Double Your Pleasure Bundle (36 page)

Read Double Your Pleasure Bundle Online

Authors: Jamie Klaire,Marie Carnay,Meg Watson,Kit Tunstall,Bliss Devlin,Connie Cliff,Lana Walch,Auriella Skye,Alyse Zaftig,Cara Wylde,Desirae Grove,Misha Carver,Lily Thorn

BOOK: Double Your Pleasure Bundle
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“Sir, should I go downstairs to get our dinner?” Abby asked, keeping her eyes on the floor and her voice low.

“Our dinner should be here by now, you’re right; you can get it from just outside the door since that’s what I told them to do. If it’s cold, it’s your fault. We could have eaten by now.”

“Yes, Sir, of course.”


Chapter 11

Abby left the bathroom and walked through the main sitting room. She opened the door and nearly cried in relief. Josh had ordered cold fish salad, fruit, and ceviche. Nothing warm, nothing that could get cold. She smiled and brought the tray into the room.

“Abby?” Emily called from the bedroom. “Could you come here, please?”

“Yes, I’ll be right there.”

She thought for a moment then left the food in the sitting room; no way they were going to eat it now. She walked into the bedroom and stopped just inside the door, her mouth open.

Emily and Josh were in bed already, and the right side of the bed was turned down so that Abby could join. Emily was wearing a white baby-doll t-shirt, and Josh was either naked or wearing his boxers; Abby couldn’t tell. The damn black and white corset was on the pillow next to Emily’s head.

“Put it on,” Emily said. “It’s really more your style anyway.” She smiled reassuringly at Abby and patted the bed.

Abby looked to Josh, who was smiling as though nothing had happened, almost as if they had gotten the corset for her and wanted her to try it on. She slowly removed her tank top and began putting the corset on, taking a moment to let Emily help her with the hooks; then Josh got out of bed and walked to her. He was naked, and his erection was enormous; the spanking had clearly turned him on. He held Abby at an arm’s length and looked at her.

“What do you think, Emily love?” he asked, not looking at anything other than the corset.

“I think it’s beautiful, honey. Don’t you?”

“I think it’s sexy as fuck,” Josh growled, then took Abby by the upper arm and pressed her against the wall. “Put your hands up,” he commanded, and Abby pressed her palms to the wall. She automatically spread her feet as if she was being patted down and felt a surge of energy go straight to her clit.

Josh pressed his cock between her legs, then ordered her to close her legs around it. He slowly rocked his hips forward and back, his cock seemingly getting even bigger as it slid between her thighs. After a few moments, he grabbed Abby by the back of her neck and pulled her back.

“Bend over,” he commanded in a low voice. He used his hand to help guide Abby over, and, thanks to years of yoga, she pressed her palms to the ground.

He entered her quickly, jamming his cock into her dripping sex and thrusting into her roughly, in and out, as though he was knocking the wind out of her with each thrust. Abby grunted uncontrollably each time he pushed into her. This seemed to turn him on more, this animalistic response, and he moved faster and faster. His orgasm came quickly and suddenly, and he cried out and pounded the wall with his fist as he thrust a few times more into her.

Abby cried out too and shuddered under his weight, and when he stopped pumping, she folded onto the floor, a content smile spreading across her face. She was falling for Josh and Emily, hard. There was no question about it. She climaxed even stronger as she caught the eye of her Dom, who was next to her on the floor now, collapsed and satisfied. Then she moved her gaze to Emily, her beautiful lover, and her feelings soared even higher. She was happy. She wanted to do everything in her power to be with these two most important people in her life.

Emily lay on the bed, watching her husband and her lover pleasure each other. She knew Abby would get up soon and climb onto the bed with her, eager to bring her an orgasm too. And Emily would make sure that she brought the girl to another climax as well. Then, Josh would have had some time to come back around, she was going to demand that he fuck her senseless. After that, who knows, maybe they’d all do it one more time before dawn.

This was their vacation, after all…


* * *



Also by Connie Cliff

Here is an excerpt from the next book of
The Websters’ Menage Dream
, called
Falling for Them


When Josh arrived in the bedroom with a tray of champagne and dessert, he found his two beautiful women already in bed together. Abby was laying sprawled on her back, while Emily’s face was between the younger woman’s legs, the frilly panties pooled at one ankle. She had brought Abby’s legs up over her shoulders and was sucking on the girl’s clit, making her moan and roll her hips. The girl noticed Josh and motioned for him to join them.

Josh set down the tray and took off his clothes. He got into bed and pulled Emily back, then, without skipping a beat, took her place between Abby’s legs and began licking and sucking her. He inserted fingers into her wet and ready pussy and grinned as he felt her squeeze against him.

“Emily,” she called. “Come here. Straddle my face.” Emily got to her hands and knees and dropped herself down onto Abby’s eager mouth, facing her husband; Abby thrust her tongue between the older woman’s lower lips and used her fingers to caress Emily’s inner thighs. Emily moaned; Abby’s tongue felt so good.

They enjoyed their leisurely oral threeway for nearly twenty minutes, taking turns in different positions.

Finally, after all three had a chance to climax into one another’s mouths, Emily whispered: “Let’s try to make a baby tonight, shall we?”




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Connie Cliff is a writer of sexy and kinky uninhibited stories featuring hot titillating action with characters who prefer to waver way to the left of conventional mores. You'll find books about multiple partners, bisexuality, innocence lost, and hesitant (but ultimately oh-so-eager) consent. Most of Connie's books can be read as stand-alone stories, with their own HFN endings.

Twitter: @realconniecliff

FB: connie.cliff.thewriter















Lana Walch

Chapter One


I looked up from my computer when I heard the sound of a door slam shut, watching with a concerned frown as my co-worker Sarah went running down the corridor of our office sobbing until she was no longer in my sight. I waited for a beat, wondering if someone was going to follow her or at least come tell me what the hell was going on. When nothing happened, I decided to mind my own business and get back to work.


I jumped in my chair, raising a hand to my chest as Donna scared the ever living shit
out of me by popping her head over the cubicle wall that separated our desks.


“Did you hear what happened?”

I frowned and shook my head, returning my eyes to my computer screen while I continued typing up my report. “You mean with Sarah? I saw her run out of here crying. Is she alright?”

Donna shrugged before she made her over way to my side and propped her elbow against the short wall. “Doubtful. She just got the ax.”

That made me stop typing. I turned my desk chair around to face Donna and asked, “Are you serious?”

Donna nodded as she inspected her fingernails. “As a heart attack, my dear. Sebastian went into her office and essentially told her to fuck off.”

I doubted that was what really happened, but I couldn't say for sure. Sebastian was pretty well-known for his blunt tendencies.

“Wait. How do you know this already? She just ran out of here like three minutes ago.”

Donna scoffed and waved a hand in the air. “Girl, you know word travels
around here. Want to hear another piece of interesting information?”

needed to get on the gossip train around here. It seemed like things were always happening in the office and I was usually the last to know. I was grateful that I had quickly become friends with Donna when I first started working here. At least she made it a habit to keep me in the loop.

“What is it?” I asked curiously, leaning forward to hear whatever other news she had.

Her eyes darted back and forth a number of time, checking to make sure that no one was eavesdropping on our conversation before she leaned down to whisper, “Well, Sarah's job and office are now available. And guess who's the prime candidate to receive them?”

I cocked my head as I considered it. “My guess would be Greg. He's been here the longest and has the most seniority.”

Donna laughed out loud. “Bitch, please! Like Sebastian and Erik want to see his crusty ass on a regular basis.”

It was true. While Sarah may have had what seemed like a glamorous position in the company because of her nice office, in reality she was just a glorified secretary to our two rich bosses.

Not that her job was anything to scoff at. I was fairly certain she got paid at least twice as much as I did and she probably did far less work than I did. Plus she had the perks of having her own office and getting to report directly to Sebastian and Erik every day.

That in itself was worth a

Sebastian and Erik were the founders and CEOs of H.H. incorporated and also the two most ridiculously attractive men I'd ever laid eyes on. When I came in five months ago for my interview, I was thankful that they had delegated the whole interview process to Fred, who was far older and had a more fatherly demeanor.

I imagined I would've spent my entire interview squirming in my seat had I been pinned down by the fiery gazes of Sebastian or Erik the entire time. Those two could drive any straight woman mad with just a look.

? Earth to Christina?”


, girl!” she stage whispered, grinning at me like the cat who ate the canary.

I frowned, not quite following her. “What's me?”

the one that's on deck to replace Sarah. If the rumors are to be believed.”

Not that I would
complain about the idea of such a promotion, but I really couldn't wrap my head around why
would be the one to take her spot. My frown deepened and I shook my head back and forth. “No. The rumors must be wrong this time. I'm one of the newest employees here. Hell, you would be a better choice than me.”

She rolled her eyes but the grin never left her face as she said, “That may be true, but
don't have a rack that could stop traffic.”

I reared back in my chair, simultaneously flattered by the compliment and worried about the implication.

Would they really give me a promotion because of how I look? Surely not.

“You're on crack,” I joked, laughing her off.

“I'm dead serious, girl, and I heard it from a fairly reputable source. Just be prepared.”

With that, she gave me a little wave and stepped out of my cubicle, returning to her own. After a few seconds, the sound of her nails clicking on her keyboard hit my ears as she resumed her work.

I stared blankly at the screen in front of me, trying to get my mind back into work-mode but failing miserably. All I could think about was the possibility of a promotion and what it would mean for me. Lord knows I needed the money. Even though I had been out of college for four years now, Sallie Mae
owned my ass.

But could this rumor really be correct? I didn't know if I had the skills required to do Sarah's job. I had skills useful to the company in general, sure, but I didn’t think I’d make a good… secretary or whatever her official job title was.

I was a pretty awkward person socially speaking and had very few people skills. Sarah was constantly managing other employees, taking phone calls for the bosses, or speaking with buyers and setting up appointments. None of her duties were anything I could see myself doing well at. I was pretty certain that both men knew this from the few brief encounters I'd had with them.

And I was damn sure they wouldn't hire someone for their appearance. After all, Sarah was an older married woman who, while not unattractive per se, was still far too frumpy for men like Sebastian and Erik.

No, those two needed someone who could do a damn good job, not someone with a nice rack. I had nothing to worry about because the office gossip was just that- gossip.

With a clear head I went back to work, but I couldn't manage to shake the nagging fantasy of what it may have been like if they
promote me.


“Another day, another dollar!” Donna called out at five on the dot, smiling as she shut down her computer and started to pull on her jacket. “How'd you do today?”

“Pretty good, I'm finished transcribing the reports and half-way through setting up the spreadsheets needed for the experimental trial,” I told her as I also began to gather my belongings and pack up for the day.

“Damn, girl,” she said with a hint of awe as she thumbed through the stack of reports I had finished today. “You're
overqualified for this shit. That would've taken most people at least three days.”

I couldn't help but to smile bashfully even as I shrugged. “I’m just doing my job.”

“And you’re doing it very well.”

Donna and I both froze at the smooth sound of Sebastian's voice behind us.

I spun around and gulped at the sight of my boss. I couldn't help but to look down at his body in awe, taking in the flawless cut of his suit against what was surely a phenomenal body hidden underneath the clothing. At the same time, I could feel the broke girl inside of me balking because I
that suit must’ve cost more than three time my month’s rent.

“It's nice to see you, Mr. Hale.” I cursed the way my voice wavered, showing my nervousness.

He tilted his head to the side as he gazed at me, his eyes dancing with mischief as he said, “It's nice to see you as well, Christina. Can I have a word with you?”

Donna caught the hint immediately. “Well, I'm off. See you tomorrow, Chris. Have a good evening, Mr. Hale.”

“Thank you, Donna,” Sebastian replied, his eyes never leaving mine. “You have a wonderful evening as well.”

I tried my best not to appear uncomfortable under his intense scrutiny as Donna gathered her belongings and headed out for the night, but I could see in his eyes that I was failing. He looked amused by my nervousness and seemed to purposely stand there for an unnecessarily long moment, just watching me squirm as his large frame blocked the only escape route.

“Come with me.”

It was a clear demand, his tone leaving no room for disagreement. As he turned and started down the corridor towards his office I followed behind him, silently going over the past few days in my mind in an attempt to figure out what I may have done to be in trouble for.

When we reached his office he swung open the door and gestured for me to enter.

“Ladies first.”

Even though Sebastian had a reputation of being a brutally honest prick, he was also a gentleman. I had learned that not even a week into my employment when he noticed me struggling to carry a ridiculous armful of files by myself and immediately snatching them from my grasp, insisting that I let him carry them while I pressed the elevator buttons.

It wasn't until a few hours later that Donna had informed me that my gorgeous assistant was none other than Sebastian Hale, my boss. At that point in time I still had no idea what him nor Erik looked like and I spent the remainder of the week going over our short encounter in my head, trying to recall if I had acted inappropriately.

It would have been so embarrassing if I had flirted with him.

“Hello, Miss Evers.”

After I entered Sebastian's office I was sucked into another heated gaze, this one belonging to Sebastian’s partner, Erik Harper.

Erik was less of a hard-ass and even more of a gentleman. We had spoken briefly in the elevators before but I had never been able to get out more than a few words between my own nerves and the fact that Erik was quite a talker. He was more than willing to lead an entire conversation by himself which was probably the main reason why he handled all of the meetings and buyers while Sebastian was more of the behind-the-scenes guy.

“Good evening, Mr. Harper.”

He beamed. “No need for formality, work hours are technically over. Call me Erik.”

I smiled at him shyly, feeling a blush rising to my cheeks as I said, “Alright.”


“Alright... Erik.”

If possible, his grin got even larger, his perfectly aligned white teeth almost blinding me.

It’s really not fair for these two to be so damn beautiful.

Just as the thought passed through my mind, Sebastian rounded the desk and stood beside  Erik and I damn near swooned at the sight of them standing beside each other, both gorgeous in totally different ways.

Sebastian was a large guy, tall and built like a professional athlete. Even covered in clothes you could still tell just how muscular he was. Erik on the other hand was just as tall, but far more compact in his build. He had broad shoulders and a narrow waist but was still intimidating as hell just from his presence.

While no one would ever dream of fucking with a guy as big as Sebastian, I was willing to bet that Erik was even more of a threat. He was always so polite but there was something sinister lurking beneath his friendly smiles and light blue eyes.

“Have a seat, Christina.”

“Do you know why you're here?” Erik asked me after I sat down, leaning forward to press his palms flat against the desk while he regarded me seriously.


“No idea at all?” Sebastian asked, mimicking Erik's position but speaking with a lighter tone.

My confused gaze flicked between the two men a few times, taking in their facial expressions before something finally clicked together in my mind. “Wait... Did
start that rumor?”

Matching grins appeared on their faces and for a split second, they almost looked like brothers.

“Rumor? What rumor?”

I didn't want to say it just in case I was wrong and they
started it, but I knew that they wouldn't let me off so easily. “The one that... That I'm taking Sarah's job.”

They looked at each other, both wearing quizzical expressions.

“I certainly didn't start that rumor. Did you?” Sebastian asked.

Erik chuckled and shook his head. “Nope. Not me.”

Then, both sets of eyes snapped back to me and I felt like the victim of emotional whiplash.
What the hell is going on?

“But if one
heard such a rumor...” Sebastian said, trailing off.

Erik continued, “And said rumor
have a sliver of truth to it...”

“How would you feel about it?” Sebastian finished.

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