Draconic Testament (32 page)

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Authors: Zac Atie

BOOK: Draconic Testament
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“It’s alright.” Yaevinn said. “Bottling up your feelings is not good for you. You should take your time. It’s no big deal.” Bastion knew that was a lie, and that time was of the essence, but he adored Yaevinn for what he said. “We will find the cretins that did this.” Veronica said. “We’ll hurt them, badly.” There was rage in her voice. “That won’t change much.” Yaevinn said. “We’re likely not going to find out who it is, with the human authorities all over the area.”
“It will make me feel better to kill them, though” Veronica huffed. “It must have been a magi. No human could do anything as horrible as that.” Bastion chuckled weakly at the statement.
“You underestimate what humans do daily.” Bastion said. “It could have been either... Though I don’t actually know anyone who would want to do something like that... It could have just been some psycho looking to indulge in dark pleasures.”
“Bastion...” Yaevinn said. Both Yaevinn and Veronica had both lost their parents like Bastion, and now his was gone too. “Man... I wish there was something I could say...”
“No, there’s no need.” Bastion said. “The only person I know of that could have done that... is... is dead. So...We ought to get going. We out to try and get over this.”
“Bastion, don’t you think you’re pushing yourself?” Veronica asked.
“If my mother were still alive, and there was something important that I had to do, but I let my feelings for her get in the way, she’d smack me.” Bastion said. “I’ll grieve afterwards.”
“There’s... something I need to let you both know.” Yaevinn said. “I didn’t know when to actually say this, but...”
“What is it?” Veronica said.
“This may not actually bother the two of you, since I doubt any of you care for the hierarchy, but...” Yaevinn explained. “Veronica, you know that Archmage we fought in the tunnels in Korreal?”
“Yes, Bastion told me.” Veronica said.
“Well... It turns out...” Yaevinn paused. “It was King Daviid.”
“King Daviid?” Dante asked. “The Red Magi King? That crazy old man?”
“Yeah...” Yaevinn murmured. “Korreal is nothing but a vassal of Rhenium, so we’re not usually bothered about the king and all that... But...”
“What in the hell was King Daviid doing in the tunnels, half naked and crazy?” Veronica asked.
“Beats me. He was attacked and went missing on the way to Rhenium... He was assumed to be dead.” Yaevinn said. “It was likely Sanctum. Or those other guys, the Godslayer’s legion.” Bastion said.
“I don’t know... I mean, they do seem like Villains, but...” Yaevinn said.
“That scary guy... Ivorian?” Bastion said. “He has reason to want to the two of us dead.”
“Why?” Yaevinn said.
“Hell if I know.” Bastion said. “He referred to Veronica as the ‘Child of Omega’.”
“Omega?” Yaevinn asked. “I don’t know what that means, but it seems like Veronica is important, and I can believe that easily... but why you?”
“I don’t know.” Bastion says, bitterly. “Random, unexplained shit seems to happen to me.”
“Yeah...” Yaevinn said.
“It was one of those two.” Veronica said. “But, how did you beat King Daviid? He was supposed to be strong.”
“He was crazy when we found him.” Bastion said. “He was practically launching himself at us.”
“His mind must have been tampered with.” Veronica said.
“Perhaps...” Yaevinn said. “I don’t really see any other reason.”
“Well... It doesn’t matter.” Bastion said. “What’s done is done. While it’s sad, King Daviid doesn’t matter.”
“Yes I suppose.” Yaevinn said. “They really did try to have you dead, though.”
They all head to the park, even though they wanted Bastion to recover from his ordeal. He knew what had to be done, and wanted to get on with this fast. They reach the Haven in practically no time, and even though he was still feeling pretty sore for what happened earlier, being back here made him happy. “Wow...” Yaevinn said. “The mana here is so thick... No wonder you ended up how you are now, growing up around all this mana...”
“Cazrians must be ten times as strong as us.” Veronica says. “They have no need for Medallions, like us. The Mana is in their air. I can’t imagine what the Metholian Civil War must have been like.”
“I suppose it’s a good thing we won’t find out.” Bastion said. “We go in, tell our story, ask for assistance, and get out.” Bastion sort of wanted to escape in the mists of the unknown world beyond the soon-to-be open portal, as he felt like he had no place to go back to. “We should tell them about those two Factions that are in our territory.” Yaevinn said. “It would be stupid not to tell them. I know for sure the Godslayer’s legion is not meant to be here, and Sanctum is committing crimes.”
“Yeah. We’ll do that.” Bastion said. “Hopefully, everything can get resolved without any more death. Split was more than enough, but now the National Peak District’s settlements are burning... Enough is enough.”
“Ok.” Veronica said, getting on her knees. “This is how it works. The portal is closed on the other side. Usually, we’d have to put blood on the contraption over there, but since we’re over here, it’s going to take longer, since the blood is merely like a fingerprint scanner.” She pulls out the vial that the maid handed her back in Split, and places it on the platform. Then, she places her hand in her fist, and begins to tamper with the Mana around her. It begins to draw the mana towards the blood in the centre of the platform. Complicated magic was taking place in front of Bastion’s eyes, far too complicated for him to follow. “Bastion, I may need you to transfer some of your Magic to me.” Veronica says.
“Oh. Okay.” Bastion says. He kneels behind her, keeping an eye on her Aura for the points when her Magic Pool begins to run low. “Concentrate. Pretend I’m not here.”
“Now, is there anything you need me to do, need me to say, before we start? I will likely not be able to hear you, depending how far I am into the spell, and you can NOT pull me away from this spot. If you do, I’ll likely be knocked clean out.” Veronica said. Bastion looked at Yaevinn. Yaevinn shrugged, and Bastion looked back at Veronica. “There’s nothing.” Bastion said, smiling. “Do your best.” Veronica nodded, and turned. Bastion could feel the spell begin to start. Yaevinn stood by watching the two. Bastion could see that the spell was coming together very slowly, and he knew he’d be here a while. He didn’t mind though. Peace and quiet was alright to him, since he had just lost the woman who he had viewed as his mother for 16 years, and if she had lived for another 2 months, on October the 26th, she would have been his mother for 17. Age didn’t really matter to him, as he was very mature for his age. He owed that mostly to her, as she brought him up strict, but never sent him to bed without a kiss and a word of love. She taught him to respect women, as she had been disrespected for a lot of her life, as she had been in trouble with the police and gangsters for drug use. She had run away from her old life, and her new life started with him being delivered to her door. She was incredibly proud of her boy, as she did not have to teach him to study, as he adapted and learned the knowledge on his own. She had taught him morals that she had learned the hard way, and taught him well. She had supported, and cared for him, and could never stay angry for his wrongdoings. Bastion had never felt unwanted, as he viewed his mother as his only parent, and cared not for those who abandoned him. He was happy with what he had, and wouldn’t trade her for anyone. Now she was gone, dead, brutalised in her own home, in her own bed. He didn’t want to think about what she had gone through, but deep inside, he wanted to throw away the morals she had bestowed upon him, and gut the person who did this to her. To rend his stomach open, and watch as the life drained for his eyes. He wanted to ask his mother what she would do. What she wanted him to do. He knew that if the circumstances had switched, his mother would likely let anger overtake her, and want to do the same, but he still wanted her council. Who, and why? Who would kill her? Someone from her past, coming back to make sure she was silenced, or over a disagreement? A sick, perverted man, who enjoyed strangling the defenceless,? Or was it the enemies he had created, who used her to get to him? If he was still alive, he’d blame Torrig and Sanctum, right away, but who was to say it wasn’t them? Was he to blame? He would let the police handle catching the criminal, as he didn’t know who it was. But he’d like to.
Three hours pass. Yaevinn watched the two and acted as a watchdog as the slow minutes dragged on by. Bastion had been giving Veronica magic to help her continue her meditation. They could feel the Mana slowly clump together, fixing into a pattern. At first, he didn’t realise it was a pattern, it looked like random clumping together to him, but eventually, he saw that there was a certain art to portal-making. He saw that it was elegant, but eventually, it looked simplistic too. It looked very easy to take apart, but very hard to put back together again, like a master-grade jigsaw puzzle. It wasn’t very interesting, it was rather boring actually, but it showed that magic is a very complicated thing. If the Cazrians had perfected something like this, then... They must be amazing. They must be incredibly smart. It only just hit Bastion that they actually were, as he had read in books that were hundreds of years old that they had perfected spacecraft, to the point where they could excavate nearby planets. They were also used in warfare. There was lots to look forward to, but he didn’t really think of it. He didn’t really want to take a tour or anything. The hours he had sat in silence was just re-thinking, and staring blankly. Replaying the images of his trauma over and over and over again, until it didn’t shock him anymore. It was just how he coped with heartbreak. Veronica said nothing either. She was busy trying to construct the portal, even though she did feel for Bastion. Yaevinn was giddy with excitement with all the technology that was going to be thrust into his face, but he didn’t really want to let it show, he didn’t offend or bother Bastion. He was thinking about all the Human technology he had yet to see, and wondered if culture would affect the Cazrian’s construct, when he sensed something. He looked through hollow sight. He was not as good as Bastion in hollow sight, but he could see three figures, clear as day. That meant sorcerers were coming. Right towards the Haven. He looked at the portal. It looked almost complete, but there were people approaching now, and something told him they weren’t likely to wait. “Bastion.” Yaevinn called. “Bastion!” He repeated.
“What is it?” Bastion hissed.
“People are coming!” Yaevinn hissed. Bastion turned around and looked in hollow sight. It took but a second to realise that they were powerful. His heart missed a beat. “Oh shit... Veronica, how close are you to finishing?” Bastion asked. Veronica said nothing, she couldn’t hear him.
“If you snap her out of it, you could knock her out...” Yaevinn said.
“I know, I know... If I move away, what will happen?” Bastion asked.
“She said the spell would fail... but I’m not sure how hard it would be to pick up where it left off.” Yaevinn said. “No choice.” Bastion said. “We have to defend her.” Bastion infused a chunk of his magic into Veronica, which took her off balance a little, but she ended up getting back on track. He hoped that would give her a hint that something was up, so she could get moving. Bastion got up and looked in the direction of the people coming. One felt very familiar. The other two were not, but they were strong. Bastion was in a weaker state than normal, and he didn’t even have his Arcana. “Who’s there?” Bastion asked. The figures slowed down, then sped up. Yaevinn got into a defensive stance, as did Bastion. A familiar sound emanated from beyond the gates. An Arcana being ignited! The Arcanum Plasma tore through the gate’s padlock, and was swung open by the force. Bastion already predicted what stood before him. As the gate swung open, he could see his aggressors. They looked like humans, only with red skin, different shades of red. Only... no, only two of them were of red skin, the ones at the sides. They also had straight, wiry, black hair, and had sharp canines. They were beautiful, and elegant. They were Cazrians. They all had Arcanas, and a tattoo on their left cheek of some sort of pyramid. The one in the middle had some sort of gas mask on, and was breathing heavily through it. Despite this, he looked fit for battle, almost as if he hadn’t been wounded like he had. He seemed... familiar. He was obviously Cazrian, even though his skin was burnt, it was clear. The man spoke. “Hehe... hehe... Look who it is... It’s the Paladin!” The man said, with the same sort of odd Accent Torrig had. There was that term again. Paladin. Sanctum really liked to go on about those. It seemed so long ago. “Where’s the prince, eh? Oh no matter. We’re clearing out house around here! We’ll find him soon enough... Hahahah!” The man laughed. “The game is up, for you boy. And for him! So, where is he? We don’t mean him any harm, promise!”
“You’re with Sanctum. What do you want?” Bastion asked.
“Oh?” The burned man said. “Is it not obvious? We’re here for the... Wait... You... Y-You don’t remember me, do you!?”
“What? I’ve never seen you before in my life!” Bastion said. He was sure he’d remember someone as destroyed as this. “You... You cretin!” The man said. “YOU!” The man at the left side stepped back, and erected a invisibility shield. No life forms would be seen by outsiders. Bastion and Yaevinn got ready. This could only mean one thing.
“Give us the Child of Omega.” The woman on the right says. The burned man was still seething with rage. “We cannot let you create that portal.”
“Why!?” Bastion yelled. “What do you want? Why are you doing this to us? Aren’t Cazrians supposed to be peace loving!?”
“Sheol only thinks of furthering life in the Universe as a whole. For that, we need the Child of Omega.” The woman says. “He will bring us to a new age! He will be the herald of the new race!”

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