Dracula: Hearts of Fire (Dracula Heart's) (63 page)

BOOK: Dracula: Hearts of Fire (Dracula Heart's)
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    It appeared to be a normal game, a normal day until t
he attack started twenty mi
nutes after the first pitch
, and it was timed so that all the vampires attacked simultaneously. Sharpton had sent fifty vampires and told them to kill as many humans as possible.  Horrible screams went out; people were trampled to death as the
y tried to escap
e. People had their throats
torn out
. Police officers were killed as they approached, with their uniforms easily targeted. Players ran for their lives and managed to escape as the mayhem was
in the crowd.
The object was to kill as many humans as possible. Thousands panicked and shook
with fear, a nightmare
come to life.


    The only people that were spared were the kids. Seniors and women were killed along with everyone else. The crowd was a moving entity of terror
, writhing with fright
. The wind caught the scent of blood and vomit and sent it everywhere.  In certain areas small mountains of people were forming as they tried to run to save their lives, but so many
crunching together
that they formed obstacles
to their own exit


     It took almost an hour to get en
ough sheriffs’ to kill the vampires
In the end there were over 7000 people dead,
with five being sheriffs,
and so many people traumatized that they would have to send many to other states for treatment.
It was a
day that would go down in infamy, a day they would never get back.


    Sharpton knew tha
t killing a hundred vampires
nobody cared, but kill a hundred humans and it was a tragedy.
Even if he couldn’t get them to give up New York City, kill enough humans and
they would flee the city anyway. In time the humans would be gone and the biters would take over. Either way New York City was doomed.


    The state of the world had taken another step toward anarchy.














































but its glow was perceptible
as it hid
just under the horizon. Allison stared out the window at the morning glow, another day was about to come forth bringing ligh
t to this part of the world,
leaving darkness on the other side.
How many eyes had noticed the light of the sun since creation and been happy for its comforting warmth? She thought
that the sun
was like a hug from a mother to her child
because how utterly cold
and lifeless
the Earth would be without it


    “Looks like a beautiful day approaching.” Dracula smiled at her.


Her frame of mind was perhaps due to the beautiful and romantic poetry that Dracula had recited to her from memory last night.
Keats was one of her favorites.  She loved the way Dracula
enunciated and couldn’t get enough.
His voice was like
ripples of water on a tropical beach.
His deep voice was forever etched in her mind.


Allison ran and jumped into the bed with Dracula; she
was naked and so was he
She was the perfect model of the female form
, beautiful
and curvaceous.
She looked radiant.
Even with
having had Jenny she retained all her attractiveness.
It had been a satisfying night of lovemaking and she would need to get some sleep soon. Her loneliness needed to be concealed no longer
as it had been pushed away; s
he felt
With the world in such turmoil, she would enjoy
while she was able, for in time all things came to an end, good and bad.


    Dracula smiled a naughty
smile. “That was nice.”


    “I couldn’t have even one more of those right now.”


They were quiet for a time, a quiet born of
comfort. They
snuggled up to one another and thoroughly enjoyed the touching of each other’s souls, like two pieces that had been made for one another.
He touched her arms and
then her neck and it sent ripples of pleasure through her.
They were a perfect fit with no rough edges.


    “Stop it. I mean it.”


    “I suppose
that I should let you rest. You know that you are quite loud.”


    Allison pulled the white sheet up over herself. “I know.
I hurt my hands from gripping the bed.
Jenny sleeps with ear plugs now.”
She admired his physique.
“How much can you bench press?”


    “Couple of houses.”


    The lion cub was outside the do
or scratching to get in but
tried to
It persisted and pushed it way through their comfort zone.
“That cub has amazing
eyes don’t you think?”


    “Sarah is definitely a special creature.”


    “Yes, well it freaks me out when she turns into a full grown lion. She doesn’t only do it when there’s danger or whatever. Yesterday on the sofa I was snuggling up to the cub and then
suddenly she was a full grown lion. I went from scratching a cub to scratching a lion.
She could tear me to pieces if she wanted.


    “Allison, she won’t hurt you.”


Yes, well, a chimpanzee is a lovely creature until it rips your face off.
aving a lion lick the makeup off your face is scary. And that tongue is s
o rough


acula nodded. “Even more so than mine


    She pushed him. “Shut up.”
Allison got up and put on her bra and panties, and Dracula watched admiringly as she did so.
“You know you could look away.”


    “Miss an opportunity for a memory of your loveliness to be etched into my mine?”


Un huh.
Going to the washroom, I’ll be back.” When she opened the door the cub ran in and tried to get on the bed.


    Dracula smiled. “I shall miss every moment without you.


In the washroom Allison took
a pregnancy testing kit
from under
the cabinet
and sigh
ed. The odds were against her being pregnant
, but she had been feeling nauseous in the mornings and that had been the first sign when she had been pregnant with Jenny.
What a shock that had been.
She urinated on the wand and waited. Funny how a minute could appear to be so much longer, with each passing second seemingly having a paus
e between it and the next


    Dracula put on his Zimmer
li of Switzer
land underwear and sat up in
bed as the cub morphed and jumped onto the bed beside him. Sarah looked quite comfortable as
the now full grown lioness
took up a large portion of the queen size bed.
She wanted to play with the Master as she
swatted at him. He roughhoused with her until her claws cut open Allison’s new pillowcase.
It would soon be time for him to head for the kitchen and a bag of fresh blood in the fridge
was calling to him


    Allison entered the bedroom and was taken aback b
y the
lion in her bed.
what she did to my pillow!


    He stared into those pretty green eyes and saw that something was different. “Something wrong?
Notwithstanding the pillow I mean.


    Allison sat on the corner of the bed and stared off. “Let me put it this way. You might just have to set up another fifty million dollar bank account.”


    “You’re not pregnant?”


    “I think I am.”


    “Come over here.”
Dracula stood and bent over as he placed his hand on her stomach.
His pupils widened.
“You’re pregnant, and it’s a boy this time. How do you think Jenny’s going to handle this?”


    Allison threw herself down on the bed as she thought about it. “I have no idea. We might both have to duck. Not another wizard? Do you think?”


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