Downs, Jana - Ravyn's Heart [Ravyn Warriors 2] (Siren Publishing Allure ManLove) (7 page)

BOOK: Downs, Jana - Ravyn's Heart [Ravyn Warriors 2] (Siren Publishing Allure ManLove)
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“Excuse us, would you, ladies and gents?” Damian asked, not once glancing at the other people at the table. “I think my performance gives me rights to him this evening. Don’t you agree?” The others nodded stupidly, obviously still enchanted by the “performance” that Allasandro had just given. “Great.” The big vampire nodded to himself, a grin flashing fang.

He gave Ally a hand up, and he swayed as he stood. “Easy, love,” Damian murmured, wrapping his arm around Ally’s waist.

As soon as they were out of the sight of the table and into the nearest dark corner, Damian pushed Allasandro against the wall and took his mouth in a bone-melting kiss. The Ravyn felt feverish and clung helplessly to Damian’s black business jacket. This kiss was just as passion filled as the one they’d shared at the theater except more languid for some reason. Damian took his time exploring the recesses of the Ravyn’s sweet mouth, and he wasn’t giving him any room to breathe. He didn’t want the moment ruined by more thinking.

“Where’s my shirt?” Ally whimpered, turning his mouth to get away from the kiss.

“Doesn’t matter, love,” Damian reassured, turning his head with his fingertips so that he could kiss his Ravyn once again.

“Matters. Really matters,” Ally panted. “Stop…mmmm…really, stop, Damian.” Damian’s fangs nipped his bottom lip in punishment.

“Stop thinking so bloody much,” Damian demanded.

“We shouldn’t,” Ally protested.

“We most certainly should.”

“I can’t.”

“Why the hell not?”

“You’re…ah… Dageus’s dad.” Ally could think of a million reasons not to do this and that was the top of the list. Damian snorted.

“I’m not proposing marriage, Allasandro. I’m proposing a stiff fuck that we both certainly want. We’re two consenting adults. No reason to deny ourselves.”

The statement felt like a bucket of cold water had been tossed over Ally’s head. The last vestiges of desire and pleasure from the orgasm fled. “He wants something special for you,” Ally stated, meeting Damian’s blue-black eyes.

“Men like us don’t do special, Allasandro. Really, don’t allow Kalel’s lofty impressions of me to give you the wrong idea. I am a man who enjoys physical pleasure with others. Your reputation precedes you and says you enjoy the same. Do you deny it?”

Ally shook his head. No, he couldn’t deny it.

“Then why are you fighting so hard against this attraction?” Damian’s pointer finger traced Ally’s jawline.

“Men like us?” Ally’s voice was cold as he spoke. He’d never been made to feel dirty before, but this man had just done that. “I need to go clean up.” He ducked under Damian’s arm and headed toward the bathrooms.

The vampire appeared in front of him with his arms crossed across his chest. “Now you’re angry with me.” He stated it like he was confused.

“In case you missed it, you’re being a jackass,” Ally retorted, stepping around him once again. Damian grabbed both his arms and dragged him back against his chest, taking two deep breaths as if to calm himself.

“I apologize. I am rusty at this game of seduction. I didn’t think you’d want to date.” Damian pressed his lips to Ally’s forehead.

The Ravyn shook his head. “I don’t. You’re right about that. I am not into monogamy or whatever. It’s not my style.”

“Then why the anger?”

“You were being a dick, and I don’t appreciate someone assuming, just because I’m casual, I’m game for sexual encounters of the kinky kind with anyone who asks.”

“I’m not anyone. This…attraction between us deserves exploration.” Damian pressed the hard evidence of said attraction into the small of Ally’s back. Ally swallowed hard. Gods he felt huge.

“I promised Dageus I’d help you find a man,” he tried protesting.

“And you have. Luckily the seeker and the sought were located in the same form. Cuts out the middle man.” Damian delivered the line flawlessly, and Ally had to bite his lip to keep from laughing. “Come home with me, Ravyn.”

“I…I can’t just say yes.” Allasandro wavered.

“What do you need?” Damian turned him like a marionette doll in his arms. He searched Ally’s face as if the key to his body was written somewhere on his visage. Ally bit his bottom lip again and lowered his eyes in a curious display of submission, his hands curling into Damian’s jacket once more.

“Make me.” The instant growl of satisfaction Damian gave at the barely audible words sent a thrill through the Ravyn. The vampire seemed to appreciate the desire that Allasandro voiced that he hadn’t even known he needed until that moment.

“You’re coming home with me, naughty boy. Now get your things and let’s go,” Damian ordered, testing Ally’s desire for that sort of play. Their eyes met.

“Yes, sir.”

Bloody hell
. The echo of Damian’s thought ricocheted in Allasandro’s mind. They were both so lost.

Chapter Eight

What am I doing? What the
am I doing?
Allasandro had taken up the same internal mantra since Damian transported them to the penthouse of his high-rise apartment ten minutes ago. Ally had dropped Damian and Dageus here only days before. Gods, had it only been days?

Salvatore hadn’t even blinked when he’d said he was taking off. It was a normal thing for Allasandro. What wasn’t normal was the person he was going home with. His eyes devoured Damian’s taut backside through his black slacks.

“What are you thinking?” Damian asked as he led him by the hand deeper into the apartment

The bedrooms must
this way
. He was still a little tipsy, so he swayed as he followed.

“You have a decorator,” he stated looking at the cream and beige ensemble of furniture in the living room. Even the carpet seemed like a foreign presence here.

“Good eye. I had it redone recently,” Damian offered. The praise went right to Ally’s cock.

“Why?” he wondered as Damian tugged him deeper into the house, past a door which had a
La Petite Morte
poster and a “Keep Out” sign on it and down the hall to an open one.

“Because it needed to be done,” Damian evaded. Ally frowned.

“Do you have a roommate or something?”

Damian stopped the tugging and turned slowly to look Ally in the face. “No. I do not have a roommate.” His statement sounded odd to Ally’s ear, but the alcohol was decimating the filter for his mouth.

“Then what is with the door with the posters? It doesn’t seem like your style.” Ally swayed forward and found himself nuzzling Damian’s chest through his shirt. He felt Damian’s body stiffen, and the displeasure the conversation was evoking sank into Ally’s slightly inebriated mind.

“That’s because it was my son’s old room. I…haven’t changed much.” Damian turned, dislodging Ally and heading back toward the open door to the other bedroom. “Enough questions.” He didn’t take Ally’s hand again. “Come. We’ve business to discuss.” The command tugged Allasandro just as effectively as his arm had.

Damian’s bedroom was just what Ally had expected it to be. It was massive, with thick white carpets, large furniture pieces, and an inviting bed. The décor was simple and understated. A painting of a lily hung on one wall, and a collection of small family portraits took up another. The comforter on the bed was stark white down and looked ready to sink into.

“Strip.” Damian’s voice carried across the room. He was seated in a wing-backed coffee-colored chair opposite a small desk. His shirt and jacket were off and his slacks were open. Ally already felt pretty naked without his own shirt and drying cum staining the front of his jeans. Damian seemed to anticipate his protest. “Now, Allasandro.” The command felt like a whiplash against the shield of Ally’s mind.

He peeled away his jeans, kicking off his tennis shoes and socks. He stood there in his black boxer briefs and shifted from foot to foot awkwardly. He’d never had a lover that made him so damn nervous.

“All of it, my naughty boy. Or do you want punishment?” Damian raised his eyebrows up in question.

“I can’t do this.” Ally’s eyes hit the floor, and he turned his back to Damian. A raw, panicked reaction filled him. He felt exposed for some reason. Naked in a way he’d never been before.

The vampire was suddenly there, growling in his ear and all but tossing Allasandro onto the bed. Ally saw a flash of fangs as he bounced twice on the wide surface. He must really be turning Damian on. Dageus had told him once that vampires only “fanged out” when they were extremely aroused or angry.

“What the hell, Damian?” Allasandro growled right back. He wasn’t some human toy. He was a fucking Ravyn. His cock pounded. And this was an old vampire. Someone who just might be his match in every way. It made him hot.

“You’re mine for the night, Allasandro. Mine. That means I decide when you get to leave, and I decide what you can and cannot do.” Damian looked dangerous and sexy standing there in the soft golden light of the lamp he’d turned on. He pushed his slacks the rest of the way down his hips angrily and threw them in the corner.

Ally’s mouth went dry. Damian was just as hard as Ally was. And it was beautiful. Damian’s cock was long and uncut, thick, and fiercely aroused if the deep red color was any indication. Damn, Ally wanted to lick him everywhere. His eyes finally wandered up Damian’s body to his now grinning face.

“You don’t have a choice, remember, Allasandro?” Damian’s voice was a dark purr. “You said ‘make me.’ That’s exactly what I’m doing.”

Ally didn’t reply. Instead, he rolled out of the bed and charged at the Vampire, knowing that he wasn’t going to fight all that hard. Damian anticipated him and met him head-on, tossing him over his shoulder so that he landed on the floor hard. Ally got to his feet again.

“Fuck you!” he snapped. The erection tenting his underwear really didn’t add much validity to his anger.

“I fully intend to fuck
, my naughty boy,” Damian retorted. A shudder went the length of Ally’s body. A knowing grin lit up Damian’s face. “Oh-ho. So you’ve never had someone fuck that delectable ass of yours? Hmmm…I intend to be the first and the best, naughty boy.” The pet name was intended to be a weapon, and it was just as effective as one. Ally’s body tightened another notch with each use.

It was Damian who moved first this time, tackling Ally to the carpet and pinning him there. The massive bulk of the vampire’s body against his made Ally cry out in want. His underwear was stripped off in one deft tug, the sound of rending fabric as intoxicating as the tequila had been.

“Tell me you want it,” Damian demanded, pinning Ally’s hands above his head. Ally arched and spread his legs to accommodate the press of Damian’s equally naked form on top of him. Fantasy and reality merged, and he helplessly ground his hard dick into Damian’s stomach.

“Yes. Gods, yes, I want it.” Ally shuddered. He was overwhelmed by the sensations that assaulted his body.

Suddenly they were off the floor and falling gracefully into the bed. A handy vampire trick to be sure. Damian reached his hand to the table beside the bed and grabbed a small bottle of lube from its position by the lamp. Ally shuddered and leaned up, his lips begging for a kiss. Damian indulged him. Their tongues tangled, fangs nicking his lips and tongue as Allasandro enthusiastically met the aggression of the vampire. He needed that aggression. That passion. He’d needed
for what seemed like forever now.

“Going to fuck you so good.” Damian’s voice was a guttural aural tease. The sounds of the words were pure sex.

“No.” Ally protested just to see what Damian would do. Would he play the gentleman? The vampire just chuckled and deepened the kiss, his hand slipping down Ally’s body and finding the tight rosette nestled between his ass cheeks. Lubed fingers circled, caressed, lightly penetrated.
Where had that come from?
Ally gasped into Damian’s mouth and rocked his hips. He’d never wanted anything like he wanted Damian’s cock inside him.

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