Double Your Pleasure Bundle (38 page)

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Authors: Jamie Klaire,Marie Carnay,Meg Watson,Kit Tunstall,Bliss Devlin,Connie Cliff,Lana Walch,Auriella Skye,Alyse Zaftig,Cara Wylde,Desirae Grove,Misha Carver,Lily Thorn

BOOK: Double Your Pleasure Bundle
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“I-I don't-”

“Don't bother denying it,” Sebastian said with a shake of his head. “We were listening to you this morning in the elevator. We heard the conversation you had with Donna.”

“Consider this us coming on to you,” Erik whispered into my ear before taking the lobe between his teeth and gently biting it.

I moaned softly, then louder when I felt a pair of soft lips on the other side of my neck.

“Have you ever had two men at once?” Sebastian asked quietly.


“Do you want to?” Erik whispered.

It was like my body no longer belonged to me. I felt my head nodding without my permission as my bosses stood up and pulled me out of the chair. One of them picked me up and sat me on the edge of Sebastian's desk and I felt four hands moving possessively over my clothed body.

My pussy was getting slick with desire as they continued to kiss my neck and touch me but when the phone rang, it was like an ice cold bucket of water had been dumped down my back. I snapped my eyes open and turned towards the noise, eyes widening as Sebastian angrily growled before lifting the receiver and barked out a hoarse, “

I gently lowered myself to the ground, hastily redoing the few buttons they had undone on my shirt. I could feel both sets of eyes boring into me but I couldn't looked at them, too embarrassed by my mindless reaction to their advances

“I need to use the restroom,” I mumbled before darting off, not stopping even though I heard Erik calling my name.

When I finally got to the ladies room I was incredibly grateful to find it deserted. It was lunch hour and pretty much everyone in the office either left or went down to the cafeteria level to eat. I quickly used the toilet then washed and dried my hands. Afterwards, I looked up into the mirror and took a long, deep breath.

I had no idea how the hell to feel about what my bosses had just sprung on me. My heart was screaming at me to do it, to give in to them and do anything they wanted while my brain was logically listing reasons of why it probably wasn't such a good idea.

A nagging voice is the back of my head wondered if they had actually fired Sarah just to get me into this position and that thought made me irrationally angry. I spun on my heel and stormed out of the ladies room, pulling the door open and plowing right into Sebastian as I stepped out.

“Whoa, girl! You alright?”

I placed my hands on his chest to steady myself as I wobbled back and forth on my heels. I gulped as I felt the hard muscles beneath my fingers, twitching and flexing as I grasped onto him.

After a long moment I looked up and watched as his eyes darkened with lust as he whispered, “If you keep fondling my chest, I'm going to take it as permission to fondle yours.”

The sound of a throat being cleared snapped me back to reality and I turned my head to see Erik standing beside us, an annoyed expression on his face. Although it was clearly directed as Sebastian and not me, I still felt embarrassment creeping onto my face and I backed away.

“Can we continue our discussion in the privacy of my office?” Erik asked, his eyes directed at me.

I nodded and followed behind him. Sebastian casually brushed his hand against my hip as the three of us walked together through the office and I could feel myself blushing from the contact. I wanted his hands- both of their hands actually- to touch me in far more intimate places than my hips.

The only thing I had left to consider was- Did I really want children right now? I was certain that if I agreed to this... relationship or whatever they wanted to call it, they would both be expecting me to get pregnant pretty much immediately. Hell, even if I
okay with that, how would they go about choosing whose baby I would have? Would they just take turns knocking me up?

By the time I crossed the threshold into Erik's office, I was about ready to scream in frustration. I settled for asking, “How in the
would this even work?”

“If you're willing to discuss this more in depth, I'd prefer to do it tonight.”

Sebastian nodded his agreement. “We do still have work to do today and if we start talking about sex, I'm going to need to have some.” He turned to me with a smirk and a raised eyebrow, waiting for me to respond.

“Where do I go?”

“I'll send a car to bring you to us.”

I frowned slightly as I asked, “Do you live together?”

They looked at each other, both wearing a secretive smile before Erik said, “Yeah. We pretty much do everything together.”

I wasn't sure if I wanted to know the answer, but I had to ask. “Do you... share women a lot?”

“I wouldn't say
a lot
, but we certainly have before. But never like this.”

“I don't follow,” I admitted, cocking my head to the side questioningly.

“He means while we've fucked women at the same time before, we haven't actually
a woman together. Oh and we've never knocked someone up either,” Sebastian clarified with a grin.

The 'knocked up' comment didn't fully register, my mind too focused on the first part. “Date?”

“Yes. We want to date you,” Erik said with a smile.

Again, I couldn't help but to ask, “But... But why

Both of them shook their heads and laughed. “We'll continue this conversation tonight. For now, let's just focus on work. Are you hungry?”

“I'm fucking starving,” Sebastian groaned, rubbing his stomach to illustrate his point.

I never bothered to answer but I was actually far too nervous to eat. I picked at my sandwich from the cafeteria while I got lost in my thoughts, trying my best to ignore the knowing grin Donna was sending me from across the room.


Thankfully, the rest of the day went far smoother than the first half. Erik's good mood returned as he continued to show me around, but around three o’clock he had to attend a teleconference and told me that I was free to spend the rest of the day moving the items from my cubicle into my new office.

Donna was on me in a flash.

“Guess who I saw having lunch with two
ass gentleman today?”

I pretended to think about it and tapped a finger on my chin. “Hmm... I don't know. Can you give me a hint?”

She reached over the cubicle and slapped me on the arm, grinning at me for a moment before her expression turned more serious. “Really though, how's it going so far?”

“So far, so good I suppose. Could be worse.”

“Damn right it could. They could be old and wrinkly. I'm not gonna lie, I'm a little jealous that you get to spend all damn day looking at them.”

“There's a downside. As their assistant, I'm on call 24/7. Kind of kills my social life.”

Donna crossed her arms over her chest and shot me a dry look. “Let's be real, Chris. You don't have a social life.”

“That's not true!” I tried to defend myself. “We go out for drinks sometimes.”

“We've gone out for drinks together
, and that was over two months ago. You've said no every time I've invited you out since then.”

Had it really been that long? It felt like just yesterday. Unfortunately, that night had turned into a disastrous reminder of why I didn't drink when I wound up at Donna's place praying to the porcelain gods.

As I looked back at Donna, I realized that by declining her invitations to go out for drinks, she had taken it as a sign that I didn't want her friendship outside of work. Which couldn't have been further from the truth.

“I'm so sorry,” I said sincerely. “I just... I'm not a big drinker. I wasn't trying to just blow you off.”

“You know, I don't
drink. I also like to eat and see movies and shop and walk through Central Park to scope out hot guys.”

“That actually sounds like fun. Maybe we can do something tomorrow?”

She started to nod then abruptly stopped. “Wait, no. My sister's coming down from Boston for the weekend. But next Saturday?”

“Sounds like a plan.”

“Awesome. We'll hammer out the details later. Let me get back to work before one of the bosses catch me goofing off. I don't want to get the ax like Sarah did.”

I nodded and forced a smile to my face as she returned to her work. She had reminded me about my earlier concern that Erik and Sebastian had possibly fired a woman who had spent years with the company just to get me into this odd arrangement.

I made a mental promise to myself to find out the reason why they fired Sarah before anything else and if I didn't like the answer, I would bail.

If they
have a valid reason... I shivered at the thought of what might happen tonight. As I started unhooking my computer I mentally ran through my closet, trying my damndest to figure out what I was going to wear tonight before I wound up going home and throwing every article of clothing I owned around the room in a panic.


Chapter Three


I stood with my hands on my hips, staring at the huge pile of clothing covering my bed.

So much for my plan.

When I left the office at the end of the day, I was
sure that I had decided what I was going to wear. I came home and showered before slipping into the dress I had previously decided on and walked over to the mirror.

Something just looked... off. I immediately stepped out of the dress and started pillaging in my closet, which of course, resulted in my bedroom looking like a war zone happened in the fashion section of a Sears.

I huffed as I stared at the contents of my closet, despairing at the fact that they all seemed so... inadequate. With a startling realization, I recognized the exact same feeling in myself.

I felt inadequate for them and
why I was so damn nervous about tonight.

I spared a glance at my clock and noticed that the driver they were sending was set to be here in less than ten minutes. Forced to make a quick decision, I dug out my standard little black dress and slipped in over my head.

Was it amazing? No. But it would do. I went looking for a pair of shoes to go with it and decided to spice up the dress by adding a pair of red stiletto pumps. After I was fully dressed I took a look in the mirror and found that I was pretty pleased with my reflection. I grabbed my bag and headed downstairs to meet the driver who pulled to the curb the moment I stepped outside.

“Miss Evers?” the man asked as he stepped out of the black sedan.

“That's me.”

The man hustled around the car to open the back door for me and I politely thanked him as I eased myself into the backseat. I tugged the hem of my dress down my thighs, already regretting my decision to wear this particular dress. It was far too short for someone my height and while it didn't matter much when I'd go out to a party in it, I had a feeling I would be sitting down for the majority of this night.

Or laying on my back.

I growled softly at my perverted thoughts, trying to reign in my desire for the two men I was going to see in order to focus on what mattered.

Like Sarah.

Like the fact that they
wanted to date me.

Like the fact that they both wanted me to have their children.

I closed my eyes and tried to steady my breathing, pulling air into my lungs and holding it for a long moment before releasing it slowly.

Stay calm. Don't hyperventilate. Fuck it, better to do it here than in front of them.             

My eye twitched as I remembered Sebastian telling me that they had listened to my conversation with Donna in the elevator this morning. Were they listening now? Or watching? I tried to subtly glance around the car looking for a camera but it could've been hidden anywhere on the dash and I wouldn't have any idea.


The driver's voice startled me out of my paranoid thoughts. “Yes?”

“We'll be pulling up in a moment. Do you need an escort to Mr. Hale and Mr. Harper?”

An escort
? “Um, no, that's alright.”

A moment later we pulled up to the curb and I peaked out of the window, looking up at the massive apartment building we were parked outside of. Suddenly I understood why the driver offered to escort me inside. I had no idea where to go.

I reluctantly got out of the car as he opened the door for me. “Um, sir?”

He gave me a kind, knowing smile. “Just tell one of the doormen who you're here to see, they'll point you in the right direction.”

I glanced towards the door and finally noticed the two young men standing on opposite sides of the entrance. I looked back to the driver and gave him a friendly nod. “Thank you.”

“My pleasure, Miss Evers.”

With that, he tipped his head forward at me before returning to the driver's seat and pulling the sedan away.

I mentally steeled myself for whatever it was I would be walking into, focusing on the sound of my heels clicking on the sidewalk as I approached the two men.

“Hello. I'm here to see Erik Harper and Sebastian Hale.”

They both looked me up and down before glancing at each other for a brief moment.


“Christina Evers.”

The younger of the two stepped forward and crooked his fingers, beckoning me to follow him. “Come with me.”

I tried to keep up with his hurried steps as we made our way down a long hallway then turned down another one that led to a set of elevators. He pressed the up button and waited, stepping in once the doors slid open then sliding in a key to unlock the button for the penthouse floor. He lifted his hand to keep the doors from closing as he stepped out, then slyly said, “Have a

What the hell was
supposed to mean?

They had told me that they didn't share women very often but judging by the filthy leer the doorman gave me as the doors slid shut, they apparently did it often enough for people to know about it. I pursed my lips together angrily. Either they had lied to me or they were just totally unaware of the obviousness of their... extracurricular activities.

I wonder if the doormen had to sign an NDA
, I thought bitterly as the doors dinged and I stepped out onto my bosses floor. My heels clicked against the marble as I stepped towards the only door I saw.

Of course they own the whole fucking floor. Why wouldn't they?

As I lifted my hand to knock the door abruptly swung open and I froze in place as all the air got sucked out of my lungs.

Oh my...

“Hey, girl,” Sebastian greeted as he casually leaned against the door frame and crossed his arms over his bare chest. I couldn't help the way my eyes bulged out of my head as they roamed over his huge arms and built chest before going down to see the sharp V-cut of his hips, leading into dangerously low-hanging jeans.

I'm so fucked.

“H-Hi,” I said lamely as my face turned red with embarrassment.

“Come on in,” he said with a knowing grin, jerking his head backwards to motion to the apartment but not moving out of the doorway.

It became clear to me very quickly that he was fucking with me, waiting to see how I would react to being in such close proximity with him. I swallowed hard and stepped forward, slipping past him and into the apartment while just barely grazing my arm against his chest.

Even with the barest touch, I could feel how hot his skin was. I idly wondered if perhaps he had just finished working out or something.

“Is she here?” I heard Erik call through the apartment before he appeared to my right. “Hey, Chris-”

He paused, both in mid-sentence and mid-step as he cocked his head to the side and his eyes slowly slunk down my body, taking in my outfit and every inch of exposed skin. His jaw tightened just enough for me to be able to see the reaction and I felt my insides tingling when his eyes met mine again.

“You look absolutely stunning.”

I blushed at the compliment even though I was unsure of whether he was serious or not. The look on his face showed nothing but complete honesty and desire, but I knew what I had saw in the mirror when I left my apartment not even an hour ago. Cute? Maybe. But certainly not stunning.

“He's right,” Sebastian agreed as he stepped behind me and gently placed his hands on my hips. “

His thumbs began to move in circles over the fabric of my dress and I could feel the heat in my body rising as I started to get turned on. I closed my eyes when I felt his lips move to my neck, but not before missing the jealousy on Erik's face as he started to come closer.

You're losing control of this situation! Stop before you can't! Think about Sarah!

Just thinking her name was like a cold shower. My eyes flew open and landed right on Erik's blue gaze, freezing him in his tracks.

He immediately noticed the distress on my face and said, “Stop, Sebastian.”

Sebastian tipped his head back up and I could hear his confusion as he asked, “What's up?”

“She's not comfortable,” Erik explained, his eyes still stuck on mine.

Sebastian backed off instantly, hands raised in surrender as he came around my front and apologized. “Sorry, darling. I got a little carried away.”

“It's fine. But- It's just- We really need to talk about this before uh... before-”

“Before we fuck?” Sebastian said crudely, waggling his eyebrows at me.

Erik rolled his eyes and stepped forward, guiding me further into their apartment by the small of my back, much like we had done this morning. “Ignore him. You want a drink?”

“No, thank you. Drinks and me don't mix well.”

“We have water.”

“Oh. Yeah. That'd be great actually.”

Erik continued to guide me until we reached the living room and he gestured for me to take a seat on the couch. I cleared my throat as he sat down beside me, gently tugging the hem of my dress down like I had done in the car. I noticed his eyes tracking the movement and he licked his lips, staring at my legs hungrily.

“Water for the lady,” Sebastian said as he held out a bottle of Tynant to me.

He plopped down on the chair opposite of Erik and I, totally unaware of the tension even as Erik angled his body towards mine. He looked like he was struggling to maintain his control and I could only imagine how feral Erik would have looked if he gave into his desires. He looked like he wanted to tear the dress off my body with his bare hands.

I tried to hide the shaking of my hand as I lifted the water to my lips by looking over at Sebastian. He smiled and leaned forward on the chair, clapping his hands together.

“So. You want to talk?” I nodded and he pulled his hands apart and said, “Floor's all yours.”

I twisted the cap back onto the bottle and reached over to place it on the coffee table before starting. “I guess my first question is... Why did you fire Sarah?”

They both frowned, looking at each other briefly before looking back to me. “Why does that matter?”

I nearly growled, but managed to hold it back. “It matters because if you fired some poor woman just to get me into this... crazy ass situation, then I want to know about it!”

“Sarah wasn't fired.”

“I'm sorry?” I questioned, turning to Erik for an explanation.

“She wasn't fired. She quit before we got a chance. We caught her stealing money from the company, moving small amounts from one of our accounts to her husband's. When we confronted her, she quit before we had the chance to fire her.”

I sat back in shock.
Sarah? The same Sarah I knew?
Granted, I really didn't know her that well, but still.

“Is that what was bothering you about our offer?” Sebastian asked with a tilt of his head.

“Primarily... Yes.”

Erik chuckled and ran his hand up my back. I shivered when his fingertips went above the fabric and brushed against my bare skin. “You've got a good heart, Christina. You'll make an excellent mother,” he whispered into my ear as his fingers continued to caress my back.

I could feel myself losing control of the situation again, but I was struggling to care this time. The main problem I had with the whole thing had been addressed and now every single part of my body was begging me to give in to them.

“You... You really want me to do this? Seriously?” I asked, my voice wavering.

“We do,” Sebastian said as he stood up and came to crouch down in front of me. “And for the record, we both get tested regularly and we’re clean.”

“I can show you our test results if you'd like. We also know you're clean and have no health problems that would affect your ability to carry a child.”

“And we know you aren't on the pill or any other birth control.”

My eyes felt as wide as saucers as I looked between the two. “How do you-”

“We have access to your medical records,” Erik said with a shrug.

While a small part of me wanted to rebel at the fact that they had violated my privacy, the voice shut up once Sebastian's huge hands started running up and down the back of my calves.

“Do you want this?” Sebastian asked, looking straight into my eyes.

I gulped but nodded. A gasp tore out of my throat as Erik gripped my chin and turned me to face him, a solemn expression on his handsome face. “This is serious. If you say yes, we're both going to take you. No condoms. We'll do it every day until you're pregnant, then we'll keep doing it until you give birth.”

“Then after the first child is born, we'll do a DNA test to see whose child it is. Then, whoever isn't the father will fuck you until you're pregnant again.”

“Then we'll repeat the process,” Erik finished.

I could barely wrap my head around the whole crazy scenario, but my body was definitely on board judging by the wetness pooling in my panties. The idea of having two men fucking me day after day, coming inside of me, taking care of me while I was pregnant... It actually fucking thrilled me.

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