whisper of a smile touched his lips. “Okay, shoot.”

“Where’d the money go?”

The smile was banished immediately and he got that hawkish look. “What money?”

of the money. The cashed-in 401(k)’s. The windfall from refinancing the house. Your income for the past eight months. Where’d you stash it? I’m sure you stuck some on the cards to make it look good, but where’s the rest?”

He sat forward, eyes snapping. “How the hell do you know about that?”

I shrugged. “Maybe my sister told me.”

“Fat chance. She never knew.” James knew instantly that he had acknowledged something, because he sat back in evident disgust with himself. He spun in his chair and clicked his tongue, choosing his next move with care as he studied me and tried to decide how much I could possibly know.

interesting. “If you know about the money, then you know where it went.”

I nodded, feigning confidence in my theory. Worst case, he’d correct me and I’d know the truth. “Numbered bank accounts. Cayman Islands. High profile lawyers. Some of these things belong together.” I snapped my fingers. “Hey, isn’t it time for your annual sojourn to the Caribbean?”

To my astonishment, James laughed.

I stared. I’ve never seen him laugh and this one came right from his gut. He howled. It was not at all encouraging that when he started to compose himself, he glanced at me and started again. He even wiped away a tear. I wondered whether it was my imagination that there was a tinge of desperation to what should have been a merry sound.

Then he turned on me, dead sober. “If only it was that easy.”

“Everything’s easy for a man in your shoes.”

“Is that right?” He spoke with remarkable calm, a warning if ever there was one. To my surprise, he flicked the document he was reading across the desk to me.

I blinked.

“Read it.”

I did. It was the paperwork for a divorce.

His and Marcia’s divorce.

Oooo, the plot thickens. “So what?” I flung it back on his desk but he didn’t move to touch it. “That’s hardly news.”

“Check the date. And the instigating party.”

I hate when men do stuff like this. When they know something you don’t and make you look like a jerk when you find out. I had a feeling that that was what was going down, but figured I might as well find out the worst.

I looked.

Marcia had made the petition. Good golly me. And her signature was dated eight months ago. Eight months. The ink was apparently still wet on James’ signature, neatly dated this very day.

“That’s more than you need to know,” he said, clearly ready to brush me off like a fly. “Isn’t it time you left?”

I don’t brush off like a fly. “No, it isn’t.” I settled in. “What took her so long?”

“Thank you very much,” James murmured and I blushed.

“That’s not what I meant. She just left yesterday.”

James sighed and spun in his chair. I waited. “We’ve been living under the same roof for years,” he said finally, his voice tired. “Marcia wanted to end it. I thought it would be better for the boys if we held on for a few more years.” He shrugged. Although he spoke dispassionately, he looked like a guy who had had the rug pulled out from under him and didn’t like having fallen on his ass. I tried really hard to not feel sorry for him. “I guess Marcia didn’t agree.”

“Maybe there’s someone else.”

“Maybe.” James didn’t appear to care, but then, I was starting to see that he was as good at hiding his feelings as I am.

“And the money?”

“I think you know enough of my business.” James’ gaze turned steely as he retrieved the document, folded it precisely and placed it into the breast pocket of his suit jacket.

His expression was grim and formidable, and he held my gaze as if I was the one challenging him. It was done, his marriage was over and his wife was gone, and he looked as if it was no more troubling than having loaded up the dishwasher for the day.

And that made me mad. For better or for worse, my sister had spent eighteen years married to this guy and when she wanted out, he wouldn’t listen, because it wasn’t convenient.

“No. No, I don’t know enough. And I don’t believe you, documentation to the contrary. It doesn’t add up. Where were you yesterday? I may not know much about law, but being a member of the Massachusetts Bar can’t get you anything in California. Where were you, really?”

James assessed me carefully, clearly deciding how much to tell me. He evidently concluded that he’d have to cough up a bit more to get rid of me. “Not officially, but connections can help.”

“Is that supposed to answer my question?”

He sat back, eyes narrowed. “Did you ever meet my brother Zach?”

“No. Wait. Isn’t he the one that Marcia didn’t want alone with the boys?”

James nodded. “That would be Zach, the family black sheep.”

“I thought he went off to Europe or something.” It was coming back to me now. “To be a photographer.”

“He did. But he ran out of money, fiscal responsibility never having been one of his strengths, and came home just long enough to touch us all for a contribution. Matt and Philippa and I only realized that we’d
been hit after Zach was gone.”

“Isn’t that what family is for?”

“To Zach, at least. He went west and found trouble in record time. But then, that seems to be his gift.”

There was something important here but I was going to have to do the math myself. “Why didn’t Marcia want him near the boys?”

“Zach has a taste for pot,” James said matter-of-factly. “He’s not only a user, but he often deals in a small way. He’s done it for years but has a gift for landing on his feet. He’s unbelievably good at escaping the consequences of what he does. Marcia and I agreed about him not spending time alone with the boys.”

“But California?”

“An unusually close call for Zach. He was busted in a speed trap with a goodly stash. But again, he’s lucky. Turns out that the DA presiding over that jurisdiction was in my graduating class.”

“You went to bat for him.” I was impressed by this, by the way, as I didn’t think James Coxwell did much of anything that wasn’t to his personal advantage. It wasn’t logical to do favors for your blood, it was sentimental. His next words proved my suspicions that he had mixed feelings.

“Against my better judgment.” James sighed and frowned. “I don’t think he’ll change. In fact, one of these days, he’s going to run out of lives. But he is my brother, for better or for worse.”

“The same way that Marcia is your wife, for better or for worse.”

“Not for long now.” James was doubly grim and I couldn’t resist the urge to needle his sanctimonious self. Enough of the ‘surrounded by sinners’ shtick.

“Oh, did my sister hurt your feewings, and weeve a booboo on your heart-ums? Poor Jimmy wimmy. What about
feelings? Maybe you failed her but not being the guy of her dreams, hmm?”

I got a glare for that impertinence. “Marcia broke a covenant.”

I raised my hands skyward. “And the divine vengeance of Coxwell & Coxwell, and the entire legal system of the state of Massachusetts, must be unleashed upon this Jezebel who dared to defy the authority of her man. How dare this witch disagree with the spoken word of her husband?” I leaned back, crossed my legs and wished I had a cigarette. It would have looked so good in this moment. “Give me a break.”

James regarded me with displeasure. “Trust you to make a joke about something as important as this. Is there anything that matters to you, Maralys?”

“Yes, but I can put my ego aside once in a while, unlike some people we know.” I bounced my booted foot. “You don’t like being tossed back, is that it? Hurts your pride to be chucked out like old fish? Or is it just that you always get your own way—except this time?”

“This has nothing to do with me!” James was on his feet, chucking aside his glasses and jabbing a finger through the air at me. He was mad and it was quite a sight. “I couldn’t give a shit whether we were married or not!”

Whoa! The man knows an obscenity.

I sat up but he was on a roll and not paying much attention to me.

“Our marriage was a parody of a relationship from the very beginning, but I was prepared to put up with it, for the sake of the boys and only for the sake of the boys.”

“Then, why...”

“Marcia broke the covenant she had with our
, that’s what’s important here. Yes, marriage is important, but we both knew years ago that ours was a sham. We still had a deal, Marcia and I, a deal we reconfirmed when she realized she was carrying Jimmy. We both agreed that children deserve a stable home. We both agreed that we were bringing them into the world and had a responsibility to put our own interests aside for their good.”

He sat down, hard, and his voice dropped. “We agreed that I would work and she would stay home, that she would raise our children and I would ensure that she had nothing to worry about financially. We made that deal for the boys, for their sense of security, for their self-esteem, for their futures. I kept my part of that deal...”

“That’s not a whole heck of a lot to expect from a marriage,” I interjected, but he ignored me, rolling full steam ahead.

“... but she didn’t. She made a selfish choice. She not only abandoned those kids, but she jeopardized everything we intended to give them with her wild spending. She left them, she’s cast their future security into doubt, and you’re damn right that I will hold that against her.”

“She could hardly have known that you’d be late.”

“It doesn’t take a psychic to consider that flights coming into Logan might be delayed. She should have made a contingency plan.”

James sat down, shoved his hands through his hair, and looked older than he was. His voice was thick with emotion. “My God, Maralys, what could have happened to them, alone there at night? A thousand things, none of them good. How could she have done it? I don’t understand.”

He was incredulous and genuinely upset. I could hardly say anything to defend her.

Because we agreed.

I watched him, amazed that Mr. Looking Out For Number One was actually more interested in looking out for his kids. It’s a noble objective, no matter how you slice it. He was really torn up about Marcia’s irresponsibility and I was touched by his concern.

James shook his head, then took a steadying breath. He stared me right in the eye. “Okay, before you say it, I know that I haven’t been the most dedicated parent and it’s true that I expected her to pick up too much of the slack, but this, but this... I can’t forgive it. I just can’t.”

“So, you’re saying that I’m a crummy back-up plan?”

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