Read Dracul's Revenge 01: Dracul's Blood Online

Authors: Carol Lynne,T. A. Chase

Tags: #Erotic Romance eBooks Erotica Total-E-Bound eBooks Books Romance

Dracul's Revenge 01: Dracul's Blood (11 page)

BOOK: Dracul's Revenge 01: Dracul's Blood
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“What is it about rich people dying in the goriest way possible lately?” Jablonsky picked up a glass resting on the end table. “This smells like wine.”

Bobby pointed at the open bottle sitting on the side bar table in the corner. “Probably from that bottle there. Do we have a uniform talking to the doorman? A place like this has to have someone to keep the riff-raff from coming in.”

“Yeah. Hansen and his partner are on it. We have other detectives going door-to-door in the building to see if anyone heard anything. Have a guess when she might have been killed.”


Carol Lynne and T.A. Chase


“The fact that the blood is still wet, it couldn’t have been any earlier than last night some time.” Bobby rested his hip on the mahogany desk at one end of the living room and stared down at the beautifully decorated egg set in the middle of the blotter. “How much do you think this thing’s worth?”

He reached out to poke it with his finger.

“Don’t touch it, Marks.” The lieutenant stalked in, her face set in hard lines. “What do we know?”

Bobby shot to his feet and shoved his hands in his pockets like he used to when he went to the store with his mother. “Not much. The lab guys are collecting evidence right now. As soon as we can move the body, I’ll take a closer look at the wound.”

“What’s your gut telling you, Marks?” She pinned him with her fierce light blue eyes.

“It looks like the same M.O. Less blood, but that’s because there’s only one body.”

She clasped her hands behind her back and paced. “How can we have the same M.O.

if Thompson was killed? There wasn’t any evidence supporting a second killer.”

Jablonsky shuffled his feet. “No, ma’am. Marks could be wrong. Miss Vanderlist could have slit her own throat or it could have been a robbery gone wrong.”

The lieutenant shot his partner a quelling look, but Bobby wasn’t paying attention to them anymore. Libby stood in the archway, motioning him over. When he got to her side, a gurney with a black body bag came to a halt in front of him. The man who pushed it there grabbed the zipper and opened the bag enough for Bobby to take a close look at Mavis’s throat.

“Damn,” Bobby whispered, his glove-covered fingers hovering over the teeth marks in Mavis’s flesh where her jugular had been slashed. “Did you get up-close pictures of those marks?”

Libby shook her head. “I couldn’t get close enough, and I need better lighting. I’ll get some at the morgue before and after she’s cleaned up.”

“Thanks. Email them to me as soon as you can.”

“Yes, sir.” This time Libby’s tone wasn’t a smart-ass one.

“Good girl.” Bobby patted her shoulder and let them take Mavis out of the apartment.

“Well?” The lieutenant gestured for him to join her and Jablonsky in a huddle as far away from the other cops as they could get and not leave the apartment.


Carol Lynne and T.A. Chase


“Teeth marks, Lieutenant. Her throat was sliced down to the bone, and I don’t think it was a lucky strike, either. The killer knew right where to get her for maximum loss and the quickest access to the blood. I assume he drank it while she lay dying.”

“He?” Jablonsky glared at him. “Are you holding out on me?”

Bobby sighed. “No. I just don’t see a woman having the strength to slice a person’s neck to the bone. You have to have a lot of power to be able to get your knife through all that flesh.” He looked at his lieutenant. “No offence meant, Lieutenant.”

She shook her head. “You’re right, Marks. We’ll know more when the M.E. gets through examining the body. I’m not happy about there being another killer running around New York, drinking people’s blood.”

He fought the urge to drop his gaze and kick at the carpet under his feet like a kid called in front of the Mother Superior at Catholic school. “I’m working on some leads, Lieutenant.”

“I know you are, Marks. One of which is on its way to the Smithsonian as we speak. I hope your expert knows what he’s doing, or you’ll be busted down to beat cop again.”

“Yes, ma’am. I have some more information as well.”

Her phone rang and she checked the display. “The Commissioner, and only because he probably dialled his phone faster. We’ll meet in my office tomorrow morning at eight, and you can fill me in then.”

As she walked away, they heard her answer the phone. “We don’t know anything yet, sir.”

“Who gets to stay here tonight until they’re done?” Jablonsky twirled a quarter between his fingers and grinned at Bobby.

“You do. I let you off the Thompson scene because Wendy was sick. I have someone waiting at home for me, and I would prefer not to make them angry, considering it’s our first date.”

Jablonsky paled a little, but bravely continued, “Finally get lucky, huh? It’s been a while.”

“Yes, which is why I won’t bore you with the details, and you will be that awesome partner I know you are, and cut me loose.”

Flipping him the finger, Jablonsky said, “Get out of here. When I see you tomorrow, you better be smiling.”


Carol Lynne and T.A. Chase


“I plan on it. Thanks.” Bobby clapped his partner on the shoulder and left, dropping his booties and gloves into a bag outside the apartment door.

* * * *

Jiggling the key in the lock, Bobby swore quietly. His hands shook, and he couldn’t help but laugh. Anyone watching him would think he was drunk or something because he couldn’t get his door to unlock.

“Slow down,” he muttered and braced his head against the wood. “Nik’s still here.

He would’ve called if he was heading home.”

Suddenly the door jerked away from him and he tumbled into his apartment, taking out Nik who stood, holding the door. Bobby had enough presence of mind to flip positions, so he landed on his back and cushioned Nik’s fall.

“Hey, honey, I’m home,” he whispered before slipping a hand to the back of Nik’s head and bringing their mouths together.

Someone whimpered and Bobby didn’t care if it was him. He drowned in the warm moisture of Nik’s mouth, sucking on his tongue, and biting his bottom lip. Nik didn’t fight him, just pressed tighter, so their bodies touched from knees to chest, and their groins were aligned perfectly.

Letting go of Nik’s head, Bobby slid his hands down to grasp Nik’s ass and rocked the man’s lower body into his. Nik braced his hands on Bobby’s chest and pushed up, straddling his hips and rocking back on Bobby’s cock.

Voices from the corridor caught their attention and they froze.

“Shit, the door.”

Nik shot to his feet and slammed the door shut, locking it before turning to look at Bobby. After standing, Bobby held out his hand.

“We need to take this into the bedroom. More comfortable and the supplies are closer.”

Bobby led a blushing Nik into the bedroom where he waved the man towards the bed.


“What about you?” Nik asked, hands already pushing buttons through holes.


Carol Lynne and T.A. Chase


“I’m right with you, honey.” He winked while he unhooked his gun and badge, placing them on the dresser along with his phone, watch, and keys.

Clothes flew around the room as they got naked, Bobby not even caring where his suit wound up. He had another clean one for tomorrow. Within minutes, Nik sprawled on the bed and Bobby settled between the man’s thighs, spreading them a little more to fit his shoulders.

“What about the sixty-nine we were going to enjoy earlier?” Nik trailed his hand over Bobby’s head and tugged on his ear lobe.

“I won’t say no to it at some other point in time, but right now, I want to bury my cock as deep inside you as I can get.”

Nik blinked those big green eyes and Bobby grinned.

“You might want to set your glasses on the night stand there.” He pointed at the one to Nik’s left. “While you’re at it, you also might want to dig out the rubbers and lube.”

“What are you going to be doing while I’m scrambling around your drawers?”

Bobby licked from the base of Nik’s cock to the flared head and hummed at the salty sweaty taste exploding on his tongue. “I’m going to be busy.”


Nik couldn’t seem to articulate whatever he wanted to say, and that was how Bobby wanted it. The only thing he wanted Nik to say was his name at the top of his lungs as Bobby fucked him.

Nik reached for the drawer and Bobby let him roll to his side for an easier stretch. He nibbled along the swell of Nik’s ass while trailing his fingers down Nik’s crease, pausing to rub them over the hole. His lover’s breathing stuttered and Nik pushed back, begging with his gorgeous body for more.

“Here.” Nik held a foil package and a tube out to him.

He set them to the side after taking them. Placing his hand in the middle of Nik’s back, Bobby pushed his man onto his stomach. He grabbed a pillow from beside Nik and stuffed it under the guy’s hips.

“Stay like this,” he ordered before placing a kiss at the small of Nik’s back.

“O-okay.” Nik didn’t sound sure.

“Trust me. You’ll like this.”

Bobby never made a promise he couldn’t keep.


Carol Lynne and T.A. Chase


He grasped Nik’s ass cheeks and spread them apart, staring down at Nik’s pink pucker. He leant forward and blew a puff of air over the spot.

“Oh wow.” Nik arched his back.

“It gets better.”

He caressed the soft skin behind Nik’s balls with his tongue and continued up, paying close attention to Nik’s soft cries as he played with the younger man’s ass. Pointing his tongue, he eased it in past the ring of muscles as Nik shoved back into his face.

Once Nik was nice and wet, Bobby pressed his thumb inside, doing his best to stretch his lover’s opening. Reaching to the side, he searched for the lube, not stopping or losing contact with the pale body in front of him. He found the lube and popped the top.

“This might be a little cold,” he warned before he dripped some down Nik’s crease where it caught on his fingers. After he thought he had enough, he set the slick aside.

As Nik gasped, goose-bumps rose along Nik’s spine. Bobby pushed the lube into Nik’s channel and slid his fingers in as far as he could, twisting them until Nik jumped.

“Got it.”

Bobby grinned and let Nik fuck himself while he fumbled with the foil package of the condom. Tearing it open with his teeth, he inched his fingers out.

“No,” Nik protested, reaching behind him to grab Bobby’s wrist.

He stroked his hand over Nik’s shoulder while he managed to roll the rubber down on his own cock one-handed. “Don’t worry. I’m just getting ready for you.”

Grabbing the lube again, he squirted more onto his cock and tossed the tube on the floor. He spread it around before he placed the crown of his cock at Nik’s opening and slowly breached the still tight ring of muscle.

“Bobby.” Nik breathed out and relaxed, allowing Bobby to slide even farther in.

“Christ, you’re tight.” Bobby gripped Nik’s hips and shoved until he was balls deep.

He froze and ran his hands over Nik’s back, easing the tension he saw and felt in his lover’s body. He waited until Nik clenched his inner passage around his shaft before he moved again.

“Are you ready?”

Nik nodded and, with that signal of consent, Bobby started fucking. He pulled out until only the head of his cock remained inside, then slammed back in, hitting Nik’s gland with each thrust.


Carol Lynne and T.A. Chase


Grunts and pants filled the air along with the smell of sex and sweat. Nik surged up on his knees, forcing Bobby to wrap one arm around Nik’s chest to steady him as they moved together, hips grinding and bodies slapping as skin met skin.

Bobby sucked on Nik’s shoulder, enjoying the salty taste. He reached down with his other hand and fisted Nik’s cock, pumping in rhythm with his own movements. Pre-cum coated his flesh and Nik’s shaft, lessening the friction and building the pleasure.

“Oh, Bobby. I’m gonna…”

“I know, Nik. I’m right with you.”

He tightened his grip on Nik’s cock, demanding his lover’s climax. Nik’s channel clenched like a vice around Bobby’s cock, drawing a shout from him. Liquid heat poured over his hand and he drove into Nik’s ass, freezing as he filled his condom.

They slumped to the bed, Bobby keeping his arms around Nik, holding him tight to his chest. He placed his forehead on Nik’s back and rested until his breathing slowed.

Nik moaned while Bobby’s limp cock slid out. When Bobby had control over his muscles again, he rolled off the bed and went to the bathroom to take care of the condom. He cleaned off his hands and brushed his teeth before taking another wet cloth into the bedroom with him.

He washed Nik gently and tossed the wash cloth in the direction of the bathroom before climbing back into bed. Setting his alarm clock, he thought about how quiet Nik was being.

“Are you okay?” He leant over Nik, bracing himself on his elbow, and brushed the dark curls off Nik’s forehead.

A sleepy smile crossed Nik’s face as he nodded. “I never felt better, but I should probably get home. I have papers to grade.”

“I’m not going to let you go home this late at night. What time is your first class tomorrow?” He laid down next to Nik, resting his arm over the man’s stomach.

“Not until eleven, but like I said, I have papers that need to be graded beforehand.”

Nik didn’t seem in a rush to leave, no matter what he said.

“I have to be at the precinct by eight tomorrow morning to brief my lieutenant. You’ll be back at your house early enough to either grade them then, or clean up, change your clothes, and head to the university.” He buried his face in Nik’s sweat drenched curls. “I promise.”


Carol Lynne and T.A. Chase


“Okay.” Nik snuggled closer, pressing his hand to Bobby’s heart.

Bobby smiled as he fell asleep, lulled by his lover’s soft snores.


Carol Lynne and T.A. Chase


BOOK: Dracul's Revenge 01: Dracul's Blood
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