Read Double Your Pleasure Bundle Online

Authors: Jamie Klaire,Marie Carnay,Meg Watson,Kit Tunstall,Bliss Devlin,Connie Cliff,Lana Walch,Auriella Skye,Alyse Zaftig,Cara Wylde,Desirae Grove,Misha Carver,Lily Thorn

Double Your Pleasure Bundle (29 page)

BOOK: Double Your Pleasure Bundle
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Revelation washed over her like the warm waves of the summer sea. This—
was what she had wanted, why she had risked pregnancy and disgrace with Stathis.

was what Stathis had promised her with his lips and hands, but failed to deliver.

was what Agreus, Nomios, and Phorbas could give their

When the pleasure had died away to small, languorous ripples, she came back to herself to find Phorbas giving her one last, lingering kiss.

"Sweet as honey," he said, sitting back on his heels, his brilliant golden gaze never leaving hers. "Our divine ancestress Lilith will be well-pleased with your offering." He licked his lips with a wickedly happy smile. "I know

The sweet, high sound of a temple bell echoed through the hall.

"It's time for the binding ceremony." Agreus released his hold on her wrist, but shifted his grip down to her hand, entwining his fingers with hers.

On her other side, Nomios did the same, and together, they helped up from the bench. She felt shaky but wonderful—and very relaxed, all of her earlier anxiety melted away into calm serenity.

Phorbas, still on his knees, carefully smoothed the rumpled silk of her gown over her hip and legs, arranging the folds to once more fall gracefully around her ankles.

Then he rose to his feet, and bent to kiss her with a swift, warm brush of lips. He tasted tangy, with just a hint of musk. "You're utterly delicious," he told her. "And I can't wait to taste you again."

A thrill moved through her at his words. "Thank you," she said, the words sounding pitifully inadequate.

He grinned, and ran his hand through his short, spiky silver hair, tousling it.

The three brothers hastily donned their robes once more, Phorbas muttering curses under his breath as he pulled the despised veil over his head.

Together, they left the sanctuary hall.


Chapter Seven - Binding

In the short time that Melis had been gone, the courtyard had undergone an amazing transformation.

Braziers warmed the cold night air with perfumed heat, and tall gilded lamp-stands had been brought out, blazing with the light from dozens of oil lamps. Low tables bore goblets and
for mixing wine and water, and around them stood the long, wide banquet couches used for reclining.

Theodoros, with Agapaios at his side, greeted them as they approached.

"Have you found an affinity? Do you wish to finalize a binding tonight?" he asked.

"Most certainly," Agreus said, in formal accents, as Phorbas said, "We're not letting this one get away!"

Theodoros chuckled. His veiled face turned to Melis. "And you, my lady? Do you wish to accept a formal binding as
to one—or all—of these three scoundrels?"

She nodded. "A-all of them," she whispered.

Agapaios, nearly hidden by a mound of flower-garlands in his arms, still managed to look startled. "They want to
her? Truly? I thought Agreus was jesting, earlier..."

"We Children of Lilith never treat the
as a joking matter," Agreus said, sternly.

Theodoros took one of the garlands from Agapaios's arms, and placed it on Melis's head, surrounding her with the sweet scent of violets. "Congratulations, my dear. May you live in happiness as a

Behind them, Melis saw the youth from Khem, Rudjek, appear. He walked hand-in-hand with the tall, imposing form of Lord Enlil.

Melis shrank back a little as Enlil approached, and felt each of her hands squeezed reassuringly. With Agreus and Nomios at her side, and Phorbas guarding her back, she felt well-protected.

She studied Rudjek anxiously, looking for bruises or other signs that the youth had been abused. But his smooth throat and muscular brown arms looked unmarred where they emerged from the scarlet tunic.

And she recognized the flushed, slightly-dazed expression on the Khemic youth's face. She probably looked much the same after making her offering to Lilith.

Theodoros greeted the couple as he had greeted Melis and her three satyrs. "Have you found an affinity? Do you wish to finalize a binding tonight?"

Enlil inclined his veiled head. "We have, and we do."

Theodoros addressed Rudjek. "And you, young sir? Do you wish to accept a formal binding as Lord Enlil's

"I do," Rudjek mumbled, clinging to Enlil's gloved hand like a drowning man.

He gave the tall, hooded figure an admiring sideways glance and a quick, shy smile, looking like someone who scarcely dared to believe his good fortune.

Melis breathed out in relief, feeling tension leave her.

Another pair approached, but then an acolyte appeared in front of Melis, and led her and her companions to a large clear space surrounded by banqueting furniture.

There, she waited as two by two, they were joined by the other
-candidates and the Children of Lilith who had successfully bid for them in the auction. Each of the mortals was crowned with a garland of fresh spring flowers—lilies, narcissus, violets, plum blossom, and hyacinth.

When they were all assembled, Theodoros arrived, flanked by Agapaios, who now carried a silver tray, upon which stood a large silver-gilt goblet, a pitcher, and several ripe pomegranates, miraculously preserved from the autumn harvest.

," Theodoros greeted them, his resonant voice pitched to carry to all corners of the temple courtyard. "This night, each of you have been chosen by the Children of Lilith as Beloved Companions, and you have consented accept the sacred
binding in Lilith's name."

He took the gilded goblet in both hands, and lifted it high. "This is our sacred ambrosia. It will open your souls to the goddess, and allow us to work the spell that will bind you to us."

Followed by Agapaios, the high priest approached Melis and gracefully held out the goblet to her.

This was it. This was the moment of irrevocable commitment. Melis had never heard of a
leaving their master or mistress.

She reached for the vessel, and found that her hands were shaking badly. Afraid of dropping the heavy goblet, she hesitated.

Agreus covered her hands with his, supporting her as she lifted it out of Theodoros's grasp.

"Don't drink until you've been asked three times," he whispered.

"Will this really make me a
" she asked, apprehensively.

"You're already a
," Nomios said gently, from his place at her other side. "The
are born, not made. What this will do is make you

"Drink, Melis. It will open your spirit to us, and allow us to divine your deepest needs, your deepest desires," Agreus said, in a clear voice, his hands still covering hers, supporting the weight of the goblet. "What the Children of Lilith offer—what my brothers and I
offer—is a sacred partnership. We want to help you to explore your every desire, and the binding will allow us to do this safely."

"Drink, Melis," Phorbas said, his voice uncharacteristically solemn. He touched her shoulder. "All that you feel, we shall feel also, and we will be nourished and uplifted by what you give us in your submission."

Nomios said: "Will you drink, sweet Melis, and bind yourself to us as our
, so that we can pleasure you beyond your wildest dreams?"

Aided by Agreus, Melis lifted the goblet to her lips. The dark amber liquid pooled inside smelled of fermented honey and fragrant herbs and temple incense.

She took a cautious sip from the goblet and tasted honey and spices. The sweet powerful undiluted liquor stung her mouth and throat.

Accustomed to well-watered wine, she coughed and grimaced at the potent stuff, and lowered the goblet.

Agreus, his hands still cupping hers, stopped her. "You're supposed to drink it all," he whispered.

Melis felt dismay but steeled herself to drain the goblet. It felt like swallowing sickly-sweet fire.

The ambrosia made her stomach feel as if she had swallowed smoldering coals. The warmth spread rapidly through her chest and all of her limbs.

Agreus took the goblet from her and thumped it back on the tray.

"Give me your left hand," commanded Theodoros.

She obeyed, and he guided her hand through a circle of elaborately-knotted scarlet threads.

"No need to be afraid," Theodoros said, as he settled the soft bracelet around her wrist. "The Children of Lilith cherish their
, and treat them well to honor our goddess."

He repeated his actions twice more, until Melis wore three of the thread bracelets on her left wrist.

Next, Theodoros lifted one of the pomegranates from the silver tray, and twisted it sharply in his hands, tearing it in two. He held out a section of the fruit. The cream-colored pith was studded with translucent seeds that shone like rubies in the lamplight.

"Do you freely give yourself to these three Children of Lilith, Psyche, and swear to obey them in all things?" he asked.

"I—I do," she said, feeling dizzy from the ambrosia. "I swear it by Poseidon, patron god of Kitros."

"In return," Theodoros continued, "Do you, Agreus, Nomios, and Phorbas of the Panes Clan accept the service of this mortal woman?"

"We will cherish her and use her in Lilith's name and worship," answered Agreus.

Nomios spoke next. "Melis of Kitros, I swear by the Sacred Handmaiden Lilith, while you serve us, you shall never want for anything."

And then Phorbas spoke, his speech formal for once: "We will do our utmost to please you in our goddess's honor."

"Open your mouth, Melis," Theodoros commanded, deftly plucking seeds from the section of pomegranate.

She obeyed, and felt him place twelve pomegranate seeds on her tongue, one by one, their juice almost unbearably sour after the sweetness of the ambrosia.

Then Theodoros took her left hand, and spoke in a foreign tongue rich in guttural sounds. It sounded like a spell or a prayer.

An instant later, the scarlet pattern of threads knotted around her wrist glowed with golden light, and she felt a flare of heat against her skin.

Agreus's fingers tightened around hers and she could suddenly sense his presence in her mind, calm and commanding

Then Nomios, who felt like a warrior's blade, cool, sharp, and polished.

And, finally, Phorbas, a bright flame, hot and restless.

She could sense them all, distinct yet somehow melded. The words of the ceremony had said that they would share her feelings, but she never expected
. The sensation of being bound to their spirits, of feeling them in her head was strange and wonderful and scary, all at the same time.

, now we are bound," all three chorused.

"What happens now?" Melis asked, half in longing, half in apprehension.

"Now we get to fuck you!" Phorbas said, triumphantly.

A ripple of laughter moved through the group of other candidates and Children of Lilith.

Melis felt the burn of Phorbas's desire through their newly-forged bond. An answering flame kindled in her own belly.

Nomios cuffed Phorbas with a loud, long-suffering sigh, but Melis sensed that he, too, wanted her, and badly. "We'll wait for
until after the feast, for decency's sake."

Phorbas scoffed. "Since when were
ever worried about decency?"

"After the feast, Phorbas," Agreus said firmly, but Melis sense amusement rather than annoyance. "Our
is hungry after her long journey and the auction. You don't want her to come to our bed weary and enervated, do you?"

* * *

Despite Phorbas's jesting about wanting to get on with the next step, he and his brothers stood in polite silence as the ambrosia goblet was refilled seven more times, vows were exchanged, and Theodoros cast his spell over a succession of red thread bracelets that bound each of the remaining
-candidates to their chosen Child of Lilith.

Melis's three satyrs might shamelessly break those rules they considered stupid or unnecessary, but she now knew that they
consider a few things sacred and worthy of reverence, and the binding ceremony was one of those things.

Now that her own part in the ceremony was done, she watched with interest as one by one, her fellow
-candidates were bound. Each time the golden light of Theodoros's spell lit the newly-fastened bracelet, Melis saw a look of wonder cross the mortal's face as he or she felt the presence of their lord or lady in their head.

And all the while, she was surrounded by the intimate presences of her own Children of Lilith. She felt protected and cherished for the first time in her life, rather than a disappointment.

Papa had desperately wanted sons, but had sired only daughters, who would have to be fed and clothed and dowered before leaving to serve another family. His resentment and disappointment had colored her entire childhood and adolescence. His favorite refrain when drunk was how he was cursed with a brood of girls, who were nothing but one expense after another.

But from Agreus, Nomios, and Phorbas, she felt respect, affection and the anticipation of pleasing her. It was very strange, but wholly wonderful.

This morning, she had been clothed in rags, hungry and weary and dispirited, willing to gamble everything she had just on a chance to enter the temple grounds. Now, standing here, wearing a beautiful silk gown and surrounded by three powerful men who desired her, she thought she might the most fortunate woman alive.

Her feet hurt and she was still hungry, though. After days of short rations, the bread and cheese she had gulped down before the auction had barely taken the edge off. The delectable smells of spices, baking bread, and roasting meat that drifted through the courtyard throughout the binding ceremony set Melis's stomach to growling loudly.

She sensed Nomios's amusement. He leaned over, his lips raising pleasant shivers as they brushed the curve of her ear.

"It shouldn't be too much longer before the feast begins," he reassured her.

She blushed, pressing a hand over her stomach in a vain attempt to quell its noisy demands.

Finally, the last
was bound, and it was time to begin the feast.

BOOK: Double Your Pleasure Bundle
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