Read Double Your Pleasure Bundle Online

Authors: Jamie Klaire,Marie Carnay,Meg Watson,Kit Tunstall,Bliss Devlin,Connie Cliff,Lana Walch,Auriella Skye,Alyse Zaftig,Cara Wylde,Desirae Grove,Misha Carver,Lily Thorn

Double Your Pleasure Bundle (32 page)

BOOK: Double Your Pleasure Bundle
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"I'm yours," she said, simply, raising her left arm, and showing him the three red bracelets that marked her bond with them. "Do with me as you will."

"By Lilith's tits, you're a treasure," Phorbas said, reverently, kissing each of her breasts with a light, teasing touch of his mouth.

Nomios went to a shelf, and returned with a small vial made of precious blue glass.

"Will you anoint me?" he asked her, handing her the vial.

She poured a few drops into her palm and realized it was oil, lightly scented with sandalwood. She poured a little bit more, hating to waste it, rubbed her palms together to spread it, and turned to obey him.

On impulse, she reached out to gently tweak one of Nomios's nipples, bronze against his tanned skin.

His reaction to that caress was rather disappointing—apparently his nipples were nowhere near as sensitive as hers.

But when she trailed her fingers lower and lightly circled his navel with her fingertips, his phallus twitched, as if straining upwards for her touch.

She curled her hands around its rigid length, and drew them firmly along its length, leaving his shaft gleaming with the scented oil.

Nomios let his lids droop to half-mast over his golden eyes. "Do that again," he ordered. "I like that."

"Your wish is my command," Melis said, smiling. She liked how he felt in her hand: soft, slippery skin over a core of stone.

Nomios sighed happily and thrust his hips forwards, and she stroked and squeezed him until Phorbas complained.

who's wasting time?" Phorbas reached out and playfully slapped Melis's hands away from her work. "Don't bother, my lady, he's not going to get any harder—or longer," he added, wickedly, and ducked away from Nomios's cuffing hand.

"Are you ready?" Nomios asked her. "Good."

Still straddling Phorbas, she crouched over his supine body while Nomios took his place behind her. His phallus now liberally anointed with oil, he slowly penetrated her from behind like a man taking a youth.

Nomios murmured quiet instructions and words of encouragement as he overcame the initial resistance of her body with gentle but inexorable persistence, stretching and filling her in a strange but satisfying way.

Phorbas lay back, grinning up at her. The tip of his erect phallus brushed her stomach as he waited for Nomios to enter her fully. Phorbas reached up and combed his fingers through her hair before pulling her face down to his for a deep, slow kiss.

Melis felt Nomios slide home, the soft hair at his groin tickling her buttocks. She had always wondered how men were able to take youths as lovers. Now she knew, and she knew how good it felt. She pushed back against him with a pleased sound.

"It feels even better if you're a man on the receiving end," Nomios told her, chuckling, and she wondered how he knew that. "But this feels wonderful, too—you're so tight and hot."

"And about to get tighter." Phorbas said, eagerly reaching down to guide himself between her legs. "Now that it's
my turn." 

Melis sank down on him, feeling the burn and stretch as he entered her, the hard slide of his phallus pressing against his brother's length with only a thin, sensitive layer of her flesh separating them.

Phorbas's eyelids drooped in bliss as he pushed himself all the way inside her. "Sweet as honey," he breathed.

They both held still as she adjusted to them. Then Nomios slowly slid partway out of her, and pushed back in.

The sensation was indescribable, especially when Phorbas picked up the rhythm and the two brothers began to ravish her in earnest, each alternating stroke rubbing every sensitive part of her with a hard, satisfying pressure.

She clutched at Phorbas's shoulders and moaned as she was rocked back and forth between them, each thrust sending her closer to the edge. She gasped as Phorbas's mouth fastened on the tip of her breast, sending a burst of sharp pleasure through her.

Agreus came forward to kneel on the bed next to Phorbas's head.

He smiled down at her and offered his phallus. "If you please, my lady," he said, gravely polite.

His solemn courtesy was so incongruous in the midst of being taken by his two ravenous brothers that she laughed.

"Of course," she said.

Drawing in her earlier instruction, she licked Agreus, a long wet stroke that lingered and swirled around his sensitive tip.

"Oh, you're a fast learner!" Agreus stroked her hair as she took his hard length into her mouth. 

As she sucked on him and stroked him with her tongue, he caressed her face and hair, murmuring broken praise and encouragement, letting his brothers' thrusts move her mouth up and down on him.

Her climax, when it broke over her this time, was almost too much to bear. Racked with waves of intense pleasure, she screamed around Agreus's phallus in her mouth. She writhed on the hard lengths impaling her as heat fought with the icy tendrils of their feeding.

Three strong pairs of hands restrained her effortlessly as their owners continued to ravish her without pausing. She sobbed and gasped through another strong climax. Then Phorbas and Agreus agilely switched places beneath her. Nomios stopped long enough to allow Agreus to enter her, then the ravishment recommenced.

They continued like that for a long time, pushing her through one climax after another, both hers and theirs, occasionally pausing so that Agreus and Phorbas could exchange places. Nomios remained where he was.

"I'm sure you won't want me in your mouth after where I've been," he told her quietly, and she had to agree.

Melis's face and thighs grew slick and wet with their seed as the three of them ravished her with inhuman stamina. She wondered if they were planting a child in her belly, and hoped they were.

With each climax, the sensation of cold moving over her skin became more and more intense. At last, she was so wrung out that she simply collapsed on top of Phorbas in a limp, shivering heap.

"Sweet as honey," Nomios said from behind her, patting her hip. "Brothers, she's worth breaking any rule for."

He drove to one final climax before he slowly pulled out of her. She shuddered with residual pleasure at the sensation of his withdrawal as he slid against sensitized flesh.

"I'm so glad you're ours now, Melis," Phorbas said, in that wonderful rough voice of his. His arms around her were strong and warm as his phallus began to soften inside of her.

No one could ever satisfy her the way these Children of Lilith did, she realized. She had been pleasured almost beyond mortal limits. Now she felt herself surrounded by their respect and affection, their presences burning like steady, clear flames in her soul.

She belonged to them, and they would never leave her.

With an effort, she reached to stroke Phorbas's strong jaw with an affectionate gesture. "Always," she promised.

She snuggled against Phorbas until Agreus came with a damp cloth and cleansed her, moving over her skin and dipping between her legs with tender care.

She felt loved and cared-for beyond measure. In becoming a
, she hadn't expected to find either love or respect. The gods had truly given her a precious gift in these three brothers.

When Agreus was finished caring for her, he lifted Melis in his arms and moved her further up in the large bed, settling her against pillows and pulling a warm coverlet over her shivering form.

He slid into the bed next to her, his cool skin warmed by their lovemaking, and cradled her in his arms.

Already dozing, she felt Nomios join her under the coverlets, and the touch of his lips as he kissed her temple.

"Looks like
be the one curled at her feet this time, baby brother," he told Phorbas, mockingly.

Phorbas growled in reply, but she felt him take his place. His hand fondly squeezed her foot through the blankets.

"Sleep now," said Agreus, kissing her cheek. "As long as you like, little honeycomb. We look forward to taking you home to our estate, and enjoying many more nights like this one."

Melis drifted off to sleep, surrounded by the warm, hard bodies of her three lovers, knowing that she had found her true home at last.



The following spring, Melis ran through the woods that surrounded the Panes estate on the lower slopes of Mount Olympus. Tender green grass bent under the soles of her sandals, and the air was filled with the spicy scents of wild rosemary and laurel.

A distant male shout alerted her that she'd been spotted by one of her three lovers. She laughed and picked up her pace.

Agreus, Nomios, and Phorbas had been gone far too long, sent on a trading voyage to Cyprus for copper and Tyre for its famed purple dye. But now that they had finally come home, her joy at their reunion didn't mean she would allow herself to be caught easily.

Where's the fun in that?
Their reunions were always more exciting when they had to work for their reward.

Her first year as a
had brought many changes to her life, nearly all of them good ones. Regular meals of good food had filled out her curves. During the days, she had learned how to read, write, and to conduct trade negotiations on behalf of her three lords when they were away.

And as for the nights...she had also learned much from her lords, and had thoroughly enjoyed every minute of her instruction.

A fortnight ago, she had finally heard from her parents via a courier who delivered a memorized speech.

Using the money she had sent them after the auction, her father had been able to purchase a larger fishing boat and hire one of the village youths to help him. The family had added a second story to their home, and her parents were currently negotiating with the family of a cloth-merchant to marry Khryssa to their eldest son.

However, her father had not invited Melis to come visit them, and his thanks had been couched in formal terms. By this, she concluded that she was still disgraced and disowned. It hurt more than she expected, especially since her new life was such a happy one.

At least Agreus, Nomios, and Phorbas had finally returned. She had been so lonely these past few weeks, and had looked forward to their reunion every day.

The chase would not be a long one, she suspected. When they caught her, there would be a delightful interlude in the soft spring grass as they demonstrated exactly how much they had hungered for her during the long weeks of their voyage.

And then, once they were all sated, she would tell them her news.

Melis ran on through the soft spring sunshine, one hand placed protectively over her still-flat belly.

The End


Bliss Devlin works in high tech, likes sushi and sashimi, and doesn't much care for modern art. Readers have praised her work as "...a sizzling combination of hot sex and super sweet romance."

She draws inspiration from a childhood spent reading fairy tales, myths, and legends, and an adulthood spent living and traveling overseas. When not writing tales of erotic adventure, she travels, bakes gourmet delights, and hangs out online with an amazing group of smart, funny, sophisticated people. She is currently hard at work on the next Children of Lilith story.

Her other books can be found at

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Connie Cliff

Here is just a little peek inside this book:


“Shhh,” Emily said. “Take some deep breaths. I want to try something. Let me know if it’s not okay.”

Abby nodded, and Emily leaned over the nightstand, pulling open the top drawer. She dug around for a moment and pulled out a black lace scarf.

“I’m going to bind your hands to one another, okay?” Abby looked up at her and said nothing. “It’ll be loose; it’s not to trap you, it’s just to give you a little more sensation; it’ll give your brain something else to work on while I fuck you. If you decide you don’t like it, just tell us, and Josh will pull it off immediately.”

Abby gave her consent with a smile and a small nod. Emily laughed softly and wrapped the scarf around the girl’s hands. She watched Abby carefully and paid attention to the signals the younger woman’s body was giving off. All signs were that Abby was very much enjoying what was happening in the room that night. Emily wrapped the scarf a little tighter; Abby moaned and closed her eyes, her hips automatically thrusting gently towards Emily.

“This is so fucking hot,” Josh whispered, full appreciation and respect in his voice. He was gliding his hand over his cock, faster some times and slower at other times, and Emily knew that he would time his orgasm with hers and Abby’s.

“Can I kiss him?” Abby asked Emily, her eyes closed.

“Sure you can, sweetie. Josh, take your hand off your cock and come kiss Abby.”




Chapter 1

“Do we have anyone else to interview?” Emily asked Josh as she sipped her mimosa. They were indulging in a rare morning off together, slowly making their way through a lavish brunch on the patio. Homemade pancakes, bacon, and Josh’s “famous” egg scramble lay on the table, the couple slowly making their way through the generous meal. Josh and Emily sat in their pajamas and robes as they savored their last few bites and talked about the topic that had been taking up the majority of their time for the last few weeks: hiring a live-in housekeeper to help them not only maintain the house, but to also ensure that day-to-day household tasks didn’t go unfinished, now that they had both finally placed the coveted initials “M.D.” at the end of their last names. After years of struggle trying to finish school and balance love, money, and work, with their education, both Emily and Josh agreed that they needed — no, they
— some time off.

“We have one more,” Josh said, looking at his scrawled notes on the legal pad. “Abby Landon. She’s a student, nineteen years old, lives on campus right now.”

“How did her resume look?” Emily had left most of the screening process up to Josh, but she sat in on all of the interviews. So far, the six people they’d talked to had been so-so and they hadn’t been able to one-hundred per cent agree on one single person. They had decided that they would keep the position listed on Craigslist and keep interviewing until they both found a “sure thing.”

“It actually looks pretty good. She’s got experience as a personal assistant and a nanny, and she’s a business student, so we could, theoretically, let her work with some of our finances if she proves trustworthy, down the road.”

“Let’s not get ahead of ourselves, Josh,” Emily rolled her eyes. “See if she can handle dusting the living room first, yeah?”

“I’m just saying, it looks like she’s got some potential.” Josh reached across the table and squeezed Emily’s fingers. “But, we’ll know for sure when we see her.”

“Did you call her already?”

“I did. She’s coming over this afternoon. I figured since we were both home, we could hammer it out. If we like her, she can start on Monday.”

“This is why I married you, sweetie. Your incredible time management skills.” Emily winked at Josh, then stood up and stretched. As she did, her robe opened at the bottom and Josh saw a slip of her silk neglige. He rose too and wrapped his arms around her.

“I, on the other hand, married you because you were the most fucking gorgeous creature I’d ever seen,” he said in a low, intimate voice. “And you’ve never made me doubt my judgment, not even once.”

He leaned in and kissed her, pressing his lips firmly on hers. Emily parted mouth in response and slid her tongue past his teeth. He bit down, knowing that she liked him to use his teeth, and she giggled.

“How much time do we have before the lovely Abby arrives?”

“Just enough for me to do some serious damage to that lingerie of yours.” He wrapped her waist in a tight embrace and drew her against his body. Emily circled her arms around his neck and bit his shoulder gently, which she knew was the fastest way to make him hard. They both liked a bit of rough play in their bedroom. Her teeth on his shoulder seemed to be, more often than not, a direct energetic line to his penis, and his response was always immediate. Today was no exception. He groaned in her ear, and she felt his hardness pressing against her hip. She pushed back, then pulled away, then grabbing him by the hand, led him to the bedroom.

Once the reached their bed, she threw off her robe and the silky slip, standing before her husband naked. She looked gorgeous, and she knew it.

He enveloped her in his embrace, then stepped back, devouring her with his eyes. Her breasts were magnificent, naturally full and perky, with dark raspberry-colored nipples. Her waist was small; her belly smooth and toned. Her mound was completely bare, and her lower lips slightly parted, revealing the tip of her swollen clit.

Josh knelt in front of her, gently spreading her folds with his fingers. His mouth found her nub and sucked on it as her sex soaked with fluid. She moaned and put her hands on his head, encouraging him to go on. He brought her to a quick orgasm, devouring her clit, never even spreading her sex any wider, nor putting his fingers inside her pussy. She shuddered in a climax, and as she melted into his arms, he carried her to the bed.

Still gazing at her exposed body, he quickly undressed and leaned over her. His member was fully erect, and she took him into her hands, sliding her hand up and down his perfect shaft. He kissed her on the lips, then skimmed his mouth over her chin and neck, down to her flawless breasts, seizing each one in his hands, and bringing her nipples to his tongue. She moaned again, waves of pleasure spreading through her.

Josh guided his member into her slippery opening, pushing its head tentatively inside. She spread her legs, and he entered her. Emily gasped at his impatience, and he groaned, pushing himself all the way in. He pumped her with urgency, his rigid cock spreading the walls of her pussy, rubbing against her g-spot inside, striking all the way back to her sensitive cervix. His mouth found hers again, and they tried to kiss as he pushed in and out, not being able to fully lock their lips but wanting more with each thrust.

Emily was getting close to her next climax. She nudged him to lie down on the bed. Once he flipped on his back, without ever coming out of her, she climbed on top of him and rode him, knowing that her orgasm was now even nearer.

He squeezed her breasts with an unexpected roughness, and it brought her over the edge. As her sex spasmed around his engorged member, she felt him stiffen, and she knew he was close too. She continued riding him until he grunted, grabbing her hips and pushing her faster and faster. Finally, he screamed out in ecstasy and quickly pulled her off, throwing her on the bed next to him.

“Oh, God, you’re incredible!” He pumped his cock over Emily’s chest; it was Josh’s fetish to come on her pert breasts, and she often indulged him. His cum squirted in long jets, and she spread the sticky liquid all over her breasts, bringing her fingers to her mouth and licking them.

“You’re amazing,” he managed as he collapsed next to her.



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